Download - Sandal church (çarikli kilise)

Page 1: Sandal church (çarikli kilise)

Sandal Church (Çarikli Kilise)

This church is named for two footprints just inside the entrance, around which many legends have been woven. Suggestively, a fresco of the Ascension can be seen directly of above. The narthex of the church has collapsed; the nave has a cross plan with barrel vaults and 11th-century frescoes.

The fresco subjects are New Testament scenes such as the Nativity, Adoration of the Magi, and the Baptism of Christ. The main cupola has a Christ Pantocrator with the Four Evangelists below; the other three cupolas are occupied by the angels Michael, Gabriel and Uriel.

Şekil 1 Jesus and Angels

In the apse is a Deesis (Christ with Mary and John the Baptist), with an inscription next to Christ reading "I am the light of the world, who follows me will not be left in the dark." Around the altar are saints: Blaise, Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil, Chrysostom and Hypatius.

The church was built trough the end of the 12th century. Çarikli church looks like Elmalı Church and Karanlık Chuch but at Çarıklı Church the figures are longer and bigger. Only naos section has decorations.

Page 2: Sandal church (çarikli kilise)

Şekil 2; Holy Trinity

Stories at frescos in this church are mainly about new testament, such as Baptism and Crucifixion and deciption of the saints.