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  • 8/14/2019 SCI - Diff_Inst


    6.0Guidelines on Differentiated Instruction For Science Year 7 (Interim Stage)

    No.Topic / Sub-topic /

    Time Frame (Weeks)Objectives Must Do Should Do Could Do


    11 WEEKS

    Students should be able to:

    1.1 Laboratory safety state the basic laboratory safety rules including the standard

    evacuation procedure in case of fire in the laboratories;

    explain first aid treatment in common laboratory mishaps (chemical

    spills on body and eye, burn from hot water or apparatus);

    1.2 Handling common identify common laboratory apparatus and state their functions (test

    laboratory apparatus tube, dropper, evaporating dish, conical flask, boiling tube,

    test tube holder, glass rod, beaker, measuring cylinder, evaporating

    dish, filter funnel, wire gauze, tripod stand);

    draw sectional diagrams of common laboratory apparatus;

    identify the different parts of a Bunsen burner or Labo gas burner

    (chimney, collar and air hole)

    state the function of the different parts of a Bunsen burner and

    Labo gas burner;

    carry out the proper technique of lighting a Labo gas burner;

    1.3 Measurements show an awareness of the limitations of human sense organs and

    thus the need for measuring instruments;

    state the SI units for length, area, volume, time, mass andtemperature;

    carry out inter-conversion of units e.g. 11kilometres to metres,centimetres to metres and kilograms to grams;


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    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    1.3.1 Length, area andvolume

    recognise how to read meter rule correctly (parallax error);

    calculate the area of a regular-shaped object;

    estimate the approximate area of an irregular-shaped object e.g. thepalm of the hand, the foot or the leaf;

    calculate the volume of a regular-shaped object;

    recognise how to read the volume using the meniscus level of themeasuring cylinder;

    carry out an activity to find the volume of an irregular-shaped objectusing the displacement of liquid method;

    1.3.2 Mass and time show proficiency in the proper use of stopwatch, stop clock, beam

    balance and electronic balance;

    show an awareness of the accuracy of an electronic balance;

    1.3.3 Density define density as mass of a substance in one cubic 12rganizati;

    use the formula of density in calculations;

    state that solids of the same substance have the same densityirrespective of shape and size.

    carry out an activity to find out that different substances will havedifferent densities

    recognise that floating depends on the density of matter withreference to:

    i) floating of a liquid on another liquid (limit to two liquids only);

    ii) floating of a solid on a liquid;


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    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    1.3.4 Temperature state that temperature is a measure of the degree of hotness orcoldness;

    show an understanding of the safety precautions when handlingthe mercury thermometer;

    read the mercury and alcohol thermometers;

    state the limitations of mercury and alcohol thermometers;

    state the fixed points (ice point and steam point);

    1.4 Process skills in show an understanding that in carrying out scientific experiments,

    scientific three basic steps are recognised e.g. planning, observation and

    investigations conclusion; and

    recognise that in carrying out scientific experiments, basic science

    process skills are required (observing, recording, measuring,


    2.0 WATER 3 WEEKS Students should be able to:

    2.1 States of water state the three states of water : solid (ice), liquid (water) and gas(steam);

    observe the changes of water in different states of matter (with

    reference to boiling point, melting point and freezing point);

    state the difference between evaporation and boiling in terms oftemperature;

    demonstrate and state that a solid (solute) dissolves in water(solvent) to form a solution with reference to salt, sugar, sodiumhydroxide pellet, copper sulphate;


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    state that gases also dissolve in water with reference to carbondioxide and ammonia gas only;

    No.Topic / Sub-topic /

    Time Frame (Weeks)

    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    2.2 Separationtechnique

    use appropriate techniques for separating constituents of mixturesby physical means (i.e. filtration, evaporation, chromatography anddistillation);

    describe and use paper chromatography; and

    interpret chromatograms in terms of the number of different dyespresent. Use only food colourings and ink.


