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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

in English Education Department

Proposed by:

Hafid Muhadi

A 320 090 160




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Demi masa.

Sesungguhya manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam kerugian, kecuali

orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh dan nasehat

menasehati supaya menetapi kesabaran.

(Terjemahan Q.S Al- ‘Asr: 1-3)

Hidup ini seperti skripsi. Dimana terdapat banyak permasalahan dalam

kehidupan, kemudian kita uraikan dengan teori-teori yang terdapat dari

Al Qur’an. Sehinngga, kita dapat mengambil sebuah kesimpulan.


“Hidup adalah perjuangan”

(My Mother)

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With love the research is dedicated to:

The Greatest Ones in the world Allah SWT and his Prophet Muhammad SAW

My beloved Mother and father for their prayer, advice, support, love,

and help

My beloved brother and Sisters

My beloved friends

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin, praised be to Allah S.W.T, The Most

Glorious, The Most Merciful, Lord of the Universe, who gives a million blessings,

miracles and uncountable gifts to the researcher, so he can accomplish his

research paper entitled “Social Criticism of Bob Dylan’s song lyrics: A

Sociological Study of Literature” as the requirement for getting bachelor degree of

education in English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

Peace is upon to Muhammad, the last messenger of Allah, who will be

hero for all his followers in the life after. The reseacher realizes that this research

paper would never been possible without other people’s help, so that the reseacher

would like to express his gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. Harun Joko P, SE, M. Hum, the Dean of the School of Teacher

Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta,

2. Titis Setyabudi, S.S, M. Hum, the Chief of English Department who has

permitted him to conduct this paper,

3. Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S the first consultant who has given a valuable guidance

and suggestion during the completion of this research paper,

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4. Nur Hidayat, S. Pd. the second consultant, for being good consultant and

giving the researcherr suggestion in correcting this research paper,

5. Suziati, S. Pd. the academic adviser who has patiently guided the researcher

from the beginning of the study and makes her understand better what is the

meaning of life,

6. All of the lecturers of English Department, for precious knowledge given to


7. The researcher’s beloved: his father (Bambang Harjanto), his mother

(Sriwahyuni), his brother (Aziz Muhalim), his sister (Afik Nurmastuti ), his

nephew (Azizah Kuzuma Ningrum), Yudi Indarsyah (Yudex), Sepby Widyo

Utomo, Juang Jatmiko, Dhani, Ulung Parlukitama, Ryan Putra P, Hardiono

(Hardy), Mas Aris, and Pakde Warno for their amazing love, endless pray,

tireless support until today, and make him understand that Allah is the highest

aim of life and make his understand how to be a real Moslem.

8. The Big Family of BBH (Bahrudin Boarding House): Bapak Mujab Muslim,

Ibu Banun, Mahdum Basa Agiliha (Potel), Bayu Hidayatullah (Gindung),

Anang Bahrudin (Juned), Amirul Husna (koploh), Basuki Oktogunanto (lek

bas), Nur Chairul Aziz, Bang Latif, Bang Kaffa, and Pak KUMIS to helped

and support me in everyday.

9. The Big Family of Agung Gomes Mojosongo: grandfather (mbah Supomo),

the parent’s Agung (gomes), his brother (mas putera), Muhammad Agung

(Gomes), Om Bagong and his wife, Fachrudin (udin), Rizky (Ambon), and

Bejo to help and support me until finished this work.

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10. The reseacher guide: Mr. Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S, Mr. Nur Hidayat, S. Pd,

Muhammad Arifin (Mas Ipin), Amirul Husna (koploh), Muhammmad Agung

(Gomes), and Yogi Daniar Setyawan (Gie).

11. The researcher’s sweetest Gelas Plastic: Lek Sur (Surya), Koploh (Amirul),

Brengos (Wisnu), Dina Maulida for everything happiness and togetherness.

