Download - “School leaders must never forget: nothing is more important than your people” Monday 19 th August Rachael Edgar.

Page 1: “School leaders must never forget: nothing is more important than your people” Monday 19 th August Rachael Edgar.



“School leaders must never forget: nothing

is more important than your people”

Monday 19th AugustRachael Edgar

Page 2: “School leaders must never forget: nothing is more important than your people” Monday 19 th August Rachael Edgar.

This much I know about growing ‘Great Teachers’….Task: (10 MINS)• What is the desired outcome? i.e what do

you want Teaching and Learning to look like in your team?

• What separates ‘Great Teachers’ from the rest?

• How do you know how good your teachers are?

• How do we grow ‘Great Teachers’?TIMER

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Page 5: “School leaders must never forget: nothing is more important than your people” Monday 19 th August Rachael Edgar.

2. Self Reflection

Page 6: “School leaders must never forget: nothing is more important than your people” Monday 19 th August Rachael Edgar.

3. Deliberate Practice

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Task: Team CPD- what activities could you do in your teams to enhance T&L?

Collaborative planning on S.O.W Dept/Yr group focused CPD workshops Peer coaching/ mentoring Planning for Classroom based research activity related to T&L Hub

meetings (Digital learning/ Stretch and challenge/ Enquiry based learning/ Literacy/ Student Leadership)

Preparing for delivering CPD workshop- reading and learning from existing research/ Blog posts

Planning for Teach Meet (SPARK) Writing post for T&L Blog Deliberate Practice role play Mini ‘Teach Meet’

Shared understanding of ‘Great Learning’ in your subject

Review of Curriculum changes in your subject

Development of resources relating to APP/Success criteria

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Dept/ Year group CPD Expectations:

1. Please check the Monday meeting schedule where you will find the dates for ‘Dept/ Year Group focused CPD 2013-2014’.

2. It is the expectation that this time will be used for activities that will promote and support Teaching and Learning within your subject. It is not a time for Department meetings or admin related activities.

3. In advance of Dept/ Year Group CPD (By the Thursday before the Monday Meeting time) Middle Leaders are to fill out the attached proforma and send to Rachael Edgar electronically. It would also be helpful if you could send any accompanying materials, as these can be shared if relevant to other staff and will be placed on the T&L Blog.

4. If you are stuck for ideas or would like support or advice with the planning of CPD please see Rachael Edgar in advance of the session.

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CPD opportunities- 2013-2014‘Share, Learn, Inspire’• Continuous self-reflection and improvement- research engaged activity,

individually or in collaboration with others.

• Using social media for PD.

• Contribution to SRS Teaching & Learning Blog.

• Teaching and Learning Hub Meetings (half termly)

• School based and external INSET (BSME, WWDubai)

• SPARK Teach Meet events. (October, March)

• Collaboration and visits to other schools. (DTLP)

• Peer observations within and between Departments/ Year groups.

• Coaching WOW week(s) activities.

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•Based on the UK concept of the ‘Teach Meet’

•3 hrs of free CPD by teachers for teachers!

•2 and 7 min presentations

•Teachers share good practice, practical innovations and personal insights into teaching.

•SRS is hosting the 3rd SPARK event on Saturday 26th October 2013

•Further event planned for March 2014 at Dubai’s World Trade Centre (GEF)

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Why Teach Meets Rock

S.P.A.R.K June 1st Write up (Louise Prior)

The sign up link for #SPARKuae will be appearing shortly. For more info about TeachMeets read the following Blog Posts:

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Driving Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century

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Teaching & Learning 1999

Teaching & Learning 2013

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Using Social media to enhance PDTwitter

“Teaching without Twitter is like walking around with your eyes closed” (unknown)

“It’s time to realise that teachers who leverage social media for learning are at a greater advantage than those who don’t” (@gcouros)

“Teaching without Twitter is like playing tennis with a golf club” (@joe_kirby)

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• Best tool for teacher’s CPD- Changing Professional Development as we know it

• Personalised professional learning at our fingertips, CPD no longer bound by travel costs, cover costs etc etc

• GREAT resources GREAT ideas GREAT advice

• Twitter is simply the best staff room in the world. Supportive, innovative, inspirational, selfless & always plenty of help & learning CPD

• International community of engaged and enthusiastic teachers sharing their best ideas.

• Free and available to all

• A great way to share great news about SRS too!

• #ukedchat #SLTchat #pedagoo #planningpanic

# Battt #Bastt

• #SLTdropbox

Why create a PLN?

Well worth a read by Joe Kirby:

How might social media help teachers improve education?

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From the Sandpit…Why Blog?

From the Sandpit....

Username: [email protected]

Password: socrates321

Well worth a read by Joey Bagstock:

What Blogging has done for teacher CPD?

• From the Sandpit is the T&L Blog for SRS• All teams expected to make a contribution

through ‘Tweak of the Week’ (at most twice per academic year)

• See the ‘Tweak of the Week’ rota in your handbook

• You will find detailed guidance to using Wordpress as a Blogging platform in the Leadership Handbook

“Blogging and Twitter have forced a seismic change in the way in which schools deliver INSET. The ability for professionals to challenge received wisdom, to get to the source of what they are told and interpret the Word for themselves has signalled the death knell for the day-long INSET day, and the being spoken at approach that was once the norm.”

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Personalised CPD pathways

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Continuous Improvement Process

Page 19: “School leaders must never forget: nothing is more important than your people” Monday 19 th August Rachael Edgar.

RESI- reciprocal evaluation & self improvement

Task: Discuss and write down your answers on the sugar paper (30 mins)

Learning Walks

•Carried out by whom?

•When?How often?

•Focus?Who chooses?


