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New York City Studio Buildings- Casting Agency

Stage ManagerNext please… Name?

JesseJesse Michaels

Stage Manager (looking for his name on the list)I don’t see your name on here…did your agent contact us and set up an audition


JesseOh no, I don’t have an agent

Stage ManagerAlright well just give me your equity card and ill register you on the list

JesseMy equity card?

Stage ManagerLet me guess, you aren’t an equity member. Sorry kid, this is an equity only audition, come back next time when its an open call, and make sure you check first before you

come all the way here to audition.

JesseCan I just audition?

Stage ManagerNope, rules are rules, and I don’t break em.

JessePlease ill do anything. Ill sweep your floors and clean up after, ill buy you coffee, ill

be your assistant, Ill do anything please! Ill-

Stage ManagerI get it!!! Look im sorry but I cant do it, Im not loosing my job over one starving


JesseBut I want this so bad.

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Stage ManagerLook just come back in a week and ill try and get you in. But no promises

Jesse (he begins to walk away)Oh. Well, alright then.

Stage Manager(To herself) Ugh I’m gonna regret this, Hey wait up!


Stage ManagerYes you, come over here

JesseDid I do something wrong? I promise im leaving I was just getting my things

Stage Manager124

JesseIm sorry?

Stage ManagerYour number in line. 124. Just give your resume and headshot to the lady that calls

your name.

JesseThank y-

Stage ManagerAnd if anyone asks, I wasn’t the one who put you on the list got it?

JesseThank you so much! Thank you thank you!

Stage ManagerYeah yeah, someone’s gotta give you a chance right?

JesseRight! Thanks again.

(He grabs his stuff and walks over to sit down)

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FitzSo which one of these is your girl?

JesseMy what?


JesseWell you sure are confident huh?

FitzEh, what can I say, God blessed me with the voice of angel, might as well sing it loud

and proud

JesseI see that…

FitzIm Fitz by the way. Fitz Matthews.

JesseAs in-

FitzYes. as in Jacob Matthews’s son, as in Jacob Matthews, the stock exchange


JesseShould you be like changing the world right now or something?

FitzPsh, That’s what I came hear to do, Changing the business of Broadway with my

incredible talent. Its what I do.

JesseAh, that’s great. Well I’m Jesse Michaels. And no my father is not a millionaire.

(They laugh)

FitzWell lets see it.

JesseSee what?

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FitzYour resume and headshot! I’m a pretty good judge, don’t worry.

JesseWell alright, but its not the best (He goes to pull it out)

FitzIm sure its not that ba- (He sees it) Oh dear god. Where did you get this?

JesseWhat I thought it was a good one!

FitzWell… that’s… cute….

JesseWell Its all that i- (Fitz begins to rip it up) What are you doing?! That’s the only

picture I have!

FitzI’m doing you a favor. You’re better off with no headshot than this one.

JesseWell great now I have no headshot, and no chance.

FitzJust have confidence! Cmon haven’t you been to an audition before?

JesseWell I did back in my hometown, we have this awesome little community theater.

FitzNo I mean like, in New york city? A big new york city audition?


Fitz(to himself) well this will be fun. Look it’s a tough business here , It took me two

years just to get into an ensemble part in wicked.

JesseWicked?! And you left for , this?!

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FitzOh no I didn’t leave, They ended my contract. Said I “Standed out too much”, Like im

sorry that im too talented for an ensemble but its not my fault. Am I right?


FitzDon’t answer that. You just need learn man. It’s a dog eat dog world here in the

theater district. And not only do you have to watch your back for the starving actors and actresses of good ole NYC, but the people behind the table.. are vicious.

PerformerVicious? Try Cut Throat.


FitzSee look this will be fun!


AssistantJesse Michaels!

(Jesse sits there nervous)

FitzJesse… that’s you?

JesseWhat’s me?

AssistantJesse Michaels

FitzIts your turn to audition!

JesseOh right (He gets up but walks the wrong way)

FitzOther way, other way

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JesseRight. Got it!

