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    Salwa JudumFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Salwa Judum

    Dates of operation 2005 - present

    Active region(s) Bastar and Dantewada districts of Chhattisgarh, India

    Status Active

    Size 4,000

    Salwa Judum (meaning "Peace March" [1] or "Purification Hunt" [2]inGondi language) refers to a militia

    in Chhattisgarh, India , which is aimed at countering the naxalite violence in the region. The militia consisting of local tribal

    youth receives support and and training from the Chhattisgarh state government. On July 5 2011, the Supreme Court of

    India declared the militia as illegal and unconstitutional. The court directed the Chhattisgarh government to recover all the

    firearms given along with the ammunition and accessories. It also ordered the government to investigate all instances of

    alleged criminal activities of Salwa Judum. [3]The use of Salwa Judum by the government for anti naxal operations was

    criticized for its violations of human rights, use of child soldiers and poorly trained uneducated youth for counter-

    insurgency roles.


    Salwa Judum started in 2005 as a people's resistance movement against the Naxalites , a far-left movement in some

    states in rural India that is designated by India as a terrorist organization on account of their violent Maoist activities in the

    state .[4] Initially an uprising of local indigenous people in Chhattisgarh, the Salwa Judum movement later received bi-

    partisan support from both the opposition and ruling parties. [4][5] A few years later the state government adopted the Salwa

    Judum movement in order to restore democratic rule to the regions where the Naxalites had established themselves by

    force. [6] Chhattisgarh state has over the years trained a number of SPOs or 'Special Police Officers' (also popularly

    referred as Koya commandos), from amongst the tribals, who are part of Salwa Judum in the state, also with its formation

    the state witnessed a marked rise in success against Naxalite action ,[7] as a result in 2008, Chhattisgarh along with

    neighboring Jharkhand accounted for over 65% of the total Naxal violence in the country. [8]

    With success of counter-strikes on Naxalite hideouts in south Chhattisgarh, Maoist activities in the bordering districts of

    Orissa saw a rise in 2008, thus in Feb 2009, the Central government announced its plans for simultaneous, co-ordinated

    counter-operations in all Maoist extremism-hit states - Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jharkhand,

    Bihar, UP and West Bengal, to plug all possible escape routes of Naxalites. [9]

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    Salwa Judum volunteers in Southern Chhattisgarh

    Bastar and Dantewada districts of Chhattisgarh have traditionally been sparsely populated, rich in natural resources, andyet some of the poorest tribal regions. Here the Maoists ( Naxalites ) have continued to enlarge their control among the

    local tribals over the past two decades by force .[10] The first movement against the Naxalites was the 'Jan Jagran Abhiyan',

    started in 1991 by Mahendra Karma. This was mostly led by local traders and businessmen. [11] This later collapsed, and

    the leaders had to seek police protection to survive. However, the second time around the state had signed the MoU's

    with the Tata and Essar groups, and was eager to flush the region of the Naxalites in order let the mining companies

    smoothly operate there. This was the beginning of the police support and military to the movement. A a local tribal leader,

    Mahendra Karma, a Congress MLA and the leader of opposition in the State Legislative Assembly, jumped into the fray as

    a political opportunity becoming the public front he took the Bijapur-based movement to Dantewada , Katreli and other

    villages in the region. [12][13]

    Salwa Judum herded villagers and tibals in makeshift camps, where human rights abuses were rife. Salwa Judum

    became increasingly violent and out of control .[14] Salwa Judum is also accused of burning and evacuating out 644 or

    more villages, making 300,000 people flee their homes. [15]As the situation further escalated in the coming years, Human

    Rights Watch reported atrocities at both ends, and reported large scale displacement of the civilian population caught in

    the conflict between the Naxalites and Salwa Judum activists with at least 100,000 people moving to various camps in

    southern Chhattisgarh or fleeing to neighbouring Andhra Pradesh as of early 2008. [16][17] By mid-2008 the figure grew to

    150,000 tribals being displaced .[18] There was also widespread report of rape and other abuses on women by the Judum.[19]

