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SAP Basis Howto Blog about SAP ERP especially on technical field such as SAP Basis/NetWeaver concepts, monitoring, administration, performance tuning, SAP Implementations, ABAP, Data Migration, OS, Database server, and FAQsFriday, June 10, 2011Installing SAP R/3 Application server on Linux In this article, I will give you step by step for installation of application server system SAP R / 3 using the Linux OS.Why use Linux?Instead better use Windows?There are some things that a consideration to me why using Linux include:

1. Database Instance that will be used is Oracle with a platform AIX (IBM's proprietary UNIX).Between AIX and Linux, UNIX machines are equally so compatibility will be more awake than using Windows.2. Linux is free and open source.By nature, I was much easier to perform tuning and search for references on the Internet.3. Communication between Linux and AIX will use NFS, while Windows and AIX will use SAMBA.4. Linux machine is more stable, reliable, and most importantly the virus-immune.5. Linux is also less expensive in terms of maintenance, hardware requirements, compared to using Windows (must have a license) and AIX (in terms of licensing and hardware).Selection of Linux distributions that will be used freely.I prefer the distro that can use the concept of LVM (Logical Volume Management) so I can make a logical volume space maintenance easier.I will try to explain using Redhat machine.I personally have tried to use SuSE as well.The main difference between them is the problem of the default file system used.Redhat uses ext3, while SuSE using reiserfs.

Excellence ext3 and reiserfs is the ability to manage the logical volume size online.So we can easily increase the size of logical volumes without having to unmount the logical volume.We start, yes ...

1.OS InstallationWhen the OS installation, prepare a sufficient partition for the installation of SAP.The table on the following attachment (Disk) The following will give an explanation setting partitions using LVM.

2.Installing the Central InstanceSince we will use an existing Database Instance on AIX 64 bit machine, then we have to install the Central Instance.Installing the Central Instance package in Linux is to get the executable files from the SAP kernel for Linux.Set environment needed to run sapinst among others:LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / sapmnt / [SID] / exeSAPINST_JRE_HOME = / opt / [location of java runtime environment]DISPLAY = [IP_Address of Windows Client]: 0.0umask = 22

To test, run the xclock command on the console.If an analog clock image, it means that environment is set correctly.If not appear, review the value of each environment variable you.

Go tothedirectorysapinst.SapinstRuncommandonthe console.

Choose Install Central Instance.

Fill inthe informationtothe SAPSystemID(SAPSID)andInstanceNumber.Customizewithexisting informationon the DatabaseInstanceonAIX.

Fill inthe informationdatabaseID(DBSID)andDatabaseHost.

Let theinformationby default.Thiswedobecausethis serverwillonlybe usedasapplicationservers.

ChooseNoifyou do notuseLDAPLDAPfacilitiesonyournetwork.

Make sure that this directory is exist.

Make sure thecorrectinformationDatabaseSchema.Anddo notforgetthe type ofdatabaseserver is runningonAIXis64bits.

Informationabout thegroupsapsys.Noteworthyis theGroupIDmust matchthe Group IDon theAIXmachine(as adatabaseserver).

Informationabout thegroupdba.Noteworthyis theGroupIDmust matchthe Group IDon theAIXmachine(as adatabaseserver).

Informationabout thegroupshift gears.Noteworthyis theGroupIDmust matchthe Group IDon theAIXmachine(as adatabaseserver).

Informationaboutthe user[sid]adm.Mustbe consideredis theUserIDandpasswordmust bethe same asyour User IDandpasswordonAIXmachine.

Informationaboutthe userora[sid].Mustbe consideredis theUserIDandpasswordmust bethe same asyour User IDandpasswordonAIXmachines.

Note thedirectory listingabove.These directoriesmustexist.Ifnotexist, create itnow!.The directorymustexistis/usr/sap,/usr/sap/trans,/sapmnt,/oracle,/oracle/[SID]/920_64.

Youmustindicatethe location ofthe SAPKernelforLinuxisavailable.You should beready.

Informationextraction ofOracleClient.Removethe check mark.We will notinstallOracleClientnow.