    3 WEEKS

    Students should be able to:

    3.1 Characteristics ofliving things

    list the main differences between living and non living things;

    3.2 Diversity andclassification ofplants and animals

    recognise that there is a variety of plants and animals which can begrouped on the basis of observable external characteristics;

    classify an assortment of objects based on observable features e.g.colour, shape, size, smell as an introduction to classification skill;

    classify plants and animals according to common observablecharacteristics into Plants: algae, fern, seed plants (flowering andnon-flowering plants); Animals: animals without backbones (worms,molluscs, arthropods); animals with backbones (fishes, reptiles,mammals, amphibians and birds);

    construct a simple classification key and use it to identifyorganisms; and

    show an awareness of the existence of microorganisms such asfungi, bacteria and viruses which are not classified as either plantsor animals;

    4.0 FORCES 3 WEEKS Students should be able to:


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    4.1 Types of forces identify the different forms of forces (i.e. push, pull, friction, force ofgravity, magnetic force and turning) and what they can do;

    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame (Weeks)

    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    4.2 Effects of forces observe and infer the effects of forces through experiments andstudents daily experiences that a force can produce:

    i) change in speed;

    ii) change in direction;

    iii) change in size; and

    iv) change in shape;

    4.3 Measurement offorces

    measure force using spring balance and state the unit of force asNewton (N);

    differentiate between force in Newtons and energy in Joules;

    4.4 Line graphs show an understanding of what a line graph is;

    plot a line graph including how to set the scale for the horizontaland vertical axes;

    read and interpret line graphs;

    4.5 Pressure define pressure as force per unit area;

    relate pressure with force and area:

    Pressure = Force


    state that 1 N/m2 = 1 Pa;

    calculate pressure from force and the area on which it acts;

    perform simple calculations to determine the pressure in N/m2 orN/cm2 or in Pa exerted by a body such as a brick, a slab, a boy, abox and so on;

    state that pressure in a liquid:


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    acts throughout the liquid in all directions; andincreases with depth;

    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame (Weeks)

    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    4.5 Pressure explain pressure in a gas using the particle model;

    state that the atmospheric pressure is due to the weight of the air;

    state that the normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is 760mmof mercury; and

    state that a barometer ( mercury and aneroid) is used to measureatmospheric pressure.


    4 WEEKS

    Students should be able to:

    5.1 Basic microscopyand scientificdrawing skills

    identify the basic parts of a microscope (mirror, stage, large knob,small knob, eyepiece, objective lens, tube, clips) and state thefunction of each part;

    show proficiency in mounting a specimen on a microscope slide;

    prepare fresh biological specimen (cheek cell and onion cell);

    draw biological specimen through observation under a microscopeof a prepared slide;

    5.2 Main structures of

    plant and animalcells

    identify and draw simple cell structures of a plant and animal cells

    by microscopic and photographic study;

    state the functions of cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus,and vacuole;

    list the differences between plant and animal cells;


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    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    5.3 Tissues, organ andsystem

    recognise the importance of division of labour and that inmulticellular organisms, cells are17organised into:

    Tissue organ system

    give examples of some systems to explain the concept of theimportance of cellular organisations;

    5.4 Gross structure andfunctions of bodysystems

    identify the main organs of digestive, transport, breathing andreproductive systems; and

    state the gross function of each of the body systems.


    3 WEEKS

    Students should be able to:

    6.1 Sources and formsof energy

    state that energy is the capacity to do work;

    identify the various sources of energy (sun, wind, fossil fuels, foodand batteries);

    identify the different forms of energy (stored or potential energy,kinetic energy, heat energy, light energy, sound energy, chemicalenergy, nuclear energy and electrical energy);

    list some of the energy resources in Brunei Darussalam;

    6.2 Conversion of

    energy state that one form of energy can be converted to another e.g;

    Potential energy Kinetic energy

    identify the energy conversions in everyday applications includingenergy converters;


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    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    6.3 Conservation ofenergy

    state that in any energy conversion, the total amount of energy isconserved (conservation of energy in energy converters, simplesystems e.g. electric lamp, hydroelectric plant and a free-fallingbody);

    identify the unit for energy in SI unit as the joules (J);

    state that 1 J of energy is required to lift 1 Newton of weight througha vertical distance of 1 m;

    6.4 Work relate work to the product of the force and the distance moved in thedirection of the force i.e;

    Work (J) = Force (N) x Distance (m)

    identify the unit of work in SI unit as the joule (J);

    perform calculations involving force and distance moved;

    6.5 Power relate power to the rate of work done and measured in watts i.e;

    Power (Watts) = Work (Energy)


    calculate a students power when he runs up a flight of steps; and

    differentiate between the units of energy (J), force (N) and power(W).