    Since the inception of the movement in 2005, over 800 people, including some 300 security personnel, have been killed

    by the Naxalites, SPO deaths alone total 98 one in 2005; 29 in 2006; 66 in 2007; and 20 in 2008, [13][20] when the Maoists

    rebels continued their attacks, though now considerably more dramatic from the previous years, they were now splitting

    into smaller groups and specifically targeting Salwa Judum leaders and security personnel who were ambushed in weekly

    markets in remote areas, and their weapons stolen, also posters threatening Salwa Judum leaders continued to appear in

    villages across Dantewada and Bijapur. [21] However by mid-2008, movement's frontliner, Mahendra Karma announced that

    it will soon cease to exist, [18] and end 2008, saw Salwa Judum which had controlled the lives of tribal people in camps and
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    its influenced villages for nearly three years losing its hold in the region; the number of people living in the camps dropped

    from earlier 50,000 to 13,000 and public support was dwindled away .[22] An NHRC report published in October 2008, said

    that Salwa Judum having lost its earlier momentum was only restricted to its 23 camps in the Dantewada and Bijapur

    districts of Chhattisgarh [23]

    Development of Special Police Officers (SPOs)

    Location of Dantewada and Bastar districts , the most affected regions in Chhattisgarh

    The Chhattisgarh state Police employs tribal youths as SPOs (Special Police Officers), which are essentially 4,000 youth,

    both ex-Naxalites and those drawn from Salwa Judum camps in the Bastar region, who are paid an honorarium of Rs

    1,500 (Rs 3000 in 2011)per month by the state government, were trained by with mostly .303 rifles. In Feb 2009, the

    Supreme Court in India declared such arming of civilians illegal.

    In 2008, there were 23 Salwa Judum camps in Bijapur and Dantewara districts of Bastar region where almost 50,000

    tribals from over 600 villages had settled. [13][20] The government has now discredited the Salwa Judum movement. [citation

    needed ] Union Minister of Home Affairs, P. Chidambaram has praised the role of special police officers (SPOs) in fighting

    Naxalism and called for their appointment "wherever required.", [24] while the Chhattisgarh Chief Minister, Raman Singh has

    stated that "Salwa Judum is the answer to get rid of the Naxal menace in the state.." .[25] On July 5, 2011, the Supreme

    Court of India ordered the Indian state of Chhattisgarh to disband a militia force founded to combat Maoist guerrillas who

    control large areas of the country. As reported in The Hindu , the Supreme Court directed the Chhattisgarh police to

    immediately cease and desist from using SPOs in any manner or form in any activities, directly or indirectly, aimed at

    controlling, countering, mitigating or otherwise eliminating Maoist/Naxalite activities and directed the police to recall all

    firearms issued to these men. On july 6,2011 supreme court declared sulwa judum as illegal.


    Child Soldiers

    There have been numerous reports that the Salwa Judum had recruited minors for its armed forces. A primary survey

    evaluated by the Forum for Fact-finding Documentation and Advocacy (FFDA) determined that over 12,000 minors were
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    being used by the Salwa Judum in the southern district of Dantewada and that the Chhattisgarh Government had

    "officially recruited 4200 Special Police Officers (SPOs); many of them being easily identifiable as minors". [26] The Asian

    Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) also found that the Salwa Judum had engaged in the recruitment of child soldiers .[27]Similar recruitment findings were also reported in the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers 's "Child Soldiers Global

    Report 2008 India". [28]

    Human rights violation

    Some human rights organizations such as the People's Union for Civil Liberties has raised allegations that Salwa Judum

    is a government-backed organisation, [29][30][31] supported by the Chhattisgarh government, but a fact finding commission

    of National Human Rights Commission of India (NHRC ), appointed by Supreme Court of India found out that Salwa

    Judum was a " spontaneous reaction by the tribals to defend themselves against the "reign of terror unleashed by the

    Naxalites ." The report also said that, 15 years after Jan Jagran Abhiyan, an earlier attempt to deal with Naxalites, " local

    tribals once again mustered courage to stand up to the Naxalites, which only goes to show their sense of desperation ".[23]

    [32] It also found out that allegations against Salwa Judum were distortions of truth by some biased human right

    organisations. [33]

    State sponsoring of militia

    In April 2008, a Supreme Court bench directed the state Government to refrain from allegedly supporting and encouraging

    the Salwa Judum: "It is a question of law and order. You cannot give arms to somebody (a civilian) and allow him to kill.

