Download - Schwabes Homeopathy 16p

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Myth 1. medicines have been scientifically studied the world over and found to be effective in a wide range of diseases.

Fact: Homoeopathy is based on Thus they are not placebos.experimental pharmacological and clinical data. Over the years, Myth 3.homoeopathic medicines have been extensively studied for their efficacy in a variety of indications.

Fact: Homoeopathy is fast acting in C l in ica l s tud ies have been acute cases and can be effectively conducted in India as well as used in treating infections, fever, cold other countries. In fact, the term etc. Unfortunately, people tend to go to 'Allopathy' was coined by the a homoeopath only when the acute founder of homoeopathy whom the problem has become chronic. allopaths regard as the founder of Naturally, these cases take longer to exper imenta l pharmaco logy. treat. Also, most people take recourse Homoeopathy is a proven homoeopathy in cases of arthritis,

Myth 2. allergic asthma or skin conditions etc., which take a longer time to treat with any other medicines.

Myth 4.Fact: Yes, the white sugar pills, as such do not have any medicinal

Fact: Homoeopathy, like any other value. But these act as vehicles or field of medicine, has its limitations. carriers for the medicines, which are For example, it cannot treat cases alcohol based. Otherwise the where surgery is unavoidable, dental medicine can be taken directly or cases, etc.dissolved in water. Homoeopathic

Homoeopathy is an unproven science.

Homoeopathy is slow acting and cannot be used in acute cases of fever, diarrhoea, cough, cold, etc.

Homoeopathic medicines are only sugar pills which act more as placebos and have no medicinal value as such.

Homoeopathy is a 'magic remedy' that can treat any disorder.

Proven Science

HomoeopathyHomoeopathyJust "Sugar Pills"?

2 3

Homoeopathy has a name… SCHWABE

C O N T E N T SAbout Homoeopathy & Schwabe 3

Schwabe & G.M.P. 6

Day to day problems (muscle/joint pain, acidity,

indigestion, sinusitis etc.) 8

Male Impotency 10

Overweight problem 11

Natural Minerals (Biochemics, Bio-combinations) 12

Cough relief 14

Lifestyle problems (stress, low immunity, lack of

concentration, blood sugar, skin problems etc.) 15

Liver care 16

Health tonic 17

Day to day problems in children 18

Creams & gel for piles, psoriasis, joint pain etc. 20

Skin related problems 22

Cardiac problems 23

Hypothyroidism (Thyroid problem) 24

Remedies specially for women 25

Specific problems (Kidney stone, gout, piles etc.) 26

Schwabe's product range (In brief) 27

Eye problems 28-29

Schwabe's well known imported product range 30-31

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Myth 5. Myth 8.

Fact: It can! The minute amount of Fact: Qualified doctors practice sugar globuli (the little round pills) taken Homoeopathy, in most parts of the daily does not matter. Sugar intake in world. In India, there are over 178 the daily diet is significantly higher than medical colleges, which offer degree that taken by a few globuli. In very and 33 colleges offer post - graduate severe cases, the dilution may be taken studies in Homoeopathy. At present, as drops in water or over lactose.there are over 2,17,000 trained

Myth 9.homoeopaths in the country.

Myth 6.

Fact: Depending on the illness, Fact: Some patients are asked to homoeopaths medicate the sugar pills abstain from onions, garlic, coffee, with different medicines. The sugar pills tea, tobacco, alcohol etc. as these serve only as a vehicle for transfer of substances interfere with the action of the medicine. The selected medicine, certain homoeopathic medicines. But out of a range of more than 1100 then, restricting alcohol and tobacco different dilutions, is targeted to the is also safe and healthy. individual's problems.

Myth 7. Myth 10.

Fact: Very often it is - where Fact: Generally there are no side everything else has failed! But the effects of homoeopathic medicine if true reason for this perception is prescribed in potencies of 30CH and because people turn to homoeopathy above. However, some tinctures and so late when everything else has triturates in very low potencies like 1x, failed! After years of allopathic 2x have some side effect of minor treatment often an illness becomes nature.chronic. The treatment will now

There are many more myths that naturally take longer than in case of people carry in their minds. We have using homoeopathy right from the tried to dispel some of the more beginning.common ones.

