Download - Savannah Walters is Saving the Arctic Refuge€¦ · Saving the Arctic Refuge Fourteen-year-old Savannah Walters is a young activist. An activist is a person who tries to make a change

Page 1: Savannah Walters is Saving the Arctic Refuge€¦ · Saving the Arctic Refuge Fourteen-year-old Savannah Walters is a young activist. An activist is a person who tries to make a change

Americans waste 4 million gallons of gas a

day by driving with under-inflated


Savannah Walters is Saving the Arctic Refuge

by Jennifer Magid

That’s how fourteen-year-old Savannah Walters is trying to make a difference in the world. She’s helping the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska by asking people to pay attention to their tires. That’s right, tires! When Savannah was nine years old, she studied the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. She learned that people wanted to drill for

oil in the same spots that many Arctic animals call home. Savannah found out that we don’t need to drill for oil in the refuge. We could save all the oil that would come from drilling if drivers just kept the right amount of air in their tires. That would save gas and wildlife, too.

So what’s the big deal about a little less air? Vehicles with under-inflated tires use more gasoline to turn the wheels. Driving on under-inflated tires “wastes so much more gas than could ever come out of the Arctic refuge,” Savannah says. No one knows for sure how much oil is in the refuge. Groups that want to drill say there’s a lot. But many geologists and environmental groups say there’s hardly enough to last drivers in the United States one full year.

Savannah decided to spread the word about under-inflated tires, and got started right in her own neighborhood. She started Pump ’Em Up!, a campaign, or plan, to get drivers to check their tires regularly. Savannah collected 1,000 free tire

“ The best part is…people are hearing my message.”

ne tire at a time.

16 Cousteau Kids • November/December 2007

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Page 2: Savannah Walters is Saving the Arctic Refuge€¦ · Saving the Arctic Refuge Fourteen-year-old Savannah Walters is a young activist. An activist is a person who tries to make a change

gauges, used to test the air, from local tire stores. Then she led her Brownie troop in handing out the tools to adults at a nearby train station. Today, thousands of people across the country visit Savannah’s Web site to learn more about how to properly pump up their tires. She has even gone to Washington, D.C. to speak out against drilling in the Arctic refuge. She’s won many awards for her hard work, but Savannah says, “The best part is…people are hearing my message.” She also had this advice for Cousteau Kids readers: “If you have a good idea, just remember that one person can make a difference.”

The Arctic Wildlife RefugeThe Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is in northeastern Alaska. The refuge is as big as Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New Hampshire combined!

There’s not a lot of oil in the Arctic refuge. There’s not even enough to last drivers in the United States one full year.

Savannah Walters is Saving the Arctic Refuge

Fourteen-year-old Savannah Walters is a young activist. An activist is a person who tries to make a change by getting active, taking a stand, or supporting something.

November/December 2007 • Cousteau Kids 17


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