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  • 8/10/2019 Sarim Burney NGO








  • 8/10/2019 Sarim Burney NGO


    Sarim Burney Trust International



    All thanks to Almighty God for the satisfactory completion of this

    term report.

    We want to thank our course Instructor of Business and

    Professional Speech, Ms. Fareeda Ibad, whose continuous

    supervision and assistance was of immense help and support to us.

    We would also like to pay our deep regards to all of the people who

    took part in this research report at Sarim Burney TrustInternational, especially Mr. Sarim Burney and Mrs. Aiya Burney,

    the chairman and vice chairman at Sarim Burney Trust

    International who personally gave us a tour and information about

    their NGO and provided us with a lot of assistance that would have

    otherwise not be possible for us to get.

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    Sarim Burney Trust International



    17th December, 2014

    Ms. Fareeda Ibad

    Business and Professional Speech

    Institute of Business Management

    Dear Madam

    Subject: Non Profit Organizations working in Pakistan

    Following is the report on: Non Profit Organizations working in

    Pakistan as authorized by you in the Business and Professional

    Speech course. We would like to thank you for assigning us this

    report for our better understanding and representation of the

    subject and gaining knowledge in better different fields.

    We would like to acknowledge the cooperation of all the people weinterviewed and all those who were kind enough to lend us their

    valuable time in making this report a success for us.

    Yours Sincerely

    Kanza AdnanNiha JawaidBabar SaeedBilal Vichi

  • 8/10/2019 Sarim Burney NGO


    Sarim Burney Trust International


    Table of Content

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................4

    NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION ..............................................................................................5



    MISSION STATEMENT .........................................................................................................................9

    VISION ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

    OBJECTIVES OF SARIM BURNEY TRUST ....................................................................................................... 9

    SERVICES PROVIDED AT SARIM BURNEY TRUST ....................................................................................... 10

    OPERATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE................................................................................... 11

    FUNCTIONAL AREAS ................................................................................................................................... 12

    RESOURCE COLLECTION AT SARIM BURNEY TRUST.................................................................................. 16

    SOURCES OF FUNDS ................................................................................................................................... 17

    CHALLENGES IN RESOURCE COLLECTION .................................................................................................. 21

    ALLOCATION OF FUNDS ............................................................................................................................. 22

    FUTURE OUTLOOK ...................................................................................................................................... 24

  • 8/10/2019 Sarim Burney NGO


    Sarim Burney Trust International



    Sarim Burney Trust International is a Pakistan based Non-profit

    organization working for the betterment of working for the

    betterment which the society holds. Its core operations include

    providing legal aid, shelter homes, financial aid, relief work and

    child adoption. Basically their main focus is to help the oppressed

    people of the society and also work against women and child abuse.

    We met with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Sarim Burney

    Trust, who gave us an insight of the shelter home and the

    organization. We got a chance to interact with the people living at

    the shelter home and also got a chance to hear their own stories, in

    their own words.

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    Sarim Burney Trust International



    A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a citizen-based

    association that operates independently of government, usually to

    deliver resources or serve some social or political purpose. TheWorld Bank classifies NGOs as either operational NGOs, which are

    primarily concerned with development projects, or advocacy NGOs,

    which are primarily concerned with promoting a cause.



    Sarim Burney Trust is a Pakistan based non-profit organization

    that focuses on providing shelter to men, women and children who

    are in dire need of it. Sarim Burney is the pioneer to introduce

    awareness about human rights in Pakistan. Their main focus is on

    oppressed people of the society. This trust works without any

    discrimination of caste, religion and creed. Trusts aim is to bring

    the whole community and people from all walks of life under one

    umbrella for their betterment and uplifting. At Sarim Burney, they

    fight against all forms of injustices, cruelty, inhumanity and

    child/women abuse. Sarim Burney Welfare Trust has achieved

    tremendous success in different areas, particularly camel jockey,

    women trafficking, disaster reliever, legal assistance; provide shelter

    to coral women and children without getting a single penny from

    any donor agencies. Rather their member supported our initiatives

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    Sarim Burney Trust International


    with the help of the local communities, they are serving. Its located

    at North Nazimabad.


