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Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4 2011صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4

Success is something you dream about, believe in and follow

I always considered my success to be a decision, whether it was in my professional life or my family life. Success is something I dream about, believe in and follow constantly.

My career took off in 1416H when I got involved in the study of nursing. Since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved and dreamed of becoming a nurse, which is why I seriously applied myself and persevered to learn everything I can about nursing in general and specifically children nursing. And so it was that I graduated as a nurse in the section for newborns and later studied and specialized in nursing for children.

I got my High Diploma in Nursing with a specialization in children and worked in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, and from there transferred to the Department of Kidneys & Peritoneal Dialysis among Children. I also signed up for several courses at King Khalid Hospital, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and at the Center for Organ Transplants in Riyadh in order to hone my nursing abilities in this area.

I knew her to be a well-mannered and educated young lady. She had a good heart and was well loved because of her forgiving nature and her dreamy outlook on life; and perhaps, just a little anyway, because she was devastatingly beautiful.

Suitors came from all over asking for her hand. They were many and they came in all ages, shapes and sizes. The number was so staggering that instead of jealousy or hatred, other ladies simply joked about it....

The first thing you have to look forward to after such an announcement is the loud, ear-piercing “woooohooooing” and congratulations of your friends. It will immediately be followed by bone-crushing hugs and kisses, maybe a couple of little celebratory jumps, and again with a few more “whoohoos.” Once that ritual and the questions about the ring and groom are nicely out of the way, every single one of them will, and should, finally turn to the subject dearest to every bride-to-be’s heart.

The wedding dress!

This signals the beginning of the hunt for the perfect dress that will be the central inspiration on which every other detail in the wedding will be

Pg. 5

Pg. 4Pg. 9


Beauty… I’m getting married!

If you want another finance to fulfill your additional needs, or if your monthly salary has changed and you want to benefit from finance, it is now possible with our Personal Re-finance solution.

You can get the maximum finance amount while considering your monthly installments, without the need for the early settlement of your existing finance. Pg. 10

based. Don’t panic! Take a deep breath and take a good look at what suits you, and what fashion designers have to offer you this coming year. The 2012 wedding dress trends are so beautiful that whatever you decide, you can’t go wrong.


Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4 2011صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4


Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4 2011صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4

Relationships are essential to the contentment and stability of each of us. In fact it is the essence of humanity. From the moment we are born, a strong and solid connection is forged with our parents and as we grow, it evolves to embrace our siblings, relatives, schools, society and on until it encompasses our workplace, country and the world.

At Al Rajhi Bank we are closely linked to each of our customers and have the honor of sharing the various stages of their lives, ambitions and successes. As such, we continuously and consistently work hard to offer exactly what is needed to strengthen and hold this relationship.

A year has passed since we first published this quarterly newsletter as an initiative centered entirely on you. With that in mind, we created this special themed issue to highlight a subject dear to your heart… One specifically spotlighting the joyful beginning of the most personal relationship of all… The wedding day.

The commitment and relationship of marriage is without doubt the greatest joy experienced by a person and the wedding day represents the elemental transition from single to family life. It is the point at which responsibilities increase and a new role in life is revealed. The marital relationship is uniquely built on love and intimacy, but also respect and cooperation, and most importantly communication. It is therefore understandable that you should begin as you mean to continue with your marriage.

If you are still looking forward to your special day, this issue can be a reference guide for your future precious preparations. On the other hand, if you have already made this soulful commitment, it can add a sweet flavor to your family life by taking you back to that charming period of engagement and early marriage days. It can pull you in and maybe rejuvenating your relationship with your husband with its reminder.

As a proud mother, we hope you also benefit from this quarter’s wedding themed issue and that it inspires your thoughts and plans for the future weddings of your daughters, sisters, relatives or friends. Let it reignite this momentous excitement.

Finally, nothing pleases us more than wishing you a home filled with happiness and laughter for always…

Al Rajhi Banking

SawtukiMay happiness find you well,

Each joyful moment in life has its own special glow. But the joys of the Eids are different in their spirituality than the joys and celebrations of weddings and other occasions. However, the anticipation of every occasion, whatever its nature, remains wishfully the same and the ensuing bursts of happiness become more special because of the concerns and responsibilities of everyday life.