(They flash thumbs up at each other)

FitzThis is will be interesting

(The set changes to inside the audition room)


JesseJe…Jesse Michaels

ProducerAlright Jesse, what will you be singing?

JesseAn original, Its called This is It.

ProducerInteresting, alright well lets go for it

JesseAlright (clearly nervous)

(Sings 4 or 5 bars of this is it)

ProducerAlright Jesse, thanks for coming in today

JesseWhat? You didn’t let me finish

ProducerWe’ve seen enough, we will contact you


ProducerThanks again for coming in

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(Jesse goes to get his sheet music and over hears the producers talking)

Producer Did you see his resume? Hazelhurst community theater

DirectorWhat a joke

ProducerAnd that song, what did he write it when he was 10?

(They laugh)

Jesse(Angry) Thanks again.

(He leaves the room and we go back to outside of the audition room)

FitzHey man how did it go!

JesseGreat, Fitz. It went great (Very angry)

FitzReally cause… It doesn’t exactly.. sound like it did (sarcastic)

JesseJust leave me alone (He walks off)

FitzWhoa wait up

(Jesse walks D.R and runs into Brooke, Literally runs into her, and they both drop their sheet music)

BrookeOh my gosh I’m so sorry

JesseYeah its fine. (Still angry and upset but caught off guard at how beautiful she is and

she is the same way)

BrookeI…I better get going

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JesseYeah… me too, um thanks again?

Brooke(Saying her name)Brooke

Jesse (Saying his name) Jesse

(They share another moment again and don’t stop staring at each other)

BrookeWell I better go, bye.

(She walks off)

Fitz Hey wasn’t that Brooke Harper? Dude I so call dibs.

JesseAlright whatever Fitz, you can have her, and I’ll stick with my unemployment (Back

to angry)

FitzLook, it was one bad audition, there are plenty more

JesseI overheard them talking about me Fitz! They hated me.

FitzIt was your first time! Look come over to my place tonight, I’m having a little get

together, and we can just talk it over. You’ll be back on your feet in no time.

JesseYeah I’m sure of all people, YOU can help me

FitzUm excuse me, Don’t doubt the master.

JesseYeah whatever (He walks offstage)

FitzSee you tonight! Ill text you my address! (Sees cute girls walk by) Well Hello. (He

follows them off stage)

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(Stage left, Fitz’s apartment)Jesse

So how do you know that Brooke girl?

FitzDude are you interested in her cause I totally called Dibs back there and that’s like

bro code

JesseI’m pretty sure I saw her first, but forget it I was just wondering.

FitzYeah we did a national tour of The Producers together. I mean we weren’t exactly

friends, she was probably just too intimidated by my talent.

JesseOr was it the other way around? Cause last time I checked she was staring back at

me at that audition yesterday- not you…

(Stage right, Outdoor café with Brooke and Rose)

RoseHow did your audition go yesterday?

BrookeThe usual, they liked me, they didn’t love me, Ensemble role yet again.

RoseWell are you gonna take it?

BrookeRose I’m not like you, I don’t just waltz in to an audition and land a supporting lead, I

gotta make a living some how

RoseOkay one, I didn’t just waltz in, I worked for it and two, you can too! You’ve got more

talent then me! Just hold off on the offer, I heard Stacey woods is directing a new musical headed for Broadway.

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BrookeOh yeah? What’s it about?

RoseNo clue but my agent says its some classic love story kinda thing.

(Back stage right)

FitzHey man, want to go with me to this audition for a new musical? I mean you can just

come to cheer me on considering they are probably gonna just hand me the part-

JesseOh just like they handed you the part yesterday?

FitzSeriously why are we friends? (They both laugh) Just kidding, but seriously we

should both go. Its time you pick yourself off your feet after what happened yesterday. So what, you had a bad audition, we all do. Some (pointing to jesse) more than others (pointing to himself), but it could be great, for both of us. And you never

know, maybe you’ll run into your little girlfriend.

JesseI met her once fitz, and I didn’t even have a real conversation with her. But, she was

so beautiful, I mean I don’t know its corny but its like everything else around me stopped and it was just me and her

FitzPlease stop before I throw up.

