Download - Schedule 6 Final

  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final



  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final


    Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956, prescribes theformat of financial statements and disclosure

    requirements for corporate entities in India.

    As per notification dated 28th March, 2011 by Ministry

    of Corporate Affairs the Revised Schedule VI is

    applicable to balance sheet & profit & loss account to be

    prepared for the financial year commencing on or from

    01st April 2011.


  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final


    One of the Main aim of revising schedule VI was to attaincompatibility and convergence with IFRS in India.

    In may 2008, MCA issued a press release in which it has

    committed to convergence with IFRS by April 1, 2011

    At the G20 summit on financial Market and World

    Economy, then Finance Minister also committed to have

    convergence with IFRS in India

    Other main object of revising schedule VI was to

    eliminate numerous statistical and disclosure

    requirements which are not relevant from an investor


  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final


    The revised schedule VI intends to familiarize companies with IFRS by using

    certain concepts such as current/non-current classification.

    The Revised Schedule VI has eliminated the concept of schedules and such

    information will now be provided in the notes to accounts. This is as done whenapplying IFRS.

    From now on, the compliance requirements of Act and/or Accounting standards

    will prevail over schedule VI.

    Better presentation, disclosure is intended to facilitate better organised data for

    users of financial statement.

  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final


    To commence exercise of validating previous year numbers in revised

    schedule VI format .

    Changes need to be made in MIS / IT systems to collate information of

    current /non current portions of assets and liabilities .

    Break-up of employee benefit liabilities in current and non current to

    be obtained from independent actuary .

    Review loan agreement to avoid becoming current liability in case of

    non compliance of minor clauses.

    Additional time and efforts for the companies and auditors to

    understand and implement changes.

  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final


    Particulars Note No. Figures for thecurrent reportingperiodRevenue from Operations

    Other Income

    Total Revenue ( I + II)


    Cost of Material ConsumedPurchases of Stock in TradeChanges in inventories of finished goodsWork in progress and stock in tradeEmployee Benefit expenseFinance CostsDepreciation and amortization expenseOther expenses

    Profit Before Exceptional and extraordinaryitems and tax

    Exceptional Items

  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final


    Particulars NoteNo. Figures for thecurrent reportingperiodProfit Before extraordinary items and tax

    Extraordinary Items

    Profit Before Tax

    Tax ExpenseCurrent TaxDeferred Tax

    Profit (loss) for the period from continuingoperations

    Profit (loss) from discontinuing operations

    Tax expense of discontinuing operations

    Profit(loss) from discontinuing operations(after tax)

    Profit (loss) for the period

    Earnings per equity share


  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final


    Nature of the company Disclosure requiredManufacturing company Raw materials under broad heads

    and goods purchased under thebroad head .

    Trading company Purchases of goods under the

    broad heads.

    Companies rendering or supplyingservices

    Gross income derived fromservices rendered under the broadhead .

    Company that falling in more than


    It will be sufficient compliance with

    the requirements ,if purchases,sales and consumption of rawmaterial and the gross incomederived from services renderedunder the broad head .

  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final


    Balance sheet

  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final


    Balance sheet

  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final


  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final


    Annual report of TechMahindra Ltd.

    Catching up with global trends an article inEconomic Times dated 16th February, 2012
  • 8/2/2019 Schedule 6 Final