We are currently looking forward to a new season of joy and goodness, one that is represented by Eid Al Adha. It gifts us with days filled with worshipful moments, a closer connection to God and a more intimate involvement in the community.

As our customers, colleagues and the ladies of our society, your affiliation to the large family of Al Rajhi Bank is cause for rejoicing. Together, we celebrate your trust in us, and thank you for always giving us the chance to share what is important to you and for allowing us to help you achieve your visions and ambitions.

Recently, the 2nd Ladies Painting Competition came to an end on a wave of immense success, high acceptance and a

Words...participation that inspired our joy, our pride and our humble honor.

Today, we’ve taken another step towards creating more uniqueness in our products and services. In the echoes of pleasure we introduce our new product “Re-finance”, which translates to a new relationship in the service of our customers in general and ladies in particular.

Your bank, Al Rajhi Bank, constantly succeeds in being a leader in banking and these clear and consistent accomplishments make us very proud. We promise to continue our commitment to innovation thanks to God first and foremost and then to your complete trust and loyalty.

May we celebrate every moment of happiness together and may the blessings of joy fill your homes and your lives.

Nawal Al Khanji

Al Rajhi Bank - Ladies Branches

Network Department Manager

The Women Around The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

Mohammed Aly Al Qutb, Mohammed Omar Al Daooq, Ahmad Abdul Jawad Al Doumy

The book is made up of a collection of quick glimpses into the great life of the Prophet peace be upon him in his home and with his pure wives and righteous daughters. The Messenger is our ideal example, and his respected wives and daughters are the mothers of all believers. They are the great models of our Muslim community and we are to emulate them in order to build good families for a better society…

This book narrates the stories of the Messenger’s life while in the noble homes where he lived together with his wives… It tells us of his journey through marriage to the best women in the world; one that founded our Islamic civilization and enriched our history… First there was his marriage to Ms. Khadija, followed by Ms. Soda, Ms. Aisha and so on until his last wife Ms. Maria, may God bless them all…

It paints a picture of the patience, sacrifices, behaviors and actions of the Prophet’s wives,

whether they were at home or while mingling with society… Through it we are able to learn about the qualities of our Messenger peace be upon him and his treatment of his respected wives…

The book then goes through a transition into the life and interaction of the Prophet peace be upon him with his pure daughters. How, as a loving father, he was a compassionate teacher, and sympathetic with an open and tolerant heart during his prophecy… It also gives us a look into their struggles together as a family…

Overall it is a great story about the special time during which the Prophet and the ideal women of society lived… As readers, we can enjoy the journey that we are meant to emulate to live a decent and filling life.


Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4 2011صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4


2011Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4

“Building on customer feedback from 2010, we believe we made significant improvements to the 2011 Competition. Going online made the Competition easier, more transparent and engaging. Ultimately not only did we witness an increase in the number of paintings from 1,200 to 2,800 (an increase of over 200%!!!), we also managed to reduce time, effort and cost, whilst increasing the overall engagement ladies had with the brand”


2011Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4

The story of the 2011 Competition

Building on the success of 2010, ARB decided to enhance the 2011 Competition by venturing online with an environmentally friendly competition at the heart of our thinking. Feedback from 2010, suggested that participants wanted a competition that was simple, easy and engaging. We took participants’ feedback on board and decided to make use of an online platform to make the Competition more accessible. The goal of 2011 was to increase the overall level of engagement that females have with the brand and further enhance our positioning as the #1 ladies bank in KSA.

Competition reach

Overall, the 2011 Competition was a great success with over 2,800 paintings submitted (an increase of 133% over last year’s Competition of 1,200 paintings). 150,000 visitors came to the online gallery, with 70,000 registered votes and over 1 million page views.

The Competition followed 3 simple steps:

Step 1 - Painting & Uploading: Once the Competition was officially launched online, people were encouraged to start painting. Based on what we learned from 2010, we had a good idea of the types of paintings that would be submitted and the 2011 submissions were subsequently put into several categories, including: Islamic Art, Al Rajhi Passion, Abstract, Nature and Traditional Art.