JesseNo seriously I mean it!

FitzLook if you believe in all this love at first sight stuff whatever, but not me.

(Back stage right)

BrookeSo I met a guy yesterday

RoseWait what? Tell me tell me tell me!

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BrookeIt was really nothing, we just ran into each other when I was going in for the

audition and he was going out. I guess his didn’t go so well cause he was storming out throwing his music everywhere.

RoseOh great another one with anger issues, definitely a step up from Chris

BrookeSeriously just stop! Im happy with chris. We.Are.Happy.

RoseBrooke I see you two hang out, if that’s happy, I must be freaking exploding with joy

all day. You can do so much better. I mean the guy doesn’t sound like a total jerk.

BrookeI didn’t say I wanted to marry him! I just ran into him, I don’t even know his last

name, All I got was, Jesse.

RoseWell is he cute?

BrookeWell… yes (The two laugh) But I don’t know-

JesseIt was like it was some

BrookeSort of



RoseDrinks for our two leading stars, and one for you fitz

FitzLook I mean, Im glad you got it Jesse, Its not like I can just go around and get EVERY

SINGLE leading part in a broadway musical

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JesseOh right! And how many tony’s have you won for all the roles?

Fitz(Counting on his hands) Oh well that would be..1…2…Yeah None.

BartenderThat will be 10.50

RoseOh sure

FitzWoah, Woah, Woah, Ill pay for the lady

RoseAw that’s cute, How much exactly do you make from doing all those broadway

shows? Oh wait, that’s right, you’ve been in 2. I think I can handle it. (Walks off)

Fitz(To Jesse) Someday man, someday she will see how awesomely charming and good

looking I am

JesseBy that time shell probably be too old that she wont even be able TO see. (Walks off)

FitzIs it hurt fitz’s feelings day or something cause I really didn’t get the memo

(Chris Enters)

ChrisHey Babe, just got off of my show sorry im so late

BrookeChris! I got the lead role in the new Stacey Woods musical!

ChrisAw I remember my first leading role (Brooke and Chris’s conversation fades away as

they walk off to the other side of the bar)

Rose(To Jesse) Not even a freaking congratulations, Why Brooke stays with him I’ll never


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JesseWhat’s that all about anyway? It doesn’t even seem like she’s happy

RoseIt’s a long story

FitzA LONG story

RoseWell I guess it all began when Brooke came to NYC in the first place. She didn’t even tell her parents because they didn’t want her to be a performer. She came here with like 10 dollars in her pocket, and auditioned for everything she could find until one

day she gave up.

FitzShe practically hit rock bottom


FitzI mean its true, She found the bar that Chris was performing at that night when he

was a lead in Rock of Ages and watched his shows. She’d talk and flirt with him after every performance until one day he finally asked her on a date.

RoseExcept- well, she wasn’t doing it cause she liked him. He was a total jerk to her and

everyone for that matter. One of the guys obsessed with the limelight. She did it because 3 weeks from then she had a rock of ages audition. Chris and her dated, and she used him. 3 weeks later she magically was given a featured ensemble role in the


FitzAnd we all know why.

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RoseLets just say Chris played a little part in the casting process. Brooke thought then

she could just dump him after she started getting more and more ensemble roles in shows year after year but Chris always holds it against her. He says he saved her,

started her career and everything. And now she’s just stuck with him.

FitzThey fight practically every time they are together

BrookeChris I did this on my own with none of your help, im sick and tired of this.

RoseAnd cue the fight

ChrisYou wouldn’t be who you are today if it weren’t for me. I made you.

BrookeNo I made myself. Just because I made one little mistake doesn’t mean youre some

saint or whatever

ChrisOne little mistake? And what mistake is that?

BrookeDating a pig like you.

(Chris lifts his hand to slap her but Rose steps in)

RoseI think its time you go

FitzYeah you need to go

(Chris bucks at Fitz and he flinches like a baby)

RoseFitz, if you could let me handle this that would be great. Chris get out of here please.

