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Sample Accident Prevention Plan Appendix Sample Accident Prevention Plan

Texas Department of Insurance Division of Workers’ CompensationTH








HS04-016C (01-11)

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Appendix Sample Accident Prevention PlanTable of Contents

Management Policy Statement 5Authority and Accountability 6Goals and Objectives 6Employee Commitment and Responsibilities 7Employee Involvement 7Disciplinary Policy 8Record Keeping 8Safety and Health Surveys and Inspection/Program 9Safety or Other Related Meetings 10Analysis 11Safety and Health Training 11Safety Audit and Inspection 12Accident and Hazard Investigation 13Accident Reporting and Investigation 14Review and Revision of Components 15Appendix A Self-Inspection Forms 17Appendix B Accident Prevention Plan Employee Acknowledgment 18Appendix C Safety Hazard Report 19Appendix D Supervisor’s Report of Employee Injury Investigation 20Appendix E Training Attendance List 21Appendix F Annual Review of Accident Prevention Plan 22

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Management Policy Statement

The president and management of ____________________________ are committed to providing a safe and healthful work environment for all our employees and others that may work, visit, or enter our facilities.

It is our policy to manage and conduct business operations in a manner that offers maximum protection to each and every employee and any other person that may be affected by our business operations.It is our absolute conviction that we have the responsibility for providing a safe and healthful work environment for our employees and others that may be affected as we conduct our business.

We will make every effort to provide a working environment that is free from any recognized or potential hazard.We recognize that the success of a safety and health program is contingent and dependent upon support and involvement from management and all employees of the company.The management of this company is committed to allocating and providing all the resources needed to promote and effectively implement this Accident Prevention Plan.

This company will establish procedures to solicit and receive comments, information, and assistance from employees about safety and health.This company will comply with all federal, state, and local safety and health regulations.Company management and supervisors will set an example of commitment to safety and health at this company.

This policy applies to all employees and persons affected or associated in any way by the scope of this business.



Authority and Accountability

Goals and Objectives

The of _____________________ accepts the responsibility for providing resources

and guidance for the development and implementation of this Accident Prevention Plan.The is responsible and will be held accountable for the overall implementation of this Accident Prevention Plan. The has the authority to delegate any or all portions of the plan to subordinates but will be held responsible for the performance of the plan. The also has the authority to approve or carry out disciplinary actions against those that violate policies, procedures, or rules.The is/are responsible and will be held accountable to ensure that all employees under their control follow all safety and health policies, procedures, and rules established by this company. They are also responsible for administering training and guidance to employees under their direction. The has/have the authority to

reprimand and recommend disciplinary actions against employees that violate the safety and health policies of this company.Employees are responsible and will be held accountable for committing to the safety and health program, abiding by the policies, procedures, rules set forth by this plan, and becoming actively involved in the program to assist in providing a safe and healthful workplace for all involved.Employees are encouraged to communicate their safety and health concerns to management to implement changes in this Accident Prevention Plan where needed to reduce injury and illness exposures in the workplace.Contractors that provide or perform services for this company, at any location/facility, will receive the Accident Prevention Plan for review. They are responsible for ensuring that all their employees’ actions and the services delivered are in a manner consistent with our commitment to safety and health.

GoalsAn effective Accident Prevention Plan can achieve the following goals:

• effective involvement of each and everyemployee of the company, contractor and vendor in safety;

• eliminate any and all hazards (current andpotential) that expose or create risk of any nature;

• reduce all work-related incidents resulting ininjury or illness to employees or other person associated with our business operations;

• reducelostworkdaysduetoincidentsresultingininjury or illness to any employee or other person or property damage from such incidents;

• increaseawarenessoftheoverallsafeoperationof all facilities;

• increase employee morale by knowing theirwork environment is maintained as free as possible from any and all recognized hazards;

Objectives• implementation of an effective Accident

Prevention Plan;• commitmentforongoingsafetyprogramsupport

from management and employees;• assigned responsibilities and accountabilities

for the safety program;• allocation of adequate resources to the safety

program;• establish lines of communication between

management and employees at all levels for safety and health concerns;

• effective records and documentationmaintenance and review;

• completion of comprehensive surveys andperiodicself-inspections;

• implementationofeffectivemeasuresforhazardidentification,correctionandcontrol;

• implementation of effective orientations andtraining programs; and

• initiationofregularprogramreviewandrevisionprocedures.