Homoeopathic doctors are Homoeopathy cannot be quacks who do not have formal used in diabetic in the field of medicine.

The homoeopath gives the same white pills for all types of

One has to follow strict illnesses. How can they be really dietary restrictions while on effective?homoeopathic treatment.

Homoeopathy is only Are there really no side useful in chronic cases. effects of homoeopathic medicines?

Homoeopathy & SchwabeHomoeopathy & SchwabeThe principle similar” or “like can cure like”, which is

that “like can the first and foremost rule of homoeopathy.

cure l i ke” The profession

dates back to & industry

Vedas and largely

Hippocrates. depended for

Hippocrates the raw

is known as materials on

f a t h e r o f B & T (USA),

medicines. Dr. Willmar

S c h w a b e , A German physician Dr. C.F.S Hahnemann Germany and a (1755-1843) thought of a new system of few others. Dr. Willmar Schwabe products medicine - Homoeopathy.including its well-known Cineraria Maritima

Homoeopathy, literally means “treatment Eye Drops, Bio-chemic medicines like

by the same”. It is based on the key Calcarea phosphorica were marketed since

principle that a drug taken in small the end of 19th century. Over hundred years

amounts will cure the same symptoms it of trust and increasing demand helped

causes in large amounts. Hahnemann Schwabe setting up a modern GMP

found that the symptoms that occured compliant factory in India in 1997.

when a drug substance is taken by a Today Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. person, were removed by the minute very is the only multi-national in the field of low doses of the same drug. homoeopathy in India. It brings to India their

The combination of symptoms made up a 140 years of experience in manufacturing

“drug picture” for each substance being of homoeopathic medicines.

tested. New system of medicine, in which Schwabe's emphasis on the Quality and a drug and a disease that produce similar Efficacy of its products has made it one of symptoms cancel each other in some way the leading manufacturers of natural thereby restoring the patient to health. He medicines in the world. described this phenomenon as “similia

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Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd.

Why G.M.P.?

G.M.P. in HomoeopathyWhat is G.M.P.?


follows the stringent WHO & Govt. of India G.M.P. offers guidelines & standards for manufacturing process & premises. It standards of G.M.P. from inception(1997). deta i l s s tandards on loca t ion , Our quality control standards are stricter surrounding, building, plant & equipment,

than the Government guidelines and extend quality control, raw material, procedures,

all the way from the raw material etc. to ensure that the consumer gets high procurement to the packing stage. The quality products as per the prescribed

standards laid by the Govt.medicines produced at the plant are at par

with world's best quality. Each product is

documented and analyzed to ensure total Every consumer is entitled to receive medicines of the Best Quality, thus value for quality. Medicines at the Schwabe factory his/her money. The liability of quality lies are produced in a clean environment, with the manufacturer, who is bound to

observing the highest degree of hygiene keep documented proof for the same.

and sanitation, as per GMP guidelines.

In October 2006 the Government of India In July 1969, WHO (World Health notified G.M.P. rules for all Homoeopathic Organization) at its 22nd Health Assembly m a n u f a c t u r e r s , S c h w a b e w a s

immediately certified as G.M.P. compliant laid the importance of G.M.P. (Good unit. Manufacturing Practices) which has been Any contamination not only reduces the well accepted worldwide and became a efficacy of the product but can even be

common practice in the pharmaceutical

Homoeopathy has a name… SCHWABE

detrimental to its action since in Homoeopathy the therapeutic doses are

Sale of loose medicines or re-packing of very minute. Extreme cleanliness is an homoeopath ic medic ines by the absolute necessity during Homoeopathy d ispensers harm the qua l i ty o f manufacturing. homoeopathic medicines. As per GMP the

