Download - Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    This user manual includes detailed usageinstructions for your camera. Please readthis manual thoroughly.

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    Common questions

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    Basic functions

    Extended functions

    Shooting options





    User ManualST100

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual



    Health and safety informationAlways comply with the following precautions and usage tips to avoid dangerous situations and ensure peak performance of your camera.

    Warning situations that could cause injury to yourself or


    Caution situations that could cause damage to your camera or other equipment

    Note notes, usage tips, or additional information

    Safety warnings

    Do not use your camera near ammable or explosivegases and liquids

    Do not use your camera near fuels, combustibles, or ammablechemicals. Do not store or carry ammable liquids, gases, or explosive materials in the same compartment as the camera or itsaccessories.

    Keep your camera away from small children and petsKeep your camera and all accessories out of the reach of smallchildren and animals. Small parts may cause choking or seriousinjury if swallowed. Moving parts and accessories may presentphysical dangers as well.

    Prevent damage to subjects eyesight

    Do not use the ash in close proximity (closer than 1 m/3 ft) topeople or animals. Using the ash too close to your subjectseyes can cause temporary or permanent damage.

    Handle and dispose of batteries and chargers with care

    Use only Samsung-approved batteries and chargers.Incompatible batteries and chargers can cause serious injuriesor damage to your camera.Never dispose of batteries in a re. Follow all local regulationswhen disposing of used batteries.Never place batteries or cameras on or in heating devices,such as microwave ovens, stoves, or radiators. Batteries mayexplode when overheated.Do not use a damaged power supply cord, plug, or looseoutlet when charging batteries. This may cause a re or electricshock.

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual



    Health and safety information

    Exercise caution when connecting cables or adapters andinstalling batteries and memory cards. Forcing the connectors,improperly connecting cables, or improperly installing batteriesand memory cards can damage ports, connectors, andaccessories.Do not insert foreign objects into any of your camerascompartments, slots, or access points. Damage due toimproper use may not be covered by your warranty.Do not swing your camera by the strap. This may cause injuryto yourself or others.Do not paint your camera, as paint can clog moving parts andprevent proper operation.Paint or metal on the outside of the camera may causeallergies, itchy skin, eczema, or swelling for people withsensitive skin. If you have experience any of these symptoms,stop using the camera immediately and consult a doctor.

    Safety precautions

    Handle and store your camera carefully and sensiblyDo not allow your camera to get wetliquids can cause seriousdamage. Do not handle your camera with wet hands. Water damage to your camera can void your manufacturers warranty.Do not expose the camera to direct sunlight or hightemperatures for an extended period of time. Prolongedexposure to sunlight or extreme temperatures can causepermanent damage to your cameras internal components.Avoid using or storing your camera in dusty, dirty, humid, or poorly-ventilated areas to prevent damage to moving parts andinternal components.Remove the batteries from your camera when storing it for anextended period of time. Installed batteries may leak or corrodeover time and cause serious damage to your camera.Protect your camera from sand and dirt when using it onbeaches or in other similar areas.Protect your camera and the display from impact, roughhandling, and excessive vibration to avoid serious damage.

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual



    Health and safety information

    Do not use memory cards that have been formatted by other cameras or by a computer. Reformat the memory card withyour camera.Never use a damaged charger, battery, or memory card.When carrying a memory card, use a case to protect the cardfrom electrostatic.Transfer important data to other media, such as a hard disk or CD/DVD.When using the camera for an extended period, the memorycard may become warm; this is normal and not a malfunction.When the lifespan of a memory card has expired, you cannot

    store any more photos on the card. Use a new memory card.Do not remove the memory card or turn off your camera whilethe lamp as blinking, as this may damage your data.

    Use only Samsung-approved accessories

    Using incompatible accessories may damage your camera,cause injury, or void your warranty.

    Protect your cameras lensDo not expose the lens to direct sunlight, as this may discolor the image sensor or cause it to malfunction.Protect your lens from ngerprints and scratches. Clean your lens with a soft, clean, debris-free lens cloth.

    Protect batteries, chargers, and memory cards fromdamage

    Avoid exposing batteries or memory cards to very cold or veryhot temperatures (below 0 C/32 F or above 40 C/104 F).Extreme temperatures can reduce the charging capacity of your batteries and can cause memory cards to malfunction.Prevent batteries from making contact with metal objects, asthis can create a connection between the + and terminalsof your battery and lead to temporary or permanent batterydamage. Also, this may cause a re or electric shock.Prevent memory cards from making contact with liquids, dirt, or

    foreign substances. If dirty, wipe the memory card clean with asoft cloth before inserting in your camera.Do not allow liquids, dirt, or foreign substances to come incontact with the memory card slot. Doing so may cause thecamera to malfunction.Insert a memory card in the correct direction. Inserting amemory card in the wrong direction may damage your cameraand memory card.Turn off the camera when inserting or removing the memory

    card.Do not bend, drop, or subject memory cards to heavy impactor pressure.

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual



    Important usage information

    Allow only qualied personnel to service your cameraDo not allow unqualied personnel to service the camera or attempt to service the camera yourself. Any damage that resultsfrom unqualied service is not covered by your warranty.

    Ensure maximum battery and charger life

    Overcharging batteries may shorten battery life. After charging isnished, disconnect the cable from your camera.

    Over time, unused batteries will discharge and must be recharged before use.Disconnect chargers from power sources when not in use.Use batteries only for their intended purpose.

    Exercise caution when using the camera in humidenvironments

    When transferring the camera from a cold environment to a warmand humid one, condensation can form on the delicate electroniccircuitry and memory card. In this situation, wait for at least 1 hour until all moisture has evaporated before using the camera.

    Check that the camera is operating properly before use

    The manufacturer takes no responsibility for any loss of les or damage that may result from camera malfunction or improper


    Health and safety information

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual



    Copyright information

    Microsoft Windows and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.Mac is a registered trademark of the Apple Corporation.HDMI, the HDMI logo and the term High DenitionMultimedia Interface are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.

    Camera specications or contents of this manual maybe changed without prior notice due to upgrades ofcamera functions.We recommend using your camera within a countrywhere you purchase it.For Open Source License information, refer to theOpenSourceInfo.pdf in the provided CD-ROM.

    Organization of the user manual

    Basic functions 13Learn about your cameras layout, icons, and basic

    functions for shooting.

    Extended functions 31Learn how to take a photo by selecting a mode andhow to record a video or voice memo.

    Shooting options 45Learn about the options you can set in Shooting mode.

    Playback/Editing 68Learn how to play back photos, videos, or voicememos and edit photos or videos. Also, learn how toconnect your camera to your computer, photo printer,TV, or HDTV.

    Settings 97Refer to options to congure your cameras settings.

    Appendixes 103Refer to error messages, specications, andmaintenance tips.

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual



    Indications used in this manualShooting mode Indication

    Smart Auto SAuto aProgram pScene sDUAL IS dSmart Scene Detection DMovie v

    Shooting mode icons

    These icons indicate that a function is available in thecorresponding modes. The s mode may not support functionsfor all scenes.

    For example:

    Available in Program,DUAL IS, and Moviemodes

    Icons used in this manualIcon Function

    Additional information

    Safety warnings and precautions

    [ ] Camera buttons. For example, [ Shutter ] represents theshutter button.

    ( ) Page number of related information

    The order of options or menus you must select to performa step; for example: Select > (represents Select > , and then )

    * Annotation

    Abbreviations used in this manualAbbreviation Denition

    ACB Auto Contrast Balance

    AEB Auto Exposure Bracket

    AF Auto Focus

    DIS Digital Image Stabilization

    DPOF Digital Print Order FormatEV Exposure Value

    OIS Optical Image Stabilization

    WB White Balance

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual



    Pressing the shutter

    Half-press [ Shutter ]: press the shutter halfway downPress [ Shutter ]: press the shutter all the way down

    Half-press [Shutter ] Press [Shutter ]

    Subject, background, and composition

    Subject : the main object of a scene, such as a person, animal,or still lifeBackground : the objects around the subjectComposition : the combination of a subject and background




    Expressions used in this manual

    Exposure (Brightness)

    The amount of light that enters your camera determines theexposure. You can alter the exposure with shutter speed,

    aperture value, and ISO speed. By altering the exposure, your photos will be darker or lighter.

    Normal exposure Overexposure (too bright)

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual



    Common questionsYou can get answers to common questions. Solve problems easily by setting shooting options.

