Download - Save the Date Under 14’s 24/5/16 and 31/5/16 Mt Druitt Matters … · 2019-11-19 · Under 14’s - 24/5/16 and 31/5/16 Under 16’s - 25/5/16 and 1/6/16 After school - Any fur-ther

Page 1: Save the Date Under 14’s 24/5/16 and 31/5/16 Mt Druitt Matters … · 2019-11-19 · Under 14’s - 24/5/16 and 31/5/16 Under 16’s - 25/5/16 and 1/6/16 After school - Any fur-ther

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Half Yearly Exams

Year 8 and 10

Friday 20th May - Thursday 26th May

Year 7 and 9

Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June




Zone Cross Country

Monday 16th May

Zone Athletics Carnival

Friday 10th June

Sydney West Cross Country

Wednesday 15th June



Year 7 Gala Day

Tuesday 21st June


Parent/Teacher Evening

Tuesday 28th June


Chifley College Mt. Druitt Campus

Stuart Road DHARRUK NSW 2770

Ph: 96259750 Fax: 98321463

Work Inspirations - Hilton Hotel Year 10

N a p l a n i s o v e r f o r a n o t h e r y e a r a n d t h e s t a f f w o u l d l i k e t o t h a n k a l l o f o u r w o n d e r f u l s t u d e n t s w h o p a r t i c i p a t e d . T h e r e a r e l o t s o f t h i n g s g o i n g o n a t C h i f l e y C o l l e g e M t . D r u i t t C a m p u s w i t h a l l y e a r s i n v o l v e d . H a l f y e a r l y e x a m s a r e a b o u t t o c o m m e n c e a n d w e w i s h a l l o f o u r s t u d e n t s t h e b e s t o f l u c k . R e m e m b e r c o m e o n t i m e a n d h a v e a l l y o u r e q u i p m e n t r e a d y .

M. G. Cup

Under 14’s - 24/5/16 and 31/5/16

Under 16’s - 25/5/16 and 1/6/16

After school - Any fur-ther information please contact Mr. Peachey or Mr. Land at the school.

Mt Druitt Matters

Uniforms - Autumn / Winter warmers


Plain navy blue pants, shorts and




Leggings/Tights, coloured jumpers

Hoodies or Jeans

WEEK 4—TERM 2 2016

Page 2: Save the Date Under 14’s 24/5/16 and 31/5/16 Mt Druitt Matters … · 2019-11-19 · Under 14’s - 24/5/16 and 31/5/16 Under 16’s - 25/5/16 and 1/6/16 After school - Any fur-ther

At h l e t i c s C a r n i v a l 2 0 1 6

Science News On Tuesday 3rd May, Chifley College Mount

Druitt Campus held their Athletics Carnival at

Poppondetta Park. A great day was had by all,

with student participation rates at a record high.

There were many outstanding individual perfor-

mances on the day and a strong team of athletes

has been invited to take part in the Mount Druitt

Zone carnival on 10th June. Overall House points


285 and EMERT 220. Well done to all students

and staff..

Careers - Work Inspirations Our talented Year 10 students attended a Work

Inspirations workshop at the Hilton Hotel this

week and represented themselves and the school

beautifully. The workshop went for a total of three

days where the students were shown different

occupations required by the Hilton Hotel to make

everyday operations run smoothly. The students

got to perform hands on activities and enjoyed

their time immensely. Well done. Ms Hooke.

This week some of our talented students attended a Sci-

ence Enrichment Day at Chifley College (Senior Campus).

A great opportunity for our students to experience senior

science with hands on activities. Great job. Mrs Kaur

30 SECONDS WITH….. Miss Kavangh

How long have you been at Chif-

ley College Mount Druitt Cam-

pus? 8 years

What is your role at the college?

Head Teacher English

What is your favourite food?


What is your favourite book? To

Kill a Mocking Bird—Harper Lee

What was your favourite subject at school?

English: because language is the most important tool

we have to combat disadvantage and discrimination

What are your hobbies? Reading and going to the


Any words of wisdom?

‘Life is a story: write yours with words of wisdom,

compassion and kindness.’

Did you Know…

Chifley College (Mt. Druitt) Campus

Support Unit teachers ALL have

Masters Degrees in Special