Step 2 - Get Friends & Family to Vote: This year we wanted to increase engagement levels and encourage participants to share their work with friends and family, including easy sharing through social sites such as facebook and twitter. As a result we developed an online gallery, which allowed people to view the paintings online in the form of a virtual gallery. Visitors were then invited to register and vote for as many paintings as they liked (limited to one vote per painting). Over the course of the next several weeks voting gradually increased, eventually totaling 70,000 votes cast by 90,000 voters with visitors coming from over 85 countries.

Step 3 - Announcing the Winners: After the final compilation of votes, the top 3 paintings as voted by the people were announced:

1st Prize: The voyage of discovery by Khouloud Alluhaib, Central Region

2nd Prize: The abstract galaxy by May Arab, Western Region

3rd Prize: The coming of autumn by Samar Al Dossary, Eastern Region

In terms of social media, facebook and twitter were used extensively by participants to share paintings with their friends and family culminating in over 500 tweets recorded on twitter.

As to advertising return on investment, the online reach achieved from the Ladies Painting Competition would have normally cost SR 640,000 in online media booking.

Encouraging Saudi talent

A key objective was to highlight the superb work of the painters by showcasing their work in different forms, whilst also encouraging future generations of budding artists. Ideas under consideration include:

• Making use of paintings from the Islamic and Natural Art categories to develop

environmentally friendly e-greeting cards for use during Ramadan and Eid.

• Developing a collage of the selected paintings to be displayed in different

branches around the Kingdom so that the wider community can appreciate the fine works.

• Online calendars, downloadable screensavers and desktop wallpapers

will also help in spreading the art and encouraging future artists.

That being said, for next year we even have the potential to further enhance the Competition at the international level with participation from Malaysia, Kuwait and Jordan.


Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4 2011صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4


Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4 2011Al Rajhi Communityصوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4

Employee of the quarter for her“Passion to serve”

Interview with Manal Al Rajhi

Do you think the Bank’s values and “Passion to serve” have a positive influence in satisfying the customer?

Of course it has a positive influence. I guarantee it does. Serving customers passionately expresses a radical sense of change in the way they’re treated and in our response to their specific needs.

Do your smile and passion to serve your customers make a difference to you and to them?

Definitely. An honest smile reflects a positive relationship and helps to attract honest people.

Do you apply to your personal life what you apply to your work?

Yes. I apply them with myself before I apply them with anyone else. It’s an example of a Muslim’s good treatment of his fellow Muslim. So I make an effort to share my smiles with everybody I meet.

Is working at Al Rajhi Bank an investment for your future? How?

Yes. I gained so much from working at the Bank. My professional side matured right along my personal one and I’ve gathered the experience needed to advance and develop further.

How does being a role model to your colleagues at the Bank make you feel? And what would you say to them?

It feels great. I’d tell them to seriously do their best and to do it with determination so as to see the results of their labor.

Do you believe the saying “the customer is always right” is still effective in this day and age or is there another strategy used for the customer’s satisfaction?

There are many different opinions when it comes to this saying. But in reality, whether the customer is right or wrong, we have to try and appease them any way possible.

If others want to follow your example what advice would you give them?

I would tell my colleagues that God doesn’t waste the reward of those who work hard. Also, take advantage of the work environment at the Bank. It’s a very helpful factor when it comes to innovation because it’s comfortable.

Is the question of developing the abilities needed to perform your job a personal initiative or did the Bank have a big hand in it?

Well for me, it was a personal mission. But Al Rajhi Bank helped by opening new doors and

challenges through Self Development sessions. I’m looking forward to growing further and more training sessions of this sort.

I knew her to be a well-mannered and educated young lady. She had a good heart and was well loved because of her forgiving nature and her dreamy outlook on life; and perhaps, just a little anyway, because she was devastatingly beautiful.

Suitors came from all over asking for her hand. They were many and they came in all ages, shapes and sizes. The number was so staggering that instead of jealousy or hatred, other ladies simply joked about it. It wasn’t meant to hurt; it

Beauty… was simply hard to take the daily doorbell rings seriously. Besides, their young friend’s reaction to every knock made them want to protect her rather than dislike her luck in such things.

