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School sport:It is all activities that take place outside the program of the subject of Physical Education in schools and in which they participate students in school.These activities can be performed in various places: in the same school, through the various councils or the Sports Clubs.

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The activities takes place in school sports are:

1) Championship of Spain School and Youth.

2) Sports Dynamization Program in Schools.

3) International Championships.

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The main targets are:1.-learning skills and sports skills. 2.-Improvement of physical abilities. 3.-acquisition of healthy habits. 4.-Co-operation and educational competition. 5.-Self-confidence and self esteem. 6.-Fair play and integration. 7.-Repeto others, standards and personal responsibility. 8.-generation sports habits that enable the continued practice of sport at later ages.

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In a local point of view, there are these activities in the school sport:

Athletics. In school athletics of La Solana, this is the sport from its most informative and forming oriented, children of school age. Time and PlaceMonday and Wednesday from 17'00-18'15 hours.Pavilion The Moheda.

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Basketball. (Male team)

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Female team.

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Indoor football. The Sports School has four soccer teams for this season. are:

- Child A, by Pascual Delgado Garcia de la Reina.

- Child B, coached by Raul Almarcha.

- Cadet A, by Jesus Diaz Malaguilla Antonio.

- Cadet B, by Gabriel Moreno Arrones.

They are also more than 80 boys in the years 2003, 2004 and 2005, in the so-called "schools predeportivas" is new to the sport.

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