    On our visit to the shelter home, we met with Mr. Sarim Burney

    and his wife Mrs. Aliya Burney., who are the chairman and vice

    chairman at Sarim Burney Trust respectively. Sarim Burney Trust

    Organization came into existence almost 25 years ago. Since its

    inception it has worked towards the betterment of the oppressed

    people of the community. Mr. Sarim, himself started the NGO along

    with his father who were always came forward as the people of the

    community who helped others in need. Instead of helping people

    individually, they decided to work for a good cause on a bigger

    scale. Since that time, he has always helped people who are abused,

    trafficked and homeless and provided them with a place to stay. It

    was not until 2004 when Tsunami hit the South Asian countries

    that he realized what exactly is a mans worth on this planet.

    According to Mr. Sarim himself, he went to Indonesia during that

    time with aid and donations in hopes of helping people there but on

    his arrival there he saw a completely unrealistic environment. He

    could not believe how little a mans life is worth in this world. He

    stayed there for a few days, as long as he could, but he realized that

    there was not much he could do there, except for providing them

    with aid and food supplies. He says, that was the time he actually

    changed as a human being and started to feel pain for anotherbeing. From that day on he made up his mind to help whoever he

    possibly could, in whatever way he possibly could.

    Sarim Burney started 25 years old, but just a few years ago they

    have started to create awareness internationally in hopes of getting

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    Sarim Burney Trust International


    donations since they dont except donations from any donor

    agencies. Mrs. Aliya has been a part of this trust for over 19 years,

    since she got married to Mr. Sarim and is a very head strong,

    confident and independent woman. She works under the shadow of

    her husband and is doing an excellent job at it. She has a personalconnection with all the people living at the trusts shelter home.

    Both Mr. and Mrs. Burney treat each and every person living at the

    shelter as their own family member, listen to their problems, give

    them time, converse with them. They play with the children there

    and provide with them toys and other things of their need.

    Mr. and Mrs. Burney personally believe that providing education to

    the lower class is next to pointless, since in Pakistan individualssitting at high posts mostly make the decisions and such decisions

    are hardly ever done on merit. They believe that along with

    education these people should be taught a skill. So even if they are

    unable to write their name, they can work for example at a

    mechanics workshop and earn a good living for himself and his

    family. As for the women, they can learn to sow or garden so that

    they can earn a living though that. They want learned individuals

    from well off families to come forward and help these people in

    need, not only in a way that would help them get through a single

    day, but in a way that would help them in the future.

    The shelter that we visited had all kinds of people from all sorts of

    backgrounds, castes, religions and they all lived like a family there.

    We talked to a view women living there and heard their devastating

    stories. Two of the women we met were from Africa and they were

    tricked into coming to Pakistan and later on forced to be sold, but

    they ran away from where they were kept and somehow found Mr.Sarim who is currently fighting a case against those people who

    kept them and their passports. A group of lawyers under the

    leadership of Sarim Burney has been constituted, sensing the needs

    and difficulties of the poor and needy, as to provide them both

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    Sarim Burney Trust International


    moral boost and legal remedies, to render their expertise to the


    There are more than 70 million children under the age of 18 years

    in Pakistan. About half of these (35 million) are girls. Twenty-fivemillion children of school-going age do not attend school. According

    to official figures there are 3.3 million child laborers, but unofficial

    estimates place the number at 8 million. Approximately 4,000

    children languish in the over-crowded, inhabitable conditions of

    Pakistans jails. The vast majority of these have not yet been

    convicted. These are just a few figures to illustrate the desperate

    condition of children in Pakistan. Along with providing shelter, food

    and supplies to these people, they provide education at the shelterhomes too. Mrs. Aliya herself provides education to the children

    there in groups of primary, lower secondary and upper secondary

    education. Main focus is on basic English, Urdu and Math in

    groups of three. So that when its time for them to leave (either for

    further education or if they are lucky enough to get adopted) they

    are capable enough to sit for an admission test and are able to clear

    the test. Apart for this they are provided with Islamic Education,

    after their regular education they have Madrasa sessions.

    Mr. Sarim encourages university students to visit the shelter as

    often as they can, not just men, girls as well so that they get an

    insight of how the world works and what kinds of people there are

    in the world and how a woman can protect herself from it. To listen

    to their stories does not only give us the courage to face the world

    but also makes us realize how blessed we are to be living the life

    that we are leading. He believes that spending a day with these

    oppressed individuals can make a person realize that they can onlytrust God completely. People from well off families send their girls to

    this shelter home for them to become more strong and confident.