    The subject's eyesappear red.

    This is caused by a reection from the camera ash.Set the ash option to Red-eye or Red-eye Fix . (p. 50)If the photo has already been taken, select Red-eye Fix in the edit menu. (p. 85)

    Photos have dust spots. Dust particles oating in the air may be captured in photos when you use the ash.Turn off the ash or avoid taking photos in a dusty place.Set ISO speed options. (p. 51)

    Photos are blurred. This may be caused by taking photos in low light conditions or holding the camera incorrectly.Press [ Shutter ] halfway down to make sure the subject is focused. (p. 29)Use the d mode. (p. 36)

    Photos are blurred whenshooting at night.

    As the camera tries to let in more light, the shutter speed slows.This can make it difcult to steady the camera and may result in camera shake.

    Select Night in s mode. (p. 33)Turn on the ash. (p. 50)Set ISO speed options. (p. 51)Use a tripod to prevent your camera from shaking.

    Subjects come out

    too dark because ofbacklighting.

    When the light source is behind the subject or when there is a high contrast between the light and dark

    areas, the subject may come out too dark.Avoid shooting in front of the sun.Select Backlight in s mode. (p. 33)Set the ash option to Fill in. (p. 50)Adjust the exposure. (p. 59)Set the Auto Contrast Balance ( ACB) option. (p. 60)Set the metering option to Spot if a bright subject is in the center of the frame. (p. 61)

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual



    Quick reference

    Taking photos of people

    s mode > Beauty Shot, Portrait, Children 33 Red-eye , Red-eye Fix (to prevent or correct red-eye) 50

    Face Detection 55

    Taking photos at night or in the dark

    s mode > Night, Dawn, Fireworks 33Flash options 50

    ISO speed (to adjust the sensitivity to light) 51

    Taking action photos

    Continuous , Motion Capture 64

    Taking photos of text, insects, orowers

    s mode > Close Up, Text 33 Macro , Auto Macro (to take close-up photos) 52White Balance (to change the color tone) 62

    Adjusting the exposure (brightness)

    ISO speed (to adjust the sensitivity to light) 51EV (to adjust exposure) 59 ACB (to compensate for subjects against brightbackgrounds) 60 Metering 61 AEB (to take 3 photos of the same scene with differentexposures) 64

    Applying a different effect

    Photo styles (to apply tones) 65 Smart lter effects 66 Image adjustment (to adjust saturation, sharpness, or contrast) 67

    Reducing camera shake

    Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) 28

    d mode 36

    Viewing les by category inSmart Album 73

    Deleting all les on thememory card 75 Viewing les as a slide show

    77 Viewing les on a TV or HDTV

    87 Connecting your camera to acomputer 89Adjusting sound and volume


    Adjusting the brightness ofthe display 99Formatting the memory card

    100Changing the displaylanguage 100 Setting the date and time

    100 Troubleshooting 110

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual



    ContentsExtended functions .................. ................... ................... 31Shooting modes ................... .................... ................... ...... 32Using the Smart Auto mode ................................................. 32

    Using the Scene mode .................. ................... ................... 33Using the Beauty Shot mode ................................................ 34Using the frame guide ................. ................... ................... ... 35Using the DUAL IS mode ..................................................... 36Using the Program mode ..................................................... 37Recording a video .................. .................... ................... ...... 37Using the Smart Scene Detection mode ................................ 39Taking photos with the front display .................................. 40Using the Self-portrait mode ................................................. 40

    Using the Children mode ..................................................... 41Using the Couple mode ....................................................... 41Using the jump shot timer .................................................... 42Using the function information ............................................... 43Using the smile icon ................... ................... ................... ... 43Recording a video with the front display ................................. 43Recording voice memos ................................................... 44Recording a voice memo ..................................................... 44Adding a voice memo to a photo .......................................... 44

    Basic functions ................... ................... ................... ...... 13Unpacking ................... ................... ................... ................ 14Camera layout ................... .................... ................... ......... 15Inserting the battery and memory card .............................. 17Charging the battery and turning your camera on ............. 18Charging the battery ................... ................... ................... ... 18Turning on your camera .................. ................... ................... 18Performing the initial setup ................................................ 19Learning icons ................... .................... ................... ......... 20Using the touch screen ..................................................... 21Selecting a shooting mode ................................................ 22Selecting a shooting mode using motion recognition .............. 23Setting the touch screen and sound ................................. 24Setting the display type for the touch screen .......................... 24Setting the sound ................... .................... ................... ...... 24Taking photos ................. ................... .................... ............ 25Turning on the front display ................................................... 26Zooming .................... ................... ................... ................... 27Reducing camera shake (OIS) .............................................. 28Tips for getting a clearer photo .......................................... 29

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    Shooting options ................... ................... ................... ... 45Selecting a resolution and quality ...................................... 46

    Selecting a resolution .................. ................... ................... ... 46Selecting image quality .................. ................... ................... 47Using the timer .................. ................... .................... ......... 48Shooting in the dark ................. ................... ................... ... 50Preventing red-eye .................. ................... ................... ...... 50Using the ash ................. ................... .................... ............ 50Adjusting the ISO speed ................... ................... ................ 51Changing the cameras focus ............................................ 52Using macro ................. ................... ................... ................ 52

    Using auto focus ................. .................... ................... ......... 52Using smart touch focus ................... ................... ................ 53Using one touch shooting .................................................... 54Adjusting the focus area ....................................................... 54Using face detection ................... ................... ................... 55Detecting faces ................... .................... ................... ......... 55Taking a smile shot .................. ................... ................... ...... 56Detecting eye blinking ................. ................... ................... ... 56Using smart face recognition ................................................ 57

    Registering faces as your favorites (My Star) .......................... 57Adjusting brightness and color .......................................... 59Adjusting the exposure manually (EV) .................................... 59Compensating for backlighting (ACB) .................................... 60Changing the metering option ............................................... 61Selecting a light source (White balance) ................................. 62Using burst modes ................... ................... ................... ... 64

    Improving your photos ................... ................... ................ 65Applying photo styles .................. ................... ................... ... 65Applying smart lter effects ................................................... 66Adjusting your photos ................. ................... ................... ... 67

    Playback/Editing .................... ................... ................... ... 68Playing back ................... ................... .................... ............ 69Starting Playback mode ....................................................... 69Viewing photos ................... ................... .................... ......... 76Playing a video ................. ................... .................... ............ 78Playing a voice memo ................. ................... ................... ... 79Editing a photo .................. .................... ................... ......... 81Rotating a photo .................. ................... .................... ......... 81Resizing photos .................. .................... ................... ......... 81Applying photo styles .................. ................... ................... ... 82Applying smart lter effects ................................................... 83Applying a special effect ................... ................... ................ 84Correcting exposure problems ............................................. 84Creating a print order (DPOF) ................................................ 85Viewing les on a TV or HDTV ........................................... 87

    Transferring les to your computer (for Windows) .............. 89Transferring les using Intelli-studio ........................................ 90Transferring les by connecting the camera as a removabledisk ................. ................... ................... .................... ......... 92Disconnecting the camera (for Windows XP) .......................... 93Transferring les to your computer (for Mac) ...................... 94Printing photos with a photo printer (PictBridge) ............... 95

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    Settings .................. ................... ................... ................... 97Settings menu ................... ................... .................... ......... 98

    Accessing the settings menu ................................................ 98Sound ................... .................... ................... ................... ... 99Display .................. .................... ................... ................... ... 99Settings ................. .................... ................... ................... . 100

    Appendixes .................. ................... .................... .......... 103Error messages ................. ................... .................... ....... 104Camera maintenance ...................................................... 105Cleaning your camera ........................................................ 105

    About memory cards .................. ................... ................... . 106About the battery ................. .................... ................... ....... 107Before contacting a service center .................................. 110Camera specications ..................................................... 113FCC notice .................. ................... ................... .............. 117Index ................. .................... ................... ................... .... 118

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Unpacking 14

    Camera layout 15

    Inserting the battery and memory card 17

    Charging the battery and turning yourcamera on 18Charging the battery 18Turning on your camera 18

    Performing the initial setup 19

    Learning icons 20

    Using the touch screen 21

    Selecting a shooting mode 22Selecting a shooting mode using motionrecognition 23

    Setting the touch screen and sound 24Setting the display type for the touch screen 24Setting the sound 24

    Taking photos 25Turning on the front display 26Zooming 27

    Reducing camera shake (OIS) 28Tips for getting a clearer photo 29

    Basic functionsLearn about your cameras layout, icons, and basic functions for shooting.

