Download - Scientific Revolution. Why did it start? … The Renaissance! Secular Critical Thinking Access to Classics.


Scientific Revolution

Why did it start? … The Renaissance!

Secular Critical Thinking Access to Classics

The Stargazers

Men who Studied the Heavens

Ptolemy - Astronomer

2nd Century (100s AD) – Rome Geocentric World View Christianity follows Ptolemy’s ideas!

Nicholas Copernicus - Astronomer

1543 – Poland On the Revolutions of the Heavenly

Spheres Heliocentric world view

Johannes Kepler – Astronomer and Mathematician

Used math to prove Copernican model correct (heliocentric universe)

Discovered that planets follow elliptical orbits (not circular)

Galileo Galilei – Astronomer and Physicist

Italy First to use

(and improve) telescopeDiscovered Jupiter’s moons,

Moon’s craters Brought heliocentric ideas into

more common use

Galileo’s conflict with the Church

Church disagreed with Copernican ideas, put Galileo on trial (1610)

Forced to choose: recant or be executedGalileo recants

The Thinkers

Men who Pondered the World

Isaac Newton – Mathematician, Astronomer, and Physicist

Principia (1642) Invented Calculus Discovered Law of Gravity

Isaac Newton – Mathematician, Astronomer, and Physicist

Discovered/Formed Laws of Motion For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction An object will remain at rest or in motion unless an outside force

acts upon it (inertia) Force = Mass x Acceleration

Viewed world as a machine built on natural laws that can be understood!

Francis Bacon - Lawyer

England Experimental Thinking Popularizes Scientific Method Founds English Royal Society

(scientists share ideas)

Rene Descartes – Scientist, Mathematician, Philosopher

Discovered laws of Optics, founder of Analytic Geometry

Discourse on Method (1637)

Rene Descartes – Scientist, Mathematician, Philosopher

Separate Mind and Body (Rational Thinking!)

Doubt everything; try to prove


I think…therefore I am!

Studying the Body and the World

Men who wondered about the physical sciences

Vesalius - Physician

On the Fabric of the Human Body (1543)

Human Dissections


William Harvey - Physician

On the Motion of the Heart and Blood (1628)

Blood circulates! Disproves theories of Galen (Greek)

Leeuwenhoek - Naturalist

Dutch Perfected the microscope Studied microorganisms

What was the impact of the Scientific Revolution?

On Philosophy

Strengthened enlightenment ideas… question everything! Prove everything!

On Religion

The Church refused to embrace the Enlightenment

Huge conflict between thinkers and clergy

On the World

Changed the way people thought about life

Attitudes towards society and government shifted

Question everything!