Download - Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in · jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. ... martial

Page 1: Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in · jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. ... martial
Page 2: Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in · jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. ... martial

Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in a dangerous situation grows in proportion to the dis-tance as you move away from your house.

Combat Algorithms of Effective Self-DefenseSomething always happens... but to “someone else”

This may be dangerous and lead to disastrous consequences. But you

have nothing to worry about. This will happen to someone else – not to


What’s this?

This is physical assault that has different forms today and can happen

anywhere – in your house, in the street, in your home town, to your

family, to your relatives or to you. Scientists maintain that your risk of

ending up in a dangerous situation grows in proportion to the distance

as you move away from your house.

Page 3: Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in · jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. ... martial

You need to be a hunter not a victim. Don’t accept the rules of a game some-one else imposes on you.

To do this, you need to already have rules of your

own for such situations.

This is how the world works. Life is changing

and those who don’t change with it are at the

risk zone.

This is happening right now practically in

every city or town. This happens many times

each day right in the city you live in.

But this always happens to someone else.

Until one day it happens to you.

Of course you may go on thinking that you

are special and you’ll never end up a victim of

physical assault. In this case you may do nothing

and hope for the best. Or you can do something

about it. Something many clever people have

already done. Start readying yourself for these

You already know that in a dangerous situation with little time to react, an unprepared man can only respond in a key-jerk, spur of the moment reaction. Can it help him? We don’t think so.

Page 4: Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in · jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. ... martial


This is much easier then you can imagine. How does an unprepared

person act in a new situation? He follows his intuition. He reacts

according to the experiences he’s built up in his life. In other words he

does exactly what an assailant expects him to do – he accepts the rules

of the game. And in this game the hunter is the assailant and you are the


What conclusion can you draw? You need to be a hunter not a victim.

Don’t accept the rules of a game someone else imposes on you. To do

this, you need to already have rules of your own for such situations.

Knowing the combat algorithms of effective self-defense will help you

cope with these situations. We are going to discuss them in this special


How does an unprepared person act in a new situation? He follows

his intuition. He reacts basing on the experiences he’s already had in his

How does an unprepared person act in a new situation? He follows his intuition. He reacts basing on the experiences he’s already had in his life.

Page 5: Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in · jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. ... martial


You already know that in a dangerous situation with little time to react,

an unprepared man can only respond in a key-jerk, spur of the moment

reaction. Can it help him? We don’t think so.

Specialists know that if you throw an unprepared man with a parachute

from a plane it is very likely that he will die. It would seem that he’d be

safe if he has the parachute, he just needs to find how to use it. But it

is almost impossible to do this in such a distressing situation and with

no training beforehand. After being instructed almost everyone lands

successfully icluding old people and housewives who go in for extreme

sports just for fun.

That’s why for the sake of effective self-defense, we need to put a can

on any knee jerk instinctive reactions to any dangerous situations and

begin to behave and move effectively instead.

Now we’re coming close to the notion of the counter-intuitive or

Specialists know that if you throw an unprepared man with a parachute from a plane it is very likely that he will die. After being instructed almost ev-eryone lands successfully icluding old people and housewives who go in for extreme sports just for fun.

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We start from the thought that the worst has already happened. And then we analyze the actions we need to undertake to avoid “the worst.”

scientific approach. Why do we call it “scientific?” Because we apply one

of the main scientific principles here the principle of “on the contrary”.

We start from the thought that the worst has already happened. And

then we analyze the actions we need to undertake to avoid “the worst.”

Let’s discuss some particular examples.

Assume someone hits you top-down with a stick. If you start hustling,

and making attempts to evade the hit or trying to run away, it is very

likely the stick will hit you sooner or later. Because the assailant is armed,

he comes at you and attacks you. He’s the hunter and you are the victim.