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    Basic functions 14

    UnpackingCheck your product box for the following items.

    Camera AC adapter/USB cable Rechargeable battery Strap

    Cleaner User Manual CD-ROM Quick Start Manual

    Optional accessoriesSold as a set

    Camera case Memory card(microSDTM)

    A/V cable Battery charger HDMI cable/HDMI adapter/ Remote control

    The illustrations may differ from your actual items.

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Basic functions 15

    Camera layoutBefore you start, familiarize yourself with your camera's parts and their functions.


    Shutter button

    POWER button



    Front LCD button

    AF-assist light/timer lamp


    Front display

    Battery chamber coverInsert a memory card and battery

    Tripod mount

    USB, A/V, and HDMI portAccepts USB cable, A/V cable,or HDMI adapter

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Basic functions 16

    Camera layout

    Status lampBlinking : When the camera is saving a photo or video, being read by a computer or printer, or outof focusSteady : When the camera is connecting to acomputer or in focus

    Zoom buttonZoom in or outZoom in on part of a photo or view les

    as thumbnails

    Playback button

    Main display** Refer to Touch screen in

    this manual.



    Attaching the strap

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Basic functions 17

    Inserting the battery and memory cardLearn how to insert the battery and an optional memory card into the camera.

    Removing the battery and memory card

    Push the card gently untilthe card disengages fromthe camera, and then pull itout of the slot.

    Push the lock up to releasethe battery.

    You can use the internal memory can be used as a temporary storage device

    when the memory card is not inserted.

    Memory card


    Battery lock

    Insert a memory card withthe gold-colored contacts

    facing up.

    Insert the battery with theSamsung logo facing down.

    Memory card


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    Basic functions 18

    Charging the battery and turning your camera on

    Turning on your cameraPress [ POWER ] to turn your camera on or off.

    The initial setup screen appears when you turn on the camerafor the rst time. (p. 19)

    Turning on your camera in Playback modePress [ Playback ]. The camera turns on and accesses Playback mode immediately.

    When you turn on your camera by pressing and holding [ Playback ] for about5 seconds, the camera does not emit any camera sounds.

    Charging the batteryBefore using the camera for the rst time, you must charge thebattery. Attach the USB cable to the AC adapter, and then plugthe end of cable with the indicator light into your camera.

    Indicator lightRed : ChargingGreen : Fully charged

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    Basic functions 19

    Performing the initial setupWhen the initial setup screen appears, follow the steps below to congure the cameras basic settings.

    Touch5 Date/Time Set .

    Set the date and time, and then touch6 .Date/Time Set

    Touch7 Date Type , and then a date format.






    Time Zone

    Date/Time Set

    Date Type

    Touch8 to switch to the Shooting mode.

    Touch1 Language .

    Select a language.2 Touch3 Time Zone .

    Select a time zone, and then touch4 .To set the daylight-saving time, touch .

    Time Zone


  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Basic functions 21

    Using the touch screenLearn how to use the touch screen. The touch screen works best when you touch it with the soft part of your nger.

    TouchingTouch an icon to select a menu or option.

    DraggingDrag left or right to scroll horizontally.

    -2 -1 0 +2-2 -1 +2+1


    Do not use sharp objects, such as pens or pencils, to touch the screen. Youcan damage the screen.

    When you touch or drag on the screen, discoloration may occur. It isnot a malfunction but a characteristic of the touch screen. Touch or drag lightly to reduce these effects.The touch screen may not recognize your touches correctly when:

    You touch multiple items at the same time. -You use the camera in high humidity environments. -You use the camera with an LCD protection lm or another LCD-accessory.

    If you perform no operations for few seconds, the screen will dim tosave battery life.Depending on the viewing angle, the screen may appear darker.Adjust the brightness or angle.

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    Basic functions 22

    Selecting a shooting modeLearn how to select a shooting mode. Your camera provides you with various modes for shooting.

    Mode Description

    S Smart Auto : Take a photo by letting the camera selecta scene mode as it detects. (p. 32)

    a Auto : Take a photo quickly and easily with minimalsettings. (p. 25)

    p Program : Take a photo by setting options. (p. 37)

    s Scene : Take a photo with options preset for a specicscene. (p. 33)

    d DUAL IS: Take a photo with options suitable for reducing camera shake. (p. 36)

    D Smart Scene Detection : Record a video by lettingthe camera select a scene mode as it detects. (p. 39)

    v Movie : Record a video. (p. 37)

    Touch the mode icon.1

    Touch a mode to select it.2

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    Basic functions 23

    Selecting a shooting mode

    Access the Smart Auto mode (p. 32)

    Motion recognition may not work well if you hold the camera parallel to theground, as shown below.

    Selecting a shooting mode using motionrecognitionYour camera features a built-in motion sensor that allows you toquickly switch the shooting mode by tilting the camera.

    In Shooting mode, tilt the camera while touching andholding .

    Access the Movie mode (p. 37)

    Access the Program mode (p. 37)

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    Basic functions 24

    Setting the touch screen and soundLearn how to change the basic settings for the touch screen and sound according to your preferences.

    Option Description

    Guide Line : Display grid lines. The grid lines arehelpful for getting the photo aligned with a surface,such as the horizon or the edges of buildings. Thisoption is available only in Shooting mode.

    Setting the soundSet whether your camera emits a specied sound when youoperate your camera.

    In Shooting or Playback mode, select1 M .Select2 Beep Sound .

    Select an option.3Option Description

    Off The camera will not emit any sounds.On The camera emits sounds.

    Select4 to return to the previous mode.

    Setting the display type for the touch screen

    In Shooting mode, select1 .(In Playback mode, select .)

    Select an option.2


    Option Description

    Touch Lock : The touch screen is locked duringshooting (touch until reaches to unlock thetouch screen).Full: In Shooting mode, always display icons onthe screen. In playback mode, display icons andinformation.Basic : In playback mode, always display icons on thescreen.Hide : Hide icons on the screen if you perform nooperations for 3 seconds (touch the screen to displayicons again).

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    Basic functions 25

    Taking photosLearn how to take photos easily and quickly in Auto mode.

    Make sure that the camera is in1 Auto mode, thecameras default shooting mode.

    If not, touch the mode icon a .

    Align your subject in the frame.2

    Half-press [3 Shutter ] to focus.A green frame means the subject in focus.

    Press [4 Shutter ] to take a photo.

    See page 29 for tips to get clearer photos.

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    Basic functions 26

    Taking photos

    Turning on the front displayThe front display will help you take self-portraits or photos of

    children, couples, or people jumping.If you use the children mode, you can play a short animation onthe front display to attract a childs attention. (p. 41)

    Press the front LCD button to turn on the front display.1You can tap the front display to turn it on, and tap it again or press the front LCD button to turn it off.

    Select a shooting option.2 appears on the screen after a time, and the touch screen

    is locked.


    Option Description

    On : Turn on the front display.

    Self-Shot : View yourself on the front display whiletaking a self-portrait. (p. 40)Children : Show a short animation on the front displayto make taking pictures of children easier. (p. 41)Couple Shot : Take photos of couples automaticallywhen they lean in toward each other. (p. 41)Jump Shot : Show a visual cue on the front display sojumping subjects can time their jumps for the photo.

    (p. 42)Function Info : Show ash and focus information onthe front display. (p. 43)Smile Icon : Show a smile icon on the front displaywhen picture is in focus. (p. 43)

    When you set timer options, the front display will remain active. (p. 48)When you turn on the front display, the icons on the touch screenmay dim.When you use the camera in brightly lit or sunny areas, you may notbe able to see the front display clearly.When you play slide shows or movies, the front display may notactivate even if you touch it.Self-Shot is automatically selected if you do not select an optionwithin 3 seconds.When you put pressure on the camera or open the battery cover, thefront display may activate.

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    Basic functions 27

    Taking photos

    Digital zoomIf the zoom indicator is in the digital range, your camera is usingthe digital zoom. The picture quality may deteriorate when youuse the digital zoom.

    Optical range

    Digital range

    Zoom indicator

    The digital zoom is not available when you use the S , s (insome scenes), d , D , and v modes and when you use FaceDetection , and Smart Filter .It may take longer to save a photo when you are using the digitalzoom.

