Download - SAT Vocabulary Abstruse - difficult to understand; incomprehensible, unfathomable When you mean to criticize something for being needlessly complex or.


SAT Vocabulary Abstruse - difficult to understand; incomprehensible, unfathomable When you mean to criticize something for being needlessly complex or baffling, the word you need is abstruse. Sentence: The data was so abstruse that the coworkers could not figure it out. Affable: ( Adj) friendly, courteous, amiable affability n affably adv He had a very affable nature, always saying hello to everyone. Audacity : excessive boldness, rashness, daring Sentence: My friend had the audacity, at practice, to call the football coach a wimp. Contrite Extremely apologetic, remorseful, repentant Sentence: Her contrite tears were not enough for her friend to believe she was telling the truth. The Mavericks had the audacity to believe the affable Tigers would let them win the football game after they offered an abstruse and contrite apology. Credulous Definition: Believing on slight evidence, gullible DEPRAVITY Definition: moral corruption, a wicked or perverse act The depravity of the Pirates behavior was incorrigible. Total depravity is the fallen state of man of Original Sin. The doctrine of total depravity asserts that people are by nature not inclined to love God wholly with heart, mind, and strength, as God requires, but rather all are inclined to serve their own interests over those of their neighbor and to reject the rule of God. Even religion and philanthropy are destructive to the extent that these originate from a human imagination, passions, and will. Therefore, in Reformed Theology, God must predestine individuals into salvation since man is incapable of choosing God. DEPReCATE Definition: (verb) To disapprove regretfully, to belittle, to express mild disapproval The boss deprecated his employee harshly. Self-Deprecation refers to a person who has a low opinion of himself. This is the classical "inferiority complex" of psychoanalysis. The person devalues, disparages, and slights himself. He feels that he is of little consequence among the rest of humanity. He sees others as better than himself, and looks up to them, and down on himself. didactic Definition: Instructive, designed to teach Autodidactic means to be self taught. Dormant ( ADJ ) Definition: inactive, sleeping Only female polar bears go into dormancy; the males do not. Enigmatic (adj) Definition: Mysterious, inexplicable, puzzling The disappearance of Amelia Earhart is an enigma to this day. Erudite Definition: scholarly The erudite physics professor had spent many years studying the theory of relativity. Exotic Definition: foreign, unfamiliar The exotic animals from Africa were used in the photo shoot with the exotic models. Fuse Definition: to mix or join (usually by melting) Zinc and Copper can be fused into hard, bright brass. Definition: unchanging My unwavering love for him will always be immutable. Immutable Incorrigible Definition: incapable of being reformed or improved Utterly Incorrigible The leopards temper was incorrigible and out of control. Loathe Definition: to detest; to hate Mitigate- VERB Definition: to cause to become less harsh or hostile, to lessen, or to make less severe He brought flowers to his girlfriend in order to mitigate her anger towards him. Nullify Definition: to cause not to be in effect, to negate. I am seeking to nullify the contract because he has not complied with it. Pacifistic- ADJ Definition: opposed to war or use of force Gandhi chose to peacefully protest because of his Pacifistic beliefs. Pretentious Definition: Making an extravagant outward show, self- important Isnt it a little pretentious the way she wears her fur and diamonds when she goes to the grocery store? Prologue Definition: introductory remarks in a speech, play or literary work, introductory action The prologue to the book was filled with historical facts. Definition: to withdraw a statement of belief, revoke Predict: Do you think Abigail will recant the accusation of Elizabeth Proctor being a witch? Why or why not? Definition: overly submissive; slavish Because of her servile nature, Tituba confessed rather than being whipped. Abigail, Tituba, and the other girls felt trepidation for their lives so they began to accuse others of witchcraft. Definition: fear, trembling, agitation Abigail vilifies Goody Proctors name by accusing her of witchcraft. Definition: to defame, or slander, to utter abusive statements against