The goals will be realized only if the objectives are carried out without hesitation or interruption, and if every employee becomes interested in the safety program and its success.


Employee Involvement

Employee Commitment and Responsibilities

We recognize the success of any company endeavor is largely dependent on its entire workforce. This

company values employee involvement to assist us in achieving the goals we have set for ourselves.The company president aggressively solicits from all employees the assistance for, and commitment to, the implementation of the Accident Prevention Plan.Employees are encouraged and expected to become involved in all aspects of implementing this Accident Prevention Plan.Employees are expected to use established procedures to submit comments, information, and assistance where safety and health is concerned.

Employees are expected to perform their job duties in a manner that is safe for themselves, as well as those around them.Employeesarerequiredtofollowallsafetyandhealthpolicies, procedures, and rules established or followed by this company.Employees of this company will adhere to the safety and health regulations established by federal, state, and local agencies.

Departmental Safety MeetingsThis company will ensure that all employees meet on a regular basis to discuss safety and health issues or concerns and increase employee awareness of the safety and health program. Regular meetings will keep the program active in the minds of the employees, and offer an avenue for employees to voice concerns regarding workplace safety and health. Meeting minutes and attendance recordswill be kept on file.Minuteswillinclude all safety items and procedures discussed as well as the date and time of the meeting.

Reporting of Hazards and Unsafe ConditionsAs a condition and requirement of employment, allemployees are required to report hazards and unsafeconditions in the workplace to

he/she will take prompt and appropriate action to determine if a hazard exists. If it is determined that a hazard does exist, immediate correction or interim protective measures will be taken. The reporting employeewillbenotifiedofthecorrectiveactiontakenor the procedures used to conclude that no hazard existed. If practical, this information will be shared with all facility employees.

DocumentationAll hazard reports and corrective measures/action taken will be documented and recorded. This documentation will be reviewed by management. Pertinent information will be made available for employee review.

Management encourages employee involvement in the implementation of the safety and health program of this facility. We solicit this involvement by giving each employee an opportunity to participate and be

responsible for implementation of the safety program for their respective areas or job.


Disciplinary Policy

Record Keeping

Verbal WarningsManagement or supervisors may issue verbal warnings to employees that commit minor infractions or violations of the safety rules or safe work practices. Continued violations or verbal warnings can lead to more stringent action.Written WarningsManagement or supervisors may issue written warnings for the following:

• repeated violation of minor safety rules orprocedures;

• singleseriousviolationsofaruleorprocedurethat could have potentially resulted in injury to themselves, another employee and/or could have caused property damage; or

• activitiesthatcouldpotentiallyresultininjuryand/or property damage.

Disciplinary LeaveSupervisors may recommend, and management may

institute, disciplinary leave for the above reasons and the following:

• asingleseriousviolationofaruleorprocedurethat results in injury to an employee and/or property damage; or

• repeated violations and/or nonconformance tosafety rules or procedures.

TerminationSupervisors may recommend and management may concur in the termination of any employee for repeated serious violations of the above circumstances.DocumentationViolations of company or safety rules, regulations, or procedureswillbedocumentedbyfillingoutareportonthe employee. The report will state the type of violation and corrective action taken. The employee must read and sign the report acknowledging that they understand the seriousness of the violation.

has developed a disciplinary policy that applies to the safety and health program of this company. The disciplinary policy will be a tool to ensure enforcement of the rules and procedures established by this Accident Prevention Plan to promote a safe and healthful working environment. The disciplinary policy applies to all employees of this company.

believes that the only valid means of reviewing and identifying trends anddeficienciesinasafetyprogramisthroughaneffectiverecordkeepingprogram.Therecordkeepingelementis also essential in tracking the performance of duties and responsibilities under the program.Thiscompanyiscommittedtoimplementingandmaintaininganactive,up-to-daterecordkeepingprogram.