One day, as I passed by her to visit and say my farewells, a suitor indeed knocked and went in to see her father. When the beauty heard, she paled and started trembling lightly. Just as that started to worry me, her face turned so red it started to resemble a blueberry on the verge of exploding. Suddenly she seemed to let it all out in a long heavy sigh, straightened her back and nodded her head as if responding to a motivational speech only she could hear. It was quite fascinating to watch and as I did, she noticed, smiled sheepishly and shrugged. I smiled back with a clear question etched into every line of my face. The beauty could not refuse.

Her first reaction to hearing there was a suitor sitting with her father was fear. It was not a fear of marriage or the man in question. It was fear of her

own decision. If she chose one, he could be the wrong man. A better one might have come along if she had waited. On the other hand, if she lets them all down, then the best man of all might slip through her fingers.

Phase two of her emotional response encompassed shame and anger. She knew for a fact that none of these men actually knew her, nor had they ever met or glimpsed her ever before. All they knew, all they heard from their sisters and mothers, was that she was beautiful. That angered her because beauty is something she had been given and had no control over, whereas she put a lot of effort into being a better person. Another reason was that people assumed beautiful meant perfect, and though physically she seemed pretty close, in her words, she was “very very very far from perfect.” I could see why that would make a normal woman angry, but I didn’t yet gleam where the shame was coming from.

Inspired by: Khouloud Mohammad Al Roushoud


Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4 2011صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4


2011Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4


2011Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4

I always considered my success to be a decision, whether it was in my professional life or my family life. Success is something I dream about, believe in and follow constantly.

My career took off in 1416H when I got involved in the study of nursing. Since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved and dreamed of becoming a nurse, which is why I seriously applied myself and persevered to learn everything I can about nursing in general and specifically children nursing. And so it was that I graduated as a nurse in the section for newborns and later studied and specialized in nursing for children.

I got my High Diploma in Nursing with a specialization in children and worked in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, and from there transferred to the Department of Kidneys & Peritoneal Dialysis among Children. I also signed up for several courses at King Khalid Hospital, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and at the Center for Organ Transplants in Riyadh in order to hone my nursing abilities in this area.

I received the title Nurse of Kidney Diseases & Peritoneal Dialysis among Children and was the only one to do so. I was therefore keen to perform my duties in the most caring and loving way possible, especially considering that this specialization serves a very large segment of society and tends to our children and our kidneys…

My ambitions grew and I took advantage of any opportunity that would increase my knowledge until I got promoted, thanks be to God. I became the Head Nurse of the Pediatrics Department then Head Nurse of the Department for Kidney Diseases in the Childbirth & Children’s Hospital in Al Madina Al Monawara, where I spent 15 years. My interaction with different nurses proved to me that experience is very useful but should not be used exclusively. This is why I tried to apply my practical and scientific expertise in training those who could use it and focused my energies on pointing out the importance of combining education and science along with practical experience.

I feel proud of what I’ve accomplished and for being able to offer the finest standard of service to patients, where I give the best of myself in every way. I also work hard to please God Almighty and to spread joy and happiness in the hearts of children by establishing and overseeing the preparations of seminars and conferences. The latest being the International Day for patients with kidney diseases in which many corporations participated. Al Rajhi Bank was just such a participant and it had a an integral part in bringing joy to children.

By providing me with the best service and

by taking care of my financial needs Al Rajhi Bank gave me space to prepare entertainment programs that I consider to be a kind of professional Zakat. And because banking was easy and convenient, I could spend more time serving society in general and my patients in particular…

Last, but not least.. I invite every open heart to always remember that good health is a blessing that not everyone enjoys, so lend a hand to those that urgently need your sincere help to make a speedier recovery…

Thank you..