    ZoomingYou can shoot close-up photos by adjusting the zoom. Your

    camera has a 5X optical zoom and 5X digital zoom. By usingboth, you can zoom in up to 25 times.

    Push [ Zoom ] right to zoom in on your subject. Push [ Zoom ] leftto zoom out.


    Zoom inZoom out

    Zoom ratio

    The zoom ratio available for videos differs.

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    Basic functions 28

    Taking photos

    Reducing camera shake (OIS)Reduce camera shake optically in Shooting mode.

    Before correction After correction

    In Shooting mode, select1f


    (once or twice) .(InD mode, select f .)Select an option.2 Option Description

    Off: Deactivate the OIS function.

    On : Activate the OIS function.

    a p s D v OIS may not function properly when:You move your camera to follow a moving subject. -You use digital zoom. -There is too much camera shake. -The shutter speed is slow. (For example, when you select- Night in s mode.)The battery is low. -You take a close-up shot. -

    If you use the OIS function with a tripod, your images may be blurredby the vibration of the OIS sensor. Deactivate the OIS function whenyou use a tripod.If the camera is hit or dropped, the display will be blurry. If this occurs,turn off the camera, and then turn it on again to use the OIS function

    correctly.In some scene modes, the OIS function is unavailable.

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    Basic functions 29

    Holding your camera correctly

    Make sure nothing isblocking the lens.

    Half-pressing the shutter button

    Half-press [Shutter ] and adjust thefocus. The camera adjusts the focus andexposure automatically.

    The camera sets the aperturevalue and shutter speedautomatically.

    Focus framePress [ Shutter ] to take thephoto if the focus frameappears in green.Change the frame andhalf-press [Shutter ] again ifdisplayed in red.

    Reducing camera shake

    Set the Optical Image Stabilization option toreduce camera shake optically. (p. 28)Select the d mode to reduce camera shakeboth optically and digitally. (p. 36)

    When h is displayed

    Camera shake

    When shooting in the dark, avoid setting the ash option to Slow

    Sync or Off. The aperture remains open longer and it may be harder to hold the camera still.

    Use a tripod or set the ash option to Fill in. (p. 50)Set ISO speed options. (p. 51)

    Tips for getting a clearer photo

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    Basic functions 30

    Preventing your subject from being out of focus

    It may be difcult to get your subject in focus when: There is little contrast between the subject and background.-(For example, When your subject is wearing clothing that is similar in color to the background.)The light source behind the subject is too bright. -The subject is shiny. -The subject includes horizontal patterns, such as blinds. -The subject is not positioned in the center of the frame. -

    Use the focus lockHalf-press [Shutter ] to focus. When the subject is in focus,you can reposition the frame to change the composition.When you are ready, press [ Shutter ] to take your photo.

    When you take photos in low light

    Turn on the ash.(p. 50)

    When subjects are moving fast

    Use the continuousor motion capturefunction. (p. 64)

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Shooting modes 32Using the Smart Auto mode 32Using the Scene mode 33Using the Beauty Shot mode 34Using the frame guide 35Using the DUAL IS mode 36Using the Program mode 37Recording a video 37Using the Smart Scene Detection mode 39

    Taking photos with the front display 40Using the Self-portrait mode 40Using the Children mode 41Using the Couple mode 41Using the jump shot timer 42Using the function information 43Using the smile icon 43Recording a video with the front display 43

    Recording voice memos 44Recording a voice memo 44Adding a voice memo to a photo 44

    Extended functionsLearn how to take a photo by selecting a mode and how to

    record a video or voice memo.

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    Extended functions 32

    Shooting modesTake photos or record videos by selecting the best shooting mode for the conditions.

    Icon Description

    Appears when taking portraits at night.

    Appears when taking photos of landscapes withbacklighting.

    Appears when taking portraits with backlighting.

    Appears when taking portraits.

    Appears when taking close-up photos of objects.

    Appears when taking close-up photos of text.

    Appears when taking photos of sunsets.

    Appears when taking photos of clear skies.

    Appears when taking photos of forested areas.

    Appears when taking close-up photos of colorfulsubjects.

    Appears when taking close-up portraits of people.

    Appears when the camera and subject are stable for a while. This is available only when you are shooting in

    the dark.Appears when taking photos of actively moving subjects.

    Appears when taking photos of reworks. This isavailable only when you use a tripod.

    Using the Smart Auto modeIn this mode, your camera automatically chooses the appropriatecamera settings based on a detected type of scene. The mode ishelpful if you are not familiar with the camera settings for variousscenes.

    In Shooting mode, select1 a S .Align your subject in the frame.2

    The camera selects a scene automatically. An appropriatemode icon will appear at the top left of the screen. The icons

    are listed below.

    Icon Description

    Appears when taking photos of landscapes.

    Appears when taking photos with bright whitebackgrounds.Appears when taking photos of landscapes at night. Thisis available only when the ash is off.

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    Extended functions 33

    Shooting modes

    Using the Scene modeTake a photo with options preset for a specic scene.

    In Shooting mode, select1 a s .Select a scene.2


    This mode allows you to choose an appropriate scene fora variety of situations.

    For the Beauty Shot mode, see Using the Beauty Shotmode on page 34.For the Frame Guide mode, see Using the frame guide onpage 35.

    Align your subject in the frame, and then half-press3[Shutter ] to focus.

    Press [4 Shutter ] to take the photo.

    Half-press [3 Shutter ] to focus.

    Press [4 Shutter ] to take the photo.

    If the camera does not recognize an appropriate scene mode, S appears and the camera uses default settings.Even if it detects a face, the camera may not select a portrait modedepending on the subject's position or lighting.The camera may not select the correct scene depending on theshooting conditions, such as camera shake, lighting and distance tothe subject.Even if you use a tripod, the mode may not be detected dependingon the subject's movement.

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    Extended functions 34

    Shooting modes

    To hide facial imperfections, select3 an option.Select a higher setting to hide a greater number ofimperfections.

    Level 3

    Align your subject in the frame, and then half-press4[Shutter ] to focus.

    Press [5 Shutter ] to take the photo.

    The focus distance will be set to Auto Macro .

    Using the Beauty Shot modeTake a photo of a person with options to hide facial imperfections.

    In Shooting mode, select1 a s .To make the subject's skin tone appear lighter (face2 only), select f an option.

    Select a higher setting to make skin tone appear lighter.

    Level 2

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    Extended functions 35

    Shooting modes

    Ask another person to take a photo.3The person must align the subject in the frame by using theguides, and then press [ Shutter ] to take the photo.

    To cancel the guides, select4 .

    When you use the frame guide, the front display is unavailable.

    Using the frame guideWhen you want another person to take a photo of you, you can

    compose the scene with the frame guide feature. The frameguide will help the other person take a photo of you by showingthe part of the pre-composed scene.

    In Shooting mode, select1 a s .Align your subject in the frame and press [2 Shutter ].

    Transparent guides will appear on the left and right of theframe.

    Cancel Frame: Back

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    Extended functions 36

    Shooting modes

    Press [3 Shutter ] to take the photo.

    The digital zoom will not work in this mode.The camera will correct photos optically only when you take them witha light source that is brighter than uorescent light.If your subject is moving rapidly, the photo may be blurry.Set the Optical Image Stabilization option to reduce camera shake indifferent shooting modes. (p. 28)

    Using the DUAL IS modeReduce camera shake and prevent blurred photos with Optical

    and Digital Image Stabilization functions.

    Before correction After correction

    In Shooting mode, select1 a d .Align your subject in the frame, and then half-press2 [Shutter ] to focus.

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    Extended functions 37

    Shooting modes

    Recording a videoRecord videos of up to 20 minutes in length in high denition. The

    camera saves the recorded video as an MP4 (H.264) le.

    H.264 (MPEG-4 part10/AVC) is a high-compression video formatestablished by international standard organizations ISO/IEC and ITU-T.Some memory cards may not support high denition recording. In thiscase, set a lower resolution. (p. 46)Memory cards with slow writing speed will not support high-resolutionvideos and high-speed videos. To record high-resolution or high-speed videos, use memory cards with fast writing speed.When the Optical Image Stabilization ( ) is activated, your video maybe recorded with the OIS operation sound.

    In Shooting mode, select1 a v .Select2 f a frame rate (the number of framesper second).

    As the frame rate increases, action appears more natural, butthe le size also increases.