    7.0 PLANT AND


    3 WEEKS

    Students should be able to:

    7.1 Photosynthesis outline the process of photosynthesis by which plants manufacturefood using raw materials (mention conversion of light energy tochemical energy) in the form of word equation;

    state the conditions (chlorophyll and light) and raw materials


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    (carbon dioxide and water) which are necessary for photosynthesis;

    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    7.2 Food and itsimportance

    state that plants are the primary food source;

    infer that food is a source of energy for living things;

    identify and describe the dietary importance of the main classes offood (protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, mineral salts includingwater and roughage);

    7.3 Classes of food compare the relative energy values of fats, carbohydrates andproteins;

    investigate and describe one test for starch, sugar, protein and fat;

    7.4 Balanced diet explain the need for a balanced diet;

    state the effects of unbalanced diet with reference to obesity andcoronary related conditions;

    7.5 Food additives andfood processing

    show awareness of the harmful effects of processed food:

    (7) children become too active;(ii) obesity; and

    (iii) cancer-causing;

    7.6 Structure andfunction of teeth

    state the different types of teeth in human beings;

    state the function of each of the different types of teeth in humanbeings;

    describe the role of teeth in mastication;

    state that there are two different sets of teeth in human beings (milkteeth and permanent teeth);


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    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    7.7 Digestion inanimals

    state reasons why food must be digested;

    identify the main structures of the alimentary canal (mouth, salivaryglands, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver,gall bladder, pancreas, rectum and anus;

    state the main function (s) of the structures of the alimentary canal(mouth, stomach, small intestine and large intestine);

    describe how the digestive system helps in the digestion andassimilation of food and the part played by teeth and enzymes in

    digestion (limit to the three classes of enzymes: carbohydrases,proteases and lipases); and

    investigate how insoluble starch can be converted by saliva into asoluble form before diffusion can take place;


    Objectives that must be taught to students

    Objectives that are optional for Must Do group of students


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    7.0 Guidelines on Differentiated Instruction For Science Year 8 (Interim Stage)


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    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do


    3 WEEKS

    Students should be able to:

    8.1 Floral parts identify the main floral parts of a named insect pollinated flower

    (petal, sepal, anther, filament, stamen, stigma, style, ovary, ovuleand carpel);

    state the functions of the main floral parts;

    draw the main floral parts of a named insect pollinated flower usingscientific drawing skills;

    8.2 Pollination state that pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from an anther toa stigma;

    list the agents of pollination;

    briefly describe the floral parts associated with pollination and the

    role of insects in pollination;

    8.3 Seed dispersal describe the mechanism and importance of seed dispersal withreference to a named local seed or fruit;

    show awareness that plants have different methods of dispersal;

    8.4 Germination observe different stages of seed germination; and

    investigate conditions necessary for germination.

    9.0 MATTER

    4 WEEKS

    Students should be able to:

    9.1 Matter around us state some basic resources on the earth (water, air, rocks, soil, livingthings);

    show awareness of the abundance of the earths resources;

    show awareness of the everyday use of the earths resources andtheir exhaustibility;


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    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    9.2 States of matter state that matter exists as solids, liquids and gases;

    explain the properties of the three states of matter with reference tothe Kinetic Theory of matter;

    list the properties of matter in terms of shape, volume and mass;

    classify some of earths resources into respective states of matter;

    9.3 Movement of particles

    state diffusion as the movement of particles;

    observe and explain the movement of particles in solid, liquid andgas;

    9.4 Elements,compounds andmixtures

    define the terms element, compound and mixture;

    identify examples of elements, compounds and mixtures;

    state that elements combine to form compounds; and

    state the properties of compounds and mixtures;

    10.0 MAGNETISM

    2 WEEKS

    Students should be able to:

    observe that a freely-suspended magnet comes to rest in North-South direction;

    state that a magnet has two poles;

    infer that like poles repel; unlike poles attract;

    infer that there is a magnetic field around a magnet ;

    identify a magnetic material experimentally;

    state that iron, steel, nickel and cobalt are magnetic materials;


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    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    10.1 Magnets andmagnetic field

    observe and draw magnetic field patterns using iron filings:

    i) around a magnet;

    ii) between two like poles arranged end to end; and

    iii) between two unlike poles arranged end to end.

    list some of the uses of magnets in everyday applications.

    11.0 GASES 3 WEEKS Students should be able to:

    11.1 Gases in the air list the constituents of gases in the air in percentages (%);

    11.2 Properties of gases briefly describe the physical and chemical properties of the gases inthe air (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, noble gases and watervapour);

    differentiate oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapourthrough simple laboratory tests;

    list the uses of the gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen andnoble gases);

    11.3 Hydrogen state the properties of hydrogen;

    describe the preparation and collection of hydrogen by the reactionof reactive metals on dilute acids;

    state the word equation for the preparation of hydrogen gas; and

    state the uses of hydrogen.


