Download - Sanitation Vet Tech. Sanitation Keeping something free of any elements that would endanger health.

Page 1: Sanitation Vet Tech. Sanitation Keeping something free of any elements that would endanger health.


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Page 2: Sanitation Vet Tech. Sanitation Keeping something free of any elements that would endanger health.

Sanitation• Keeping something free of any

elements that would endanger health.

Page 3: Sanitation Vet Tech. Sanitation Keeping something free of any elements that would endanger health.

Types of Sanitation• Cleaning: Physically removing all

visible signs of dirt and organic matter such as feces, blood, hair, etc.

Page 4: Sanitation Vet Tech. Sanitation Keeping something free of any elements that would endanger health.

• Disinfecting: destroying most microorganisms on nonliving things by physical or chemical means.

• Sterilizing: destroying all microorganisms and viruses on an object using chemicals and/or heat.

• Antiseptics: solutions that destroy microorganisms or inhibit their growth on living tissue.

Page 5: Sanitation Vet Tech. Sanitation Keeping something free of any elements that would endanger health.

Commonly Used Chemicals

• Alcohols: Effective against gram positive and negative bacteria– Usually diluted to 60-70%– Irritating to tissue– Used as a solvent for disinfectants

and antiseptics– Examples: ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, ethanol

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• Aldehydes: effective against gram positive and negative bacteria, fungi, and most viruses– Irritating and toxic to tissues– Examples: gluteraldehyde,


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• Chlorine: Effective against gram positive and negative bacteria, fungi and most viruses– Cheapest, most effective chemical

disinfectant– Irritating and toxic to tissues– Example: bleach

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• Iodine and Iodophors: Effective against gram positive and negative bacteria and fungi– Usually used in solution with water

and alcohol– Iodophors=iodine mixed with

detergent to use as a surgical scrub– Stains and irritates tissue– Examples: Betadine

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• Quaternary ammonias: effective against gram positive bacteria and some gram negative bacteria, some fungi and some viruses– Deodorizes– Examples: Centrimide, Quatsyl-D

Page 10: Sanitation Vet Tech. Sanitation Keeping something free of any elements that would endanger health.

Methods of Sanitation• Physical Cleaning: using a

chemical with a mop or sponge (ex. Scrubbing a patient for a surgery or mopping a kennel floor)

• Cold Sterilization: soaking items in a chemical disinfectant until they are used.

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• Dry Heat: incinerating an object or exposing it to flame (ex. Burning infected tissue)

• Radiation: using ultraviolet or gamma rays. (UV are used to sterlize rooms; gamma sterilize rubber, plastic, gloves and suture material). VERY DANGEROUS and expensive to use!

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• Filtration: removing particles from the air using a physical barrier (ex. Using facemasks, gloves and gowns or a ventilation system)

• Ultrasound: passing high frequency sound waves through a solution to create a vibration that scrubs an object to remove debris. (commonly used as a method of cleaning instruments)

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• Autoclave: a sealed chamber in which objects are exposed to heat and steam under pressure. (used to sterilize items used in surgery)

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Situation Practice—Number each situation and answer on your own paper. You will turn this in at

the end of class! (10)

• You are asked to mop the surgery room floor after all the surgeries have been done. When you go to do this, you are unable to find the surgery room mop. You know there is a mop for the kennel area. Should you use it? Why or why not?

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• As Carrie is cleaning the surgery room, she notices a pack of sterilized instruments has been opened, but not used. What should she do with the pack?

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• A dog suspected to have Leptospirosis is brought into the hospital. What precautions should be taken to ensure that this dog does not infect other dogs or humans?

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• Jim is cleaning one of the exam rooms and finds several used vaccine syringes. What types of hazard do these represent and how should Jim dispose of them?

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• You are going to assist the vet while she takes x-rays of a parrot. How should you prepare yourself?

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• A new kennel worker starts today and it is your job to talk to him about safety. How would you explain an MSDS?

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• A technician carrying a large bag of dog food slips on a wet floor and hurts his back. How could this injury have been prevented?

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• A cat bites your hand while you’re taking it out of its cage. What disease could you get and how could you prevent it?

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• The vet wants you to clean and sterilize a set of surgical instruments. What are your options?

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• Every Friday, Jane uses a special disinfectant to clean the exam rooms. She used the last bottle last Friday and the order for a new bottle has not arrived. The only cleaner she can find says “For Use in Outdoor Kennels Only”. Should Jane use the cleaner? Why or why not?