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    Sarim Burney Trust International



    To serve the humanity, work for human welfare and to help thedowntrodden and the deprived.


    Sarim Burneys vision is to encourage respect for human rights,

    safeguard the rights of women and children, fight against all forms

    of injustices, cruelty, inhumanity, child and women abuse and

    encourage better treatment of human beings and for the rights and

    freedom of civil liberties.


    To aware the society about the basic human rights To empower the women regarding their basic human rights

    To train the human rights activists by giving them trainings on

    human beings issues

    To raise awareness, provide free legal advice and services and

    humanitarian assistance where needed

    To pay special attention on the basic human rights of the

    women and children

    To develop networking, advocacy and lobbying among differentgovernment institutions and non-government organizations

    about human rights issues

    To develop the self -sustainable projects for the Pakistani


  • 8/10/2019 Sarim Burney NGO


    Sarim Burney Trust International


    To work for the rehabilitation and welfare of the families of

    these unfortunate human beings purely on humanitarian

    grounds in the greater interest of justice and humanity

    without any affiliation or consideration for any political party,

    group or activities.

    To take necessary action in preventing Human Rights

    Violations and providing aid and assistance including legal aid

    to victims of Human Rights Violations and to individuals and

    group striving to protect human rights.


    Sarim Burneys goal is to alleviate poverty, help the oppressed,

    provide assistance to the underprivileged people of urban slums.

    The trust by fulfilling its obligations has provided & is providing

    legal assistance to those prisoners who cannot even afford a single

    penny, further more to those who are falsely implicated in cases

    and have been confined in jails. In order to achieve this goal Sarim

    Burney Trust follows the following services:

    Legal Aid Committee

    Provide Legal support to the survivors of Trafficking

    Defending Women and childrens rights in the Middle East

    Database on trafficking

    Centre for exploited children and women

    Legal Assistance

    Providing Treatment and Financial assistance to disable

    persons Disasters Relief

    Providing relief and assistance during natural disasters

    Ambulance Services

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    Sarim Burney Trust International



    Sarim Burney Trust is run primarily by Mr. Sarim Burney himself

    and his Wife. There are two main operational centers, one is their

    office at Arambagh and the other is their shelter home at

    Nazimabad. Mr. Burney looks after the matters at the office while

    Mrs. Burney takes care of the shelter home.

    At the office Mr. Burney has employed a total of 60 people which

    include sixteen advocates who work in the legal aid department and

    the rest of the staff include administrative staff, drivers and peonsand so on. All of these sixty people are paid but not as much as a

    similar job elsewhere would pay. The staff comprises of those people

    who were in need of rehabilitation after overcoming some tragedy or

    a very difficult phase in their lives. Therefore these people work

    willingly on minimum pay in order to help others who are in similar

    situation come out of their misery.

    At the shelter, apart from a driver and a guard, there are no

    employees. The place is set up in the form of a joint family

    household where the elderly do not do any chores and the younger

    ones take care of all the work around the house. Mrs. Burney has

    set up teams for cleaning, cooking and washing and this way

    everyone knows their responsibility in the house. At the shelter

    there are girls who have done their Masters and Bachelors or are

    doctors and they have the responsibility of teaching the children.

    The in house school starts at eight every morning where the

    students learn English, Urdu, Mathematics and science. Mrs.Burney says the she did not need to hire any outside help and the

    shelter works completely on the principle of self-help.

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    Sarim Burney Trust International




    SBTI is the pioneer in providing legal aid to all those who cannot

    afford it. In Pakistan many people get wrongly sentenced for a crime

    they did not commit only because the other party was more

    influential or the innocent party did not have enough evidence to

    prove their innocence. In case like these, SBTI provides legal

    assistance to these people helping them get out of a unfair sentence

    or any other legal problem

    Apart from that aid is also provided to Pakistanis who are stuck

    abroad and are unable to come back home or any foreigners who

    are unable to go back home. Recently they helped was a British

    National who came to Pakistan 10 years ago for the purpose of

    training university teachers. He got caught up In work here and

    overstayed his visa validity. He contacted the British embassy both

    here and in England but got no response from either of them. SBTI

    eventually helped him fulfill all his legal dues and travel back toEngland.

