Download - Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.

Page 1: Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.
Page 2: Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.
Page 3: Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.

Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.

Page 4: Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.

Read the travel brochure carefully and finish the following.

Ethnic group




American Indians

Page 5: Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.

What to eat

animals, birds and fish

food from the bush like lizards and snakes

fish and sweet potatoes

buffaloes roasted over an open fire

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In which country



New Zealand


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Where to live

Igloos or tents

wooden houses


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Specific events

have large summer gatherings

have Aboriginal ceremonies, play the didgeridoos and use boomerangs

do a dance called the Haka, eat food cooked in underground ovens and go night fishing

wear buffalo skin clothes and feather headdresses,

do a dance called the Sun Dance and hold a bow and arrow competition

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Page 10: Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.

1. Every country has some or many ethnic groups. How many ethnic groups do we have in China? Now let’s have a travel to Yun Nan.

2. Do you know any different cultures and customs between these groups? What about the ethnic groups in other countries in the world?

Page 11: Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.

3. If you are to do some research on the cultures, traditions, customs and way of life of different minorities, which minority group will you focus on?

4. Do you know where you can find the information you need?

Page 12: Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.

Decide which minority culture you want to research and what topics you want to focus on in your research and how to find the information you need.

Page 13: Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.

Make a reference book about an ethnic group with a different culture.

Page 14: Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.

Language points

Page 15: Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.

1.gather: verb [T] to collect or obtain several things, often from different places or people:

I went to several libraries to gather information about the scheme.


verb [I] When people or animals gather, they come together in a group:

A crowd had gathered to hear her speak.


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gathering   noun [C]

There will be a gathering of world leaders in Vienna next month.


gather (up) strength/courage: to prepare to make a great effort to be strong or brave:

I spent a week gathering the courage to say no.


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2. feast: noun(1) [C] a special meal with very good food or a large meal for many people:

a wedding feast 婚宴 (2) [S] a very enjoyable experience for the senses, especially a visual or musical experience:

His food is a feast for the eyes as well as the palate.


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3. swap: verb [I or T] to give something and be given something else instead; to exchange:

We swapped addresses with the people we met on holiday.


I'll swap you my chocolate bar for your peanuts.


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4. take part in: to be involved in an activity with other people:

She doesn't usually take part in any of the class activities.


比较 take part in, join in, join 与 attend:

take part in 指参加有组织的,严肃,重大的活动。join in 指参加正在进行着的活动或游戏等,有时可与 take part in 换用。

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Join 指参加团体或组织,成为其中的一个成员,也可用于 join sb. (与某人一起)。

attend 相当于 be present at 意为“出席,参加”

It's a great club. Why don't you join?


We only need one more player for this game - can you persuade your sister to join in?

这场比赛我们还需要一个队员, 你为什么不劝你姐姐参加呢?

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We hope that everyone will attend the meeting.


5.account: noun [C] a written or spoken description of an event:

He kept a detailed account of the suspect's movements.


on account of sth because of something:

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He doesn't drink alcohol on account of his health.


on your account If something is said to be on someone's or something's account, it is because of that person or thing:

I'm not very hungry so please don't cook on my account.


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on no account If something must on no account/not on any account be done, itmust not be done at any time or for any reason:

Employees must on no account make personal telephone calls from the office.


6. spirit: noun [S or U]

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a particular way of thinking, feeling or behaving, especially a way that is typical of a particular group of people, an activity, a time or a place

The players have a very strong team spirit .


noun [U] the characteristics of a person that are considered as being separate from thebody, and which many religions believe continue to exist after the body dies:

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Although he's now living in America, I feel he's with me in spirit .


spirits  plural noun

the way a person is feeling:

I've been in high/low spirits lately.

最近我情绪高昂 / 低落。

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7. power: noun [U] ability to control people and events:

I've no power over him - he does what he wants to.


the amount of political control a person or group has in a country:

How long has the Conservative Party been in power?


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noun [U] a natural skill or an ability to do something:

noun [U] strength:

The surgeon did everything in her power to save him.

The economic power of many Asian countries has grown dramatically in recent years.

许多亚洲国家的经济力量最近几年的 到了戏剧性的增长。


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powerful   adjective having a lot of power:

The President is more powerful than the Prime Minister.

powerless    adjective having no power:

The villagers are powerless against the armed invaders.



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