Drug potentization is done using the homoeopathic potentized preparations are

Hahnemannian method, which was to be manufactured under pollution-free introduced by Dr. Hahnemann himself atmosphere which should also be free from and followed by Dr. Schwabe from the suspended particles and bacteria. Such a beginning. The whole process is under the situation does not exist on the road-side

dispensing counters. responsibility of qualified experts. A quality Buying a sealed pack medicine the assurance laboratory checks the quality of consumer is assured that he is getting a all the raw materials, packing materials and product of a quality manufactured by the

the finished products. Cutting edge manufacturer at a price which is mentioned

technology is used to assure quality on its product. He is also aware of the name

control. Schwabe India maintains a team of of the drug which he is taking which legally

highly qualified technical staff including he is entitled to know. If the physician and experts in homoeopathy to constantly the consumer are conscious about the guide and advise on the various aspects of quality then they should go for small sealed homoeopathic manufacture and quality bottles.


Sealed Packs

Consumer Protection Aspects

What should consumer do?• Consumer has the right to get high quality medicines

• Consumer has the right to get value for the money spent

• Consumer should insist on the medicines from G.M.P. Certified manufacturers only

Schwabe & G.M.P.Schwabe & G.M.P.

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TMAlpha - Acid

For prompt and effective relief

from hyperacidity & flatulence

Provides relief from acidity and heartburn

Useful in gastric disturbances, burning,

epigastric pain and dyspepsia

TMAlpha - MP

For relief from muscular pain of various origins

Relieves muscular pain, cramps and

rheumatic pains

Reduces general uneasiness,

weariness and weakness




Homoeopathy has a name… SCHWABE

TMAlpha - DPFor prompt and effective relief from digestive problems

Controls belching, flatulence and abdominal discomfortStops nausea/vomiting, dyspepsia and exhaustionUseful in painful and watery diarrhoea and associated weakness

TMAlpha - Tons

For prompt and effective relief from acute & chronic tonsillitis

Provides prompt relief from inflammation of the tonsils and pain.

Relieves shooting pain in the throat and difficulty in swallowing

Relieves stiffness of muscles of throat and neck

TMAlpha - TS

A drug that lowers tension and stress without side effects

Contains internationally acknowledged Passiflora

Normalises physiological functions and reduces anxiety

Controls depression, & has calming effect

TMAlpha - SH

The triple action therapy for total relief from sinusitis

Opens & drains the sinuses

Relieves dull headache over the eyes

Schwabe's Alpha Rangefor day to day problems




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Schwabe's Phytolacca

Berry Tablets + balanced diet and general exercise -

losing weight is easier than you


Available at all leading homoeopathic & allopathic chemists


Worried about

those extra kilos!

Effective in both

Women &


10-20 drops should be taken 3 - 4 times a day. or as

directed by the physician.


Rekindles The Magic of Relationship


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BC O1Anaemia

BC O2Asthma

BC O3Colic

BC O4Constipation

BC O5Coryza

BC O7Diabetes

BC O8Diarrhoea

BC O9Dysentery

BC 10Enlarged Tonsils

BC 11Fever

BC 12Headache

BC 13Leucorrhoea

BC 14Measles

BC 15Menstruation Troubles

BC 16Nervous Exhaustion

BC 18Pyorrhoea

Schwabe’s Biochemics

Calcarea Phosphorica Bone problems.

Teething complaints in infants

Ferrum Phosphoricum Anaemia and acute fever

Kalium Phosphoricum Weakness of muscles

and nerves

Five Phos General Tonic for nerves

Biochemics are made from salts naturally found in the body & an imbalance of these salts results in diseases. Biochemic tables are used to correct these imbalances and cure the diseases.

Schwabe’s Bio-combinations

Teething TroublesSkin DiseasesRheumatism

Magnesium Phosphoricum

Cold with watery dischargeNatrum Muriaticum

Cough & dyspnoea in wet weather

Natrum Sulphuricum

Eczema and skin eruptions

Calcarea Sulphurica

Varicose veins & piles

Calcarea Fluorica

Itchy & scaly skin

Kalium Sulphuricum

Stuffy nose with white thick phlegmKalium Muriaticum

Spasms, cramps, headaches

Natrum Phosphoricum Indigestion and hyperacidity

Silicea Brittle nails, acne & boils

Also Available

New 550 gm.