    Upon our visit we met a couple of sisters from Rwanda who were

    unable to go back home. They were brought here by their own sister

    and brother in law who later seized their passports, kept them

    captive and also starved and tortured them. They somehow

    managed to run-away from their house and a kind fellow brought

    them to SBTI Shelter home. Their sister, upon their escape, pressed

    charges against them for theft. Now SBTI is fighting their case in

    the court on its own expense. Not only do they have to reclaim their

    passports and other documents they also need to remove the theft

    charges before the girls could travel back home safely. SBTI is not

    only providing them legal aid in this case but those girls are staying

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    Sarim Burney Trust International


    at the shelter and Mrs. Burney also takes them for their court

    hearings and meetings with the lawyer. After coming to the shelter

    the girls were also able to contact their parents back in Rwanda and

    inform them about their well-being.

    Sarim Burney Trust International also rescued the children who

    were abducted from Pakistan and taken to the Middle East for

    camel jokey where they were tied to the camels during the race and

    would get severely injured or even die. These children were brought

    back home by SBTI and reunited with their families.


    The Shelter Home was established with the aim of providing refuge

    to exploited women and children. The shelter home is home to over

    150 women and children all with their tragedies and forsaken by

    their own loved ones. At this shelter you can meet children of all

    ages who lost their parents or got separated from them. Many of

    these children are orphans and have seen such harsh realities of

    life at such a tender age. These children were left alone on the

    streets at the mercy of the cruel society. Many of them were raped,

    tortured and exploited. One child at the shelter whose mother is in

    jail was rescued from the jail where he was being raped by other

    prisoners and was also given drugs. All of this caused him to lose

    his mental balance and also his ability to speak properly. After

    coming to the shelter and being loved and cared for the past one

    year, he has regained some ability to speak and has also become


    Here you can also meet mothers who dedicated their entire

    existence to their children for the entire time they were growing andare now left by the same to die alone. Some of these women were

    also tortured by their sons and thrown out empty handed. The boys

    they raised to be their pillars in the old age and their support in

    their last moments were the ones who put them in such immense

    misery. Their eyes are now dry and their hearts empty and all they

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  • 8/10/2019 Sarim Burney NGO


    Sarim Burney Trust International



    Sarim Burney Trust International started disaster relief in 2004

    when Mr. Burney went to tsunami hit Indonesia with food and

    medical supplies. The plight of the affected touched him so deeply

    that he continued this operation whenever disaster hit. Again in

    2005 when the earthquake hit the northern areas of Pakistan, he

    went with his team with food and medical supplies and tried to

    reach all those areas where the aid was unable to reach. He

    continued his relief efforts when flood hit Pakistan twice.

    Apart from disaster relief Sarim Burney Trust International also

    distributes ration among some families who do not have a stable

    source of income. These families mostly include widows who are left

    alone to take care of their children. The ration provided leaves them

    one thing less to worry about.


    Whenever a child comes to Sarim Burney Trust International, theirutmost effort is to find them a home and family where they can live

    a normal life and grow up as a productive member of the society. If

    they receive a case where the child is lost they try their best to

    reunite them with their families. But if a child with no parents

    comes to them they keep them like their own and meanwhile try to

    find them a family where they would get the love and care they

    deserve. Especially infants who are only a few months old are given

    to the young couples who are unable to have a child of their own.

    The process of child adoption is carried out with a lot of care and

    only after thorough scrutiny are the couples chosen for this

    purpose. Children are only given to couples who do not have a child

    of their own and the couple is asked to deposit a sum of money in a

    fixed account on the childs name. That money can only be used by

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    Sarim Burney Trust International


    the child once he or she turns eighteen. This is done for the security

    of the child in case of an unfortunate event.


    Sarim Burney Trust is aware that it is impossible to cover every

    eventuality of resource collection and distribution, and therefore a

    set of guidelines have been designed to identify the areas that need

    to be considered and the types of controls that can be put in place.

    Sarim Burney Trust implements these guidelines as instructions

    from which to ensure transparency and credibility within the trust


    Donation handling guidance are important for three main


    To protect the Sarim Burney Trust from fraud, theft or


    To protect permanent staff or even volunteers from

    accusations of either dishonesty or any sort of temptations tocommit fraud; and

    In order to assure the donors that their valuable donations

    and gifts are being used for the purpose for which they were

    donated to Sarim Burney Trust.

