Download - Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

Page 1: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 1

Church: 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Mailing/Offices: 103 E. Cedar St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Website: Phone: (319) 462-4841

January 2017

Saturday, December 24th

3:00 pm: Traditional Worship with Holy Communion

4:30 pm: Traditional Worship with Holy Communion

6:00 pm: Traditional Worship with Holy Communion & Choir

Sunday, December 25th

9:30 am: Traditional Worship with Holy Communion


SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 2017 9:30 AM


We pray your spirit is light with hope,We pray your spirit is light with hope,We pray your spirit is light with hope,We pray your spirit is light with hope, your heart is filled with joy andyour heart is filled with joy andyour heart is filled with joy andyour heart is filled with joy and

your holiday is blessed with the Glory of God.your holiday is blessed with the Glory of God.your holiday is blessed with the Glory of God.your holiday is blessed with the Glory of God. May His love bring you peaceMay His love bring you peaceMay His love bring you peaceMay His love bring you peace

at Christmas and Christmas and Christmas and Christmas and always.

Pastor Kathryn, Paula, Nancy, Shawna & Ken

Page 2: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 2

Pastor Kathryn Franzenburg

You will receive this newsle�er as we make final prepara�ons for our

Christmas Services. I hope that you will “Crea�vely Connect” with

family and friends, neighbors and new folks into the community to

invite them to come and celebrate Christ’s birth with us. The story of

God’s incarna�on is truly a story of Love like no other filled with Hope in

despair, Faith in doubt, Peace in conflict. Jesus’ vulnerability revealed

to us in His birth as a babe in Bethlehem, is a story of suffering Love that lets us know that He is Emmanuel, God

with us always.

As we approach the New Year, I invite you to focus on “Inten�onally Growing” in your rela�onship with God. On

mul�ple occasions I have shared with you insights from the devo�onal booklet that I use, Jesus Calling. If you do

not already have that book, I encourage you to put it on your ‘Christmas/New Year” list and join others at St. Paul

in reading it together. Quo�ng from the cover of the book: “A rich rela�onship with Jesus is so much more than

presen�ng Him with a list of request. It includes listening - through reading the Bible and receiving what He is

pu9ng in your heart. The devo�on is wri�en as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you - words of

encouragement, comfort and reassurance of His unending love. The wri�ngs are personal reflec�ons based on

Jesus’ own words of hope, guidance and peace within Scripture.

I will con�nue to reference these devo�ons in my preaching and ministry with you and would welcome the

opportunity for small group or 1:1 conversa�ons as the words speak to you. Together I believe that it will lead us

to Joyfully Serve in this community.

It con�nues to be a special blessing to be in ministry with you as we wait for the calling of a new pastor to serve as

your leader at St. Paul. Truly God is present with us in the journey. Thank you for your faithful, suppor�ve


Pastor Kathryn Franzenburg

Self Study Opportunities for Intentional Spiritual Growth

Several people have expressed their apprecia�on for the congrega�onal study of The Story. Although there are no

plans for a small group study at this �me, these are two resources to consider for for folks who would like to

con�nue their study.

Daily Message Bible: Through the Bible in One Year by Eugene Peterson

The Story: Going Deeper by Randy Frazee

Boxtops/Labels Reminder by Betty Hunter

Please con�nue to bring in your boxtops,

soup labels, and clean empty pill bo�les with

labels removed and place them in the clear

plas�c boxes on the kitchen counter in the

church. We are no longer collec�ng pop can

pull tabs. Thank you all for your dona�ons!

Give and it will be given

unto you. Luke 6:38

January Work Group

Coordinator: Lori Reynolds

Mike & Nancy Bickford Dixie Rickels

Mark & Rhonda Bickford Kris� Rickels

Pete Bungum Pastor Gene & Mary Lou Schipper

Dennis & Amber Holland Marilou Vernon

Ruth Kray

Doug & Marcy Pate

Nels & Jen Petersen

Barrie Reynolds

Page 3: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 3


Welcome to our church family Langley Jane Miller,

daughter of Joel & Chris (Achenbach) Miller and

granddaughter of Carl & Mary Achenbach who was

bap�zed at St. Paul on November 27th. Sponsors were

Dan & Andrea Achenbach.

Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-

Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha

Woodley, granddaughter of Alan & Kari Melville and

great-granddaughter of Robert & Diana Easterly who

was bap�zed at St. Paul on December 11th. Sponsors

were Preston Melville, Mason Abbo�, and Breanna


Funerals Sympathy is expressed to the family of Elda Mae

French who passed away on Monday, December 12th.

Elda’s funeral was held Friday, December 16th at

St. Paul.

Pray for Our Military Please pray for our men and women currently serving

in the military:

• Jeremy Fall

• Allen Gilbert

• Kalib Seeley

• Jason Schoenbeck

Please call the church office if

you would like to be added or deleted from this list.

Women’s Circles

Mary Circle will meet Tuesday, January 10th at 7:00pm

at St. Paul. Hostess will be Jane Ortgies and Jan

Koppenhaver will lead Bible study.

Sarah Circle will meet Wednesday, January 11th at

1:30pm at Woodland Park. Mary Lou Schipper will

lead Bible study.

Parish Nurse

As we begin this New Year, I look forward to serving our congrega�on in 2017 as St. Paul Lutheran church volunteer Parish

nurse. If you would like a visit or call from me, please call the church or complete the pink weekly handout found in the bulle�n.

I will be available on Thursdays, but Pastor Kathryn or Ken Winter available for urgent needs. Some of the things a Parish nurse

does include:

• Make visits to you at your home or in the hospital

• Be a medical resource for understanding new diagnosis

• Support you and your family during difficult �mes

• Assist with providing educa�on and resources to make health care decisions

• Teach the importance of the rela�onships between faith and health in our daily lives

• Be a liaison connec�ng you to community services for your health care needs

• Be an educator of health and wellness

Blessings in 2017 ,

Carol S�ffler RN, BSN, PN

Scholarship Opportunities

If you have plans to a�end Luther College in the Fall, Luther

College has a number of scholarships available to assist

incoming first year students in their faith and learning by

suppor�ng students who have demonstrated leadership within

their own congrega�ons and church organiza�ons.

The Roger W. and Colleen F. Peterson Church Rela�ons

Scholarship was established to help sustain strong

rela�onships between congrega�ons and Luther College as well

as in recogni�on of the value of educa�onal opportuni�es in a

Chris�an environment. One $750 scholarship will be awarded.

The Kris� Lee Hermeier Scholarship is given in memory of

Kris� Lee Hermeier to award students for their excep�onal

involvement and leadership in ministry and service

opportuni�es and to support their con�nued partnership with

Luther College, in their home congrega�on, and in other

ministries. Two or Three $500 scholarships will be awarded,

based on availability of funding.

The Genevieve E. Stelberg Award is awarded based on

personal mo�va�on as evidenced by ac�ve par�cipa�on and

success in co-curricular ac�vi�es including those offered by

Church Rela�ons. One $500 scholarship will be awarded.

See Paula in the church office for an applica�on and list of

required materials.

Applica�on materials must be submi�ed to Luther College by

February 1, 2017.

Page 4: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 4

Children & Youth Ministry

Sunday, January 1st : No children's church, but there will s�ll be children's sermon during the 10:45 service �me.

Children's Church will resume like normal star�ng Sunday, January 8th during the 10:45 service.

Wednesday, January 4th during WD4 from 6:15-7:45: we will be having a family fun night of Minute to Win it

games. We will also be doing a servant project to help those who are without hats and scarves in the Cedar Rapids

Areas. These hats and scarves will be donated to WayPoint and homeless shelters to give to those without.

Wednesday, January 11th during WD4 from 6:15-7:45 pm:

• KFC (ages Kindergarten through 5th grade) Will be studying the season of Epiphany. Our Scripture lesson will

be Ma�hew 3:13-17. Jesus' Bap�sm.

• WD4 (ages 6th-12th grade) will be star�ng a four week study of the Holy Sacraments. Week 1 our lesson focus is

on the Sacrament of Bap�sm with scripture reading Ma�hew 3:1-17, Mark 16:15-16, Ma�hew 28:19-20, and

Colossians 3:1-14

Wednesday, January 18th During WD4 From 6:15-7:45 pm:

• KFC (ages Kindergarten through 5th grade) Will be studying the season of Epiphany. Our Scripture lesson will

be Ma�hew 4:12-23, 9:9-13, 10:1-4 The Disciples.

• WD4 (ages 6th-12th grade) will be star�ng a four week study of the Holy Sacraments. Week 2, our lesson focus

is on the Word with Water with scripture reading Ma�hew 28:16-20, Genesis 6-9, 2 Kings 5:1-14, and

Romans 6:3-11.