Jumbo Pack

BC O6Cough, Cold & Catarrh

BC 17Piles

BC 22Scrofula

BC 23Toothache

BC 24Tonic: Nerves & Brain

BC 26Easy Parturiation

BC 27Lack of Vitality

BC 28General Tonic for Nerves

BC 25Acidity, Flatulence & Indigestion

Also Available

New 550 gm.

Jumbo Pack

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1X Tablets for lifestyle problems like stress, low immunity, lack of concentration & skin problems

14 15


No drowsiness

No addiction

Effectively controls tickling in the back of the throat

Checks nausea and vomiting


Syrup based formulation

Relieves -• Irritating coughdry

• Productive cough

• Spasmodic cough

Keep Your Cough Quiet

Stress busterAdaptogenic tonic

Skin detoxifier & blood purifier

Immune booster

Blood circulation in brain(helps in age related forgetfulness)

Nerve healer & nerve pain reliever

Irritating cough, chronic cough

Brain tonic-improves concentration, aids memory

Effectively manages blood sugar level

Syzygium jambolanumNEW

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Schwabe's Alfalfa Tonic is a rejuvenating homoeopathic preparation

that reduces fatigue as well as stress and improves digestion effectively.

®Schwabe's Alfalfa Tonic FOR GENERAL, FOR DIABETICS & FOR KIDS17

1. Niacin

2. Ascorbic acid

3. Folic acid

4. Cyanocobalamine

5. Calcium

6. Iron

7. Phosphorus

8. Magnesium

9. Zinc

Contains: Acidum phosphoricum 2x, Alfalfa Ø, Avena sativa Ø, China Ø, Cinnamomum Ø, Hydrastis can. Ø, Kalium arsenicosum 6x, Nux vomica 2x, Excipients Q.S. , Alcohol content 11.9% v/v


For slow liver functions, fatty liver, toxic (alcohol) liver damage & jaundice

Homoeopathic Liver TonicHomoeopathic Liver Tonic

Safe in alcoholic liver damage

as the alcohol content per dosage is insignificant.


Reduces bilirubin and improves jaundice

Helps maintain functions of the liver and prevents d a m a g e f r o m t h e compounds that are normally highly toxic

Useful in liver disease in children with loss of appetite, general debility with or without prolonged fever

Acts on tender liver

R e l i e v e s n a u s e a , vomiting and pain around the naval

Liver Care

For prompt response in liver disorders


For entire family


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Homoeopathy has a name… SCHWABE

18 19

Pollinosis and prevention & treatment of allergic rhinitis

Kindival TM

Irritability and sleeping disorders

To improve calcium assimilation and resistance







Luffakind TM



Child Care RangeFor common day-to-day ailments in children


children and is indicated for cold associated with cough, shortness of breath

Controls bodyache, headache & associated mild fever

Effectively controls common respiratory problems in


children caused due to psychosomatic factors, weakness and UTI infections

Effectively controls frequency of urination and checks nocturnal enuresis

Clinically established therapy for bedwetting in


immune system, prevents proneness to repeated attacks of illness

Increases resistance against diseases

Activates defence mechanism and stimulates


TussikindFor prompt and effective relief from cough and congestion in children


sneezing, nasal discharge and watery eyes in children

Controls allergic rhinitis, inflammation of the nasal passage and checks sneezing

Effectively relieves irritating symptoms such as


Lowers throbbing pain of teeth and gums

Takes care of associated diarrhoea, colic & flatulence

Ensures trouble-free teething







in children,

Effectively relieves burning pain in the stomach with nausea and vomiting

For prompt and effective relief from digestive problems restores normal appetite


Colic pain

Anekind TM





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Schwabe’s Topi range for common

day-to-day problems

Homoeopathy has a name… SCHWABE

For cuts and wound healing

For arthritis, sciatica and spondylosis


Creams & Gel for problems likepiles, psoriasis, joint pain, burn, infection, acne/pimples