    The need to handle donations, and particularly cash, arises

    throughout the fundraising sector that is mostly nongovernmental

    in Pakistan and occurs in a number of areas, such as shelter homebudgeting, camel jockey rescues, legal aid, Hospitalization, human

    trafficking and disaster relief. These donations can be made in

    person, over the phone or online. The general guidance at Sarim

    Burney Trust applies to the handling of donations in all situations

    or events

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    Sarim Burney Trust International



    A large-scale shelter Program, with a growing network of shelterhomes, requires support in many capacities and larger resources of

    funds. The legal aid Program of Sarim Burney trust is funded

    entirely with charitable donations and to join the cause of providing

    free legal aid to the underprivileged and help and bring hope and

    happiness to the people of Pakistan.

    A shelter home of Sarim Burney in Karachi was first established in

    North Nazimabad by Sarim Burney himself. Around thirty percent

    donations come from Pakistan and other donations come from

    United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, United Arab

    Emirates, and Bahrain.

    Donations from UAE:

    Supporters of The Citizens Foundation in UAE established the first

    chapter of TCF overseas.

    Donations from Bahrain:

    A representative of Sarim Burney Trust is present in Bahrain to

    collect funds from the local people and businessmen. The Person is

    a trusted and close friend of Sarim Burney himself and is credible

    to the donations received.

    Donations from Canada:

    Donations from Canada are received through online bank accounts

    that belong to the Sarim Burney Trust. Canadian currency

    monetary transactions are converted into Pakistani Rupees at

    exchange rates set by the money exchange forces on the date of

    transaction. All monetary and financial assets and long-term and

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    Sarim Burney Trust International


    short-term liabilities in foreign currencies at the reporting date are

    transformed into Pakistani Rupees at the rates of exchange

    prevailing on the reporting date. Exchange rate differences, if any,

    are included in the income and expenditure account of Sarim

    Burney Trust.

    Donations from USA:

    Donations from United States of America are collected via an

    international account of Sarim Burney Trust.

    Foreign currency transactions are translated into Pakistani Rupees

    at exchange rates set by the money exchange forces on the date of

    transaction. All monetary and financial assets and long-term andshort-term liabilities in foreign currencies at the reporting date are

    converted in to Pakistani Rupees at the rates of exchange prevailing

    on the reporting date. Exchange rate differences, if any, are

    included in income and expenditure account.

    Use of PayPal for International Donations

    PayPal is being used to receive payments from independent

    international donors through the Internet .Once Sarim BurneyTrust signed up for a PayPal account, They have been receiving

    donations online. When donors donate money, they can choose to

    fund their donations from either their PayPal account balance or a

    credit card, or even their original bank account. Sarim Burney

    Trust is then notified via an email from PayPal itself that a donation

    has been made in their amount. The next step taken is that, these

    donations which are in a foreign currency are converted into

    Pakistani Rupees at the exchange rates being set by the market

    forces on the date the donation is made.

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    Sarim Burney Trust International


    Reasons for selection of PayPal by Sarim Burney Trust

    PayPal saves time as compared to bank transitions

    Keeps all of the financial information of the trust in one place

    Gives donor the benefit of using credit cards for donations or

    make payments directly from their bank accounts

    Faster than money orders and cheques

    No-waiting in line at the bank.

    PayPal is trusted worldwide

    More than 50 million member accounts and growing

    Used across the world in 203 countries and regions

    Financial information of the trust is never shared

    Experienced fraud prevention team fights fraud before it


    Funds Received as Zakat:

    Many of our religious traditions teach us that it's

    wrong to live existence lacking discerning our obligation to others:

    allocating whatever one has alongside ones fellow being, will

    increase the less opportune in countless methods, increase their

    opportunities and brighten their lives. We have a vital act to frolic in

    seizing up useful measures to safeguard that a sluggish but stable

    extreme socio-cultural makeover seizes locale in Pakistan in theform of Zakat. Sarim Burney Trust awaits Zakat through:

    Cheques or Bank Drafts

    Online via credit cards or PayPal

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    Sarim Burney Trust International


    Sale of Passes

    Sarim Burney Trust sells the passes of any event they organize.

    This way of raising finance not only covers their expenses incurred

    in organizing their event, but it also leaves a surplus amount which

    is included in the donation after paying up all the incurred costs.

    Similarly, Sarim Burney Trust also offers charged passes for their

    event which everyone except the Chief Guest of the event is

    supposed to buy. This year the passes were priced at PKR 600 and

    it effectively contributed towards the generation of handsome

    donation as well as paying up the bill of Sherraton hotel.

