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Scottish Independence and the Conservative policy of Isolation.

Polls recently showed that support for Scottish Independence was 32% for and 38% against. This saddened me. However, David Cameron and his Tory counterparts are Scottish Independence’s knights in shining armour. They have jumped up on their pretentious, conservative, imperial minded horses and have looked down on Scottish People and declared that Westminster will decide how the referendum will be held, when it will be held and if there will be a referendum at all.Little do the imperialistic Tories remember that there is one thing that the Scots hate more than death – Thatcheristic Tories lecturing the democratically elected SNP and the Scots on what to do, and when to jump. The massive support for Tories in Scotland can be highlighted through the amount of Tory MPs in Scotland – a grand total of 1. As Alex Salmond recently stated “There are more Pandas in Scotland than Tories!”It is certain that because of the intrusion by Cameron into Scottish Affairs, support for Independence will rise. For this I would like to thank the great English Prime Minister and the Conservative Party. Their ‘Westminster decides all’ attitude towards Scotland is definitely going to make Scots support Independence. I hope Cameron keeps up his Policy of Isolation, not only will it help in swaying Scots to vote for Independence, it is quite amusing to watch as Cameron tries to take on the World. I wonder will he realise before it’s too late that the World,Scotland and the EU do not revolve around England and that he is steering England away from both Scotland and the EU with his somewhat idiotic decisions. Dominic Gallagher.