    Using the Program modeSet various options (except for shutter speed and aperture value)

    in Program mode.In Shooting mode, select1 a p .Set options. (For a list of options, refer to 2 Shootingoptions.)

    Align your subject in the frame, and then half-press3[Shutter ] to focus.

    Press [4 Shutter ] to take the photo.

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    Extended functions 38

    Shooting modes

    Set other options as desired. (For options, refer to4Shooting options.)

    Press [5 Shutter ] to start recording.Press [6 Shutter ] again to stop recording.

    To pause recordingThe camera allows you to pause temporarily while recording avideo. With this function, you can record several scenes as asingle video.

    Select to pause while recording. Select to resume.

    Stop: Shutter

    30 FPS

    is available only when the video resolution is 320 X 240.

    Select3 > an option.Option Description

    Off: Record a video without sound.

    On : Record a video with sound.

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    Extended functions 39

    Shooting modes

    Press [3 Shutter ] to start recording.

    Press [4 Shutter ] again to stop recording.

    If the camera does not recognize an appropriate scene mode, D willnot change and the default settings will be used.The camera may not select the correct scene depending on theshooting conditions, such as camera shake, lighting and distance tothe subject.The Photo Style and Smart Filter options are not available in D mode.

    Using the Smart Scene Detection mode forVideo RecordingIn this mode, your camera automatically chooses the appropriatecamera settings based on the scene it has detected.

    In Shooting mode, select1 a D .Align your subject in the frame.2

    The camera selects a scene automatically. An appropriatemode icon will appear at the top left of the screen.

    Icon Description

    Appears when recording videos of landscapes.Appears when recording videos of clear skies.

    Appears when recording videos of forested areas.

    Appears when recording videos of sunsets.

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    Extended functions 40

    Taking photos with the front displayThe front display will help you take self-portraits or photos of children. You can also use the Couple mode and the jump shot timer with thefront display.

    You can tap the front display to turn it on, and tap it again or press the front LCD button to turn it off.

    Press [3 Shutter ] to take the photo.Using the Self-portrait modeTake photos of yourself conveniently using the front display.

    When you use the front display, the camera automatically takes a picture whenit detects a smiling face.

    In Shooting mode, press the front LCD button, and then1select .

    Your camera will detect your face automatically and displaya frame to indicate the detected face.

    Half-press [2 Shutter ] to focus.

    S a p s d

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Extended functions 41

    Taking photos with the front display

    Using the Children modeThis mode draws childrens attention to the camera by showing a

    short animation on the front display.In Shooting mode, press the front LCD button, and then1select .

    An animation will play.

    Half-press [2 Shutter ] to focus.

    Press [3 Shutter ] to take the photo.

    You can download animations from the website or Intelli-studio.(p. 91) or for more information.You can add sounds to animations to draw children's attention. (p. 99)

    S a p s d Using the Couple modeThis mode detects two subjects leaning in toward each other and

    automatically captures the image of the posing couple.In Shooting mode, press the front LCD button, and then1select .

    The white frame means that the faces are recognized.The green frame means that the faces are in focus when youhalf-press [Shutter ].

    Lean in toward each other in the frame.2

    The camera will detect two faces of the subjects at the same distancefrom the camera.The camera may not detect the faces depending on the pose of thecouple.

    S a p s d
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  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Extended functions 43

    Taking photos with the front display

    Using the function informationShow ash and focus information on the front display when takingphotos.

    In Shooting mode, press the front LCD button, and then1select .

    Half-press [2 Shutter ] to focus.

    Press [3 Shutter ] to take the photo.

    Using the smile iconThe smile icon appears on the front display when the camera isfocused after a shutter half-press.

    In Shooting mode, press the front LCD button, and then1select .

    Half-press [2 Shutter ] to focus and then the smile iconappears.

    Press [3 Shutter ] to take the photo.

    S a p s d

    S a p s d

    Recording a video with the front display

    Recording a video in the Self-portrait mode

    In Shooting mode, press the front LCD button, and then1select .

    Press [2 Shutter ] to start recording.

    Press [3 Shutter ] again to stop recording.

    Recording a video in the Children mode

    In Shooting mode, press the front LCD button, and then1select .

    Press [2 Shutter ] to start recording.

    Press [3 Shutter ] again to stop recording.

    D v

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    Extended functions 44

    Recording voice memosLearn how to record a voice memo that you can play back at any time. You can add a voice memo to a photo as a short reminder ofshooting conditions.

    You will get the best sound quality when recording 40 cm away from the camera.

    a p s d

    Adding a voice memo to a photo

    In Shooting mode, select1 f . (In somemodes, select f > (once or twice) .)


    Align your subject in the frame, and then take a photo.2 The camera begins to record a voice memo right after you

    take the photo.

    Record a short voice memo (10 seconds maximum).3Press [ Shutter ] to stop recording a voice memo before the10 seconds are up.

    You cannot add voice memos to photos in the burst mode.

    Recording a voice memo

    In Shooting mode, select1 f . (In somemodes, select f > (once or twice) .)


    Press [2 Shutter ] to record.Select to pause and to resume.

    Once recording begins the available recording time displayedat the top of the screen will be changed to reect le number.You can record voice memos of up to 10 hours in length.

    Press [3 Shutter ] to stop.

    Select4 to switch to Shooting mode.

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    Selecting a resolution and quality 46Selecting a resolution 46Selecting image quality 47

    Using the timer 48

    Shooting in the dark 50Preventing red-eye 50

    Using the ash 50Adjusting the ISO speed 51

    Changing the cameras focus 52Using macro 52Using auto focus 52Using smart touch focus 53Using one touch shooting 54Adjusting the focus area 54

    Using face detection 55Detecting faces 55Taking a smile shot 56Detecting eye blinking 56Using smart face recognition 57Registering faces as your favorites (My Star) 57

    Adjusting brightness and color 59Adjusting the exposure manually (EV) 59Compensating for backlighting (ACB) 60Changing the metering option 61Selecting a light source (White balance) 62

    Using burst modes 64

    Improving your photos 65Applying photo styles 65

    Applying smart lter effects 66Adjusting your photos 67

    Shooting optionsLearn about the options you can set in Shooting mode.

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Shooting options 46

    Selecting a resolution and qualityLearn how to change the image resolution and quality settings.

    Option Description

    4320 X 3240 : Print on A1 paper.

    4320 X 2880 : Print on A1 paper in wide ratio (3:2).

    4000 X 3000 : Print on A1 paper.

    4320 X 2432 : Print on A2 paper in panorama ratio(16:9) or play back on an HDTV.

    3264 X 2448 : Print on A3 paper.

    2560 X 1920 : Print on A4 paper.

    2048 X 1536 : Print on A5 paper.1920 X 1080 : Print on A5 paper in panorama ratio(16:9) or play back on an HDTV.

    1024 X 768 : Attach to an email.

    Selecting a resolutionAs you increase the resolution, your photo or video will includemore pixels, so it can be printed on larger paper or displayed ona larger screen. When you use a high resolution, the le size willalso increase.

    When taking a photo:

    In Shooting mode, select1 f > .(In some modes, select f .)

    Select an option.2

    4320 x 2432

    S a p s d D v

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Shooting options 47

    Selecting a resolution and quality

    When recording a video:

    In the1 D and v modes, select f .Select an option.2

    1280 X 720 HQ

    Option Description

    1280 X 720 HQ : Play back high-quality les on anHDTV.

    1280 X 720 : Play back on an HDTV.

    640 X 480 : Play back on a general TV.

    320 X 240 : Post on a web page.

    Selecting image qualityThe camera compresses and saves the photos you take in JPEG

    format. Higher quality images will result in larger sizes.In Shooting mode, select1 f > .(In some modes, select f .)Select an option.2


    Option Description

    Super Fine



    a p s d

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    Shooting options 48

    Using the timerLearn how to set the timer to delay shooting.

    S a p s d D v

    Press [3 Shutter ] to start the timer.The AF-assist light/timer lamp blinks. The camera will

    automatically take a photo at the specied time.The front display will start the countdown a few secondsbefore shooting.

    Select the timer icon or press [ Shutter ] to cancel the timer.

    Depending on the selected face defection option, the timer may notavailable or some timer options are not available.

    In Shooting mode, select1 .

    Select an option.2


    Option Description

    Off: The timer is not active.

