Download - Sanctuary of Serenity Newsletter - August 2012

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Hi Everyone.

Well, here we are into August with a hint of Jasmine in the air and on the downhill slide into

Spring and December and...... just in case you were wondering, there was no newsletter in


I think it also prudent at this point to state that some of the content, especially that under

the heading, “What is Spiritualism”, is reproduced and printed with permission and in some

cases edited due to the volume of information. We will acknowledge the source of this info

and provide you with a link where available.

WHAT IS SPIRITUALISM?The primary objective of Spiritualism today is to prove the survival of the human personality

after death. Death is the doorway to a new and wider life. From the day of our birth we each

have two bodies, the material or earthly one which can be seen, and the spiritual one which

is unseen during life but is a counterpart of our earthly organism. These two bodies are

linked by a cord of energy. In similar fashion, before birth a baby is joined to its mother by

an umbilical cord. When it is born the cord must be cut.

When our physical body dies, the cord linking our two bodies is severed. The material body

returns to the earth whence it came, and the spiritual one becomes the vehicle of our spirit.

Death, as a rule, seems like sleep; there is no pain. When we awaken after death, conditions

seem much the same to us. We take with us into the other dimension no material




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possessions such as clothes or money as they are no longer needed. What we do take is our

character and our individuality. In every way we are the same individuals immediately after

death as before, with all our faults and virtues.

The home that awaits us in the spirit world depends on the life we have led on earth. If we

honestly tried to do the best we could, we have fitted ourselves for a life which will reflect

that. If, on the other hand, there has been more selfishness than goodness and service in

our lives we will automatically be living a life which reflects that. This is part of the law of

reaping what we sow. This is our fifth Principle, which says we are personally responsible for

all our thoughts, words and actions.

Acts of service that we perform will naturally increase our spiritual status. Sins of omission

will just as naturally slow it down. There is, however, no hell in which inhabitants are

condemned for eternity. Once self-realization dawns and the souls are ready to advance,

there are enlightened spiritual beings that will show the way to progress.

The practical application of Spiritualism is for all of us to lead the best kind of life we can on

earth, to practice qualities of compassion and kindness and to give service wherever we can.

The world we inhabit after death is not far away up in the sky. It is around and about us,

interpenetrating the world in which we now live. Those we have loved and lost are not in

some far-off inaccessible place, seated on pink clouds at the right hand of God and playing

golden harps. Very often they are close to us, by our side, striving to help and guide us and

loving us just as they did before passing.

God (Infinite Spirit) is not a person but the creative universal spirit that exists everywhere.

Wherever there is life there is spirit; and wherever there is spirit there is life. We exist

because a spark of divinity is within each of us. This is the divine relationship in which God is

our “father/mother” and we are all the Creator’s children.


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We can, by the way we live our lives, fan the spark of divinity into a flame so that a greater

expression of divinity is made through us. The result will be to sustain, uplift and help us in

our spiritual development and help the world as a result.


We prove life beyond death through Mediumship. There are many spheres of existence that

are invisible to us. Millions of vibrations of sound and sight are lost to us because they are

outside the range of our hearing and vision.

There are highly sensitive individuals who have developed their innate natural psychic

faculties and can tune into the spirit world and those who live there. Mediums are similar to

TV and radio receivers when they are channelling messages from the spirit world.

What makes Spiritualism unique is the evidence of survival after death that is obtainable

through mediumship. Whereas most religions preach an after-life as a hope, faith or belief,

we maintain that reasonable people can prove it for themselves.

When mediums are giving a reading they provide a detailed description of the person in

spirit, as well as specific memories that may be known only to you. They do this so that you

may know without a doubt who is communicating with you. Often the person in spirit will

give you a message as well.

There is nothing supernatural about this happening, though it can be called supernormal.

Everything in the universe acts in accordance with natural laws devised by Infinite Spirit.

Change Your Thought DimensionI bought a new computer last week, even though it’s Mercury retrograde and you aren’t

supposed to buy electronic items at that time. But with the back to school sales and a tax

free weekend, the price was perfect so I took the plunge. And I got a Mercury retro gift – I

paid the same amount for my new as for my old one that I bought 5 years ago. Now I don’t


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like buying new computers because I get very used to my work equipment. It’s familiar, I

have it all set up the way I like, and a new computer means doing that all over again. But my

current computer runs so slowly that it’s impacting my productivity, its 80 GB hard drive is

nearly full, it doesn’t have enough RAM to run many applications or internet pages and it’s

slowing me down. So I had to change my thoughts, embrace the need for change and get a

new one (moving me into a new dimension of technology).