Wednesday, January 25th During WD4 From 6:15-7:45 pm:

• KFC (ages Kindergarten through 5th grade) Will be studying the season of Epiphany. Our Scripture lesson will

be Ma�hew 5:1-12 The Bea�tudes.

• WD4 (ages 6th-12th grade) will be star�ng a four week study of the Holy Sacraments. Week 3, our lesson focus

is on the Sacrament of Communion with scripture reading Ma�hew 26:12-29 and Luke 22:19-20

Sunday, January 29th right a8er the 10:45 service: Middle School Youth are going to par�cipate in a Synod wide

event called ConFEST for Confirma�on ages youth. The event is called Act 2day 4 Tomorrow. It takes place in

Musca�ne Iowa from 1-6pm. Drivers needed. More details below.

ConFEST 2017

A synod-wide event to enhance and support congrega�on

confirma�on ministries by exploring churchwide connec�ons,

engaging servant learning and crea�ng community.

We will be a�ending the event on: Sunday, January 29, 2017 at

Zion Lutheran Church – Musca�ne.

Focus of the Day: Act2Day 4 Tomorrow is ELCA World Hunger’s

event for youth in middle school. Youth will build community

with each other, learn more about hunger and ELCA World

Hunger, and take �me to reflect on how God is calling them to

respond to need in their world. Based on Acts 2:42, Act2Day 4

Tomorrow draws on the seven faith prac�ces of the ELCA (pray,

study, serve, give, invite, encourage and worship)

St. Paul will be taking youth from 6-8th grade to this event.

Page 5: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 5

Martin Luther Exhibit

Five hundred years ago, one

man took a stand that shook

Europe and changed the

world. Now you can see the

story of Mar�n Luther and the

Reforma�on brought to life

through astonishing artworks

and historical objects, traveling

outside of Germany for the first �me ever.

Luther used art and the newly invented prin�ng

press to challenge Europe's leaders and spread a

revolu�on of religious, cultural, and societal

change. This exhibi�on includes pain�ngs,

sculptures, gold, tex�les, and works on paper - as

well as Luther's personal possessions and recent

archaeological finds - that shed new light on an

explosive era and the man who ignited it.

This exhibit is open now through January 15,

2017, at the Minneapolis Ins�tute of Art.

Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) Lutheran Day on the Hill

Families living in poverty. Iowa children who go

hungry. Former refugees building new lives. These

kinds of issues are rarely the center of a�en�on at the

Iowa State Capitol. Let’s change that!

Please consider joining Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI)

and the three Iowa synods of the ELCA for Lutheran

Day on the Hill, an annual day of advocacy in Des

Moines to upliV the needs of our neighbors. The event

will be held on Tuesday, February 21. Visit next month for event

details, online registra�on and an online toolkit for

your congrega�on, including how to par�cipate in this

year’s congrega�onal le�er-wri�ng campaign.

LSI is an affiliated social ministry partner of

the Iowa congrega�ons of the ELCA (Evangelical

Lutheran Church in America) and a member of

LSA (Lutheran Services in America). We proudly serve

people of all ages, abili�es, religions, sexes, gender

iden��es, na�onal origins, ethnici�es, races, and

sexual orienta�ons. Learn more at


Page 6: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 6

Church Council Report

December 12, 2016

The mee�ng was called to order at 6:45 pm by Ralph Andresen, Council President. Opening prayer was provided by Ralph

Andresen. Pastor Kathryn provided devo�ons based on Ma�hew 1:18-25, the lec�onary text for next Sunday.

Mo�on to approve the December Council mee�ng agenda and the November 14th Council mee�ng minutes as presented was

made by Lori, seconded by Jim and passed by Council.


• St Paul’s made a $300 dona�on to the Banks family to help pay for a grave stone for their child.

• Requests for annual dona�ons were received from several groups. Council will determine responses at the January Council


• Fidelity Bank sent a $300 Christmas dona�on to St Paul’s.

• Events: the Children’s Christmas program will be Wednesday, Dec. 21st at 7:00 p.m.

The November Financial Report was presented by Nancy. Darel moved to file the Financial Report for Audit; second by Lori

and passed by Council.

