Download - Scientists believe that life began on the continent of Africa 3.6 million years ago……

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Slide 2 Slide 3 Scientists believe that life began on the continent of Africa 3.6 million years ago Slide 4 NeanderthalCro-MagnonModern Man Slide 5 Cro-Magnon man - early Homo sapiens (the species to which modern humans belong) that lived about 40,000 years ago. Slide 6 Slide 7 Role of Artifacts rubin/images/artif... Let us know more about ancient cultures Somewhat limited theories have formed to attempt to explain the past Slide 8 The Old Stone Age or the Paleolithic Era, was a period of time that lasted until about 12,000 to 70,000 years ago. Slide 9 Man survived by hunting animals and gathering roots, berries, leaves, and seeds. Slide 10 Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Era) people eventually began to hunt in groups. These antlers may have been used as a disguise during the hunt. Cave Art showing men hunting in groups Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 Man used stone, wood, and bone tools to survive during the Old Stone Age. Slide 14 Bow found in Denmark Bone Harpoon Hand Axe Flint Blades used to sharpen tools Slide 15 using a flint blade to skin an animal using a flint blade to butcher a carcass Slide 16 Slide 17 Slide 18 There was another important development the discovery of fire There was another important development the discovery of fire. Slide 19 Many Stone Age people were Nomads, or people who had no settled home. Slide 20 Slide 21 Slide 22 Slide 23 Slide 24 The New Stone Age or The Neolithic Era lasted until about 6,000 to 12,000 years ago. Slide 25 During the Neolithic Era, people began to settle in one place. Slide 26 Slide 27 Slide 28 Man began to change his diet and eat grains and small animals. Slide 29 Agriculture is the raising of crops and animals. The development of agriculture began over a long period of time and in more than one place. People no longer needed to travel great distances to gather food. Slide 30 People learned how to domesticate plants and animals. To domesticate means to train something to be useful to people. Early people learned to care for plants such as wheat, barley, peas, and lentils. The first farmers also domesticated wild goats, cattle, and sheep. Slide 31 Man domesticated wild wheat. Ancient charred wheat grains are shown in the picture above. Slide 32 Thousands of years ago, an ear of corn did not make much of a meal. (top) It took thousands of years of careful breeding for ears of corn to reach their present size. (bottom) Slide 33 People still used stone, bone, and wooden tools, but some new tools were added by using copper and bronze. Slide 34 These early farming tools date back to around 8,000 years ago. The axe, bottom, was used for clearing; flint sickles, left, were used for harvesting cereal crops; a flat rock and rounded stone, center, were used for grinding flour; and perforated clay slabs, upper right, were probably used to ventilate bread ovens. Slide 35 Prehistory I.Paleolithic Age Old Stone Age (Est. 2 mil BC-9000 BC) 1.Hunters & Gatherers A.Nomad: Moving from place to place in search for food. B.Men hunted & fished. C.Woman gathered fruits, nuts, etc. 2.Way of Life A.Cave paintings B.Stone tools & pottery C.Domesticated dogs II.Neolithic Age New Stone Age (9000 BC 3000 BC) 1.Farming Neolithic Revolution A.People could remain in one place. B.Herding of animals goats, sheep & cattle. 2.Community A.Council of Elders/Chief made important decisions. B.Warrior class C.Kept possessions. Slide 36 Slide 37 Early People Section 1: Studying the Distant Past Archaeologists study prehistoric times by examining things that early peoples left behind. The study of fossils has helped archaeologists learn about the lives of the earliest humans. Archaeological studies suggest that the earliest humans Slide 38 Early People Section 2: Hunter-Gatherer Societies Hunter-gatherer societies moved from place to place, hunting small animals and gathering plants for food. The development of tools and the use of fire helped the people in hunter gatherer societies improve their lives. Modern humans developed the ability to use language, which helped them to survive. Slide 39 Early People Section 3: Populating the Earth By about 12,500 years ago, modern humans had spread to many regions of the world, including Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, North America, and South America. Modern humans adapted to Ice Age conditions by building shelters and making warm clothing. By forming larger groups, modern humans adapted in order to better hunt and defend themselves. Slide 40 The Beginning of Civilization Section 1: Early Agriculture Over a long time, hunter-gatherers domesticated plants and animals, and most groups became farmers. Although the Middle East was the first center of agriculture, farming appeared in several other parts of the world. Permanent farming settlements developed, and surplus food allowed some people to become crafts workers. Slide 41