    You will be an abettor of the offence under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code."; the state government had earlier

    denied, Salwa Judum being a state-sponsored movement, [20][34] later it directed the state government to take up the

    remedial measures suggested in the NHRC earlier report [35] The Human Rights Commission alleged that Security forces

    collaborated with Salwa Judum in their fight against the Maoists. [36]

    In December 2008, replying to a petition filed in the Supreme Court, the state government acknowledged that SalwaJudum and security forces had burnt houses and looted property but the allegations against Salwa Judum of killings were

    not found to be true by National Human Rights Commission. [37][38]

    In an order, the the Supreme Court mentioned that people take arms for survival and against inhuman implementation of

    law depriving the weak, and not senselessly. The court pointed out the importance of formalized state police actions, in

    ways that do not ignore Constitutional values [39]:

    "Given humanity's collective experience with unchecked power, which becomes its own principle and its practice its own

    raison d'etre, resulting in the eventual dehumanisation of all the people, the scouring of the earth by the unquenchable

    thirst for natural resources by imperialist powers, and the horrors of two World Wars, modern Constitutionalism posits thatno wielder of power should be allowed to claim the right to perpetrate the state's violence against any one, much less its

    own citizens, unchecked by law, and notions of innate human dignity of every individual."


    Encouraged by the highly positive results of the movement in the region, the government is planning to launch a people's

    movement in insurgency hit state of Manipur on similar lines. In 2006, Karnataka raised a similar force employing tribals

    youths to fight Naxalism in the state, as did Andhra Pradesh prior to it [40] Jharkhand is another state that has been

    successfully using SPOs to counter Leftwing terrorists. [24]'s_Union_for_Civil_Liberties's_Union_for_Civil_Liberties
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    However, the Salwa Judum appears to have been abandoned in Chhattisgarh state , with Chief Minister Raman Singh

    describing the movement as "over", because it was counterproductive and "innocent people were being killed" [41] Singh,

    however, said that a "peaceful campaign" to wean locals away from supporting Maoists would continue.

    In media

    Channel 4' s Unreported World telecast a program titled "India's Hidden War" in October 2006, on the Maoist war

    against the state and people of India [42]

    Further reading

    The Adivasis of Chhattisgarh: Victims of the Naxalite Movement and Salwa Judum Campaign , by Asian Centre for

    Human Rights. Published by Asian Centre for Human Rights, 2006.

    See also


    Compact Revolutionary Zone

    Naxalite-Maoist insurgency

    Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)


    1. ^ "Salwa Judum - menace or messiah?" TOI, Mar 20, 20102. ^ "Left in the lurch" Indian Express, July 10, 20113. ^ "Salwa Judum is illegal, says SC" The Hindu July 5, 20114. ^ a b [1] Ramachandra Guha.5. ^ [2] Kanchan Gupta.6. ^ [3] Pioneer 7. ^ CoBRA reaches Bastar to join anti-Naxal ops Indian Express , February 5, 2009.8. ^ Centre gives its tacit approval to Salwa Judum Times of India , January 8, 2009.9. ^ Co-ordinated operations to flush out Naxalites soon The Economic Times , February 6, 2009.10. ^ [4]11. ^ [5]12. ^ Inside India's hidden war The Guardian, May 9, 2006.

    13. ^ a b c 'Salwa Judum can't work in the long run' Chhattisgarh Director General of Police VishwaRanjan. Business Standard , January 13, 2008.

    14. ^ "Salwa Judum victims assured of relief" . The Hindu (Chennai, India). December 16, 2008.15. ^ [6]16. ^ 'Salwa Judum, forces too violating rights' The Times of India , July 16, 2008."The 182-page report Being

    Neutral Is Our Biggest Crime: Government, Vigilante and Naxalite Abuses in India's Chhattisgarh State documents human rights abuses against civilians, particularly tribals, caught in a tug-of-war betweengovernment forces, Salwa Judum and Naxalites. "

    17. ^ Indian state 'backing vigilantes' BBC News , July 15, 2008.18. ^ a b How the Salwa Judum experiment went wrong The Mint , July 10, 2008.19. ^ 'Existence of Salwa Judum necessary'
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    20. ^ a b c Hearing plea against Salwa Judum, SC says State cannot arm civilians to kill Indian Express , April 1,2008.

    21. ^ at least 18 people associated with Salwa Judum were killed during this period .. Indian Express , July 23,2008.