Injury and Illness RecordsThe willmaintainrecordsofallwork-related injuries and illnesses of our employees.The following forms or records are applicable only to work-relatedinjuriesandillnesses:

• OccupationalSafetyandHealthAdministration(OSHA)300,Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnessesorequivalentifrequired;

• OSHA301,InjuryandIllnessIncidentReportorequivalentifrequired;

• TexasDepartmentofInsurance,DivisionofWorkers’Compensation(TDI-DWC)DWCForm-001,Employer’s First Report of Injury

• DWCForm-7,Non-Covered Employer’s

Report of Occupational Injury or Illness; and• recordoffirstaidorothernon-recordable

accidents/ incidents.The OSHA 300, Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses or an equivalent record will be maintainedateachworkor jobsite.TheOSHA301InjuriesandIllnesses Incident Report or an acceptable substitute will be established, bearing a case number correlating with acaseidentifierontheOSHA300logandallpertinentandrequiredinformation.Theinformationcontainedinor entered on these records will be maintained current within seven calendar days after a recordable accident is reported. If anOSHA 300 is not required and notkept, an injury record must be kept to satisfy 28 Texas


Safety and Health Surveys and Inspection/Program

Record Keeping (cont.)

AdministrativeCode,§Rule120.1.TheOSHAForm300ASummary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses will be posted in a conspicuous location for employee review no later than February 1, for the previouscalendaryearandwillremaininplaceuntilApril30.All data pertaining to injuries or illnesses that did not require medical treatment or were otherwise notrecordableontheabove-mentioneddocumentswillbemaintained in written record form. This will include firstaidtreatmentofanykind.

All injury and illness documentation will be reviewed at least annually in January by management and supervisors to analyze occurrences, identify developing trends, and plan courses of corrective actions.These recordswill bemaintained aminimumof fiveyearsorasrequiredbylaw.

The will maintain and review records of all safety audits and inspections

that affect the company, our employees, or facilities.Applicable forms and records:

• comprehensivesurveyreportsandrecordsofaction taken; and

• documentedchecklistsofself-inspectionandrecords of action taken.

Inspections By Outside PartiesReports generated as a result of comprehensive surveys conducted by outside professional agencies will receive immediate attention and consideration. All hazards identifiedandrecommendationswillbeacteduponina timely manner. All methods of addressing the issues contained in the reports will be documented in writing and a copy maintained with the survey report. This documentation will also show the date corrections were made or actions taken.These reports and all associated documentation will be maintained for record and periodic review. Members of management that receive these reports will ensure the corrective actions have been taken by the responsible personnel.Self-InspectionsChecklists will be developed as part of the periodic self-inspection process. Checklists will be used andmaintained including the name of the person performing

the evaluation and the date the inspection takes place. The self-inspection checklists will be reviewed bymanagement upon completion.Alldiscrepancies identifiedduringthe inspectionwillbe evaluated immediately. The content of the self-inspection checklists will be reviewed and evaluated on a regular basis to ensure current applicability. This review will be performed throughout the workplace with input from supervisors and employees. The checklist will be retained along with other applicable data for review. The list will be developed with the assistance of professionals providing comprehensive surveys (localfireinspectors,TDI-DWC,etc.).Thehazardsandrecommendations noted in the comprehensive surveys will be given consideration for addition to the periodic self-inspection checklist. Area supervisors will beresponsibleforrequisitioningandassistingincorrectinganydeficienciesnotedduringtheself-inspections.The formal Accident Prevention Plan components will be reviewed by annually in to identify insufficienciesor component failure.Eachcomponent will be audited individually with the findingsdocumentedandrecorded.Thisdocumentationwill be used to identify trends in the program element deficiency and to track improvement modifications.This documentation will be maintained for review.


Safety or Other Related Meetings

The will maintain accurate records of all proceedings associated with the safety

and health program of this company.Applicable forms and records include minutes, records, and data resulting from safety meetings or other gatherings in which discussion occurs that affects the safety and health program.Records of all proceedings and appropriate management or other designated staff actions affecting the safety and health program will be maintained. These records will include the name of the recorder, date, a list of attendees, details of the topics discussed, and action or corrective measures suggested, recommended, or taken. The purpose of these records is to ensure that decisions affecting the safety and health program of this company are carried out, implemented, and that results are tracked.The designated recorder will be responsible for the minutes or records at each meeting. During eachsubsequent meeting, the record of minutes for theprevious meeting will be reviewed, discussed, resolved, and the document closed with an authorized signature.Training RecordsThe will document and maintain records of all safety and health related training.All safety and health related training provided to employees of this company will be documented. This documentation will be maintained as proof of attendance and reviewed to assist in determining the need for additional or repeated training for employees on an individual basis. Records and documentation of training will include the presenter’s name, date of training, topic or subject, legible identification ofthe attendees, and attendees’ signatures. The person providing the training is responsible for generating the documentation. The training record will become part of theemployee’spermanentfileandwillbemaintainedby foraminimumoffiveyearsorasrequiredbylaw.Accident InvestigationThe will ensure proper records and documentation of all accident and incident investigation activities are maintained and reviewed.Applicable forms and records include accident

investigation forms and supporting data including photographs; and

• recordsofcorrectiveactionsorpreventivemeasures implemented.