Name: Sahar Yusuf Mahlawi

Education: High Diploma in Nursing – Specialization Children

Work: Head of the Nursing Department of Kidneys & Peritoneal Dialysis among Children

Work period: 16 years

Success is something you dream about, believe in and follow


Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4 2011Entertainmentصوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4

Dial 905 Wedding Cakes At any wedding, the main focus is usually on

the bride. At any wedding dinner, you’ll find the focus tends to veer towards the wedding cake. Very understandable of course. After all, the eating of the wedding cake is one of the sweetest moments shared by a couple during their wedding and it is their first taste of their future together as man and wife.

Each baker will have his or her beautiful array of flavors – from chocolate to tiramisu – and fillings of fresh fruits and white chocolate ganache. It is all quite remarkably overwhelming. So before you let it all get to you, learn what you need to know about cakes and icing options.

When it comes to cake styles there are three basics to consider:


Every tier of the cake is separated from the next one by all kinds of pillars. You can keep the space between the pillars empty or creatively accent it with flowers.


This one simply has one tier stacked on top of the other without any space showing between the layers.


Also called the “Satellite” this cake has each layer decorated separately and sitting upon its own pedestal, which stands independently of the others. The pedestals are of cascading heights to give a cascade effect.

Once this decision is out of the way, turn your attention to the different icings available:


A very smooth, almost sheet-like icing that gets rolled out onto the cake. It gives it a very clean and streamlined look and is popular with today’s modern and intricate cakes.


You can flavor this sweet and creamy icing before having it spread onto the cake. But note that it does not give the defined smooth look particular to the fondant.

This is the most basic information you can arm

yourself with when sitting down to choose your wedding cake. To finish it off, and depending on your budget and the skill level of the professional

you hire, you will be able to decide on a shape for the individual cakes themselves. There are hexagons, squares, and even hearts and dragons to choose from. For the cake’s finishing touches, think fresh flowers, sugar flowers and other adornments crafted from edible or non-edible materials.

When thinking about your final wedding cake design and flavor, consider your tastes and styles, as well as those of your husband to be. Trust your cake maker and consider his/her suggestions because chances are, he/she knows a lot more about it than you do. Do not let the wedding cake be one of the more overwhelming things on your wedding checklist and remember to enjoy the experience and make it count, because god willing, it’s a once in a life time thing.

One of God’s most precious gifts to us is flowers. When it comes to your wedding’s flower arrangements and your bouquet the choices, though endless, must take the season into account. When deciding, listen to what your florist has to say about the freshest flowers available at the time of your wedding. Give him or her the general theme and feel of your wedding as well as a photo of the wedding dress and allow him or her to sketch several options for both the bouquet and the arrangements. Be open to suggestions and follow up without making a nuance of yourself.



2011Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4


2011Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4

Today’s technology has made our lives easier than we could have ever expected. As women, we are given the heavy burden of being the mother of not only our children, but our society as a whole. With that included into our daily responsibilities, we need all the help we can get. Enter technology.

We’ve seen great strides in the use of laser, but the area one would not expect to encounter it is in beauty salons and spas as well as dermatology clinics.

The process of laser technology itself is uncomfortable as opposed to painful and though it used to be quite costly, it’s become much more affordable, especially with exclusive packages for brides to be.

This unique technology, once fully completed,

1. What does your dream wedding gown look like?a. Simple sheath gown with minimal

decorationsb. Large fluffy satin gown with a trainc. Large fluffy tulle ballgown with no traind. Renaissance style gown or a gown in a color

other than white

2. What kind of engagement ring do you have?a. A band with some larger and smaller

diamonds interspersedb. A ring that comes only as part of a whole setc. A small band with a pearl setting d. An antique or vintage band with a unique

shape or stone

3. What will your wedding colors be?a. White with pink, purple or blueb. White or ivory with gold or silverc. A mix of bold tropical colors d. Something pastel

4. What kinds of flowers will you use in your bouquets or centerpieces?a. Calla lilies, irises, orchidsb. Roses, stephanotisc. Water lilies, plumeria, hibiscus or maybe a

bouquet of non flowers (berries or pinecones) d. Lilies, carnations, sweet peas

5. What will your cake look like?a. Small simple cake with white frosting,

possible real flower decorationb. Large 3 tier cake with edible flowers

The invitation is the first example into what guests can expect on your wedding day. Here, you can let your personality and originality shine through, set your tone and the vibe of the wedding. By now you will have had an idea of what your perfect wedding dress is or will be and as such will be able to have it inspire your invitations just like it is inspiring your whole wedding design.