    22. ^ Salwa Judum may stay in Bastar after polls NDTV , November 13 , 2008.23. ^ a b 'Existence of Salwa Judum necessary' The Economic Times , October 6, 2008.24. ^ a b Chidambaram all praise for SPOs The Economic Times , January 8, 2009.25. ^ Salwa Judum is answer to naxal menace: Raman Singh Times of India , January 10, 2009.26. ^ Zemp, Ueli; Mohapatra, Subash (2007-07-29). "Child Soldiers in Chhattisgarh: Issues, Challenges and

    FFDA's Response". Retrieved 2009-05-31.27. ^ The Adivasis of Chhattisgarh: Victims of the Naxalite Movement and Salwa Judum Campaign . New

    Delhi : Asian Centre for Human Rights . 2006. p. 42. ISBN 81-88987-14-X . Retrieved 2009-05-31.28. ^ "Child Soldiers Global Report 2008 India" . Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers. 2008-05-20.

    Retrieved 2009-05-31.29. ^ "Findings about the Salwa Judum in Dantewara district". 2005-02-12.30. ^ "Salwa Judum report" . South Asia Intelligence Review of the South Asia Terrorism Portal.31. ^ "Salwa Judum report" . Asian Council For Human Rights.32. ^ DNAIndia33. ^ dnaIndia34. ^ SC raps Chattisgarh on Salwa Judum , March 31, 2008.35. ^ Implement NHRC recommendations on Salwa Judum, Supreme Court asks Chhattisgarh government The

    Hindu , September 20, 2008.36. ^ India backing violent militia DAWN - July 11, 200837. ^ "Politics/Nation" . The Times Of India . October 6, 2008.38. ^ Salwa Judum victims assured of relief The Hindu , December 16, 2008.39. ^ 'The horror! The horror!', July 11, 2011,, an excerpt from the order of the Supreme Court of India40. ^ Tribal youths will now fight Naxals The Times of India , May 11, 2006.41. ^ CM: Salwa Judum is over Hindustan Times , Feb 7, 2011.42. ^ India's Hidden War Channel 4 , Friday 27 October 2006.

    External links

    The Adivasis of Chhattisgarh: Victims of Naxalite Movement and Salwa Judum Campaign Unreported World: India's Hidden War Naxal Issues [7] Economic and Political Weekly Article on NHRC report Report of the IAPL Fact Finding Mission Video Documentary (20 mn.) on Salwa Judum Camps,463af2212,469f2dcf2,486cb108c,0.html,463af2212,469f2dcf2,486cb108c,0.html
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    Binayak SenFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Binayak Sen

    Binayak Sen in Wardha, 2011

    Born 4 January 1950 (age 61)

    Residence Katora Talab, Raipur

    Nationality Indian

    Education MBBS and MD (Paediatrics)

    Alma mater Calcutta Boys' School , Kolkata

    Christian Medical College, Vellore.

    Occupation Physician , Activist

    Organization People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL)

    Taught at JNU Delhi for 2 years

    Known for Human rights activism [1]

    Home town Kalyani, West Bengal

    Religion Hinduism

    Criminal charge Sedition

    Criminal penalty Life imprisonment

    Spouse Ilina Sen

    Awards Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights (2008)'_School's_Union_for_Civil_Liberties,_West_Bengal'_School's_Union_for_Civil_Liberties,_West_Bengal
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    Binayak Sen (Bengali : ) is an Indian pediatrician , public health specialist [2] and activist. He is the national Vice-

    President of the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) .[3]

    He has been accused of sedition by the Chhattisgarh Government. He was granted bail on April 15, 2011 by the Supreme

    Court of India which said no evidence of sedition had been produced against the accused by the Chhattisgarh

    Government. [4] The final verdict is still pending and the case, including charges of sedition,will be carried forward in the

    High Court of Chhattisgarh.

    Binayak Sen originally started working as a pediatrician extending health care to poor people in the rural-tribal areas of

    the Chhattisgarh state, doubling up as a human rights activist. While Sen has worked with the state government on health

    sector reform [5] he has also strongly criticized the government on human rights violations during the anti-

    Naxalite operations, while advocating non-violent political engagement. [6] In May 2007, he was detained for allegedly

    supporting the outlawed Naxalites, thereby violating the provisions of the Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act 2005

    (CSPSA) and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967 .[7][8] The evidence presented against him included his meetings

    with the jailed Naxalite leader Narayan Sanyal and certain documents allegedly supporting his links with the Naxalites.