All accidents and near miss incidents resulting in injury or illness to a person, property damage of any magnitude, or the potential for either, will be investigated and documented.All items on the designated accident investigation form will be addressed in detail as soon as possible following theaccident/incident.Theinformationacquiredwillbeused and reviewed by management, supervisors, and affected employees to establish all contributing factors and causes. From the investigation, a plan of corrective action will be established to prevent recurrence of the accident/incident.The plan of corrective action and implementation will be documented and reviewed by management.The investigations are to find out the facts, not toplace blame. Any suggestions employees may provide on how to prevent future accidents or incidents are encouraged.Equipment Inspection and MaintenanceThe will maintain records and data pertaining to equipment inspection andmaintenance programs at each facility for a minimum offiveyearsorasrequiredbylaw.Applicable forms and records include:

• routineinspectionandmaintenancerecords;• documentationofservicesperformedbycontract

agreement;• documentation of repair and replacement of

partsorequipment;and• manufacturer’s instructions for operation and

maintenanceofequipment.Accurate records will be maintained involving all routine inspection and maintenance procedures performed on equipment at this company. Thisdocumentation will be reviewed periodically by those responsible for maintaining equipment and facilities.The documentation will be utilized to determine an effective, ongoing equipment maintenance programandtoensurecompliancewithregulationsthatrequireinspectionsoncertainequipment.


Safety and Health Training

The of will review and analyze all records and documentation

pertaining to the safety and health program. This review will be conducted on a _________ basis and will focus on hazard and injury analysis, and recognition of developing trends.

Trend analysis will identify recurring accidents and near-missincidentsresultinginorpotentiallyinvolving:injury, illness, or property damage. The analysis will also recognize repeatedly identified hazards orviolations needing corrective action to establish what plan component is failing that allows the hazard to exist.

The will provide information and recommendations for corrective measures for trends developing in his/her areas. Employees will be

made aware of developing trends and hazard exposures as they are recognized. Employees will be contacted to provide their input on the methods they think would be successful inreversingany identifiednegative trends.Trends of accidents or hazard recurrences will be a focal point for corrective action and employee training.

The will follow up on corrective measures at each location until the causal factor has been eliminated or controlled.

Employee training records will be reviewed annually in the month of to ensure an adequateandeffectivetrainingprogramismaintained.Employees will be interviewed periodically to establish their retention of training and determine when information should be updated.


is committed to providing safety and health related orientation and training to all employees at all levels of the company. The will develop, implement, and maintain aggressive safety and health orientation and training programs. The plan’s purpose is to educate and familiarize employees with safety and health procedures, rules, and work practices of their facility. The management of this organization will encourageandrequireinvolvementandparticipationofall managers, supervisors, and employees. Furthermore, the management will support the orientation and training program with allocations in funding, staff, resources, and time to develop and implement this plan.

Training Program DevelopmentThe training subjects and materials are developed utilizing industry and site specific criteria relating toidentifiedandpotentialhazards,accidentandincidentdata, and training required by federal regulations.Theorientation,andsubsequenttrainingsessionswillinclude, but not be limited to, the following:

• hazardsassociatedwiththeworkarea;• hazardsofthejobortaskassignment;• emergencyprocedures;• personalprotectiveequipment;

• hazardcommunication(hazardouschemicalsand materials);

• specificequipmentoperationtraining;• employeereportingrequirements;• accidentinvestigation(supervisorsandother

designated personnel);• confinedspaceentry;and• anyfederallyrequiredtrainingnotincludedor

addressed above.The training program shall be administered in two phases consisting of new employee or reassignment orientation and regular periodic training and refresher sessions.

Aside from the formal safety and health training classes, employees will receive guidance and instruction on safe operating procedures of each assigned job or task.

Employees are expected to provide feedback to management on the usefulness or applicability of the training provided to them.

OrientationOrientation training will be administered to all newemployees prior to the initial work assignment and to employees assigned to new or different tasks or jobs.

The orientation will consist of all required training


Safety and Health Training (cont.)