Information onportsusedbySAP applications.The followingportsshould not beusedby other applications,which is36[systemnumber],33[systemnumber],32[systemnumber],47[systemnumber],and48[systemnumber].Pleaseedit thefile/etc/ services.

Informationlistenernameandportusedby thelistener.Make surethe port isnotusedby other applications.


Summaryinformation onthe CentralInstanceinstallation.Checkbackandyoustillcanclick theback buttonif thereisnot yetappropriate.

Installing thecentralinstanceis running.

Congratulations!!Installing thecentralinstancesuccessfully.We'realready inhalfway.Pleasebreakbefore...enjoyhotcoffeeandfriedbananasyou...:)


Setenvironmentneeded torunsapinstamongothers:


Totest,run thexclockcommandonthe console.If ananalogclockimage, it means thatenvironmentissetcorrectly.If notappear,review thevalueof eachenvironment variableyou.Make surethemachineLinuxandAIXmachinesknoweach other.Performthe addition ofthe IPAddressandhostnameLinuxonAIXmachinesand vice versa.

From theAIXmachineviaNFS,shareddirectory/sapmnt/[SID]/globaland/sapmnt/[SID]/profile.From theLinuxmachine,mount thedirectorywiththesamemountpoint.


Informationabout theCentralInstance.Remember!instancenumberandinstanceinformationarehostedon theAIXmachine.


Informationhostedinstance ofparameters.Leave thedefault.

ChooseNoifyoudo notuseLDAPLDAPonthe network.

LocationSAPMountDirectoryison/sapmnt.Make surethis directoryexists.

Note thetypeof informationDatabaseSchemaandDatabaseservers.Do notforgetthat thedatabaseserverthatweuseis64bits.

Note thedirectory listingabove.These directoriesmustexist.Ifnotexist, create itnow!.The directorymustexistis/usr/sap,/usr/sap/trans,/sapmnt,/oracle,/oracle/[SID]/920_64.

Youmustindicatethe location ofthe SAPKernelforLinuxisavailable.You should beready.

Now is thetime forusto installOracleClient.Ticktheoptionextractoracleclient.

Informationusedports in theSAP.Should have beenpreparedat the time ofinstallation ofthe CentralInstance.

Settingname of thelistenerand thelistenerportname.



InstallingDialogInstanceis running.

Errorwill beoutdue tolack ofpermissionsonthe directoryNFS/sapmnt/[SID]/profile.

From theAIXmachine,change thefirstpermissionsrecursivelyto 777,the command#chmod-R/sapmnt/[SID]/profile.Continuethe installationuntil it metthe erroragain.

Errorsoccurbecause thepermissionsonthe directoryNFS/sapmnt/[SID]/profileonAIXmachines.

Restorepermissionsto its original position.Use thefollowingcommandsin succession:#chmod-R644profile,#chmod755profile.

This erroris abugfromSAP.Pleaseedit thefilekeybd.xml.Searchkeyword"ERROR"andchange it toOK.Save,thenrunback tothe oldinstallation.

Congratulations!DialogInstanceinstallationhas been completed.

4.Nextrunthe dialoginstance.Previoussurecentralinstanceanddatabaseserver isrunningontheAIXmachine.

Nowwealreadyhave aLinuxapplicationserversare cheap,reliableandstable.There ismore tobedituning,laterwewent onagain.

SAP Installation on LinuxBy: Shalesh Singh Visen | Google | 01 Nov 2009 6:55 am | 5713 times viewed | 4 Comments 1)Install Linux according to SAP note 839182. Disable firewall & SELinux2)download j2dk1.4.2_... for linux & install it , /usr/java/jdk1.4.2_193)set environment Variablelike

export JAVA_HOME=/ /usr/java/j2dk1.4.2_19export PATH=$PATH: /usr/java/j2dk1.4.2_19/binexport SAPINST_JRE_HOME= /usr/java/j2dk1.4.2_19export DISPLAY=:0.0

4) Dumps all related SAP sofwareand then start SAP Installtion

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