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In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful


The Holy Mantle of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon himAmong all sacred relics, the Holy Mantle of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him holds a special place. Due to their respect for this honorable memory from the Prophet, the sultans preserved it in gold cases in the Throne Room. Therefore, the entire complex, which included the Throne Room, Audience Hall, dormitory for pages, and the Treasury hosted, became to be called Apartments of the Holy Mantle.

The Holy Footprint of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him On A Stone

The Beautiful Sword of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

The Sacred Strand of Hair of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him In a Casket

A Case and Chest Containing The Holy Tooth of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

Sayyida Fatima Al-Zahra's Mantle (may Allah be pleased with her) Daughter of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

The mantle is wrapped in a cloth decorated with silver gilt thread. It is made of camelcolored wool, has wide sleeves, and is worn. It has a blue lining in some parts, and knitted buttons on the chest. It was donated to the Topkapi Palace after it was among the belongings of Princess Fatima, the heiress to the Khanate of Crimea.

The Gold Casing Cover of the Black Stone

The Sword of the Prophet David peace be upon him

This sword is 101 cm. in length. It has a leather hilt, silver pommel, and iron cross guard. It weighs 2,986 grams, and has a wide straight blade.

The Staff of Moses peace be upon him

The Prophet Moses peace be upon him performed miracles with this staff, which turned into a serpent against Pharaoh's magicians and parted the waters of the Red Sea.

The Turban of Prophet Joseph peace be upon him

The Keys and Locks of the Kaba