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When I placed my image I typically thought that the image should be placed on the centre of the page, the colour of the background came from the colours of the image I went for a gradient of black and white because it looks like he’s jumping out the screen and this makes it engage the readers because its eye-catching.

Next I thought of a suitable title I went with the colour red because I believe this colour stands out and contradicts the other colours, I followed it with a black outline using the fx tool this helped to identify the thickness of my outline

Page 2: Screenshotsone

I then found a barcode image of the internet and I saved this image on my computer and then I placed it onto the page and moved it around the page using the move tool and I decided it looked best on the bottom left hand corner.

I then made created a strip along the bottom by filling a rectangle with the colour black and then writing a text within this black strip.

Page 3: Screenshotsone

I next though about coverlines and my main coverline which I wanted to be bold to create the ‘Exclusive’ I used another layer and I used the fx tool and then created ‘Chris & Rihanna by changing the font.

Around this main coverline I placed other cover lines and I also added a pull out quote from my double page spread this was simply created by using the text tool.

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