Enjoy picking and sending your invitations!


Technology that leaves you hairless

What kind of bride will you be?


allows you to be hair free in the areas that matter for years. The laser works by producing heat in the hair, which is then transferred to the hair follicle. This in turn produces inflammation that sends a signal to the hair follicle to go into the resting phase. Hairs grow in cycles and it is only during the growth phase that the hair follicle is susceptible to being treated.

Therefore, it is very important that you gain a full understanding of how the process works so that you can be ready for your wedding and honeymoon.

For instance, as a bride you should know that depending on your skin color and hair thickness, a series of sessions will be required with 5 to 6 weeks in between. And following the initial string of treatments, subsequent treatments are administered, usually at longer and longer intervals, until the hair is almost completely gone.

There are 3 main types of hair removal lasers that are used today and you should have a consultation to find out which would suit you best and how long the whole process would take. This modern technology can be the perfect key to becoming a hairless bride on your wedding day.


If most of your answers are (a.) congrats! You are a simple bride!

You are elegant and understated. You don’t believe in doing anything extravagant or overblown. Your wedding will be small, sophisticated and intimate, just the way you like it.

If most of your answers are (b.) congrats! You are a traditional bride!

You’ve been dreaming of this day since you were five years old. You want the big white dress, the bouquet of roses and the tiered white cake. You could be a poster girl for all things wedding.

If most of your answers are (c.) congrats! You are a pure bride!

You have always been known as nice and sweet and you will be on your wedding day too. You are a hopeless romantic and can’t wait for your fairy tale to begin.

If most of your answers were (d.) surprise! You are a unique bride!

No one would ever call you a copycat. You like things that are different and original. Your big day will be bold and dramatic and one thing’s for sure it will be an event no one will soon forget!

c. Elegant individual mini cakesd. Whimsical cake with each tier a different

color or shaped like gift boxes

6. What size will your wedding be?a. Small – mostly just close friends and familyb. Large – 250+ guestsc. It doesn’t really matter as long as everyone I

love is thered. Medium – 150 guests, give or take

7. Where will your reception be held?a. A friend or relative’s houseb. A large hotel ballroom c. A dance hall or fancy resortd. Outdoors

8. Where will you honeymoon?a. New York or Los Angeles b. Hawaii or a tropical islandc. Italy or Spaind. Thailand or Australia

The cinnamon weapon

It has the ability to significantly reduce one’s blood glucose level and “bad” cholesterol. But its power also lies in how it increases one’s ability to metabolize sugar. Plus, it’s high in iron and manganese, which are essential to your balanced diet.

Vinegar control

It has the power to slow the rate at which the stomach empties; this controls the rise in blood glucose and insulin after meals and curbs the

appetite. Its acetic acid turns on the genes that produce proteins to help the body break down fats, preventing fat build-up.

The pineapple’s triple threat

Bromelain is found in the stem and juice of this fruit and it helps speed up your metabolism. The fiber it possesses may prevent weight gain, especially around the abdomen. And its vitamin C is linked to increased fat metabolism. One + one + one = weight loss!


Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4 2011صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4

Lemon zest appeal

Contains pectin, a good source of fiber. When ingested it also has the ability to form a sticky gel in the digestive system that could prevent the stomach from absorbing sugar too quickly.

The calorie-neutral celery

Is another one of those heroes high in fiber and the calcium it contains helps bind up waste fats

and remove them from the body.

They also have the superb ability to keep the urge to snack at a distance. It helps you lose more weight as a snack than if you don’t eat it at all.

The power of the grapefruit

Studies show that incorporating this fruit into your daily diet for 12 weeks can help you lose 1.4kg. The chemicals of a grapefruit have the power to reduce insulin levels and thus promote weight loss.


10 pre-wedding nutrition heroes

The small but mighty beansThey may look small, but they are loaded with

fiber that helps you satiate your appetite, while facilitating movement within your bowel and digestive tract. This special fiber cannot be digested and so simply goes through the body attaching itself to proteins and fats and getting rid of them.