Safety Audit and Inspection

programs as well as job and site specific safety andhealth information. All new employees will be given a tourofthefacilityandanopportunitytoposequestionsto expedite the familiarization process. New employees will not be released to an individual job assignment until it has been determined by that the individual has retained the minimal acceptable elements of the training provided and pertinent information to safely perform the assigned duties.

Ongoing TrainingAllmanagers,supervisors,andemployeesarerequiredto participate and become involved in the ongoing safety and health training program. The frequency,repetitiveness, and subject matter will be determined by training assessments and audits to be performed by and will be at intervals that ensure demonstration of adequate training. Theassessments and audits will, for the most part, be informalquestionsandobservationsofemployeesandwork areas.

At some point, a more formal survey, such as a written examination, may be required. At no time will anemployeebeapproved toworkmore than12monthswithout retraining. All employees assigned to attend a training session must demonstrate competency and

retention of the minimal acceptable information of the training prior to returning to any job assignment. The have the authority to assess training effectiveness and are responsible for enforcing implementationofcriteriarequirementsofalltraining.

DocumentationAny and all safety and health related training administered or provided by __________________ will be documented with the following minimum information:

• dateoftrainingsession;• provider(nameofpersonconductingtraining


• subjectmatter;• legiblenameofattendee(s)andsupplemental

identificationifneededorrequired;• signatureoracknowledgementofattendance.

All training records and documentation will become a permanent part of each employee’s record as well as a master record used to determine participation of all employees.

Individual training records will be maintained for the currentyearplusfivemore.

Comprehensive SurveysThis company has arranged for each operating location to receive a comprehensive safety and health audit by on a regular basis — at least . These audits will identify existing and potential hazards and noncompliance issues that should be addressed. The findings of thesurveys will be discussed and recommendations for corrective actions suggested. Audits will also be conducted to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Accident Prevention Plan and employee training. Recommendations will be made to enhance the performance of the safety and health program. Reports will be forwarded to management for review.

Safety and Health Self-InspectionsThe at each site/facility will conduct in-house safety andhealthself-inspectionsthatwillcovertheentirefacilityandequipment.Employees will conduct constant informal inspections of their work areas and tools. If any potential exposures ordeficienciesareidentified,employeesareexpectedtocommunicate these to their supervisors if the employees are not able to rectify the situation immediately.All inspections will be conducted on an ongoing basis withoutinterruption.Managementwillallocateadequatetime and resources to perform the inspections.

The has implemented a program to identify, correct, and control hazards on an ongoing basis. This program will utilize multiple resources to ensure effectiveness.


Each location will develop and maintain an inspection checklist specific to the operation. The list will bedeveloped utilizing a general inspection checklist and will be evaluated and updated with hazards that are identified during the inspections and other pertinentdataasitisacquired.Thecontentsofthischecklistwillbe reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it is current and updated.The checklist will become a part of the permanent record of the inspection and will serve as a confirmationoftheaudit.Eachchecklistwillindicatethelocation,specificsiteorareainspected,nameand

title of the inspector, date of inspection, and corrective actiontakenforidentifiedhazardsorviolations.Theinspection report will be used in trend analysis and record keeping.Employeesmustbenotifiedofthehazardsthatposean immediate threat of physical harm or property damage, and informed of measures or steps that will be taken to eliminate, correct, or control the hazard.Management will review the inspection checklists and any other established documentation to ensure that a course of corrective action and time line has been establishedforeliminatingeachdeficiency.

Safety Audit and Inspection (cont.)

Accident and Hazard Investigation


Hazard CorrectionWheneverpossibleandfeasible,hazardsidentifiedat facilities will be corrected eliminating the cause of the hazard at the source. This will include, but not be limited to, the following:

• discontinuationfromuseorremovalofhazardous chemicals, materials, or substances from the workplace;

• discontinuationfromuseorremovalofhazardousequipmentuntilreplacedorrepaired;

• correctionofanyunsafeactsorconditionsinexistence, by service or training.

Hazard ControlWhen identified hazards cannot be eliminated,they will be effectively controlled by engineering, administrative procedures, work practices, personal protective equipment, or any suitable combinationofthese measures.Engineering controls will include, but not be limited to, the following:

• isolationofemployeeexposuretothehazard;• guardingordisplacementofemployee

exposure to the hazard; and• preventivemaintenanceandrepairof


Administrative procedures will include, but not be limited to, the following:

• writtenprogramstoestablishadministrativeguidelines for safe work practices; and

• establishedandimplementedworkrulesandprocedures.