In an attempt to defend yourself, you try to increase the distance,

shield yourself with your arm or evade the blow. You can easily predict

how applying this model of behavior ends up – it’s all just a matter

of time. But if you change the model of behavior and change from the

victim into the hunter, you instantly change the situation 180 degrees.

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Now you are not running from the stick but moving closer to it, your

arm is softly entering the plane of the blow – now you can change the

trajectory of the stick easily. It no longer presents a danger to you and,

what’s more, now it’s more dangerous to the attacker who hasn’t yet

realized that he’s clutching at an object which has turned from a weapon

into a force or speed leverage. And if you use it properly, you can manage

the assailant like a child.

He’d better let go off the stick the moment you take the upper hand.

But he still doesn’t know that he’s the victim now. He follows his instincts

in line with his aggressive behavior. But all his aggression and physical

efforts are aimed back at himself now. Moreover they are amplified due

to the effect of the leverage. He has no chance.

To confront what you’re doing he needs be able to act counter-

intuitively. And it is necessary to learn to do so. You don’t need to train

for years to become a fighter to be able to demonstrate your skills in a

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I think you have already understood from these rather simple exam-

ples that from a strategic point of view it is more important to know

the right models of behavior in conflict situations than to learn doz-

ens of holds none of which you will be able to apply due to the physi-

ological reactions of your body in an emergency situation.

gym. You may just take a short-term course to learn how to act in a

dangerous situation.

One more example. Assume someone grabbed you by the hand. What

would be your first reaction? Probably to get free and run away, right?

Is it an effective action if you take into consideration all the material

you’ve already learnt? What does the attacker expect from you? What is

he ready for?

Right. He knows you will try to get free because you’re his victim.

What does he NOT expect from you? You are not going to struggle to get

free but instead will calmly shift your body weight to reduce the load at

the point where he’s firmly holding your hand and form the supporting

point. He expected your hand to strain but he’s surprised because now

he feels somehow... slack. Form the leverage correctly and applying force

to it in the right direction is a piece of cake for you and a shock for him.

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Moreover he won’t realize at once that he’s no longer the hunter but the

victim now. That’s it.

I think you have already understood from these rather simple examples

that from a strategic point of view it is more important to know the

right models of behavior in conflict situations than to learn dozens of

holds none of which you will be able to apply due to the physiological

reactions of your body in an emergency situation. It’s not your fault and

you shouldn’t be ashamed. This is a natural reaction of stepping out of

your comfort zone.

No wonder that if we get out of our comfort zone where we know and

understand everything into a new situation that puts ours lives in danger

and we have no skills, we immediately start panicking. We discussed the

consequences of this process in both in this and previous reports.

Any situation in which we don’t know how to behave is stressful. This

Assume someone grabbed you by the hand. What would be your first reaction? Probably to get free and run away, right? Is it an effective action if you take into consideration all the material you’ve already learnt? What does the attacker expect from you? What is he ready for?

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No wonder that if we get out of our comfort zone where we know and understand everything into a new situation that puts ours lives in danger and we have no skills, we immedi-ately start panicking.

is natural. But if you don’t want to end up a victim of circumstances,

you have to get ready for these situations. Combat algorithms will help

you. What are combat algorithms? These are the fundamental set of

our bodies’ natural motor skills which allow us prompt reactions of




Page 11: Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in · jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. ... martial

maximum efficiency in any kind of counter-intuitive situation instead

of simply lashing back blindly.

In other words, from the thousands of possible motions our body can

perform, and we are capable of moving withing 244 degrees you’ll need

to choose the most important that can be applied in any surrounding.

That is when it is warm or cold, when you are on sand or ice, standing

or lying down and so on. They shouldn’t require physical training since

you may find yourself sick or injured, and should be easily mastered.

