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Page 1: School In The U.S.A

School in the U.S.A

Page 2: School In The U.S.A

Elementary school

junior high school

high schoolAge: Age: Age:

From six to twelve.

. From twelve to fifteen. From fifteen to


Every child in the U.S.A must go to school from the age of six to sixteen.

Between those ages , they attend three different schools :

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The school day usually begins at

And ends at ..

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There is homework every evening .

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The general subjects that studied are : teacher Nada Al – bassam teach us English . and one foreign language ( often Spanish )

teacher eyesha al-shhri teach us Math.

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The general subjects that studied are : teacher Monerah Al –

sebaiey teach us History .

teacher sultanah teach us Geography


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The general subjects that studied are : teacher Mona al-suylem teach us Baology.

Unfortunately, the P.E course is not given to girl’s

students in K.S.A .

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In general , students don’t take exams when they leave school .

Instead , they collect credits for every course which they attend.

They do this until they have enough credits to graduate .

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A student may need 120 credits to graduate .If he takes an English course, he will get 10 credits . If he takes three English courses . He will get 30 credits . So he will need more credits to graduate , and so on. When a student collects all his credits . He can graduate with a high school diploma . About 50 percent of American students go on to

university .

The credits system that followed in high school in U.S.A is same that followed in university in the K.S.A

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All wishes for us to graute

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What kinds of schools do children attend in the U.S.A!?

Elementary school junior high school high school

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Do American children take exams when they leave

School!? No , they don’t.

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How many credits do syudents in America need to

Graduate !? They need 120 credits .

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Which school do children go to from 12 to 15!?

They go to junior high school.

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what subjects do children take in USA?

Math , English , history ,geography , the science and P.E.

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Eilaf A. Al-shammeri