Download - Samply High Holiday Endowment Letter


Dear Friends, A legacy fulfills a spiritual ideal. By giving a gift to Temple Adat Shalom’s Endowment you help to ensure the future of our synagogue. Our synagogue is part of the San Diego community’s “Create a Jewish legacy” program of the Jewish Community Foundation. As Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote: “In this hour we, the living, are the people of Israel. The tasks, begun by our ancestors and prophets and continued by their descendants, are now entrusted to us. We are either the last Jews or those who will hand over the entire past to generations to come. We will either forfeit or enrich the legacy of ages.” During these High Holydays, a time for reflection and introspection, we hope that you will please seriously consider how you might pass on the legacy of those who came before you, continuing to build a vibrant and vital congregation for tomorrow. An endowment gift, which continues into posterity, enables our children’s children to learn the meaning of a positive Jewish life full of pride in our sacred traditions. There are many different ways to provide sustenance or resources to Temple Adat Shalom’s Endowment Fund. By consulting with your financial advisors or the Jewish Community Foundation, a plan can be designed that will provide the best advantages for you, while creating significant benefits for our synagogue. If you have already included Temple Adat Shalom in your estate plans, we would appreciate you informing us so that we can thank you now. Through our work in creating this Temple Adat Shalom Legacy Endowment Fund for the future, we enable our children to have the resources to continue to enrich their timeless legacy as Jews. We look forward to speaking with you about this in the near future. With all best wishes for a sweet and healthy year! L’shana tova, Deborah R. Prinz Steve Wismar Gail G. Littman Rabbi President Past President