Download - Scottish school Austrian school - · Cyrillic alphabet – the brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius. In the 9th century there was something like a competition between

Page 1: Scottish school Austrian school - · Cyrillic alphabet – the brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius. In the 9th century there was something like a competition between

Scottish school Austrian school

school in Faenza

school in Trapani Polish school

48° Circolo Didattico

“Madre Claudia Russo” NAPOLI, ITALY

Kindergarten “Sinchec”, Troyan, BULGARIA

Page 2: Scottish school Austrian school - · Cyrillic alphabet – the brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius. In the 9th century there was something like a competition between

May 24 - Bulgarian National Day of Slavonic

Literature and Culture

As you probably know, Bulgaria is the only

country in the European Union that uses the Cyrillic

alphabet. Our entry into the EU in 2007 made Cyrillic the

third official alphabet in the EU after the Latin and Greek

ones. On May 24th we celebrate the Slavonic Literature

and Culture, and we also honor the creators of the

Cyrillic alphabet – the brothers St. Cyril and St.

Methodius. In the 9th century there was something like a

competition between the Pope in Rome and the Emperor

of Constantinople for influence over the still not

Christianized (and mainly Slavonic) peoples in Europe.

The Byzantine Emperor and his Patriarch

thought it would be a good idea to provide an alphabet to

the Slavs in order to eradicate the Western influence.

Cyril and Methodius were chosen to go to Great Moravia

(parts of today’s Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary)

with the mission of creating a Slavonic alphabet. The first

Slavonic alphabet was the so called Glagolitsa (from

“glagol” = word) or Glagolitic alphabet, which was also

the first alphabet to be used for Slavonic manuscripts.

Bulgarian royal prince Boris asked two of the

students of Cyril and Methodius – Kliment and Naum –

to introduce the new alphabet to some Bulgarian priests

and to teach them to preach in Bulgarian language.

However, Kliment soon realized that letters in the

Glagolitsa did not correspond to the needs of the

Bulgarian language. Thus, he introduced a major reform

where a mixture of the Greek script and the Glagolitsa led

to the creation of the Cyrillic alphabet.

4 8 ° Ci rco lo Di dat t i co “Madre Claud ia Russo ” V i a de l l e Rep ub b l i che Mar i nare n . 3 01 - CAP 8014 7 - Nap o l i t e l . 0811 9706 083 - e -m a i l : naee3 4 0004@i st ruz i one. i t s i to web : www.quarant ott es im o . i t 2012-2014

Let’s be journalist in mathematics

24 Май- Ден на българската просвета,

култура и на славянската писменост

Както вероятно знаете, България е

единствената страна в Европейския съюз, която

използва различна азбука. От 2007 год. Кирилица е

третата официална азбука в ЕС след латинската и

гръцката. Нейните създатели са братята Кирил и


През 9 век е имало конкуренция между

папата в Рим и императора на Константинопол за

влияние върху все още не християнизираните

славянски народи в Европа. Византийският

император и неговата патриарх решили, че би било

добре да се осигури азбука на славяните, за да се

изкорени западното влияние.

Кирил и Методий са били избрани да отидат

във Великоморавия (части на днешна Чехия,

Словакия и Унгария), чиято мисия за създаване на

славянската азбука. Българският княз Борис създал

школи и възложил на двама от учениците на Кирил и

Методий - Климент и Наум - да научат на новата

азбука българските свещеници, за да проповядват на

български език.

Page 3: Scottish school Austrian school - · Cyrillic alphabet – the brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius. In the 9th century there was something like a competition between

4 8 ° Ci rco lo Di dat t i co “Madre Claud ia Russo ” V i a de l l e Rep ub b l i che Mar i nare n . 3 01 - CAP 8014 7 - Nap o l i t e l . 0811 9706 083 - e -m a i l : naee3 4 0004@i st ruz i one. i t s i to web : www.quarant ott es im o . i t 2012-2014

Let’s be journalist in mathematics

24th of May is a Day that has no analogue

among the other nations - the Day of literature,

enlightenment, culture. It’s a holiday of spiritual

rising, perfection striving for scientific and cul-

tural achievements. The letters created by Cyril

and Methodius , their translations of the liturgical

books, their fight to protect the rights of all na-

tions to do honor of God in their own languages

have a historical significance to Bulgarian nation-

al developing and its prosperity. Their life work

is human, democratic. It becomes part of the gen-

eral human idea for equality at the spiritual field.

24 май е празник, който няма аналог сред

други народи по света. Той е празник на

писмеността, просветата, културата; празник

на духовното извисяване, на стремежа към

усъвършенстване за научни и културни


Буквите, създадени от Кирил и Методий, са от

историческа значимост за българския народ и

за неговия просперитет.

Делото на братята Кирил и Методий е високохуманно и

демократично. То е част от великата общочовешка идея за

равенство на всички в духовната област.

Page 4: Scottish school Austrian school - · Cyrillic alphabet – the brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius. In the 9th century there was something like a competition between

4 8 ° Ci rco lo Di dat t i co “Madre Claud ia Russo ” V i a de l l e Rep ub b l i che Mar i nare n . 3 01 - CAP 8014 7 - Nap o l i t e l . 0811 9706 083 - e -m a i l : naee3 4 0004@i st ruz i one. i t s i to web : www.quarant ott es im o . i t 2012-2014

Let’s be journalist in mathematics

In 1824 was published the first secular textbook -

,,Primer for Bulgarian schools with

instructions” collected by Peter Beron, widely

known as the ,,Fish primer".

Children from “Little Bees” group are biggest at

the kindergarten. They do not learn how to read or

write at kindergarten, but they have a knowledge

of Bulgarian alphabet and letters. They created

one “Primer in illustrations “. The children created

special collages as an example, in order to get you

familiarized with the 30 letters of the Bulgarian


През 1824 година е публикуван първият

светски учебник -,, Буквар за българските

училища с инструкции“ от Петър Берон,

известен като,, Рибен буквар".

Деца от група „Пчелица“ са най-големи в

детската градина. Те не се учат да четат или

пишат в детската градина, но те имат познания

за българската азбука и познават буквите.

Децата създадоха "Картинен буквар" с колажи

и рисунки , чрез който искат да ви запознаят с

30-те букви от нашата азбука.

Page 5: Scottish school Austrian school - · Cyrillic alphabet – the brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius. In the 9th century there was something like a competition between

4 8 ° Ci rco lo Di dat t i co “Madre Claud ia Russo ” V i a de l l e Rep ub b l i che Mar i nare n . 3 01 - CAP 8014 7 - Nap o l i t e l . 0811 9706 083 - e -m a i l : naee3 4 0004@i st ruz i one. i t s i to web : www.quarant ott es im o . i t 2012-2014

Let’s be journalist in mathematics

Take count of the sounds in the words

Take count of the vowels and the consonants in

the words below (lemon; mushroom )



Once upon a time…..take count of the

words in the sentence

These games are part of the many interesting

games that familiarize kids with sound, syllable,

word, sentence and text (the first level of the ele-

mentary literacy) in our daily lessons in the kin-


Тези игри са част от многото, които

използваме в нашата ежедневна работа за

запознаване на децата със звук, сричка, дума,

изречение и текст (начално ограмотяване).