If you already know about these algorithms, the time you need to learn

the skills for correct behavior and effective self-defense in any situation

will be a fraction of what it used to be. Understanding the necessity

of working with combat algorithms for forming effective motional

actions and doing away with ineffective motional and behavioral knee-

jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. This system is

Page 12: Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in · jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. ... martial

In other words, from the thousands of possible

motions our body can perform, and we are capable

of moving withing 244 degrees you’ll need to choose

the most important that can be applied in any


fundamentally different from all other existing combat and sport martial


What’s more important is that the combat algorithms of your actions

are not a figment of the imagination of a single, however great, expert in

martial arts. Their work is checked scientifically. For many years they’ve

been the subject of studies carried out in closed scientific and research

institutes of the USSR and the Russian Federation. They can be expressed

in scientific language and described mathematically. Of course you don’t

have to know the formulas to use them effectively.

For example, you may not understand the law of gravity but a cone

will still fall onto your head according to it. This only means that if

you’re not ready to take something on trust in the Kadochnikov Systema

you can go ahead check out every scientific proof out there.

So if you want to turn from the victim into the hunter and to be ready

Page 13: Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in · jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. ... martial

What’s more important is that the combat algorithms of your actions are not a figment of the imagination of a single, however great, expert in martial arts. Their work is checked scientifically. For many years they’ve been the subject of studies carried out in closed scientific and re-search institutes of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

for any conflict or extreme case while sparing little effort and saving

time you’d better master the combat algorithms of effective self-defense.

How can you do this? For sure the best way is to visit a special seminar or

training session. If you have problems with this, you can use our distant

learning program.

We have prepared a video course for home studying called “The

Kadochnikov Systema From The Ground Up”. This program is meant

for people who want to master the main postulates of the Kadochnikov

Systema to be able to defend themselves quickly. To master this course

you need neither good physical training nor combat skills. Even if you

don’t remember the last time you exercised you will easily cope with the

course programme. In its intro, there are methods teaching “clever and

artful” influence on the rival, not brutal physical force.

Since the opponent may be stronger and bigger than you or there

Page 14: Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in · jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. ... martial

For example, you may not understand the law of gravity but a cone will still fall onto your head according to it. This only means that if you’re not ready to take something on trust in the Kadochnikov Systema you can go ahead check out every scientific proof out there.

Боевые алгоритмы двигательных действий не плод фантазии одного, пусть даже гениального человека или выдающегося мастера боевых искусств. В их основе — выверенный научный подход и многолетние исследования

may be several opponents, someone may call the combat algorithms

“artful” or “dishonest.” But even if you spent several years of your life

studying classic strike techniques, what are you going to do if the enemy

is twice as big as you? Or if there are several rivals? In these situations,

only special combat algorithms of effective self-defense can help you.

They may seem dishonest but they are really effective. It doesn’t matter

whether you are a physically strong person or weak, sick or healthy at

the moment, or a woman or man. The key factor will be your knowledge

of the combat algorithms of effective self-defense, not big muscles and

aggressive behavior.

In other words this course is for those who wants to have some extra

tricks up their sleeve. This methodology dates back to the training

that spies got. The necessity of this special preparation or training

system is done justice in the TV serial “Apostle.” It relates a story about

Page 15: Scientists maintain that your risk of ending up in · jerk reactions is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. ... martial

So if you want to turn from the victim into the hunter and to be ready for any conflict or extreme case while sparing little effort and saving time you’d better master the combat algorithms of effective self-defense. How can you do this? For sure the best way is to visit a special seminar or training session. If you have problems with this, you can use our distant learning program.

Боевые алгоритмы двигательных действий не плод фантазии одного, пусть даже гениального человека или выдающегося мастера боевых искусств. В их основе — выверенный научный подход и многолетние исследования

confrontation between the Soviet and German reconnaissances during

the Second World War.

Though, unlike the characters of the show you don’t have to sneak

in the enemy territory disguised as a cadet, you can be trained the way

only the aces of aces were trained. Note that you can do it right at home.

In several days we will release to the course “The Kadochnikov Systema

From The Ground Up”. Our subscribers will be able to order it at a special
