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Page 4: Sample Report: Middle East B2C E-Commerce Market 2016



The reports are compiled based on secondary market research. Secondary research is information gathered from previously published sources. Our reports are

solely based on information and data acquired from national and international statistical offices, industry and trade associations, business reports, business and

company databases, journals, company registries, news portals and many other reliable sources. By using various sources we ensure maximum objectivity for

all obtained data. As a result, companies gain a precise and unbiased impression of the market situation.

Cross referencing of data is conducted in order to ensure validity and reliability.

The source of information and its release date are provided on every chart. It is possible that the information contained in one chart is derived from several

sources. If this is the case, all sources are mentioned on the chart.

The reports take into account a broad definition of B2C E-Commerce, which might include mobile commerce. As definitions may vary among sources, exact

definition used by the source (if available) is included at the bottom of the chart.

Our reports include text charts, pie charts, bar charts, rankings, line graphs and tables. Every chart contains an Action Title, which summarizes the main

idea/finding of the chart and a Subtitle, which provides necessary information about the country, the topic, units or measures of currency, and the applicable time

period(s) to which the data refers. With respect to rankings, it is possible that the summation of all categories amounts to more than 100%. In this case, multiple

answers were possible, which is noted at the bottom of the chart.

Reports are comprised of the following elements, in the following order: Cover page, preface, legal notice, methodology, definitions, table of contents,

management summary (summarizing main information contained in each section of report) and report content (divided into sections and chapters). When

available, we also include forecasts in our report content. These forecasts are not our own; they are published by reliable sources. Within Global and Regional

reports, we include all major developed and emerging markets, ranked in order of importance by using evaluative criteria such as sales figures.

If available, additional information about the data collection, for example the time of survey and number of people surveyed, is provided in the form of a note. In

some cases, the note (also) contains additional information needed to fully understand the contents of the respective data.

When providing information about amounts of money, local currencies are most often used. When referencing currency values in the Action Title, the EUR

values are also provided in brackets. The conversions are always made using the average currency exchange rate for the respective time period. Should the

currency figure be in the future, the average exchange rate of the past 12 months is used.

The reports include mainly data from the last 12 months prior to date of report publication. Exact publication dates are mentioned in every chart.

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This report covers the B2C E-Commerce market in the Middle East.

The regional chapter opens the report, including global and regional comparisons that concern criteria related to B2C E-Commerce, such as B2C E-Commerce

sales, Internet and online shopper penetration.

The rest of the report is divided by countries. The countries are presented in the order of descending B2C E-Commerce sales. Where no comparable B2C E-

Commerce sales data was available, the related criteria, such as online shopper penetration, Internet penetration and population size were considered.

Each country chapter starts with an overview of the development of B2C E-Commerce in the respective country with international comparisons.

Following that, where available, information about trends, sales & shares, users & shoppers, products, payment, delivery and players is presented. Not all of

these sections are included for each of the covered countries, due to varying data availability.

The “Trends” section includes an information related to important market trends, such as cross-border B2C E-Commerce and M-Commerce.

The section “Sales & Shares” covers the development of E-Commerce sales or E-Commerce payment transactions. Where available, the E-Commerce share of

total retail is included.

In the “Users & Shoppers” section, information about Internet penetration and online shoppers is provided.

Afterwards, the section “Products” shows the leading product categories purchased by online shoppers.

The next two sections, “Payment” and “Delivery”, cover information related to delivery and payment methods most used by online shoppers.

Finally, the “Players” section includes information about the leading E-Commerce players, such as E-Commerce website rankings, featuring foreign and local

marketplaces, online and multichannel retailers, daily deals websites and online classifieds platforms.

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B2C E-COMMERCE the sale of products (and services) through electronic transactions via the Internet from businesses to


B2C E-COMMERCE SALES the total sales generated either on the B2C E-Commerce market in a certain country or region, or the total

sales generated through B2C E-Commerce by a player on the market.

M-COMMERCE M-Commerce, also called “Mobile Commerce”, means the sale of products (and services) through electronic

transactions via mobile devices, such as mobile phones, tablets and smartphones.

CROSS-BORDER B2C E-COMMERCE the sale of goods (and services) directly to consumers in other countries, with orders made online through

foreign online shops and delivered from the country where the foreign shop is based or from a central logistics

facility, i.e. across the country’s borders.