Work practices will include, but not be limited to the following:

• carefulplanningandperformanceofeachassigned job, duty, or task;

• reductionindurationofexposuretohazards;and

• adherencetosafetyandhealthrulesandprocedures.

Personal protective equipment will be the control oflast resort when all other means of eliminating the hazardshavenotprovidedadequateprotection to theemployee.When personal protective equipment is issued, theemployeewill be informed of the requirements, use,andlimitationsoftheequipment.


The will investigate all work related accidents and near miss incidents involving employees or company property to develop preventive measures and implement corrective actions.

Employee ReportingAllemployeesandassociatesarerequiredtoreporttotheir immediate supervisor, any of the following:

• accidents or incidents with injury or illnessof any magnitude (including first aid relatedcases);

• accidents or incidents resulting in property orequipmentdamageofanymagnitude;and

• any nearmiss incidents that could potentiallyhave resulted in injury or illness or property damage.

Employer ReportingThe will report to the followingentitiesasrequired:

• Texas Department of Insurance/Division ofWorkers’Compensation:(Note:chooseonlyonescenario to include in your accident prevention plan)

• If your company does not carry workers’compensation and employs fewer than 5 employees not exempt from workers’ compensation coverage, no reporting is required.

• If your company does not carry workers’compensation and employs five or moreemployees not exempt from workers’ compensation coverage:• A written report for each death, each

occupational disease, and each injury that results in more than one day’s absence from work for the injured employee will be filedontheDWCForm7notlaterthantheseventh day of the following month.

• If your company carries workers’ compensation insurance coverage:• A report will be filed with the workers’

compensation insurance carrier and the injured employee no later than the eighth day after:

• Aninjuryresultsintheabsenceofanemployeeof that employer from work for more than one day; or

• An employee notifies the company of anoccupational disease.

• OSHA: Fatalities and accidents involvinghospitalization of three or more injuries will be reported within eight hours.

The will be maintained as this company’s recordable injury log and nonrecordable injuries will be maintained on a separate log.Accident InvestigationThe will be responsible for conducting investigations of accidents that occur in their areas or that affect employees under their supervision. Uponnotificationofanaccidentornear-missincident,the responsible supervisors will begin investigation to determine the following:

• howtheaccidentorincidentoccurred;• specialcircumstancesinvolved;• underlying,indirect,orassociatedcauses;and• corrective actions or preventivemeasures and

controls.Accidents and incidents involving situations where multiplesupervisorsareaffected(anemployeeofonedepartment injured in another) will be investigated jointly. The supervisor of the area where the incident occurred will be in charge of, and be held accountable for, the investigation.DocumentationAllactivitiesandfindingsoftheinvestigationswillbedocumented and recorded for review.Accident investigation documentation will record as aminimum,thefollowinginformationasrequiredforinjury records per 28 Texas Administrative Code § 120.1:

• the name, address, date of birth, sex, wage,length of service, social security number, and occupation of the employee;

Accident Reporting and Investigation


Accident Reporting and Investigation (cont.)

• thereportedcauseandnatureoftheinjury,thepart of the body affected, and a description of anyequipmentinvolved;

• the date, time, and location where the injuryoccurred;

• the name of the employee's immediatesupervisor;

• thenamesofanywitnesses(ifknown);• thenameandaddressofthetreatinghealthcare

provider, if known; and• any voluntary benefits paid by the employer

under the Texas Workers' Compensation Act(Act),§4.06.

Othersuggesteditemstoincludeare:• natureandseverityofinjuryorillness;• nameofpersonconductingtheinvestigation;

• job assignment or duties being performed attime of incident;

• specialcircumstancesorencumbrances;• detailsofhowtheaccidentoccurred;• directcause;• indirect, underlying, or contributing factors

(including faultor failure in safetyandhealthprogram elements); and

• corrective action implemented or preventivemeasures taken (including safety and healthprogram adjustments).

The or other designated representative will review and revise the components of the Accident Prevention Plan for effectiveness and implementation. Special attention will be devoted to areas and criteria that demonstrate failure in a program component, or the introduction of new procedures, processes, or equipment. Correctivemeasures will be taken as needed to reemphasize or

restructure the Accident Prevention Plan to perform at the optimum effectiveness.Information will be solicited from area supervisors and employees to determine the effectiveness of each program component, and to develop adjustments and corrections.