(Chris leaves)

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Rose(To Brooke) You okay?

BrookeYeah… I’m gonna… I’m gonna go home thanks guys

(Brookes walks out)

JesseBrooke wait up! (He follows her outside)

JesseBrooke wait up, look I’m sorry about what happened in there

BrookeI don’t need your pity Jesse, I don’t need anyone elses either. Please just leave me


JesseLook can I at least walk you home? Its late.

BrookeFine. But if this is some trick to get me to get me into-

JesseIts not Jeez, look I just thought you needed a friend.


JesseSo….Are you excited about the show?


(Awkward silence)

JesseLook I can go if you want me too, I Just thought you needed someone to talk to (He

begins to walk off)

BrookeNo, not its fine. Sorry I’m just not really in the mood

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JesseI figured why do you even stay with him?

BrookeIts none of your business

JesseWell Rose already told me the story so I mean what do you have to loose?

BrookeWow does anything stay private anymore?

JesseI mean get ready cause your gonna be a star soon (overdramatic) With all the paparazzi snapping your picture, over here over here! (Acting out paparazzi)

Brooke(Laughing) Stop sSop! That’s the last thing I want haha

JesseI mean that’s what we signed up for isn’t it? Hey ill take the stardom over living at

home lonely any day

BrookeSo that’s your story?

JesseMy what?

BrookeYour story. Everyone on Broadway has a story. And yours apparently is being a

lonely man in a lonely house all alone.

JesseHey I mean its not as bad as it sounds! (Laughing)

BrookeAnd your parents? What did they abandon you? Wouldn’t that be a great story


JesseActually its half true. My mom died and my dad left when I was young.

BrookeOh… Jesse im sorry I really didn’t mea-

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JesseNo its fine. You’ve got your baggage, I’ve got mine.

BrookeWell that’s not the best excuse for escaping your problems

JesseLook I’m not escaping my problems, I’m following my dreams. Its what my mom

always wanted me to do.

BrookeWow that’s great. Well at least your parents supported you. Well I mean your mom.

JesseOh your parents don’t?

BrookeNope. Its always been Brooke the doctor, Brooke the lawyer. But no, follow your

dreams in my house, and you become Brooke the homeless.

JesseThey kicked you out?

BrookeWell not exactly, I left before they had the chance too. And now I’m here, being a


JesseOh so you’re a rebel? Isnt that a great story(Mocking Brooke)

Brooke(Laughing) Hey I don’t sound like that, Im more laid back, you know, like a rebel is.

Jesse(Laughing) Oh you’ve got that rebel stuff down pat. Id believe it.

BrookeWell this is my stop. Hey thanks for walking me home, I’m glad you walked me


JesseIm glad I did too. Hey, I know your with Chris and everything, but would you ever

want to go out to dinner sometime soon?

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BrookeI um… I have to go im sorry. Um… Bye.

JesseWait, do you want to just get coffee or?

BrookeI…Maybe another time, sorry I really have to go, early morning audition tomorrow


(She runs in and slams the door)


We open during a rehearsal

StaceyAlright good work for the day everyone, lets pick it up tomorrow with the same amount of energy we had today. Hey Rose, come over here I need your help on


(Rose goes over to help Stacey with something as everyone gets ready to leave)

BrookeHey Jesse! I-

JesseWait before you say anything I just wanted to say, I’m sorry about the other night, it

was totally out of line.

BrookeNo its-

JesseNo really Im sorry, I should’ve known better,

BrookeYeah I-

JesseAnd if you don’t want to talk to me again its-

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BrookeJesse! Do you ever shut up? (They laugh) I was going to say… if the offer still stands,

id love to go get coffee with you tonight, I mean if your free.

JesseSeriously? I mean, of course let me just let Fitz know ill be home later

(Walks over to Fitz who is trying to flirt with Rose)

JesseHey im gonna be home a little later tonight, Me and Brooke are going out for coffee.

