Download - SAP’s Global Survey On Social Media, Culture & Business Shel Israel Community 2.0 May 14, 2008.


SAP’s Global Survey On Social Media, Culture & Business

Shel IsraelCommunity 2.0May 14, 2008

SAP’s directions•Follow Social Media wherever it leads.•Report as a story teller •Blog my findings


•Luminaries•SM as lead-generator•Roll-your-own•Survey becomes ongoing•GNTV

Covered to Date

•96 interviews •12 GNTV clips •32 countries, •5 continents

A Global NeighborhoodUS. Canada. Argentina. Brazil. Chile. Australia. Singapore. Cambodia. Japan. China. India. Russia. Estonia. Czech Republic. Ukraine. Croatia. Bulgaria. Poland. Rumania. Greece. Italy. Germany. France. Belgium. Spain. Scotland. Ireland. UK. South Africa. Kenya. Egypt. Saudi Arabia.

Diverse People

•Enterprise•Entrepreneurs•Academics•NGOs•Social activists•Youth•Citizen journalists

CultureConversations with world-changers

Laurel Papworth, Silkworm“Saudi women are already online, where they do what other people do, even flirt. But they do it anonymously, because the consequences can be devastating.”

Isaac Mao, China‘In the blogosphere, the more government tries to squeeze, the more people fight back. More and more bloggers are daring to speak out.’

Wael Abbas-Egypt

‘Perhaps I will one day be arrested or killed. It does not matter. Someone will replace me. These stories need to be told.’

Erik Hersman, Kenya

‘Kenyans aren't warlike by nature. They would prefer a tranquil existence. Our wiki served to help them avoid the violence.’

BusinessThe ROI is Customer Proximity

Michael Dell, Dell Computer‘The number of people online will double from 1-2 billion by 2011-- a compelling case for understanding where this growth is occurring and what it means.’

Bob Lutz, GM

© Daniel Gene

‘I started FastLane to tell GM’s side. The press just wasn’t giving us a fair shake. Now, the entire automotive press follows every word. I have no doubt it influences what they write.’

Paula Drum, H&R Block‘TurboTax, was becoming ubiquitous with about 70% market share. To grow our digital business, we needed to drive awareness that H&R Block was more than the traditional corner tax office.’

Peter Reiser, Sun Microsystems

© Babbelfish

‘The ROI is really quite simple. It is the retention & sharing of the knowledge of 9,000 Sun engineers.’


•Youth is the killer app•Youth driving adoption more than geeks•Communities have universal appeal•The most generous have the most

influence•Culture matters. •Control belongs to the community

Business findings

•Adoption is faster than you think•Resistance is found in the middle•Small bands of evangelists making big

difference•Behind firewall accelerating•Measurement, a key issue

Shel IsraelWriter. Blogger. Nice Guy Email: [email protected] Blog: http://globalneighbourhoods.netVideo blog: Twitter: