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Human Creation









• CUM: the first stage begins after fertilization or the first week.

• surah al Mu’minun:13

“then we placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging”

• The purpose of the word of God in surah al-Insan: 2

       "Verily We created man from a drop of mingled sperm, we (want to test it with the commands and prohibitions), because it We made him hearing and seeing"


According to Ibn al-Tabari Jurair, the original word of CUM means that :

• There is little water in a container either wells, tube and so on.

AMSYAJ means that:

• word derives from the word that means mixing.

• A’LAQAH: Rating formation alaqah is on the first weekend / seventh day. 

:On the seventh day of the egg that has been fertilized it will be embedded in the wall of the uterus (qarar makin). After that we turn into alaqah cum.Allah says:

"Then we change the sperm into alaqah"                                                                 al-Mukminun: 14•  Alaqah is actually an art object that is covered by the

blood.  • Alaqah stage is the stage in the first week to the third

week did the uterus. 


• MUDGHAH: Formation mudghah said to occur in the fourth week. Mudghah word called twice in the Quran that surah al-Hajj verse 5 and verse of surah al-Mukminun 14

Allah says:

"And We created the clot a little lump of flesh"

al-Mukminun: 14• This level is already happening formation of the

brain, spinal cord, ears and other organs.


• infants were formed.

• Vilus respiratory system embedded in the muscles of the tongue now has its own blood vessels.

• Baby's heart begins to beats.

• ‘IZAM AND LAHMUN : At this stage of the fifth week, the sixth and seventh stages of bone formation that preceded the establishment of oto-muscle.

• When the bones were formed, the muscles will wrap around the frame.

Allah says:

"Then we transform it into izam also mudghah then we wrap Izam with meat"

al-Mukminun: 14

Forth stage: عظاملحم

• Then in the seventh week also formed a complex system.

• At this stage of the stomach and intestines, all the nerves, brain and spinal cord begin to form.

• Simultaneously, respiratory system and respiratory tract from the mouth to the nose and into the lungs pau become visible.

• Similarly, reproductive organs, glands, liver, grilled fruit, bladder and other more fully formed.

• Hands and feet also began to grow. Similarly, eyes, ears and mouth becomes perfect.

• On the eighth week everything was perfect and complete.

• NASY'AH khalq Akhar : At this stage the eve of the eighth week, some more changes occur.

• Changes at this stage embryos but not yet been entered into the third stage of fetus.

• In month, all fetus bone has formed the successful completion of nails began to grow.

• By the fourth month, the formation of the placenta to be complete enough to cause the remaining pranatel baby in the womb only to enhance all members that already exist.


• NAFKHUR-RUH: That is the blowing of the spirit level.

• Islamic scholars state when the spirit breathed into the body that is growing occurs after forty days and after the formation of the organs of the body including the sexual organs.

SIXTH STAGE: نفخورالروح

ALLAH says:

And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and

made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes, we have

testified." [This] - lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, "Indeed, we were of this unaware.“

Al A’raf:172

“It is He Who created you from dust then from a sperm-drop then from a leech like clot then does He (into the light) as a child. Then lets you (grow and )reach your age of full strength. Then lets you become old. Though of you there are some who die before and lets you reach a term appointed in order to make you understand.”
