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Screen Shots and Write Process for my Final

Magazine Double Page Spread

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Just like my front cover and contents page I first open up InDesign to produce my Double Page Spread.

After already selecting the image I wanted out of my photo shoot I simply ‘file’ and ‘place…’ this into my document. In my mock up I had decided to make the image 2 A4 pages big however with a portrait photo I was unable to do this without either stretching the photo (therefore it would be very pixelated) or cropping the image (but it didn’t give my desired effect).

Therefore I used the syringe tool in the left hand tool bar on the page and with the block colour tool, filled in the whole rest of the page the other side with the same colour as the background in the photograph.

After I had placed my images and colour background perfectly I turned on the document grid lines to I am able to make my text and layout as neat as possible from the page.

I decided to put in the article topic for this page in the top right hand corner so the audience can see clearly and easily exactly what type of article these two pages would be about.

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I then changed the colour and font of this to keep to the house style of the magazine. This I did by adding orange to the last word just like I did with my contents page title.

Then I started on my title of the whole page. For this I chose the name of the celebrity/ artist to make it instinctively clear to the audience about who this article is about. I used the same ‘Blake’ font as for the Masthead on my front cover page of my magazine to keep to the house style. If FRANKIE was in black as it was it wouldn’t be seen easily on the page therefore I changed this part of her name to white so that it would stand out a lot easier.

After this I added in my introduction header, a small piece of information to draw the reader in to start looking and introducing the article. I changed this to white to be seen better and not make black a too common colouring.

I then added in my page numbers at the bottom referring back to my contents page to make sure the reader is lead to the right place. I used the same font as on the contents page to make sure it looks the same size and numbering all the way through.

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I then added a box to indicate where my image was going to go however I didn’t know for sure if this would look right here so I left it until the end to confirm. I planned to place in an image of the artist at a gig or festival therefore I carried on righting in the caption to go along with the image. I placed this next to the image with the Georgia font and made this orange to stand out on the black jacket.

After my first draft of my article I constructed my second and final one. Once I was happy I simply copied and pasted this into the text boxes on my article page and moved the text around until I was happy.

To make my article look 100% professional I added in my Drops Cap at the beginning of the article. This attracts the reader in to the beginning of the article.

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I decided to take out the image in the end as I didn’t feel it looked quite right. Therefore I took another callout out of my text that my artist had said and made this into a pull quote instead. I changed this to orange because I didn’t feel I had enough orange it there to fit the house style properly.

After playing around a bit I tidied the whole magazine up by selecting the boxes and making sure they fit in with the rest of the layout on the page. To make it look professional, neat and tidy.

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This is my finished final product which I am extremely happy with. It looks professional and neat as well as having different conventions to build up a good Double Page Spread.