    10 Sec : Take a photo in 10 seconds.

    2 Sec : Take a photo in 2 seconds.

    Double : Take a photo in 10 seconds and take another in 2 seconds.Motion Timer : Detect your movement and then takea photo. (p. 49)

    The options may differ depending on the shooting mode.

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    Shooting options 49

    Using the timer

    Pose for your photo while the AF-assist light/timer lamp5 is blinking.

    The AF-assist light/timer lamp will stop blinking just before thecamera automatically takes a photo.

    The motion timer may not work when:

    You are more than 3 m away from the camera.

    Your movements are too subtle. There is too much light or backlight.The subject is close enough to reect the AF light.

    Using the motion timer

    In Shooting mode, select1 .

    Press [2 Shutter ].

    Stand within 3 m from the camera within 6 seconds after3pressing [Shutter ].

    Make a motion, such as waving your arms, to activate4the timer.

    The AF-assist light/timer lamp will start to blink rapidly whenthe camera detects you.

    The detection range ofthe motion timer

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    Shooting options 50

    Shooting in the dark Learn how to take photos at night or in low light conditions.

    Using the ashUse the ash when taking photos in the dark or when you needmore light on your photos.

    In Shooting mode, select1 .

    Select an option.2


    Option Description

    Off:The ash will not re.Camera shake warning ( ) will be displayed when

    shooting in low light.Auto : The camera will select a proper ash setting for the detected scene in S mode.Auto : The ash res automatically when the subject or background is dark.

    S a p sPreventing red-eyeIf the ash res when you take a photo of a person in the dark, ared glow may appear in the eyes. To prevent this, select Red-eyeor Red-eye Fix . Refer to ash options in Using the ash.

    This option is available in some scene modes.

    a p

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Shooting options 51

    Shooting in the dark

    Adjusting the ISO speedThe ISO speed is the measure of a lms sensitivity to light asdened by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).The higher ISO speed you select, the more sensitive to light your camera becomes. With a higher ISO speed, you can get a better photo without using the ash.

    In Shooting mode, select1 f .Select an option.2

    Select to use an appropriate ISO speed based on thebrightness of the subject and lighting.


    The higher ISO speed you select, the more image noise you may get.

    pOption DescriptionRed-eye *:

    The ash res when the subject or background isdark. The subject should not move until the ashres a second time.The camera reduces red-eyes.

    Fill in:The ash always res.Light intensity is adjusted automatically.

    Slow Sync :The ash res and the shutter stays open longer.

    Select this when you want to capture ambient lightto reveal more details in the background.Use a tripod to prevent your photos from blurring.

    Red-eye Fix *:The ash res when the subject or background isdark.The camera corrects red-eyes through its advancedsoftware analysis.

    The options may differ depending on the shooting mode.* There is an interval between two bursts of the ash. Do not move until

    the ash res a second time.

    Flash options are not available if you set burst options or select BlinkDetection .Make sure that your subjects are within the recommended distancefrom the ash. (p. 113)If light from the ash is relfected or there is a substantial amount ofdust in the air, tiny spots may appear in your photo.

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    Shooting options 52

    Changing the cameras focusLearn how to adjust the camera's focus according to your subjects.

    Using auto focusTo take sharp photos, select the appropriate focus according toyour distance from the subject.

    In Shooting mode, select1 .

    Select an option.2

    Normal (AF)

    Option Description

    Normal (AF) : Focus on a subject farther than 80 cm(farther than 80 cm when using zoom).Auto Macro : Focus on a subject farther than 5 cm(farther than 50 cm when using zoom).Macro : Focus on a subject 5 - 80 cm (50 - 80 cmwhen using zoom).

    The options may differ depending on the shooting mode.

    a p d D vUsing macroUse macro to take close-up photos of subjects, such as owersor insects. Refer to macro options in Using auto focus.

    Try to hold the camera very still to prevent blurry photos.

    Turn off the ash if the distance to the subject is less than 40 cm.

    a p d D v

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    Shooting options 53

    Changing the cameras focus

    If you do not touch any area on the screen, the focus frame willappear in the center of the screen.Tracking a subject may fail when:

    The subject is too small or the subject moves excessively. -The subject is backlit or you are shooting in a dark place. -Colors or patterns on the subject and the background are the-same.The camera shakes excessively. -

    In these cases, the focus frame will appear as a white single-lineframe.If the camera fails to track the subject, you must reselect the subjectto track.If the camera fails to x the focus, the focus frame will change to a redsingle-line frame.If you use this function, you cannot set face detection, photo styleoptions, and smart lter effects.

    Using smart touch focusSmart Touch AF allows you to track and auto focus on your subject, even when you are moving.

    In Shooting mode, select1 f .Touch the subject you want to track in the touch area2 (indicated by a frame).

    A focus frame will appear on the subject and will follow thesubject as you move the camera.

    The white frame means that your camera is tracking thesubject.The green frame means that your subject is in focus when youhalf-press [Shutter ].

    a p s d

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  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Shooting options 55

    Using face detectionIf you use face detection options, your camera can automatically detect a human face. When you focus on a human face, the cameraadjusts the exposure automatically. Use Blink Detection to detect closed eyes or Smile Shot to capture a smiling face. You can also useSmart Face Recognition to register faces and prioritize the focus on them.

    a p s d

    Detecting facesYour camera automatically detects human faces (up to 10 humanfaces).

    In Shooting mode, select f . The nearest faceappears in a white focus frame and the rest of the faces appear ingray focus frames.

    The closer you are to the subject, the quicker your camera will detectfaces.

    If you want to focus faces in gray focus frames, touch them to focus.The detected faces may not be registered depending on shootingoptions.

    In some scene modes, face detection is unavailable.Face detection may not be effective when:

    The subject is far from the camera. (The focus frame will appear -orange for Smile Shot and Blink Detection .)It is too bright or too dark. -The subject is not facing the camera. -The subject is wearing sunglasses or a mask. -The subject is backlit or the lighting conditions are unstable. -The subjects facial expression changes remarkably. -

    Face detection is not available when you are using a Photo Style or aSmart Filter effect.When you use the face detection option, the digital zoom will notwork.Depending on the selected face detection option, the timer is notavailable or some timer options are not available.When you take photos of detected faces, they will be registered inthe face list.You can view registered faces in order of priority in Playback mode.(p. 72) Even though faces are registered successfully, they may not beclassied in Playback mode.A face detected in Shooting mode may not appear in the face list or Smart Album.

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    Shooting options 56

    Using face detection

    Detecting eye blinkingIf your camera detects closed eyes, it will automatically take 2photos in succession.

    In Shooting mode, select f .

    Hold your camera still while Capturing is displayed on the screen.When blink detection fails, the Picture taken with eyes closed. message appears. Take another photo.

    Taking a smile shotThe camera automatically releases the shutter when it detects asmiling face.

    In Shooting mode, selectf

    . When your subjectsmiles broadly, your camera can detect the smile more easily.

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    Shooting options 57

    Using face detection

    Registering faces as your favorites (My Star)You can register your favorite faces to prioritize the focus andexposure on those faces. This feature is available only when youuse a memory card.

    In Shooting mode, select1 f .Align your subjects face with the oval guideline and2 press [ Shutter ] to register the face.

    If the subjects face is not aligned with the oval guideline, thewhite frame will not appear.You will take 5 photos of the subjects face: one each from the

    front, left, right, above, and below.Take photos of one person at a time when registering faces.

    Using smart face recognitionThe camera automatically registers faces that you frequentlyphotograph. This feature will automatically prioritize the focus onthose faces and favorite faces. This feature is available only whenyou use a memory card.

    In Shooting mode, select f . The nearest faceappears in a white focus frame and the rest of the faces appear ingray focus frames. : Indicate favorite faces

    (To register favorite faces, see page 57). : Indicate faces that the camera automatically registers.

    The camera may recognize and register faces incorrectly dependingon lighting conditions, remarkable changes in the subject's pose or face, and whether or not the subject is wearing glasses.The camera can automatically register up to 14 faces. If the camerarecognizes a new face when there are 14 registered faces, it willreplace the face in the lowest priority with the new one.The camera can detect up to 5 faces in one scene.

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    Shooting options 58

    Using face detection

    Select3 when the face list appears.Your favorite faces are indicated with a on the face list.

    You can register up to 6 favorite faces.The ash option will be set to Off.If you register the same face twice, you can delete one of the facesin the face list.

    Viewing your favorite faces

    In Shooting mode, select1 f .Select2 to view your favorite faces.