FitzOh someones got a little date huh? Yeah that’s great ill just sit at home alone, I mean unless SOMEONE(trying to get rose to overhear) would care to come hang out with me and provide some great company…. Someone in this very room…. With a name

that rhymes with-

RoseAlright! What the heck….ill hang out with you Fitz (She grabs her stuff and starts to


FitzOh my gosh. This is the greatest day of my life. (Starts shouting) Today is the day!

Today is the day I have conquered-

RoseYeah lets go lover boy I’m hungry.

(Fitz runs off after her while Jesse returns to Brooke laughing)

JesseAlright everythings good to go, Fitz is going to hangout with Rose so no worries


BrookeWow I thought the day would never come that shed say yes (Laughing)

JesseI mean I could say the same about you (trying to flirt)

BrookeWell I mean, you have to win me over first, you cant just walk me home one day and

think you can just go out and kiss-

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JesseI really am sorry Brooke!

Brooke(Laughing) I’m kidding!

JesseSeriously not funny at all (laughing)

(They walk offstage. as the set transitions we have a small scene between Rose and Fitz before Brooke and Jesse enter again)

Fitz(Entering mid convo) I mean I knew someday you’d say yes but I just figured id have

to work a little more

RoseOh so your saying I’m easy

FitzNo I meant like-

RoseOh no I get it im just some girl to you, that’s cool. You can pay for my dinner to make

up for that one. (She walks ahead of him)

FitzEvery time. Every single time. Hey wait up!

(They walk off as Jesse and Brooke walk on)

BrookeSo where are we off too?

JesseHmm… it’s a surprise

BrookeOooh a surprise, how romantic.

JesseWell you know, I am quite the romancer, its in the genes.

BrookeOh is it now?

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JesseI mean I practically swept you off your feet

BrookeYeah (laughing) Lets… go with that.

JesseAlright almost there, close your eyes. (Walks to the dock) And open!

BrookeThe pier?

JesseYou’ve been here before?

BrookeEveryone has? (laughing) I mean not the most romantic of places


BrookeOh no! I mean its cute! Im glad im here (They share a half intimate/half awkward


JesseI am too… uh… Hows rehearsal going for you?

BrookeIt hasn’t even been two hours since rehearsal today, that’s the last thing I want to

talk about (laughing)

JesseWell I mean… your part. I couldn’t have picked a better lead

BrookeOh not even Lea Michele? Idina Menzel?

JesseI mean those would be pretty nice (sarcastically joking)

They both laugh

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BrookeHey im better than them by a mile and you know it, and better looking of course

JesseOh well that’s definitely true.

BrookeDo you want to go get some food?

JesseYeah sure, I saw a food truck down near the beach

(They walk down to get food)

CookThat will be 6.57

JesseYeah sure man no problem (He reaches for his wallet but it isn’t there)


JesseWell I-

BrookeI got it!

JesseNo its fine, I just left my wallet at the studio with my bag.

BrookeWell what do you suppose we do? Work for our food? No I got it!

JesseOkay fine.

(They get their stuff and eat)

JesseIm so sorry! Ill pay you back as soon as I get my wallet back

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BrookeIts totally fine! Us starving actors have to stick together right?

JesseI Guess youre right

(They laugh)

(Fitz and Rose are at a bar)

FitzYou know Ive had quite a few drinks, I may have to kiss you

RoseAw, you wish.

FitzCome on, I know you want some of this (He gets nose to nose with her)


FitzJust admit it….


(They both kiss each other which is a really comedic moment cause its out of the blue and they are practically making out)

(Back to Jesse and Brooke)

BrookeWell thanks for taking me home

JesseNo problem, I guess ill see you tomorrow at rehearsal

BrookeYeah see you then

(He begins to walk off )

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(An awkward moment begins because Brooke wants Jesse to kiss her but doesn’t know how to say it)

BrookeI… Thanks for taking me out tonight, it feels great to just get away from all the chris

drama for once

JesseYoure welcome

(Brooke holds out her hands to go into a hug VERY AWKWARD and they hug but when they come out of the hug, they look at each other and kiss)

BrookeWell… Thanks again

JesseYoure welcome

(He check his pockets as his phone rings and as she unlocks her door)

Fitz (On the phone)Dude! You will never believe it! Rose totally digs me! Like she REALLY digs me!

