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  • 8/3/2019 Scripts(23-2)Until 22 and Half Minutes


    The anterior triangle of the neck;

    The borders:

    1-the base: The holl inferior border of the mandible , The base ofthese triangle locate superiorly

    2-the apex: located where the medial border will mix the lateralborder in the mid line in the jugular notch(suprasternal notch)-

    the upper part of the sternum, the apex located inferiorly.

    3-The anterior border: formed by Imaginary Midline crossing themiddle. Of thebody(mid-sagittal line)

    4-The pos.border: will be the anterior border ofSCM(sternocledomastoid muscle in ant. Aspect of the neck).

    So many structures find in this triangle so in order to simplifying its study we divide this triangle

    into further four triangles => so we use manly two importantmuscles in this area:

    -digastric muscle(one of the suprahyoid muscle. (ant,pos. bellies)

    along with the sup. Belly of omohyoid muscle, those three bellies

    of muscles are used to divide the anterior triangle into four


    1- subm

    ental triangle: bellow them

    ental area(bellow the chean?), smallest one, some anatomist considered this triangle as one

    submental triangle, other texts as two triangles one to the right

    and one to the left based on the mid-imaginary line, Borders of

    this triangle:

  • 8/3/2019 Scripts(23-2)Until 22 and Half Minutes


    The lateral part is the ant.belly of dagastric ,the medial boundary

    is mid.saggital line ,the base by the body of the hyoid bone.

    The contents:a small group ofsubmental veins that unit to form a

    larger vein in the superfacial fascia these vein is the ant.jugular

    vein then it descends all the way down out of the triangle through

    the neck to go and drain into external jugular vein at the root of

    the neck bellow ,,, another thing we can find a group of lymph

    nodes that responsible for draining of the lymph from the chean

    (submental lymph nodes).

    2- submandbular triangle(digastric triangle):digastrics because all

    the digastric muscle contributing in this triangle, submandibular

    because its bellow the mandible, one in each side, its containing a

    large part of the submandibular salivary glands

    Remember; we have three salivary glands one located sublingual

    and the other two glands are parotid and submandibular(we canfind it in this triangle) so we classified the submandibular triangle

    as glandular triangle.

    The Boundaries:the lateral is the inferior border of the mandible,

    the medile is the anterior belly of digastrics, posteriorly post. belly

    of digastrics, the floor: is bond by two important muscles the flat

    sheat that extends from the mandible to the mid-line which ismylohyoid muscle which represent the floor of the mouth any

    thing above it will be in oral cavity and any thing bellow it will be in

    the neck- the other muscle behind it, is-hyoglossis muscle (its

  • 8/3/2019 Scripts(23-2)Until 22 and Half Minutes


    one of the muscles responsible for moving of the tongue, base of

    the tongue , -hyo- from hyoid bone and glotiss part of the tongue)

    The contents:the submandibular gland which is the secend in size

    from the major salivary glands, its sleeping in the pos.border of

    mylohyoid muscle,part of this gland is located in the cervical

    region-superfacialy- and the other smaller part of the gland is deep

    within the oral cavity-above mylohyoid-so the superficial part of

    submandibular gland located in the submandibular triangle, an

    addition to the gland there are blood vessel, the vein and artery

    located in the submandibular triangle are the fascia ones- facial

    artery which providing blood supply to the face and the facial veins

    draining the blood from the face, however; IF we look to their

    relation to submandbular gland we can see the artery loops deep

    to superficial part of that submandibular gland and the vein go to

    superfacial aspect of the submandibular gland.

    In the head and neck region the main blood supply comes from

    thecommon carotid artery which divide into and internal go to

    the brain,and external, the external carotid gives many branches

    one of them is the fascialartery; the facial artery arise from the

    ant. aspect of external carotid, when it arising there it passes deep

    to pos.belly of digastrics and stylohyoid muscle (from the styloid

    process to hyoid bone). As The fascial artery crossing the pos.belly

    of digastric it will inter to submandibular triangle once the artery

    inter it goes between the submandibular and the floor of the

    triangle then the artery loops at the inferior border of the

    mandible and ascends up into the face, at the looping area its

    become very superficial so its very easily to feel the pulse of these

    artery and this region we refer to it as facial pulse.

  • 8/3/2019 Scripts(23-2)Until 22 and Half Minutes


    -Three major areas to measure the pulse in the head and neck

    region one of them is The lower border of the mandible.

    - However; when the vein comes back it doesnt do all this looping

    and deep, it pass directly all the way superficially to the gland and

    descends down to drain into internal jugular .so its superficial vein.

    3-carotid triangle(vascular triangle):carotid because it contains

    the common carotid artery ,vascular because it contains the major

    blood vessels carotid artery and internal jugular vein,so carotid

    triangle classified as vascular area ,and in this triangle the common

    carotid is divided into two major arteries:

    1-internal carotid which goes all of the way up into the brain

    2-external carotid which will leave the carotid sheet providing

    blood supply to the outer areas(superfacial areas) of head and


    4-muscular triangle: its a muscular area .