    To change the ranking of your favorite faces, select . (p. 72)To cancel your favorite faces, select .

  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Shooting options 59

    Adjusting the exposure manually (EV)

    Depending on the intensity of the ambient light, your photosmay be too bright or dark. In these cases, you can adjust theexposure to get a better photo.

    Darker (-) Neutral (0) Brighter (+)

    In Shooting mode, select1 f .Select a value to adjust the exposure.2

    +: brighter, -: darker

    -2 -1 0 +2-2 -1 +2+1


    p d v

    Adjusting brightness and colorLearn how to adjust the brightness and color for better image quality.

    Select3 .The adjusted exposure value will appear as shown below.

    Once you adjust the exposure, the setting will remain the same. Youmay need to change the exposure value later to avoid overexposureor underexposure.If you cannot decide on an appropriate exposure, select AEB (AutoExposure Bracket). The camera takes 3 consecutive photos withdifferent exposures: normal, underexposed, and overexposed. (p. 64)

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    Shooting options 60

    Adjusting brightness and color

    Option Description

    Off: ACB is off.

    On : ACB is on.

    The ACB feature is always on in a mode.This feature is not available when you are using the Continuous ,Motion Capture , or AEB functions.

    Compensating for backlighting (ACB)When the light source is behind your subject or there is highcontrast between your subject and the background, your subjectis likely to appear dark in the photo. In this case, set the AutoContrast Balance (ACB) option.

    Without ACB With ACB

    In Shooting mode, select1 f > .Select an option.2



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    Shooting options 61

    Adjusting brightness and color

    Option Description

    Spot :Your camera measures only the light intensity of thevery center of the frame.If a subject is not in the center of the frame, your photo may be improperly exposed.Suitable for a subject with backlighting.

    Center-weighted :Your camera averages the meter reading of theentire frame with emphasis placed on the center.Suitable for photos with subjects in the center of

    the frame.

    Changing the metering optionThe metering mode refers to the way in which a camerameasures the quantity of light. The brightness and lighting of your photos will vary depending on the metering mode you select.

    In Shooting mode, select1 f > .(Inv mode, select f .)Select an option.2


    Option Description

    Multi:Your camera divides the frame into several areas,and then measures the light intensity of each area.Suitable for general photos.

    p d v

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    Shooting options 62

    Adjusting brightness and color

    Auto WB

    Option Description

    Auto WB : Use automatic settings depending on thelighting conditions.

    Daylight : Select when taking outdoor photos on asunny day.Cloudy : Select when taking outdoor photos on acloudy day or in shadows.Fluorescent_H : Select when shooting under adaylight uorescent or three-way uorescent light.Fluorescent_L : Select when shooting under whiteuorescent light.

    Tungsten : Select when taking indoor photos under incandescent bulbs or halogen lamps.

    Custom Set : Use your pre-dened settings. (p. 63)

    Selecting a light source (White balance)

    The color of your photo depends on the type and quality of thelight source. If you want the color of your photo to be realistic,select an appropriate lighting condition to calibrate the whitebalance, such as Auto WB, Daylight, Cloudy, or Tungsten.

    Auto WB Daylight

    Cloudy Tungsten

    In Shooting mode, select1 f .Select an option.2

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    U i b d

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    Shooting options 64

    Using burst modesIt can be difcult to take photos of fast-moving subjects or capture natural facial expressions and gestures of your subjects in photos.In these cases, select one of the burst modes.


    Option Description

    Motion Capture : While you are pressing [Shutter ],the camera takes VGA photos (6 photos per second;maximum of 30 photos).AEB:

    Take 3 consecutive photos with different exposures:normal, underexposed, and overexposed.Use a tripod to prevent blurry photos.

    The options may differ depending on the shooting mode.

    You can use the ash, timer, and ACB only when you selectSingle .When you select Motion Capture , the resolution will be set toVGA and the ISO speed will be set to Auto .Depending on the selected face detection option, some burstoptions are not available.

    In Shooting mode, select1 f > .Select an option.2


    Option Description

    Single : Take a single photo.

    Continuous :While you are pressing [ Shutter ], the camera takesphotos continuously.The maximum number of photos depends on thecapacity of your memory card.

    I i h t

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    Shooting options 65

    Improving your photosLearn how to improve your photos by applying photo styles, colors, or smart lter effects, or make some adjustments.

    Dening your own RGB tone

    In Shooting mode, select1 f > (once or twice). (Ina mode, select f .)

    Select a color (R: Red, G: Green, B: Blue).2

    Custom RGB

    Adjust the amount of the selected color.3

    Select4 .

    Applying photo stylesApply different styles to your photos, such as Soft, Vivid, or


    Soft Vivid Forest

    In Shooting mode, select1 f > (once or twice) .(Ina mode, select f .)Select an option.2

    Select to dene your own RGB tone.


    If you use this function, you cannot set the face recognition, smart lter,and image adjustment options.

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    Shooting options 66

    Improving your photos

    Option Description

    Vignetting : Apply the retro-looking colors, highcontrast, and strong vignette effect of Lomo cameras.Fish-eye 1 : Distort close objects to imitate the visualeffect of a sheye lens.Fish-eye 2 : Blacken the edges of the frame anddistort objects to imitate the visual effect of a sheyelens.

    Sketch : Make a photo looks like a drawing.

    Defog : Make a photo clearer.

    If you select Miniature when recording a video, the miniaturerecording time is displayed with the icon and is shorter than thereal recording time.If you select Miniature when recording a video, the sound will notbe recorded.When you apply a smart lter effect while recording a video, therecording speed will be set to and the recording resolution will beset to less than .If you use this function, you cannot set face recognition, ACB, burst,photo style, or image adjustment options.The options may differ depending on the shooting mode.When you select Sketch , the photo will be automatically resized to

    or smaller.

    Applying smart lter effectsApply various lter effects to your photos to create unique images.

    Miniature Vignetting

    Fish-eye 1 Fish-eye 2

    In Shooting mode, select1 f > (once or twice) .Select an effect.2

    Option DescriptionNormal : No effect

    Miniature : Make a photo of a life-size location or object look like a photo of a miniature scale model.Blurring parts of the photo makes the scene seemmuch smaller than it actually is.

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    Shooting options 67

    Improving your photos

    Contrast option Description

    - Decrease the color and brightness.

    + Increase the color and brightness.

    Saturation option Description

    - Decrease the saturation.

    + Increase the saturation.

    Select 0 if you do not want to apply any effects (suitable for printing).If you use this function, you cannot set the face recognition, photostyle, and smart lter options.

    Adjusting your photosAdjust the sharpness, saturation, or contrast of your photos.

    In Shooting mode, select1 f > (twice) .Select an adjustment option.2 : Sharpness : Contrast : Saturation

    Select a value to adjust the selected item.3

    -2 -1 +2-2 1 +2+10


    Sharpness option Description

    - Soften the edges on your photos (suitablefor editing the photos on your computer).

    +Sharpen the edges to improve the clarityof your photos. This may also increase thenoise on your photos.


  • 8/7/2019 Samsung Camera ST100 English User Manual


    Playing back 69Starting Playback mode 69Viewing photos 76Playing a video 78Playing a voice memo 79

    Editing a photo 81Rotating a photo 81Resizing photos 81Applying photo styles 82Applying smart lter effects 83Applying a special effect 84Correcting exposure problems 84Creating a print order (DPOF) 85

    Viewing les on a TV or HDTV 87

    Transferring les to your computer(for Windows) 89Transferring les using Intelli-studio 90Transferring les by connecting the camera asa removable disk 92Disconnecting the camera (for Windows XP) 93

    Transferring les to your computer(for Mac) 94

    Printing photos with a photo printer(PictBridge) 95

    Playback/EditingLearn how to play back photos, videos, or voice memos and edit photos or videos. Also, learn how to

    connect your camera to your computer, photo printer, TV, or HDTV.

    Playing back

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    Playback/Editing 69

    Playing back Learn actions to play back photos, videos, or voice memos, and managing les.

    If you want to view les stored in the internal memory, remove your memory card.

    The camera will not properly play back les that are too large or those taken with cameras from other manufacturers.

    Starting Playback modeView photos or play videos and voice memos stored in your


    Press [1 Playback ].The most recent le you have taken or recorded will bedisplayed.If the camera is off, it will turn on.

    Drag les left or right to scroll through les.2 Select < to view the previous le. Hold to view les quickly.Select > to view the next le. Hold to view les quickly.