Pastor’s Reports: Pastor Kathryn provided both an oral and a wri�en report. She reviewed various personal contacts she has

made with members of the congrega�on and with poten�al new members and also iden�fied other worshippers she plans to

connect with.

Pastor Kathryn moved to add Langley Jane Miller to the roster by bap�sm on Nov. 27th, add Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley

to the roster by bap�sm on Dec. 11th, add Gavin Aus�n to the roster by bap�sm on Dec. 21st, add Alan and Kari Melville and

sons Taylor and Preston to rosters by affirma�on of faith, and to remove Elda French who passed away Dec. 12th from the ros-

ter. Mo�on seconded by Mary and passed by Council.

Staff Reports: Wri�en reports were provided by Ken Winter, Director of Discipleship Ministry and by the Worship Team.

Ministry Reports:

Old Business:

• Call Commi�ee reported that they are s�ll in the process of evalua�ng and collec�ng informa�on on a candidate.

• Stewardship Team: commitment cards have been received from 65 family units, approximately half our regularly

a�ending members/families. Commitment cards may s�ll be turned in. There have been many posi�ve responses to the

stewardship campaign from members of the congrega�on. There will be addi�onal stewardship ac�vi�es in the coming


• Pastor Kathryn reported on the informa�onal mee�ng she and several members had with Erika Uthe, the Synod repre-

senta�ve, to explain the Prison Ministry program being put together by the SEIA Synod. The Synod has raised about

$100,000 to launch this program and will be looking for volunteers from St. Paul’s who are interested in par�cipa�ng.

Council supports St. Paul’s con�nued par�cipa�on in this program.

New Business:

• The loan on the lumber yard property will mature in February 2017. Council supported the Stewardship Team’s plan to

have a special request for dona�ons from the members of the congrega�on to reduce as much of the remaining $80,000

balance as possible before the renewal.

• Sabrina Rogers from Heart and Solu�ons has offered to lead another Financial Peace University class early in 2017. We

already have the leadership manuals/materials; the only expense to par�cipants will be the cost of their book/workbook.

This class would be open to member of the congrega�on and members of the Anamosa community. Council thanked

Sabrina and expressed support of this program.

• Jim/Amy Chris�anson requested used of a downstairs room in the CE building for 4 H mee�ngs from 7:00 to 8:00 p m on

the 3rd Sunday of each month beginning in January. Mo�on to approve as long as there are no conflicts with church

ac�vi�es was made by Darel, seconded by Dean and approved by Council.

Council Minutes- (con�nued on next page)

Page 7: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 7

Balances of St. Paul Bank/ Accounts As of 11/30/2016

General Fund Checking Account

Beginning Balance $9,813.05

Ending Balance $11,838.16

Budget Reserve Savings Account

Beginning Balance $200.00

Ending Balance:$200.00

Land Purchase Checking Account

Beginning Balance $4,531.98

Ending Balance $2,165.52

Land Purchase Savings Account

Beginning Balance $4,173.68

Ending Balance $2,043.47

Luther League Checking Account

Beginning Balance $4,173.68

Ending Balance $5,513.15

Luther League Savings Account

Beginning Balance $7,570.85

Ending Balance $7,570.85

Seminary Support Account

Beginning Balance: $928.83

Ending Balance: $2,394.66

Fidelity Savings Account

Beginning Balance: $6,162.25

Ending Balance: $6,162.25

Mortgage Account

Beginning Property Purchase

Amount: $258,250.00

Mortgage Balance: $79,976.72

69.0% Mortgage Paid

Council Minutes—(con�nued from previous page)

• Council approved the request from Ken Winter to con�nue the agreement with Heart and Solu�ons to provide work/

mee�ng space in the CE.

• Darel moved to designate the Christmas Eve loose offering to mission work; specifics to be determined by Council. Mo�on

seconded by Mary and passed.

Mo�on to adjourn was made by Darel and seconded by Dean. Mo�on approved. The mee�ng was closed with the St Francis


Submi�ed by: Mary Achenbach, Secretary

Financial Peace University

You CAN take control of your money!

No ma�er where you are with your money, this local nine

week class will teach you to create a budget, pay off debt,

spend and save wisely, and so much more.

Learn from financial expert, radio show host, and best-

selling author Dave Ramsey.

Class Info:

Where: St Paul

When: Thursdays 6:30-8:00pm

Beginning February 2nd

Contact Pastor Kathryn in the church office or Sabrina

Rogers for more details.