    Sources of Human Capital

    Sarim Burney Trust manages human resources in the most

    efficient way possible, there is a limited number of salaried

    employees hired and that too are in the legal aid division mostly

    consisting of lawyers. In order to manage the operational activities

    at the shelter home, Sarim Burney Trust allocates duties amongst

    the residents of the shelter

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    Sarim Burney Trust International



    One of the major troubles faced by Sarim Burney Trust is of

    generating the funds to support the operations of this organization.

    The first cause of these limitations is that, there is a huge number

    of NGOs working in Pakistan who are working to support various

    causes such as ambulance network or lunch to the hungry etc and

    are attracting the donations. This then restricts the amount of

    donations that each NGO in Pakistan gets. The same is the case

    with Sarim Burney Trust.

    Second major restriction is that the Sarim Burney himself has shed

    some light on how in the name of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR), many companies are taking advantage of this by declaring

    millions of amount being donated to Sarim Burney Trust but only

    limited to the extent of paper work just to save on taxes on their

    revenues and are not actually donating the amount declared. He

    further revealed that not only some of the renowned local

    companies are involved in this, but also some of the giant

    multinationals in Pakistan are involved in this as well. This then

    further creates the shortage of funds needed to keep the operationsof Sarim Burney Trust run effectively.

    Lastly, many people are in the view of saving lives that are in

    danger rather than wasting money on legal aid. However, they failed

    to ignore the fact that free legal aid to an innocent is as important

    as shelter to a homeless person, and there are not much NGOs

    working towards the sector of free legal aid and the justice

    department of Pakistan does not provide subsidized legal aid.

    Hence, it becomes very difficult for the foundation to convince the

    potential donors to donate.

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    Sarim Burney Trust International



    Funds are allocated quarterly via a meeting of board of trustees

    which is communicated once a quarter, in this meeting it is decidedon schedule of events and projected requirements of Funds for the

    coming quarter.

    An aspect worth mentioning here, the allocation of funds also

    follows a thumb rule of directing funds first over the operations of

    shelter home first. The Flow of funds is also managed as such that

    there is least waiting times for innocent people waiting for free legal


    Donations for legal aid and shelter homes is recognized as income.

    Donations related to operating fixed assets e.g. for building and

    repairing shelter home etc. received in cash are recognized as

    deferred income and amortized over the useful lives of assets from

    the date the asset is available for intended use.

    Gain or losses on sale of investments are included in income and

    expenditure account on the date at which the transaction takes

    place. Dividend income is recognized when the right to receivedividend is established.

    Income for the last year is as follows: (Pak Rupees)

    Donations 1,110,671,000

    Income and Investments 21,461,000

    Profit on bank accounts 8,157,000

    Exchange gain 11,199,000

    Gain on disposal of fixed assets 32,035,000

    Dividend Income 6,142,000

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    Sarim Burney Trust International


    Total Income Rs. 1,189,665,000

    Following is the present estimated costs (in Pak Rupees) of

    supporting and building Sarim Burney trust shelter homes.

    Educate a child

    1 month 1,000

    1 year 12,000

    Free Legal Aid

    Single Unit 1.5 m

    Dual Unit 3 m

    Tri Unit 4.5m

    Build a shelter home and support

    Primary Unit 11.5m + 4.95m

    Secondary (single) unit 12.5m + 4.95m

    Secondary (dual) unit 25m + 9.9m

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    Sarim Burney Trust International



    Sarim Burney trust has gained success in past couple of years and

    their work and dedication can be seen by the activities they do. The

    trust carries out lots of task though they have many future plans.

    They want the trust to reach at very high level. They have many

    aims but their short term aims are:

    1) Parents home.

    2) Shelter for disabled people.

    3) To stop national and international human smuggling.

    4) To cure patients who are orphans and disabled with alliance of

    the hospitals.

    5) To start ambulance service all over the country.

