Download - School Uniforms


Have you already purchased your children's back to school clothes? You might want to wait! There school could have a new dress code!

•All students attending a k-12 Public School District

•Some Faculty

•Uniforms are professional based attire which is required for students to wear throughout the school day.

• Kids would not have to deal with Social Issues that arise from their attire such as...

Kids social standings would be based more on individual characteristics rather than economic status .

Kids who’s parents could not buy them the newest fads would not be embarrassed or harassed because of their clothes.

• Schools will become safer for the students and faculty.

Many gangs use clothing to identify members.

Students also use baggy clothing to hid weapons and drugs that are brought into schools.

• Uniforms make it easy for faculty to identify who is a students and who is not.

• Some Uniforms can be expensive and serve no use outside of school.

• Uniforms make it difficult to stop bullying.

• Students do not learn how to deal with diversity around them and are forced to conform into the “norm”

• Uniforms take away a students right to their individuality. By wearing a uniform the student no longer has a right to freedom of expression and speech.

• Uniforms can also make students uncomfortable during their time spent within the classroom.

• During a case study performed in California were the district adopted Uniforms.

Overall, crime rate dropped 91%

School suspensions dropped by 90%

Sex offenses were reduced by 96%

Incidents of vandalism went down 69%

• Schools in 21 states have some sort of uniform requirements.

65% of Boston’s public schools require a uniform

60% of Miami’s public schools require uniforms

50% of Cincinnati’s public schools require uniforms.

• Currently School Uniforms the School Districts Responsibility.

• The issue for Uniforms is still under much debate with both sides arguing their points.

•While no laws have been passed that demands School Uniforms there is some celebrity support.

•In Bill Clinton’s 1996 State of the Union Address he supported School Uniforms.

“School uniforms are one step that may be able to break this cycle of violence, truancy and disorder…”

Bill Clinton

• While many people are against public school uniforms, the uniforms are starting to gain national support.

• School uniforms create a safe and productive environment for kids within public schools.

• Site ReferencesStarr, Linda. "Can Uniforms Save Our Schools?." Education World 1.1 (1998): 1. Web. 29 Oct 2009. <>.

Chen, Grace. "Public School Uniforms:the Pros and Cons for your child." Public School review 1.1 (2008): 1. Web. 29 Oct 2009. <>.

Swain, Danyelle. "School Uniform Debate and Poll." Youdebate 1.1 (2009): 1. Web. 29 Oct 2009. <>.

"Public School Uniform Statistics." Education Bug 1.1 (2002): 1. Web. 29 Oct 2009. <>.