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Organelles and Illness

Eukaryotic cells are characterized by membrane-bound organelles that compartmentalize the cytoplasm. This physical segregation of areas within the cytoplasm allows eukaryotic cells the ability to perform several functions, some that are biochemically contrary to one another, simultaneously—increasing the overall biochemical efficiency of the cell. Most of the processes conducted by organelles are accomplished through complex metabolic pathways involving multiple enzymes, rather than single-step chemical processes. Typically, an overall cellular activity is the result of a coordinated effort of many organelles.

Improper functioning of organelles can be the cause of disease and illness. Tay-Sachs disease, for example, is a fatal neurological disease caused by malfunctioning lysosomes. Lysosomes are organelles that serve to break down complex materials (like proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and carbohydrates) either that are taken up from outside the cell or are the product of chemical reactions within the cell. The resultant molecules are then utilized by the cell as molecular building blocks, or are eliminated. In Tay-Sachs disease a genetic mutation causes a deficiency or malfunction in the production of one of the enzymes needed to break down a class of lipids found in brain cells. As the lipids accumulate in brain cells, neurological function is impaired. Symptoms typically begin to show around three to six months after birth and include irritability, seizures, blindness, deafness and paralysis. Most affected individuals die by the age of five. The disease is currently incurable, but experimental gene therapy is currently an area that is being explored as a possible mechanism for treatment.

As the overall functions conducted by organelles are typically the result of complex metabolic pathways, diagnosing disorders associated with particular organelles can be difficult. Because cellular organelles conduct multiple activities, the symptoms associated with their malfunction are diverse and often impact multiple body systems. Plants (all eukaryotes in fact) can suffer from disorders due to malfunctioning organelles.

Imagine that you are part of a research team that specializes in diagnosing disorders associated with malfunctioning cellular organelles and structures. Medical doctors consult your group to help diagnose particularly difficult cases. In the next class meeting you will work in small collaborative groups of four to provide a cellular explanation for several particularly difficult cases. Each person in the group will act as the ‘facilitator’ for one case, leading the group discussion, promoting input from each of the other students (who will be acting as ‘discussants’) and formalizing the group response. In the role of a discussant, students provide their knowledge, experience and perspectives, compare and contrast the inputs of other members of the group and collaborate in the formulation of the group response. At the end of the activity, you may be called on to present your group’s answers to one of the cases (not necessarily the one you were the facilitator for). You will act as both a facilitator and a discussant in the activity.