    According to Mr. Sarim Burney all the projects are planned already

    but they are looking for the opportunity to start the projects. He

    believes that with the increase in the network with people and

    appreciations by the people it will become quite motivating to start

    the project as soon as possible. His first priority in the plan of

    projects Is:


    In our language the shelter for old age people is called old age

    home. MR Sarim Burney disagrees with the name and believes that

    every old people in this world are like our parents. In the trust there

    are so many old women who are so happy in the current shelter

    that they do not desire to go back home. The condition of the

    parents in our society has been very vulnerable and the situations

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    Sarim Burney Trust International


    parents face in their old age by their children is very difficult. There

    was a women in the trust who used to be beaten by his son because

    she used to stop him from consuming drugs and other illegal

    activities. An another women reported that her daughter in law

    used to beat him so badly and her son never said anything. MRSarim Burney strongly believes that there should be a very big

    shelter for the old people where they can be treated like parents, he

    wants to give those parents the life a child should give to his or her

    parents. On our visit a women reported that the love Sarim give to

    me is exceptional. Mr. Sarim reported that there are many

    challenges we have to face by the children. For example a son

    dropped his mother in our shelter, after few days he came back and

    asked for her mother just because he realized that his mother usedto do his house work and his wife used to rest. But his mother did

    not want to go back. On this the son reacted and used to come

    again and again and used to blackmail the guard of the shelter. On

    another occasion when a mother came to Sarim Burney herself, her

    son told the police that MR Sarim Burney has forcefully kept his

    mother in the shelter. He want to make a proper parents home

    where their will be a proper custody agreement between the trust

    and the children of the parent. He want to make sure that theparent he is giving the place in the parent home do not get any

    problem and spend rest of the life getting all the benefits that a son

    give to his or her parents. He also intends to provide all the security

    to the old age people. In the shelter for parent and old people he

    intends to provide medical facilities more then the current shelter

    as old people are more subjected to the diseases.

    Then the second priority of the trust is to start:

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  • 8/10/2019 Sarim Burney NGO


    Sarim Burney Trust International


    problem here. They were very thankful to MR Sarim. MR Sarim aim

    is to stop the human smuggling and send back the people who have

    been smuggled from their own country. The trust had to face many

    issues regarding rescuing and giving shelters to the smuggled girls.

    The media and the society accused the trust that the trust rescuesthe girls and sells them. The society also believed that the trust give

    shelter to the orphan girls and then trade them and smuggle them

    across the world. As the whole mafia is involved in human

    smuggling, the trust face lots of challenges in this area. The trust

    gets threatening calls, even the founders are threatened by the local

    and international mafia. The trust aims to develop a huge network

    In order to achieve this objective. The trust has started to do

    alliance with the international organizations who also aims toachieve this objective.

    Then the trust aims to develop:

    Shelter for disabled people

    After building parent home the trust aims to build shelter for

    disabled people where the disabled people will be trained to spend

    the life like normal people. In the shelter the trust aims to buildtraining center for the disabled people even who is not living in the

    shelter. The shelter will be provided with all the facilities that will

    help the disabled people. According to MR Sarim Burney the shelter

    for disabled is necessary as the disabled people face very less

    motivating living with normal people and it is necessary to give

    them the place and to let them create world of their own. The

    shelter will have elevator facilities, ramps for the wheel chairs and

    many other facilities that disabled people need. Here they will be

    given the same education whether the person is deaf, blind, etc.

    According to MISS Aliya Sarim the disabled people are one of us,

    but their upbringing should be different and they should not realize

    at any moment in life that they are disable, they should be trained

    enough to lead the life as normally as possible.

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    Sarim Burney Trust International


    The trust also aims to:

    Cure patients who are disabled and orphans

    The trust is planning to develop a strategy where they can provide

    treatment facilities to the orphans and disabled people. For this

    they have started working and contacted several hospitals. They

    have decided to have alliance with good hospitals. MR Sarim

    believes that although we have good Government hospitals but we

    intend to provide the treatment to the orphan and disabled people

    same as the normal people of the nation. The trust also decided

    that if any orphan got treated from a particular hospital and he

    cannot afford it, he or she can simply bring the slip to the trust and

    the trust will fund the patient. The challenges the trust believes

    they may face is that the hospitals will not work sincerely as their

    sole purpose is to earn profit and people might also cheat with the

    trust by showing wrong slips of the treatment. For this purpose the

    trust is deciding to build the team which will entirely work on this

    area and will coordinate with hospitals and patients on daily basis.The trust is also aiming to set up medical camps in different rural

    areas on weekly basis. The camp will be based in different areas of

    Sindh initially then other interior areas.

    The trust have all the aims to complete these projects but the as all

    other trust needs funds and volunteering, Sarim Burney trust also

    need aid by the people. The society is the one who will get benefits

    by the completion of these projects and at the end it will help the

    society to prosper.

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