I could have bought a new computer a few years ago but I didn’t need one as badly then and

to be honest, I have gotten used to how slowly my old computer runs. Yes, it impacts my

productivity and it’s frustrating, but over time I have learned how to deal with it (sometimes

by just shutting it down). So I’m sure that once I see how much faster the new computer is

I’ll wonder why I put up with the old one for so long.

There’s a short answer to that, I don’t like change. The longer answer is I got used to the

way things were. And this is what we do to resist change until the need for it becomes so

overwhelming that we don’t have any other choice. No matter how much we want change,

though, the dimension and vibration we want to be in have to match our thoughts because

it is our thought energy that creates our reality.

The pain and suffering we experience through life are over once we decide we’re ‘sick and

tired of being sick and tired’. With a single thought we can move ourselves from frustration

to effortlessness, from confusion to certainty and from despair to joy.

But what does it take to get us to that thought? Sometimes quite a lot. We get used to our

pain and often work so hard just to get through each day that we don’t have the energy,

physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually, to even consider change because we think

it’s going to involve more hard work and suffering. All it involves, though, is a change in

thought dimension.

Our thoughts exist at the dimension of our vibration and if we change that dimension, our

thoughts reflect the new dimension. If you are tired of the density, fear and confusion of 3D,


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take your thoughts into a higher dimension and that also shifts your reality. Now you are

beyond density, fear and confusion, you feel powerful, in the flow, energized and

motivated. You can tackle the changes you want to make from new angles and with a

different perspective. Can you handle the ripple effects of the changes? If you don’t worry

about it they will become effortless too. When you consider that change can shift the

dimension you live in, it may make it a little more appealing and easier to consider. So shift

your thought dimension, take a situation you would like to change and imagine it in a higher

vibration, a new dimension and then step into it with grace and ease.

Copyright © 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You can quote, link to, re-post or translate this

article, in its entirety, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website.

FUNDRAISINGMini Clairvoyant Message Circle that was held on Saturday, 30th June proved to be a great

success with 33 people in attendance and receiving messages. We aim to continue with this

and will keep you informed of the date for the next one.

Spiritual Faire (Clairvoyant Day): This will take place on 10th November at the Kloof Town

Hall. As this is going to be more of a Spiritual Faire this year with stalls, music, food, etc., and

it is going to require a lot more hands to help, we are asking for volunteers to help with the

organisation of the project. If you are willing to help out, please give your name to Peter or

Garry (Contact details on Committee Members List).

FACEBOOKWe have a Face Book page up and running at which

we encourage individuals to join so that we can keep you informed, share information and

events and obtain feedback.


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WORKSHOPSWe have been presented with a couple of opportunities to hold workshops by experienced

practitioners on Spiritual Healing, Meditation, Working with Crystals, etc. However, these

are dependent on the interest and availability of participants. If you are interested in any of

the following workshops, please contact one of the committee members or send me an

email so that we can gauge numbers.

MEMBERSHIPMembership of the Sanctuary is voluntary and we encourage those who attend our services

on a regular basis to become members. Contribution of a R60 annual subscription fee is also

voluntary and encouraged as these funds are used to offset admin and other overheads.



5th August Wendy Knights Lyn Burton May Tittensor12th August Garry de la Rue Sue Duncan Sue Duncan19th August Roy Gardener Liz Viviers Liz Viviers26th August Blake Faulkner Janet Pullock Janet Pullock

HAPPY BRITHDAYS: AUGUST 2012A very Happy Birthday to the following:

31st July Penny Cobbledick 3rd August Yvette de la Rue 6th August Yvonne Smith 6th August Sue Lovegrove 7th August Tony Lishman 9th August June Horsford 11th August Rose Meintjies 11th August Walter Wellinger 12th August Garry de la Rue 14th August John Sandison


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We trust that your birthdays will be blessed with the presence of family and friends.

The above information is extracted from the Membership List so if you know of anyone who is having a Birthday and is not on the list, or the information needs updating, please let us know.

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE / MOTIVATIONALS When things don’t add up in your life, it is time to start subtracting. The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason you held on for so long If someone calls you a crazy freak, thank them. Nothing throws people off like a proud,

polite, crazy freak The meaning of Life is to find your Gift. The purpose of Life is to give it away.