INTERNET USERS the total number of inhabitants in a certain country that regularly accesses the Internet.

ONLINE SHOPPERS the total number of inhabitants in a certain country or region that participates in B2C E-Commerce.

ONLINE PAYMENT transfer of money made over the Internet following a consumer’s payment command, includes payments for

product and service purchase in E-Commerce and M-Commerce.

ONLINE CLASSIFIEDS an online platform, where both consumers and businesses can publish small advertisements about the sale of

goods and services.

COMPARISON SHOPPING WEBSITES websites providing comparison functions, such as price and product features, among the offers of third-party

merchants and service providers (online and/or store-based); for the purchase of products such websites

usually redirect to the website with the respective offering

The following expressions and definitions are used in this B2C E-Commerce market report*:

Note: *the definitions used by the original sources might differ from the ones stated on this chart; the exact definition used by each source, where available, is included on the respective


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1. Management Summary

2. Regional

• Number of Internet Users, by Global Regions, incl. Middle East, in millions, and in % Change, 2010 & 2015

• B2C E-Commerce Index, by Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, incl. Global Rank,

2016, Share of Individuals Using Internet, 2014, Share of Individuals with Credit Card, 2014, Secure Internet Servers per 1 million People,

2014, UPU Postal Reliability Score and UNCTAD B2C E-Commerce Index Value, 2015

• E-Commerce Sales in GCC, in USD billion, 2010 & 2015e

• E-Commerce Sales in the Middle East, by Country, incl. Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, in USD billion, 2014 & 2020f

• Selected Socio-Economic Characteristics of Selected Countries in the Middle East, incl. Population, in millions, GDP, in USD billion, and

GDP per Capita, in USD, by Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, 2014

• Internet Penetration in the Middle East, by Country, incl. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,

UAE, Yemen, in % of Individuals, 2014

• Breakdown of Frequency of Internet Usage in MENA, by Country, incl. Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco,

Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, in % of Respondents, 2015

• Internet Users and Penetration in the Middle East and Africa, by Country, incl. Egypt, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UAE and Total

for the Middle East and Africa, in millions and in % of Population, 2013 - 2019f

• Mobile Phone Users and Penetration in the Middle East & Africa, by Country, incl. Egypt, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UAE, and

Total for the Middle East and Africa, in millions and in % of Population, 2013-2019f

• Devices Used to Access the Internet in MENA, by Country, incl. Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, UAE, in % of Internet

Users, March 2015

• Online Shoppers in the Middle East, by Country, incl. Bahrain, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, in % of Internet

Users, in % of Population and in millions, 2013/2014

• Share of Online Shoppers in the Middle East and Africa Using a Smartphone to Shop Online, by Country, incl. Egypt, Israel, Nigeria, South

Africa, UAE and the Global Average, in %, 12 months to October 2015

• Share of Consumers in the Middle East Who Have Concerns about the Security of Online Shopping, in %, June 2015

• Breakdown of Online Shoppers in the Middle East by Age Group and Gender, by Country, incl. Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia,

UAE, May 2015

• Breakdown of Frequency of Cross-Border Online Shopping in the Middle East and Africa, by Country, incl. Israel, Kenya, Nigeria, Saudi

Arabia, South Africa, UAE, in % of Online Shoppers, April 2015

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2. Regional ( Cont.)

• Breakdown of Payment Methods Used in Online Shopping in MENA, by Country, incl. Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE,

in % of Online Shoppers, May 2015

3. UAE

3.1. Overview

• B2C E-Commerce Market Overview and International Comparisons, April 2016

3.2. Trends

• M-Commerce Share of B2C E-Commerce Sales, in %, 2013 & 2015

• Breakdown of Online Shopping Destinations, by Cross-Border and Domestic, in % of Online Shoppers, 12 Months to October 2015

3.3. Sales & Shares

• E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, by Comparative Estimates, 2014 - 2020f

• B2C E-Commerce Share of Total Retail Sales, in %, 2015 & 2020f

3.4. Users & Shoppers

• Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2010 - 2014

3.5. Products

• Activities Carried Out Online, incl. “Purchasing or Ordering Goods or Services”, in % of Internet Users, 2014

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3. UAE (Cont.)