Sabrina Rogers 920-723-0112

[email protected]

Stewardship News

Land Purchase Mortgage is due on February 1st.

Thank you all for helping get our mortgage

balance to less than $80,000! We have received

recent giVs and pledges of nearly $20,000 toward

the mortgage reducing it even closer to zero!

You are invited to join the "pay off" the mortgage

challenge by clearly designa�ng your giV to Land


How exci�ng is this! Go St Paul!

Page 8: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 8

Important Contributions Notice

To assure the deduc�bility of your church contribu�ons, please do not file your 2016 income tax return un�l you

have received a wri�en acknowledgement of your contribu�ons from the church. Some of your contribu�ons may

not be tax deduc�ble if you file your tax return before receiving a wri�en acknowledgment of your contribu�ons

from the church.

Year End Contributions

Please remember the following when making your last contribu�on of the year:

1) Checks wri�en in December 2016 and deposited in the church offering in January 2017 is a 2017 contribu�on.

2) Checks wri�en and deposited in the church offering in January 2017 and “backdated” to December 2016 is a

2017 contribu�on.

3) Checks wri�en in December 2016 and deposited in the mail and postmarked in December 2016, but not received

by the church un�l January 2017 is a 2016 contribu�on.

4) Checks wri�en December 2016 and deposited in the mail December 2016 but not postmarked un�l January 2017

and not received by the church un�l January 2017 is a 2017 contribu�on.

We would prefer all contribu�ons for 2016 be at the church by noon on Thursday, December 29th so that we can

make a final deposit on that day. If you have any ques�ons, please call the office at 462-4841.

Give The Gift Of Grain To Benefit St. Paul

Crop producers who want to show support for St. Paul have another op�on besides wri�ng a check or dona�ng

cash. They can give the giV of grain. Giving grain is a viable op�on for dona�ng to St. Paul. Self employed farmers

who donate grain to St. Paul not only benefit St. Paul but also reduce their self-employment tax and increase their

income tax savings.

Giving grain can save farmers as much as 49% of their dona�on amount. For example, a grain dona�on worth

$1000 could save farmers an extra $490 because they gave grain in place of cash.

Always check with your co-op on their procedures when giVing grain.

Simply Giving Electronic Giving

This holiday season, we thank everyone who has supported St. Paul Lutheran Church this past year with their �me,

talent and financial generosity and look forward to support from all of our members in the year ahead. If you need

a convenient way to make regular offerings or if you plan to make an addi�onal giV before the end of the year, we

encourage you to check out our electronic giving op�ons. As the pace of life speeds up, especially around the holi-

days, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contribu�ons. Contact the church office for more


Offering Envelopes

Your 2017 Offering Envelopes are ready to be picked up in the church basement.

Page 9: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 9

From Ken’s Desk

Dear Friends,

With a new year comes change so I wanted to announce a few changes that will take place concerning my role here

at St. Paul and my call to ministry.

With God’s help and guidance, I have been called to shiV my voca�onal goals and plans from pursuing ordained

ministry to pursuing counseling ministry. Beginning in January, I will be transferring from Wartburg Theological

Seminary to Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado to pursuing a Master of Theology degree specializing in

Pastoral Care and Counseling to those experiencing mental health and addic�on issues. This will allow me the

opportunity to walk with and support those in our faith community and perhaps others here in Anamosa who are

experiencing these issues who want to incorporate faith and spirituality as tools and founda�on for coping, achieving

recovery and healing.

I will con�nue to be involved in suppor�ng and leading groups and ministries already established such as Tuesday

evening Grief Support, Sunday Morning Hot Topics, Wednesday Adult Bible/Book Studies, Wednesday Lutheran Men

in Mission, Care Giver and Care Receiver Support and Sunday Prayer Ministry. I will con�nue to assist in Worship,

visi�ng the sick and homebound as needed and serve as a resource for lay leaders. Yet my hope is to respond to the

call to care for those touched by the painful and oVen debilita�ng results that depression, anxiety and addic�on can


Beginning in January I will be available for one on one sessions for anyone seeking help with these issues. Please

contact me directly at the church office at 319-462-4841.

Blessings to All This Christmas!


Generous Giving

We would like to thank the following who have given of their �me and talents:

• Jim & Dolores Albrecht for the dona�on of a table in the Mul�-purpose room.

• GMT for moving table into Mul�-purpose room.