Six ETHICS of Life: Before you Pray – Believe Before you Speak – Listen Before your Spend – Earn Before you Write – Think Before you Quit – Try Before you Die – Live!!!

NOTICES Community Service: The Sanctuary is busy collecting items that can be made up into

hampers and donated to those in need at the end of the year. We are asking for

voluntary donations of items such as soap, tissues, toothpaste, shampoo, toilet

paper, tinned goods, dry goods, tea, coffee, sugar, etc. However, we ask that any

food items be donated closer towards the end of the year as we don’t want to end

up having weevils as part of the hampers. Anything that you can think of or would

like to donate will be most welcome and graciously received

Bookmarks: The Sanctuary now has Bookmarks available at R5 each and will be on

sale after Sunday services.

Social: 1st September. A social get together is planned for Spring Day in the form of a

Bring and Braai. Bring your own meat and drink, Salads and Rolls will be provided.

Venue is tentatively at John Harrisons Farm but will be confirmed. Please put your

name on the list so that we have an idea as to how many will be attending.


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Bookcase: The Sanctuary is still looking for a lockable bookcase. If anyone has

something useable and would like to donate one. Please contact Peter van Niekerk.


Robyndale Centre, 10 Msenga Road, Kloof on the 1st Saturday of the month. 9am to 13.00 Enquiries Linda 0824543181 or [email protected]


Tension / Trauma Releasing Exercises to help you release tension, stress, fear and anxiety, sciatic pain, pain from old injuries, balance your body emotionally and release trauma. Contact Linda Liebenberg, Level 2 TRE Practitioner on 082 454 3181 or on email [email protected]


Angelic Realm Readings Michelle: 083 270 9083

Chaneled Readings Estelle: 071 533 9522

Soul Drawings Heather: 072 260 4077

Palm ReadingsDinesh: 0836574599


Reiki, Quantum Touch

Rolene: 073 298 1554 Yvette: 083 395 9211


Past Life Regression, Hypnotherapy Training. Gary Watkins: 082 978 1461

Achieve the Life you Desire through the Power of Hypnosis. Petra Nicol: 082 477 9460


Befinity: 18h30 - Thursday evenings at the Bodyology Institute, Hillcrest. R20. Charles: 082 440 7996


Yvonne: 082 401 8287

IRIDOLOGY - (Your Eyes reveal the state of your health)

Vernon084 681 4320


Heather072 260 4077


Cakes for any occasion. Also Cup Cakes, Muffins,


Registered Reiki Master /


Every two weeks on Tuesday evenings at 19h00


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Sweet Packs. Yvette: 083 395 9211

Teacher (RMA) & Originator BBA Technique Tracy: 082 668 4163

at the Women’s Movement Gym, Heritage Market, HillcrestMarc Kuster: [email protected]

COMMITTEE CONTACT DETAILS Peter van Niekerk, Chairperson, Cell - 079 886 5033, Email - [email protected]

Garry de la Rue, Secretary, Cell - 082 859 0077, Email - [email protected]

Rolene Unsworth, Treasurer, Cell - 073 298 1554, Email - [email protected]

Marijke de bruin, Member, Cell - 082 802 4399, Email - [email protected]

Frank van Vloten, Member, Tel - 031 764 4225, [email protected]

Blake Faulkner, Member, Cell – 084 477 6196, Email – [email protected]



Mellville Esser Avenue (0ff R102) Mellville, South Coast, KZN

Charlie NicholsonCell: 083 593 9771

10H00 am everyday

Sanctuary of Peace

24 Raven Street Pietermaritzburg

Di MathesonTel: 033 3441495 Cell: 072 5241376

10h00 on Sunday’s

Centre of the Universal Mind

45 Albert Dlomo (Frere) Road, Glenwood, Durban

Gail CoetzeeTel: 031 466 4561Cell: 083 950 0699

1st Sunday morning of the month at 10H00

Tuesday Morning Services 09H30

Sunday Evening Services 19H00

Sanctuary of the Great White Light

9 Barrow Street,Umkomaas

Wayne Weston Tel: 031 903 8108 Cell: 083 666 6614

10h00 on Sunday’s

Sanctuary of Crusaders Bowling Desiree von Dresselt 10h00 every second


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Grace Club, 10 Ranleigh Crescent, Durban North

Cell: 082 454 5037 Sunday of the month