3.6. Payment

• Share of Online Shoppers Paying with Cash on Delivery, October 2015

3.7. Delivery

• Share of Online Shoppers Who Collect their Online Purchase from Central Post Office or a Depot, in %, 2014

3.8. Players

• B2C E-Commerce Players Overview, April 2016

• Market Share of Top 3 B2C E-Commerce Companies, in %, 2014 & 2015

4. Saudi Arabia

4.1. Overview

• B2C E-Commerce Market Overview and International Comparisons, April 2016

4.2. Trends

• Overview of B2C E-Commerce Trends, April 2016

• Breakdown of Internet Traffic, by Device, in %, 2015

4.3. Sales & Shares

• E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, by Comparative Estimates, 2014 - 2020f

• B2C E-Commerce Share of Retail Sales, in %, 2014

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4. Saudi Arabia (Cont.)

4.4. Users & Shoppers

• Number of Internet Users, in millions, and Penetration, in % of the Population, 2010 - 2015

• Online Shopper Penetration, in millions and in % of Internet Users, June 2015

4.5. Products

• Product Categories Purchased Online, in % of Online Shoppers, May 2015

4.6. Payment

• Share of Online Shoppers Paying with Cash on Delivery, in %, 2015

4.7. Delivery

• Share of Online Shoppers Believing that Free or Minimal Delivery Charges Could Improve Online Shopping in the Future, April 2015

4.8. Players

• B2C E-Commerce Players Overview, April 2016

• Top 10 E-Commerce Websites, by Website Rank, incl. Category, Website Visits, in millions, and Saudi Arabia’s Share of Website Visits, in

%, April 2016

5. Iran

5.1. Overview

• B2C E-Commerce Overview and International Comparisons, April 2016

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5. Iran ( Cont.)

5.2. Trends

• Smartphone Penetration, in % of Population, 2015e

5.3. Sales & Shares

• Number of E-Commerce Payment Transactions, by Teheran, Other Provinces and Total, in millions, 2012/2013 - 2014/2015

• Value of E-Commerce Transactions, by Teheran, Other Provinces and Total, in IRR trillion, 2012/2013 - 2014/2015

• Online Share of All Purchase Transactions, by Transaction Number and Transaction Value, in %, 2014/2015

5.4. Users & Shoppers

• Internet Penetration, in % of Households and in % of Individuals, 2012 - 2014

• Breakdown of Internet Users, by Gender and Age Group, in %, 2013

• Number of Individuals Carrying Out Shopping and Related Activities Online, by Activity, in millions and in % of Internet Users, by Male,

Female and Total, 2013

5.5. Products

• Top 5 Product Categories Purchased Online, in % of Online Shoppers, January 2016

• Top 5 Product Categories that Online Shoppers in Iran Expect to Have a Greater Access to in the Next Six Months, in % of Online

Shoppers, January 2016

5.6. Payment

• Number of Online Payment Terminals, in thousands, March 2013 & March 2015

• Top 5 Reasons for Not Shopping Online, in % of Respondents, 2012 & January 2016

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5. Iran (Cont.)

5.7. Players

• Top 5 E-Commerce Websites, by Website Rank, incl. Category, Website Visits, in millions, and Iran’s Share of Website Visits, in %, April


6. Israel

6.1. Overview

• B2C E-Commerce Overview and International Comparisons, April 2016

6.2. Trends

• Major Reasons for Shopping Online, in % of Internet Users, July 2015

• M-Commerce Share of Online Purchases, in %, 2014 & 2015

• Cross-Border Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Online Shoppers, October 2015

6.3. Sales & Shares

• B2C E-Commerce Sales, in ILS billion, 2014 - 2016f

6.4. Users & Shoppers

• Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2010-2014

• Online Shopper Penetration, by Gender, Age Group and Total, in % of Internet Users, 2012 & 2013

• Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Internet Users, July 2015

6.5. Products

• Product Categories Purchased Online, in % of Online Shoppers, July 2015

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6. Israel (Cont.)

6.6. Payment

• Payment Methods Used in Cross-Border Online Shopping, in % of Cross-Border Online Shoppers, October 2015

6.7. Delivery

• Major Criteria for Online Purchase Decision, incl. Delivery-Related, in % of Online Shoppers, 2015e

6.8. Players

• Top 10 E-Commerce Websites, by Website Rank, incl. Category, Website Visits, in millions, and Israel’s Share of Website Visits, in %,

April 2016

7. Kuwait

7.1. Overview

• B2C E-Commerce Overview and International Comparisons, April 2016

7.2. Trends

• Penetration of Internet Subscriptions with Mobile Phone Companies Compared to Internet Subscriptions with Internet Companies and

Mobile Phone Subscriptions, in % of Population, 2010 - 2014

7.3. Sales & Shares

• E-Commerce Transactions Number, in millions, Value, in KWD million, Average Value, in KWD, and in % Change, 2014 & 2015

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7. Kuwait (Cont.)