    Sen first applied for bail before the Raipur Sessions Court and then the Chhattisgarh High Court in July 2007, soon after

    his arrest, [9]but was granted bail by the Supreme Court of India only on 25 May 2009. [10]

    On 24 December 2010, the Raipur Sessions' Court found him guilty of helping the Naxalites, a communist terrorist group,

    charged him with connections with a banned organization (though widely but incorrectly the charge was reported as

    treason by the media) and sentenced him to life term. [11] The conviction was criticized by his supporters as politically

    motivated [12][13] and based on bogus evidence .[14][15] Sen is considered by Amnesty International to be a prisoner of

    conscience .[16]On April 15, 2011, the Supreme Court of India granted bail to Sen.

    Career as a doctor

    Binayak Sen and his wife Illina Sen played key roles in the foundation of the set up the Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha's

    Shaheed Hospital which is owned and operated by a workers' organization and a community-based NGO called

    Rupantar. [17][18] He is also an advisor to Jan Swasthya Sahyog, a health care organization. [19] He has also been published

    in the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet (in its edition of 12 February 2011) where he talks about the severe

    inaccessibility of the healthcare to the poor in India . The article was hailed as reaffirmation of support to Dr Sen by the

    international community by Ilina Sen .[17][20]

    PUCL activist

    Sen is the National Vice-President of the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) and General Secretary of

    itsChhattisgarh unit. In this capacity, he helped organize numerous investigations into alleged human rights violations

    carried out during anti- Naxalite operations. The alleged violations included the murder of unarmed and innocent civilians

    by the anti-Naxalite movement Salwa Judum .

    In a 2008 interview, Sen stated that he does not condone the Naxalites, does not approve of their violent methods, and

    has spoken strongly against them several times. But, he also expressed his opposition to the violent activities carried out

    by Salwa Judum, which he believes, have created a split in the tribal community .[6] Sen advocates peaceful methods such

    as negotiations to solve the Naxalite problem. [21]'s_Union_for_Civil_Liberties's_Union_for_Civil_Liberties's_Union_for_Civil_Liberties's_Union_for_Civil_Liberties
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    Awards and honours

    Sen was the recipient in 2004 of the Paul Harrison award for a lifetime of service to the rural poor. This award is given

    annually by the Christian Medical College in Vellore , India to its alumni. [22]

    Sen was awarded the R.R. Keithan Gold Medal by The Indian Academy of Social Sciences (ISSA) on 31 December 2007.

    The citation describes him as "one of the most eminent scientists" of India. "The award is for his outstanding contribution

    to the advancement of science of Nature-Man-Society and his honest and sincere application for the improvement of

    quality of life of the poor, the downtrodden and the oppressed people of Chhattisgarh." His "suffering and personal risk"

    would inspire scientists as well as the general public for a very long time, according to the citation. [23]

    Sen was selected for the Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights in 2008. [24][25] The Global Health

    Council issued a public statement, "Dr. Sen's accomplishments speak volumes about what can be achieved in very poor

    areas when health practitioners are also committed community leaders. He staffed a hospital created by and funded by

    impoverished mine workers, and he has spent his lifetime educating people about health practices and civil liberties

    providing information that has saved lives and improved conditions for thousands of people. His good works need to be

    recognized as a major contribution to India and to global health; they are certainly not a threat to state security."[26]

    Sen has been awarded the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights 2011 [27] in memory of the Gwangju Democratization

    Movement of South Korea. The award announcement remarks "Dr Sen, as an accomplished medical practitioner has

    distinguished himself by his devotion to providing health services for the poor and by his strong advocacy against human

    rights violations and structural violence inflicted on the poor in Chhattisgarh, a state in central India."

    Allegations of Naxalite links

    Arrest in 2007

    On 14 May 2007, Sen was arrested in Bilaspur on the charges of acting as a courier between jailed Naxaliteleader Narayan Sanyal and businessman Piyush Guha, also accused of having links with Naxalites .[28] Sen had met the

    70-year-old Sanyal 33 times in Raipur jail, though all the visits were with prior police permission .[29] The Chhattisgarh

    police also reportedly relied on certain electronic documents to establish a link between Sen and Naxalites .[30]

    The evidence presented against Sen included :[31]

    A post card dated 3 June 2006, written by Narayan Sanyal to Binayak Sen from Raipur Central Jail, regarding his

    health and legal case, duly signed by the Jail authorities

    A yellow coloured book "On The Unity Between CPI (Peoples' War) and Maoist Communist Centre".

    A letter written by Madanlal Banjare of CPI (Maoist) to Binayak Sen.