Review and Revision of Components


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Appendix ASelf-Inspection Forms


YES NO N/A1. Housekeeping - Istheworkareacleanandorderly? □ □ □2. Floors -Arefloorsingoodcondition

(smooth,clearsurfaceswithoutholes,cracks,orhumps)? □ □ □3. Aisles - Are aisles and passageways clear, dry, and free of tripping

hazards? □ □ □4. Stairways - Arestairsingoodcondition,withhandrails,andadequatelighting? □ □ □5. Storage - Are materials, products, or supplies properly and safely stacked

toaworkableheight? □ □ □6. Ladders - Are ladders provided where needed, of standard construction,

andingoodphysicalcondition? □ □ □7. Machines & Equipment -Aremachinesandequipmentinsafeoperatingcondition?

Arethenecessaryguardsprovidedandused? □ □ □8. Hand Tools -Aretherighttoolsforthejobbeingused? □ □ □

Aretheyingoodcondition? □ □ □9. Electrical -Areallrequiredgroundsprovidedonpowertoolsandextensioncords? □ □ □

Iselectricalequipmentingoodoperatingcondition? □ □ □10.Lighting -Isadequatelightingprovidedinallworkareas? □ □ □11.Eye Protection - Are all employees provided with suitable eye protection

whenaroundoperationsthatproduceflyingparticles? □ □ □12.First Aid -Arefirstaidsuppliesprovidedandaccessible? □ □ □13.Fire Extinguishers -Arefireextinguisherseasilyaccessibleandproperlyserviced? □ □ □14.Entrances -Areentranceskeptdryorprovidedwithnonskidmats? □ □ □15.Exits -Areemergencyexitsmarked,clear,andeasilyaccessible? □ □ □

Areexitdoorsunlockedanddotheyswingtowardtheoutside? □ □ □16.Exterior -(sidewalks,parkinglots,etc.)-Aresidewalksandparkinglotssmooth

andfreeofcracks,holes,andtrippinghazards? □ □ □17.Training -Areallemployeestrainedinproperliftingtechniquesandmaterialhandling? □ □ □18.Signs -Aresafetyinstructionsandwarningsignspostedwhereneeded? □ □ □


Appendix BAccident Prevention Plan Employee Acknowledgment

Employee Name: DateHired: Social Security No: Driver’sLicense:(onlyfordesignateddrivers)

I acknowledge that I have received, read, and understood the contents of the Accident Prevention Plan. If unable to read, the contents of the Accident Prevention Plan have been explained by my supervisor.I understand that compliance with all stated company policies, including safety, is a condition of continued employment with this company.



Appendix CSafety Hazard Report

Location: Date: DayofWeek: Time:




Action Taken:



Appendix DSupervisor’s Report of Employee Injury Investigation

Injured Employee: Dateofthisreport: Job Title: Age: Dateandtimeofinjury: Where injury happened: Reporttosupervisororfirstaiddelayed Why? Supervisor’s comments regarding cause of injury:

Was there lost time as a result of this injury? Lost time began: What should be done, and by whom to prevent recurrence of this type injury in the future?What action will be taken to see that this is done?

Was employee’s previous injury record reviewed with him or her? Total number of injuries to date Dateemployed: Doespreviousinjuryrecordindicaterepeatedtypesofinjuries? Supervisor’s Signature


Appendix ETraining Attendance List

Dateheld: Program Title: Trainer:

The following personnel attended the training listed above:

Name Title/Department Signature



ReviewDate: NewExposureIdentified: Action Taken: Reviewed By: Dateofnextreview:

Appendix FAnnual Review of Accident Prevention Plan


ThisarticlewaspublishedwiththeinformationfromtheTexasDepartmentofInsurance,DivisionofWorkers’Compensation and is considered accurate at the time of publication.

TheTexasDepartmentofInsurance,DivisionofWorker’sCompensation(TDI-DWC)alsooffersfreesafetypublications online at including:

• Accident Prevention Plan Checklist• Accident Prevention Plan Program Guide For Small Business• Job Safety Analysis• Management Safety Responsibilities

TDI-DWCfeaturesafreeoccupationalsafetyandhealthaudiovisualloanlibrary.Call512-804-4620formoreinformation or visit the agency website at