12. The researcher’s friends acoustic ‘S.H.A.Pe Yesterday’: Gie (Yogi Daniar

Setyawan), Joe” (Ardiansah Fery), “Dhildul” (Faradhila Ratna sari), “Dith” (

Adityas Surya), “Mul” (Ade Inmay)

13. His special friends in “Argoes kost”: Pak Gun, Ibu Gun, Farub, mas Aix, Mas

Tigor, lek Fuad, Rivano (cepo), Joko sutrisno, Titis, Ardin, Beta, Vega,

Galang, Zainudin, Mando, Zainul, Pak men, Dedy, Indra Otonk, Rosid, Bejo,

Bonyok, Ebleh, Fajar, Wisnu, Bowo, Amat, and all that cannot mentioned one

by one, their advices and supports.

14. His special friends in “Kontrakan”: “Njamuk” (Taufik W S), Eko (wonogiri),

“Iib” (Nasib Wahyu),“Igir” (Drilandoyo), “Dith” ( Adityas Surya), “Babe”

(Farizky) , Yogi (Gie), Ade (me2), Fery (juju), Hanggara Putra, Alif

“Genthong”, Erick (ciprit)“for happiness and support.

15. His special friends in “Campus”: Mr. Richardson, Danang (Tuyul), Wisnu

(brengos), Dhika & Daniel (kleco), Frita & Ucup, Dyah (Wonogiri), Ratih

(cungkring), Yoga Purn, Burhan, Indra (Jenawi), Ikhwan (kliwon), Gea

(vidigreen), mbah Met, Santi (lewung 13), Ahlam , Dani (Arab), Zuhriyanti,

Chika, Lisna, Fanun, Sifafuadina, Amelia khalifah, Dyah (Lexnow), Nuri S,

Octria, (SLPD Friends: Ayux, Denis, Citra, Metrika, Olive), (Genk Gonk:

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Solihatun Nisa, Risky Hapsari, Novi, Meylani, Riska,), Farid “Adjah”, Fista,

Dino, Novi (Jepang), Tri (ndengkeng), Candra , Ari (Komeng), Toni, Bagus,

Rhisma, Frada & Dyan, Galih, “for happines and support.

16. His special friends in “The Mr. Thoyibi consults community”: Yogi, Isna,

Silvie, Ratih, Impian, Ika, Meylanie, Novi, mbak Nur and all of Mr. Thoyibi

consult’s members, whose reseacher cannot mentioned to one by one, thank

for supported to reseacher.

17. The Big Family of “Gendis Teather”: Miss Suziati, S.pd, Mbah fakih, pakde

Viant, Amirul, Anang, Aan, Dwex, Ryan (pece), Ashar (bendrat), Pradiyan,

Niken, Desi antri, mbak Tut, Ayuk, Azizah, Relis, Nisa Aqmarina, Kiki, Acic

(Asri), Tina, Frita, Nana, Amel, Ery , Sabrina, Stikom , Solihatun, Pika,

Chandra (ndut), Dita, dek Wahyu, dek Melty and '09 English Department, for

unforgettable togetherness and unique friendship.

18. All of the people, who cannot be mentioned one by one, thanks for


Deep down on the researcher’s heart, the researcher realizes that this

research paper is still far from being perfect, so all suggestions and criticisms for

improving this research are accepted widely and happily. Hopefully, this research

paper will be useful for the readers and prospective researchers.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Surakarta, 8 February 2014

Hafid Muhadi

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TITLE .................................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL ........................................................................................................ ii

ACCEPTANCE ................................................................................................... iii

TESTIMONY ...................................................................................................... iv

MOTTO ............................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... xi

SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

A. Background of The Study .................................................... 1

B. Literature review .................................................................. 6

C. Problem Statement ............................................................... 8

D. Limitation of Study ......................................................... … 8

E. Objective of the Study ................................................... .......9

F. Benefit of the Study ........................................................ …...9

G. Reseacrh Method.................................................................. 10

H. Research Paper Organization ............................................... 13

CHAPTER II UNDERLYING THEORY ................................................. 14

A. Sociology of Literature ........................................................ 14

1. Notion of Sociology of Literature ................................. 15

2. Major Principles of Sociology of Literature ................. 16

B. Theory of Social Criticism .................................................. 18

C. The Elements in the Poems ................................................. 19

1. Speaker ........................................................................ 20

2. Spoken to ................................................................. .....20

3. Figurative Language …………………… ............... ….20

4. Rhythm, meter, and rhyme ....................................... .....23

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5. Imagery ………………………………….....................27

6. Symbols .................................................................... …28

7. Theme……………………………………… ………...28

D. Theoretical Application .................................................... …29



A. Social Aspect …………………………………....................31

1. Social Structure ………………………………………31

a. Working Class………………………………....31

b. Middle Class………………………………......32

2. Social Status…………………………………………..33

3. Family………………………………………………....33

4. Race……………………………………………………33

5. Gender Roles………………………………………….34

6. Horizontal Conflict……………………………………34

7. Emigration……………………………………………..35

B. Economic Aspects ............................................................ …36

C. Political Aspects ............................................................... …37

D. Religion Aspects .............................................................. …38

E. Cultural Aspects ............................................................... ....39

F. Science and Technology Aspects ..................................... …41

CHAPTER IV STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS .............................................. …43

A. Structural Elements ........................................................ …43

1. Speaker ...................................................................... …43

2. Spoken To ................................................................. …53

3. Figurative Language ................................................. …60

4. Metrical Rhythm and Meter ...................................... …69

5. Rhyme…………………………………………………71

6. Imagery .................................................................... …78

7. Symbols ................................................................…......82

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8. Theme and Subject matter ........................................ …83

B. Discussion ....................................................................... ….95

CHAPTER V SOCIOLOGY ANALYSIS ................................................ …98

A. Sociological Aspect

1. Social Aspect ............................................................... …99

2. Economic Aspects ......................................... ………….102

3. Political Aspects ........................................................ ….103

4. Science and Technology Aspects ............................... …104

5. Cultural Aspects ......................................................... …105

6. Religious Aspects ....................................................... …106

B. Discussion ....................................................................... …106

CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................. …109

A. Conclusion ...................................................................... …109

B. Suggestion ....................................................................... …110

C. Pedagogical implication .................................................. …111




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Hafid Muhadi. A 320 090 160. SOCIAL CRITICISM OF BOB DYLAN’S


Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Research Paper 2014.

This research paper aimed to show visible image of Bob Dylan’s song

lyrics which analyzed by using sociology of literature. The objective of the

research are to analyzing the sonnet based on the structural element and to

analyzed the lyrics based on sociology of literature by indentifying from

relationship between social historical background of United States in The Middle

of Twentieth Century.

This research paper belongs to qualitative research. Data of the research is

the text from and it has taken based on the theme, thereabout consisting 15 song’s

a thematically. The primary data of the research is the Bob Dylan’s song lyrics

from the website with address and secondary data of the

research are biography of the author that written by Jeremy Robert entitled “Bob

Voice of a Generation”, websites, and other source about the lyrics, the social

background of American society that support the analysis. The method to analyze

of this data is descriptive analysis.

The researcher comes to the conclusion as follows. Firstly, based on the

structural analysis, it shows that social criticism of Bob Dylan theme on his lyrics.

Correlating by theme, Dylan describes the social criticism actually. Secondly,

based on the sociology analysis the author wants to show a social criticism toward

social condition of American society which showed from the characterization on

the lyrics.

Keywords: Songs, Social Criticism and Sociology of Literature.

Consultant I Consultant II

Dr. M. Thoyibi, M. S

NIK. 410

Nur Hidayat. S.Pd

NIK. 850


Prof. Dr. Harun Joko P, SE, M. Hum

N I K. 132049998

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