    Students should be able to:

    12.1 Drugs state the definition of drugs;

    describe some uses of drugs;

    list some commonly abused drugs;

    list some signs and symptoms shown by a person addicted to drugs;

    state the consequences of drug abuse in relation to addiction, crimeand transmission of AIDS;


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    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    12.1 Drugs show an awareness of the existing laws concerning abused drugsand the role of the Anti Narcotics Bureau in Brunei Darussalam;

    12.2 Alcohol state the harmful effects of excessive consumption of alcohol by analcoholic;

    state the consequences of harmful effects of alcoholics on theirfamilies and the community;

    12.3 Tobacco list the harmful chemicals present in tobacco smoke (tar, nicotineand carbon monoxide);

    state the harmful effects of active and passive smoking; and

    state ways to encourage public to refrain from smoking;


    8 WEEKS

    Students should be able to:

    13.1 Electric current state that electricity is the flow of electrons;

    state that the dry cell drives the electrons around a complete circuitin one direction;

    13.2 Simple electriccircuits

    identify symbols of simple electric components (dry cell, switch,lamp, resistor, ammeter and voltmeter);

    carry out investigations to set up simple electric circuits in series andparallel;

    draw simple electric circuit diagrams for series and parallel circuits;

    infer that a resistor will reduce the current in an electric circuit;

    carry out investigations to connect ammeters and voltmeterscorrectly to an electric circuit and take readings correctly;

    describe the effects of increasing number of:

    i) cells in series and parallel; and

    ii) lamps in series and parallel by measuring the voltage andcurrent flow;


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    No.Topic / Sub-topic /

    Time Frame (Weeks)

    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    13.2 Simple electriccircuits

    infer that resistance is the opposition to the flow of current;

    calculate the effective resistance when resistors are connected:i) in series; and

    ii) in parallel;

    state the unit of resistance as ohm;

    13.3 Household wiringand safety devices

    construct a circuit with two or more lamps and switches to operatethem independently;

    explain the function of a fuse;

    explain the function of earthing the metal casing of an electricalappliance;

    carry out wiring a three pin fused plug correctly; and

    describe safety rules in the use of electricity.


    Students should be able to:

    14.1 Acids and alkalis state the properties of acids and alkalis;

    list some chemicals which dissolve in water to produce acids oralkalis;

    14.2 Neutralisation define 26neutralisation26;

    state the word equation for 26neutralisation26;

    state the importance of 26 neutralisation 26 in daily life;

    observe and describe the effects of various solutions on litmuspaper and classify them as acids, alkalis or neutral solutions; and

    compare the degree of acidity / alkalinity of the solution given byusing pH paper / Universal Indicator / pH meter.


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    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do



    2 WEEKS

    Students should be able to:

    15.1 Structure of theheart

    state the function of the heart;

    briefly describe the transport (circulatory) system in human beingswith reference to the heart and blood vessels;

    identify the main parts of the heart and the main blood vessels ( thefour chambers, pulmonary artery, aorta, vena cava and valve);

    15.2 Blood identify the three main types of blood vessels (arteries, veins and

    capillaries) and state the function of each blood vessel;

    state the functions of the blood;

    list the substances that are transported by the blood (oxygen,carbon dioxide, nutrients and waste products); and

    show an awareness of the heartbeat, pulse and blood pressure.


    3 WEEKS

    Students should be able to:

    16.1 Male and femalereproductive


    draw and identify the male and female reproductive organs;

    state the functions of the male and female reproductive organs;


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    No. Topic / Sub-topic /Time Frame


    ObjectivesMust Do Should Do Could Do

    16.2 Sexualcharacteristics

    show an awareness of the physical changes during puberty;

    briefly describe the menstrual cycle with reference to ovulation,fertilisation and menstruation;

    state that ovulation is the ejection of an egg from the ovary;

    state that fertilisation is the fusion of a sperm and an egg and whichoccurs in the oviduct;

    state that menstruation is the erosion of the uterine lining in theabsence of fertilisation;

    16.3 Sexuallytransmitteddiseases (STDs)

    show awareness of causes and harmful effects of sexuallytransmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhoea, AIDS); and

    state ways how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.


    Objectives that must be taught to students

    Objectives that are optional for Must Do group of students



  • 8/14/2019 SCI - Diff_Inst


    No.Topic / Sub-topic /

    Time Frame (Weeks)


    Must Do Should Do Could Do


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