• Shawna Giegerich and WD4 students for the Tree Walk tree and decora�ons.

• Deb Hardersen, Nancy Bickford and crew for their work with the Tree Walk Café.

• Barb Kleis for her work entering a�endance into our database and for all other tasks she does at St. Paul.

• Dale & Pat Jensen, Colin & Carol S�ffler, Jerry & Verlyn Stolte, Ed Gerst & Susan Koppenhaver, Chad Anderson,

Robyn Sebetka, Barb Kleis, Kris� Fortune, Virginia Danielson and Nancy Stout for decora�ng the church for


• Dolores Albrecht for sewing a new white linen for the altar

• To all who made and donated cookies to the tree walk.

• To those who help with organizing and distribu�ng of clothes at the Clothes Closet on behalf of St. Paul

This is just a sample of recent generous giVs shared by members at St. Paul. If you have been a generous giver and

your name is not listed, please know, as a community we could never glorify and proclaim the Good News without

your faithful stewardship. Your brothers and sisters in Christ thank you!

Can you think of someone you would like to acknowledge? Contact the church office and we will add them to our

Generous Giving list next month.

Page 10: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 10





Interim Pastor:

Kathryn Franzenburg

[email protected]


Administra�ve Assistant:

Paula Hartman

[email protected]


Director of Discipleship Ministry:

Ken Winter

[email protected]


Director of Family Ministry:

Shawna Giegerich

[email protected]


Church Address:

201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205

Mailing/Office Address:

103 E. Cedar St. Anamosa, IA 52205

Church Website:


Council President: Ralph Andresen (319)462-3003

Council Vice President: Dean Haase


Council Secretary: Mary Achenbach


Treasurer & Financial Coordinator:

Nancy Lyon Douglas

[email protected]

(319)551-3358 (cell)

Council Member: Kris� Fortune


Council Member: Jim Hankemeier


Council Member: Lori Reynolds


Council Member: Darel Secrist


Council Member: Carlene Vavricek


Date Name

January 1 S�ll available

January 8 Ralph & Sandra Andresen

January 15 S�ll available

January 22

January 29

S�ll available

S�ll available


Jerry/Verlyn Stolte

Date Ushers Readers Comm. Prep Comm. Asst. Power Point

January 4 Jim Conley Laura S/

Shawna G





Julie Fall

January 11 Ken/Pam


Barb Kleis Ken/Pam


Laura S/

Shawna G



January 18 Mike Fall Laura S/

Shawna G





Julie Fall

January 25 Darla Algoe Darla Algoe Darla Algoe Laura S/

Shawna G




Elaine S�gen

Date Ushers Readers Comm. Prep Comm. Asst. Video

January 1

9:30 only

Fred Aus�n/

Nancy L.D.

Colin S�ffler Ashlyn


January 8 Dale/Pat


Pat Jensen Jan Allaire/

Karen Biere


Bickford Denny


January 15 M & M

Wilken Jane Ortgies M & M



Ortgies Karen Biere

January 22 Fairbanks

Family Marty


Jeff Fortune


Marty R/

Pastor Schipper

January 29 Dean/Lori









Date Ushers Readers Comm.







January 8 D/Marilyn


D or M




Dave Jacobs

Darel Secrist Ruby




Jan. 14 CJ Sullivan Shawna




Shawna G./







Jan. 21 S/V


S or V










Jan. 28 Shawn
















The 2017 Flower Chart is up in the church entryway. There

are s�ll many dates available to provide altar flowers!

Page 11: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 11


9:30am Worship


6-7:00pm Grief Share (CE Building– LL)

8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


7:00am Good Guys (McO.os)

8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (Pin. Pl.)

5:00pm Worship

5:45-6:15pm Meal (Church Basement)

6:15-7:45pm KFC/WD4

6:15pm Choir Prac7ce (Church Basement)

6:30-7:20pm Adult Small Group (White Rm)


8:45-9:45am Tradi7onal Worship

9:45am Coffee Hour (Church Basement)

10-10:30am Hot Topic (Church Basement)

10:45-11:45am Contemporary Worship w/

Children’s Church


6:30pm Church Council (CE Bldg)


6-7:00pm Grief Share (CE Building-LL)

7:00pm Mary Circle (St. Paul)

8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


7:00am Good Guys (McO.os)

8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (Pin. Pl. )

1:30pm Sarah Circle (Woodland Park)

5:00pm Worship

5:45-6:15pm Meal (Church Basement)

6:15-7:45pm KFC/WD4

6:15pm Choir Prac7ce (Church Basement)

6:30-7:20pm Adult Small Group (White Rm)


8:45-9:45am Tradi7onal Worship

9:45am Coffee Hour (Church Basement)

10-10:30am Hot Topic (Church Basement)

10:45-11:45am Contemporary Worship w/

Children’s Church


6-7:00pm Grief Share (CE Building-LL)

8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


7:00am Good Guys (McO.os)

8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (Pin. Pl.)