For traumatic injuries like bruises, sprains, muscular pain


For seborrheic conditions, scabies

& mild fungal infections

For acne, pimples, rough skin& Psoriasis


For first degree burns, sunburns & associated complaints

like pain & discolouration

Effectively treats external and internal piles


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Cardiac problemsSkin related problems

®Hepar Sulphuris Pentarkan

Acne & Pimples

Use together

for better results

The clear choice for clear skin

In Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne & Pimples

Acne & Pimples


Gold DropsGold DropsEssentia aurea



Essentia aurea

take care of the


Gold drops


Acts on heart muscle as a heart tonic

Normalises the pulse and reduces blood pressure

Can be safely used along with other cardiac care medicines

Gold drops are being recommended by doctors since over 100 years

onic T Tonic to

The Gold Standard

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HypothyroidismFor worries related to


For effective treatment of thyroid dysfunctions (Hypothyroidism)

Untreated may cause a number of health problems such as:


Heart disease



Dry skin and alopecia

A puffy face and hoarse voice

Unexplained weight gain

Muscular aches, tenderness and


Remedies specially for women

Agnus Castus ®Pentarkan

Magnesium Phosphoricum ®Pentarkan


Klimaktolan Tablets



Ferrum Phosphoricum


Irregular menstrual cycle

Biochemic Tablets


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For very specific problems like asthma, kidney stones, gout, prostate problems, pain in piles etc.

Sabal ®


Prostate Enlargement


Viscum Pentarkan


Mild to moderate forms of


Berberis ®

PentarkanGout and

Kidney Stone

Aesculus Pentarkan


Piles and

Varicose Veins

For bronchial asthma and

allergic bronchitis


Pentarkan Tab.

Schwabe 's range of products for different medical problems

(Blood purifier)

Topi Aesculus External and Internal Piles

®Damiaplant Male Impotency

Syzygium jambolanum 1X Blood sugar

®Grindelia Pentarkan Bronchial asthma & allergic bronchitis

Thyroidinum 3x Hypothyroidism


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Worried about


eyes' health


E y e D r o p s




Eye Drops


Senecio Bicolor D2 Senecio Bicolor D2



All purpose Eye Drops

Help the Eyes to&Relax Rejuvenate

Help the Eyes to &Relax Rejuvenate

Mild injury to the eyes• • Irritation of eyes due to dust pollution etc.

• Eye strain due to prolonged use of computers • Mild conjunctivitis

Caution: This is not a substitute for Schwabe's succus based CMS Eye Drops which is prescribed for serious eye problems like Corneal opacities & Cataract.

Widely used by physicians for Corneal opacities & Cataract.Can be used in serious eye problems in consultation with physician.

TRUSTED for more than

100 years German

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Schwabe's Well Known Imported Product Range(Freely available in India)

Calcarea Phosphorica 6X

For healthy bones and teething problems

TonsiotrenFor acute and chronic inflammation of

the tonsils and of the accessory sinuses of the nose

Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets three times a day, to be dissolved in the mouth. In acute cases every other hour.

For chronic myastheniaof the heart

Essentia aurea

Dosage: 10 to 20 drops three or four times a day in some water.

®BiofunginFor anaemia and exhaustion

Dosage: Adults one tablespoonful, children one teaspoonful half an hour before meals three times a day


For insufficient libido & impotency in men

Dosage: 10 drops, to be taken 3 to 4 times per day.

For the relief of rheumatic disorders,such as redness, stiffness and/or swelling of the joints & pain in muscles and joints


Dosage: 10 drops, to be taken 3-4 times per day, before meals.


For hyperacidity, heartburn, inflammatory gastric complaints,

nervously irritable stomach

Dosage: 10 to 15 drops, to be taken 3 times per day before meals. A suitable diet is recommended to complement this therapy.

Schwabe's Well Known Imported Product Range(Freely available in India)