The bright tumericCucumin is an active

ingredient in tumeric that helps burn fats and aids digestion by breaking down protein- rich foods. This spice also has a hand in the detoxification of the most important fat-burning organ, the liver.

The unsuspecting mustardThis high-ranking weight loss sauce is often

underused. Its isothiocynates dilates blood vessels and increases levels of fat burning hormone ephedrine, which boost metabolism levels. Also, mustard is anti-inflammatory, meaning, it sends unhealthy fats, sugars and high fructose corn syrup away.

The black pepper attack

It courageously alleviates heartburn symptoms and indigestion, and also culls away the fats. It has the most concentrated amounts of Piperine, which works in a roundabout way to end up burning calories off.

Think classic and timeless.

No new hair colors or haircuts right before your big day! Try it out at least one month before. The same goes for makeup.

Take a picture of yourself in full makeup to know what you will look like in your wedding pictures!

Start using weekly conditioners at least a month before your wedding!

Make sure to schedule your makeup and hair trial around a week before your wedding so the stylist can actually remember what you liked and how she did it.

Tips for the bride

Try the entire ensemble together to get the true feel of the whole. Sometimes, even beautiful hair and makeup might look completely different with a dress and the proportions all wrong!

The best tip for makeup, is to choose the natural looking kind! After all, on your wedding day, you should be the most beautiful version of yourself. So go for the natural and the beautiful, and enhance what you already have!

Don’t try any new skincare products too close to the wedding day and instead see a dermatologist a month before.

If you’re going the waxing route, do it at least 4 days before, in case of irritation or ingrown.

Take some time to de-stress and relax through all the planning and try to enjoy it!

BLOTTING PAPERS for the big day! They’re quick touch ups that soak up any nasty mess-ups that happen with your makeup.

And the most important tip of all… waterproof mascara! Not just for you, but for the entire family.









2011Sawtuki November 2011, issue no. 4صوتك نوفمبر ، العدد 4

The first thing you have to look forward to after such an announcement is the loud, ear-piercing “woooohooooing” and congratulations of your friends. It will immediately be followed by bone-crushing hugs and kisses, maybe a couple of little celebratory jumps, and again with a few more “whoohoos.” Once that ritual and the questions about the ring and groom are nicely out of the way, every single one of them will, and should, finally turn to the subject dearest to every bride-to-be’s heart.

The wedding dress!

This signals the beginning of the hunt for the perfect dress that will be the central inspiration on which every other detail in the wedding will be based. Don’t panic! Take a deep breath and take a good look at what suits you, and what fashion designers have to offer you this coming year. The 2012 wedding dress trends are so beautiful that whatever you decide, you can’t go wrong.

Ruffles were big in 2011 and are still going strong just like the flower design, or rather flowers that are sprinkled all over skirts in 3D or delicate embroidery.

The next contender is the illusion neckline. This beautiful classic is once again making the rounds along with cap sleeves and ornate belts that all have a 1980’s feel to them.

The strong surge of intricate Chantilly and Alencon lace on runways should not be overlooked even though you might think it similar to the dress your mother wore on her wedding day once upon a time. And the bolero jackets that are usually seen on the mother of the bride or groom have now been incorporated into wedding dresses in pretty lacy and floral designs of their own. It can be a great accessory to a simple dress.

Though most of us prefer to go white or ivory for our wedding day, there is a strong presence of color in various styles. Blush is standing out as dresses either have various colored details or the whole dress itself is making that colorful statement.

Designers have outdone themselves with the use of such breathtaking materials and styles that cater to all tastes and also include light silk fabrics and crinkle chiffon skirts. So as a 2012 bride, you have nothing to fear and instead, can painlessly enjoy the trends that will help make your wedding, a day to remember.

Congratulations and woooohoooo!!!!

I’m getting married!


Personal Finance

Personal Re-finance

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Saudi National



Required documents

Required documents


Required documents

Required documents

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Eligibility Government sector Private sector

Minimum salary SR 2,000 SR 4,000

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Eligible age 18 to 60 21 to 60

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