5:00pm Worship

5:45-6:15pm Meal (Church Basement)

6:15-7:45pm KFC/WD4

6:15pm Choir Prac7ce (Church Basement)

6:30-7:20pm Adult Small Group (White Rm)


4:00pm Deadline


8:45-9:45am Tradi7onal Worship

9:45am Coffee Hour (Church Basement)

10-10:30am Hot Topic (Church Basement)

10:45-11:45am Contemporary Worship w/

Children’s Church


6-7:00pm Grief Share (CE Building-LL)

8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


7:00am Good Guys (McO.os)

8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (Pin. Pl.)

5:00pm Worship

5:45-6:15pm Meal (Church Basement)

6:15-7:45pm KFC/WD4

6:15pm Choir Prac7ce (Church Basement)

6:30-7:20pm Adult Small Group (White Rm)


10:00am Friend to Friend

11:00am Group


Students leave for ConFEST (Zion Lutheran-


8:45-9:45am Tradi7onal Worship

9:45am Coffee Hour (Church Basement)

10-10:30am Hot Topic (Church Basement)

10:45-11:45am Contemporary Worship w/

Children’s Church


Volunteers Needed– Anamosa Care Center

Volunteers needed on Fridays

for BINGO at 2:00 at the

Anamosa Care Center. Contact

Ac�vi�es Director Sarah Schoon

at 462-4356 or Jan Allaire at

462-4223 for more informa�on.

Mark your calendars!

New Year’s Day

Worship Service Sunday, January 1, 2017

9:30 a.m.

Anamosa Care Center Help Wanted

Anamosa Care Center is looking for an Ac�vi�es

Assistant. It is a 20 hour a week posi�on at $10.00

an hour. One weekend a month for a couple of

hours each day and un�l 6 pm 3 night a week. If

interested please contact Ac�vi�es Director Sarah

Schoon at 462-4356.

Page 12: Saturday, December 24th Sunday, December 25th€¦ · Welcome to our church family Elizabeth Rose Melville-Woodley, daughter of Taylor Melville and Tanisha Woodley, granddaughter

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 12

If your birthday was omi.ed from this calendar, we may not have the date in our records. If you would like your birthday listed

on our calendar, please call Paula at 462-4841 or email her at [email protected] and she would be happy

to include it.

St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church 103 East Cedar Street Anamosa, IA 52205

Return Service Requested


Wednesday: 5pm Contemporary Worship Sunday: 8:45am Traditional Worship 9:45am Coffee Hour 10:00am “Hot Topic” Discussion 10:45am Contemporary Worship w/ “Children’s Church”

Chris Wilson 01

Larry Dougherty 02

Deb Hardersen 02

Greg Heims 02

Dallin Holub 03

Wess Morning 03

Landon Barnes 04

Deb Oltmann 04

Jeff Wilken 04

Bob Klinkkammer 06

Dixie Rickels 07

Steve Smith 07

Bob Prull 08

Laura Secrist 08

Terry French 09

Daylor Miller 09

Kris� Rickels 09

Shirley Schoon 09

Jackson Hosek 10

Kayla Wilken 10

Helen Ehlts 13

Pam Goodyear 13

Dale Barnes 14

Jason Miller 15

Kyle Weber 15

Nancy Hart 16

Doris Jeanne Herren 16

Patrick Kos 17

Sean Holle� 19

Donna Martensen 19

Eian Countryman 20

Gabe Countryman 20

Michele Lubben 20

Kristy Robertson 20

Brenda Carpenter 21

Alan Melville 21

Paige Folken 24

Nancy Bickford 25

Chris Miller 25

Pastor Schipper 25

Clint Morning 28

Jay Willems 29

Kent Reynolds 30

Luther Gilbert 31

Dorathy Gray 31