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    Playback/Editing 70

    Playing back

    Selecting a menu using motion recognitionYour camera features a built-in motion sensor that allows you toquickly select a menu by tilting the camera.

    In Playback mode, tilt the camera while touching andholding .

    Set the current photo as your favorite photo*( will appear on the top of the le.)

    Lock or unlock the current le( will appear on the top of the le.)

    * You cannot set les as favorites for:Videos or voice memos. -Photos with errors or locked photos. -Photos taken with cameras from other manufacturers. -Photos taken using the motion capture option set. -Photos that are too large for the available memory. -

    Viewing les using motion recognitionYou can view les by tilting the camera.

    Motion recognition may not work well if you hold the cameraparallel to the ground.When you rotate the camera 90 o or 180 o while viewing a photo,the camera will automatically change the orientation of thedisplayed photo according to the camera direction.To deactivate this function, select M . Gesture View

    Off in Playback mode.

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    Playback/Editing 71

    Playing back

    Display in Playback mode


    Icon Description

    Photo includes a voice memov Video le

    Print order has been set (DPOF)

    Protected le

    Photo includes a registered face; Available only when youuse a memory cardFavorite le

    Folder name File nameOpen the face list (p. 72); Available only when you use amemory card

    Delete les (p. 75)

    Play a slide show (p. 77)

    Start a slide show (p. 77)

    Motion recognition may not work well if you hold the camera parallel to theground, as shown below.

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    Playback/Editing 72

    Playing back

    Ranking your favorite facesYou can change the ranking of your favorite faces or delete them.This feature is available only when you use a memory card.

    In Playback mode, select1 .Select to cancel your favorite faces.








    Face List

    2 Select a face.





    Edit Ranking

    Select3 , or . to change the ranking of the face, andthen select .

    Icon Description

    Edit photos (p. 81)

    Select a display type (p. 24)Select a menu using motion recognition (p. 70)

    M Playback and settings menusPlayback time of videos or voice memos

    Play videos or voice memos(Video p. 78/Voice memo p. 79)

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    Playback/Editing 73

    Playing back

    It may take some time for the camera to open Smart Album or tochange the category and reorganize les.The front display may not activate after you access Smart Album.

    Select a date, le type, weekday, color, or face.3You can also touch and hold < or > to scroll through dates,le types, weekdays, colors, or faces.

    29 61 7

    Select4 < or > to scroll through les.Select5 to return to the normal view.

    Once you select a category and a menu that displays thumbnails (such asdeleting multiple les or protecting selected les), the camera will display all lessorted by category or only those that match the category option.

    Viewing les by category in Smart AlbumView and manage les by categories, such as date, le type, or week.

    In Playback mode, select1 .You can also access Smart Album by pushing [ Zoom ] left.

    Select2 a category.

    29 61 7 20






    Option Descript ion

    Type View les by the le type.

    Date View les by the date they were saved.

    Color View les by the dominant color of the image.Week View les by the weekday they were saved.

    Favorite View your favorite les.

    FaceView les by recognized faces and favorite faces.(Up to 20 people)

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    Playback/Editing 74

    Playing back

    Viewing les as thumbnailsScan thumbnails of les.

    In Playback mode, push [ Zoom ] left to display 9 or 16 thumbnails. Push [ Zoom ] right to return to theprevious mode.

    29 61 7 20

    To Do this

    Scroll through lesSelect < or > , or drag les left or right toscroll through les.

    View a le Select a thumbnail.

    Delete lesSelect . (p. 75)

    View in 3D Select .

    Select a category Select .

    When you drag les in thumbnail mode, indication icons may appear after thumbnails have loaded.

    To view les in 3D view

    In Playback mode, select1 .

    Drag les left or right to scroll through les.2 Drag les left or right to move them more quickly. The faster you drag an icon across the screen, the more les you willscroll through at a time.Select to view les in Smart Album.


    Select a le in the middle of the screen to view in the full3screen.

    Select the le to return to 3D view.

    You cannot play movies or voice memos in 3D view.The 3D feature is not available while the camera is connected to a TV.

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    Playback/Editing 75

    Playing back

    Deleting lesDelete single les or all les at once. You cannot delete protectedles.

    To delete a single le,

    In Playback mode, select a le1 .

    Select2 Yes to delete the le.

    To delete multiple les,

    In Playback mode, select1 Multiple Delete .Select les you want to delete.2

    Select to select all les on the current screen.Select to cancel your selection.

    Select3 Yes .

    To delete all les,

    In Playback mode, select1 M .Select2 Delete All Yes .

    Protecting les

    Protect your les from accidental deletion.

    In Playback mode, select1 M .Select2 Protect Select .

    Select Alland then Lock to protect all les.

    Select les you want to protect.3Select to select all les.Select to cancel your selection.

    Select4 .

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    Playback/Editing 76

    Playing back

    Viewing photosView a photo by zooming in on part of a photo or view photos asa slide show.

    Enlarging a photo

    In Playback mode, push [ Zoom ] right to enlargea photo. Push [ Zoom ] left to shrink a photo.

    Scroll toward the direction you want to move.

    Icon DescriptionDelete the le.

    Crop the enlarged photo (it will be saved as a new le).

    Go back to the original view.

    X2.0 Zoom ratio

    Copying les to the memory cardYou can copy les from the internal memory to a memory card.

    In Playback mode, select1 M .Select2 . Copy to Card .Select3 Yes to copy les.

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    Playback/Editing 77

    Playing back

    Option Description

    Interval : Set the interval between photos.This will be available when you set Effect to .When used with an effect option other than , theinterval will be set to 1 sec.

    Music : Select background audio.

    Effect :Select a transition effect.Select for no effects.

    Select3 to start the slide show.Touch the screen (except on option icons) to pause the slideshow.Select to adjust the volume of the background audio or tomute the sound.Select to switch to Playback mode.

    Starting a slide showYou can apply effects and audio to your slide show. This function

    does not work for videos or voice memos.

    In Playback mode, select1 .

    Set a slide show effect.2

    Option Description

    Images : Select photos (up to 2.000) for your slideshow.Play Mode : Select whether or not to loop the slide


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    Playback/Editing 78

    Playing back

    Trimming a video during playback

    Select1 at the point where you want the new video to

    begin, and then select .Select2 to resume playback.

    Select3 at the point where you want the new video toend, and then select .

    Select4 Yes .

    The original video should be at least 10 seconds long.

    The edited video will be saved as a new le.

    Playing a videoYou can play a video, capture an image from a video, or crop avideo.

    In Playback mode, select a video1 .

    Use the following icons to control playback:2

    Icon Description

    Scan backward.

    / Pause or resume playback.

    Stop playback.

    Scan forward.Adjust volume or mute sound.

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    Playback/Editing 79

    Playing back

    Playing a voice memo

    Playing a voice memo

    In Playback mode, select a voice memo1 .

    Use the following icons to control playback.2

    Icon Description

    Scan backward.

    / Pause or resume playback.

    Stop playback.

    Scan forward.

    Adjust volume or mute sound.

    Capturing an image during playback

    Select1 at the point where you want to save a still

    image.Select2 .

    Select3 Yes .

    A captured image will have the same le size as the original video le and willbe saved as a new le.

    Playing back

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    Playback/Editing 80

    Playing back

    Playing a voice memo added to a photo

    In Playback mode, select a photo that includes a voice1

    memo .Use the following icons to control playback:2

    Icon Description

    / Pause or resume playback.

    Stop playback.

    Adjust volume or mute sound.

    Adding a voice memo to a photo

    In Playback mode, select a photo1 M .

    Select2 Voice Memo On.

    Press [3 Shutter ] to record a short voice memo(10 seconds maximum).

    Press [ Shutter ] to stop recording a voice memo.

    Editing a photo

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    Playback/Editing 81

    Editing a photoPerform photo editing tasks, such as rotating, resizing, eliminating red-eyes, and adjusting brightness, contrast, or saturation.

    Edited photos will be saved as new les.When you edit photos that are or larger, they will be automatically resized to a lower resolution (except when rotating or resizing photos).

    Resizing photos

    In Playback mode, select a photo1 .

    Select2 an option.Select to save the photo as a start image. (p. 99)

    1920 X 1080

    Select3 .

    Available options differ depending on the original size of the photo youselected.

    Rotating a photo

    In Playback mode, select a photo1 .

    Select2 an option.

    Left 90