JesseThat’s great man, Ill-

FitzYeah I gotta go, she cant keep her hands off me at this bar, I always knew we were


JesseAwesome where-

Rose(Drunk adlib)

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FitzGotta go! (Rose pulls him offstage)

Jesse(Laughing to himself) Hah, great

BrookeWhats wrong?

JesseWell funny story, Apparently Rose and Fitz hit it off pretty well

Brooke No. Way!

(They laugh)

JesseAnyways, he has my keys cause he left his at the apartment and by the looks of it, he

wont be coming home anytime soon, but-

BrookeYou can sleep on my couch if you want?

JesseI… Are you Sure?

BrookeI mean if that’s all right with you

JesseYeah that’s… that’s fine.

(They go into Brookes apartment)

JesseWow, this apartment is great

BrookeYep, this is what 3 National tours and 2 Broadway shows gets you.

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JesseAnd you have it all to yourself?

BrookeWell Rose used to live with me, that’s actually how we became friends but then she started traveling more and more on tours and to L.A. so she got her own place. Now

its all mine.

JesseId kill to have a place like this.

BrookeDo you want something to drink?

JesseSure waters fine, so im guessing this is where ill be sleeping tonight?

BrookeI mean unless you want to sleep with me in my single bed…Totally kidding


JesseI think ill take the couch (laughing back).

Holy crap you have your own keyboard too? do you write your own music?

BrookeNope, I wish though. It was Rose’s and she just keeps it here cause well, we are too

lazy to move it all the way to her apartment (They laugh)

JesseTypical typical. (He goes over to the piano and starts playing some notes and hums a

song he wrote)

BrookeIs that something you wrote? ( she goes to sit by him on the piano bench)

JesseYeah ive been writing for years, (She puts her head on his shoulder and he stops


BrookeIs something wrong?

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JesseNo its just… Im really not good with relationships, but I have to ask, what exactly are

we? I mean with the kissing and everything, I guess im just confused

BrookeI… Could you excuse me for a second? I… Have to go… Brush my hair…

(She runs off up the stairs to her bedroom and closes the door, nervous and afraid of what to say)


(At end of song Brooke opens the door and they sit on the couch)

JesseYou sure took a while.. brushing your hair?

BrookeLook I need to be honest with you Jesse. You’re just so great and I feel like I’m just

not worth it.

JesseNo Brooke-

BrookeBut you haven’t heard the whole story. It wasn’t just Chris who I flirted with to get a

job, I know its wrong but I had to do it, and I completely regret it and I know you think im a bad person.

JesseBrooke, your amazing. So what you have a past, I don’t care. What you’ve done in the

past isn’t going to change how I feel about you right now.

BrookeAnd how DO you feel about me?

JesseWell…I, I don’t know. I guess im just confused about how YOU feel about me.

BrookeIts just so hard to trust a guy now. After Chris I just cant forget all hes done to me, all

the things hes said.

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JesseThen leave him Brooke!

Brooke If it were as simple as that I would. But its not. I’ve dug this whole way to deep and

now I cant get out. Im stuck.

JesseWell let me help you.

BrookeBelieve me im far beyond needing help. This is one person you don’t want to give

help too, (to herself more) All ill do is just use it all up till there is no more help left.

JesseIs that what chris told you?


JesseWell its not true. Use me, use my help, I don’t care. I want to be here for you no

matter what.

(They kiss again)

BrookeAre you sure? Cause I mean if your even thinking about backing out its probably

time to do so

(They laugh)

JesseNope, im not going anywhere.

BrookePlay me a song?

JesseOn what?

BrookeMy guitar, I mean if you play guitar that is.

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JesseAs a matter of fact, I do. (flirtatiously)

BrookeOh well aren’t you fancy

Jesse(He picks up the guitar and starts to play a song which is about Brooke, as she falls

asleep in his arms as the lights fade out)