7.4. Users & Shoppers

• Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2010-2014

7.5. Products

• Product Categories Purchased Online, in % of Online Shoppers, May 2015

7.6. Payment

• Top 2 Payment-Related Considerations When Shopping Online, in % of Online Shoppers, 2014

7.7. Players

• Top 10 E-Commerce Websites, by Website Rank, incl. Category, Website Visits, in millions, and Kuwait’s Share of Website Visits, in %,

April 2016

8. Qatar

8.1. Overview

• B2C E-Commerce Overview and International Comparisons, April 2016

8.2. Sales & Shares

• B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, and in % Year-on-Year Change, 2014 - 2019f

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8. Qatar ( Cont.)

8.3. Users & Shoppers

• Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2010-2014

• Breakdown of Online Shoppers by Demographic Group, Compared to Breakdown of Total Population by Demographic Group, in %, 2014

8.4. Products

• Breakdown of B2C E-Commerce Sales, by Product Category, in %, 2014

8.5. Players

• Top 10 E-Commerce Websites, by Website Rank, incl. Category, Website Visits, in millions, and Qatar’s Share of Website Visits (Where

Available), in %, April 2016

9. Jordan

9.1. Overview

• B2C E-Commerce Overview and International Comparisons, April 2016

9.2. Trends

• Breakdown of Internet Subscriptions by Type, incl. “Mobile Broadband”, in % of Internet Subscriptions, Q4 2015

9.3. Users & Shoppers

• Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2011-2015

• Activities Carried Out Online, incl. “Buy Products”, in % of Adult Internet Users, 2014

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10. Bahrain

10.1. Overview

• B2C E-Commerce Overview and International Comparisons, April 2016

10.2. Trends

• Breakdown of Frequency of Internet Browsing via Mobile Devices, in % of Mobile Users, 2011, 2014 & 2015

10.3. Users & Shoppers

• Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2011 – 2015

• Online Shopper Penetration, in % of Internet Users, 2014 & 2015

11. Oman

11.1. Overview

• B2C E-Commerce Overview and International Comparisons, April 2016

11.2. Users & Shoppers

• Internet Penetration, in % of Individuals, 2010-2014

• Share of Internet Users who Purchase Goods/Services and/or Pay Bills Online, in %, 2014

• Breakdown of the Time of the Last Online Purchase, in % of Internet Users, 2013

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1. Management Summary 17– 22

2. Regional 23– 39

3. UAE 40 – 51

4. Saudi Arabia 52 – 64

5. Iran 65 – 78

6. Israel 79 – 91

7. Kuwait 92 – 99

8. Qatar 100 – 106

9. Jordan 107 – 111

10. Bahrain 112 – 116

11. Oman 117 – 121

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11.4 13.6

15.8 16.5

19.6 21.6 41.0%

47.5% 54.1%


63.7% 68.5%













2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Number of Internet Users Penetration

in m



in %

of P



The number of Internet users in Saudi Arabia reached 21.6 million in

2015, with Internet penetration rising to 68.5%. Saudi Arabia: Number of Internet Users, in millions, and Penetration, in % of the Population, 2010 - 2015

Source: Communications and Information Technology Commission, February 2016

Overview Sales & Shares Delivery Products Users & Shoppers Players Payment Trends

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M-Commerce 12%

Other 88%

2015 2013

M-Commerce 28%

Other 72%

In 2015, 28% of B2C E-Commerce sales in the UAE was attributed

in M-Commerce, up from 12% in 2013. UAE: M-Commerce Share of B2C E-Commerce Sales, in %, 2013 & 2015

Definition: Internet retailing excluding tax defined as sales of goods and digital content to the general public via the Internet; sales from businesses to consumers via online shopping

malls and marketplaces are included; B2B or C2C transactions are excluded

Source: Euromonitor International, March 2016

Overview Sales & Shares Delivery Products Users & Shoppers Players Payment Trends

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