    An article titled "Krantikari Janwadi Morcha (ITF) (Revolutionary People's Front) Vaishvikaran evam Bharatiya

    Seva Kshetra; (Globalization and the Service Sector in India)

    Two articles titled "Naxal Movement, Tribals and Women's Movement" and "How to build an Anti- US Imperialist


    On 15 May 2007, Sen was presented before a local court where he was denied the bail and was remanded to judicial

    custody. On 18 May, he was produced in the Sessions Court, Raipur. The Court ordered a search of Sen's house at,_Chhattisgarh's_War,_Chhattisgarh's_War
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    said could have offered the chance to tamper with evidence. [37] The court had ordered on 22 May 2007 that both these

    observers should be present during the examination of Sen's computer. Nobel laurate economist and thinker Amartya

    Sen also criticised the Dec 2010 verdict for Sen's imprisonment. He stated that instead of getting his due honor for his

    service, Sen had met with an unfortunate verdict. [38]

    High Court

    On 23 July, lawyers of Binayak Sen approached the Chhattisgarh High Court at Bilaspur with the bail plea of his but it wasrejected. Police claimed that they had got incriminating evidences against Binayk Sen from his hard disc belonging to him.[28]

    On August 3, 2007, Chhattisgarh Police filed charge-sheets under the Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act 2005

    (CSPSA) and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967 in the court of Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate

    Satyabhama Dubey against Sen. [28]

    Supreme Court

    On 31 August 2007 the Supreme Court of India issued notice to the Chhattisgarh government on a petition seeking Sen's

    release from alleged illegal detention. A bench of Justices Ashok Bhan and V. S. Sirpurkar sought a response from the

    Chhattisgarh government after senior counsel Soli Sorabjee claimed that Sen was illegally detained since 14 May on

    fabricated charges of supporting Naxalites .[39] The same report stated that the Director General of Police (DGP) in

    Chhattisgarh had conceded Sen's peaceful approach. However, the DGP rejected the suggestion that Sen had been

    arrested for criticising crimes such as extrajudicial killings in staged "fake encounters". The DGP has stated his belief that

    "Dalits movements, women empowerment movements, human rights movements, environment protection movements"

    are all suspect because Naxalites want to penetrate and hijack "movements not linked with CPI (Maoist). "

    On December 10, 2007, Supreme Court dismissed Sen's bail petition. [28] A Bench comprising Justices Ashok Bhan and D

    K Jain refused to accept Sen's plea, at this stage, that he was only an activist of People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL)

    and was in no way connected with the banned outfit CPI-ML. On the point that that there was no evidence to suggest that

    he was involved in naxal activities, Bench while rejecting the same said "You are emphasising too much on PUCL. This

    does not mean that you are immune. This also does not mean your are not associated with banned activities."


    Sen was kept in solitary confinement during the period from 15 March to 11 April 2008. The prison authorities stated that

    this was for his security. [28][40] Sen's wife Ilina stated that he has been isolated from the world during his year of

    imprisonment, with access to only pro-government newspaper.

    On 29 April 2008, Human Rights Watch in New York issued a public statement regarding the trial of Sen due to begin in

    Raipur on 30 April 2008: "the district courts limit of one supporter of the defendant at the trial is unnecessarily restrictive

    and raises broader concerns about the fairness of the trial." [41]

    The Global Health Council, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School and several other prominent global

    health organizations issued a joint statement of support for Sen, requesting that Indian authorities allow the doctor to

    receive the Jonathan Mann Award for Health and Human Rights in person in Washington, D.C. on 29 May 2008, at the

    35th Annual International Conference on Global Health .[24] The declaration stated: "We would also like to convey our's_Union_for_Civil_Liberties,_D.C.'s_Union_for_Civil_Liberties,_D.C.
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    concern and dismay that Dr. Sen remains imprisoned, after nearly one year without trial, on allegations that he passed

    notes from a rebel leader whom he treated in jail to a person outside the prison. Dr. Sen has denied all wrong doing and

    nothing in his character or history, as a dedicated community leader who has urged a peaceful settlement to this conflict

    for years, would support the accusations made against him. These allegations have not been substantiated or proven and

    have prevented Dr. Sen from providing his much-needed health services to the poor in his area, as well as his community

    leadership activities as an officer of the People's Union for Civil Liberties." [42]

    Twenty-two Nobel laureates from around the world wrote to India's President and Prime Minister and Chhattisgarh state

    authorities. They said Sen should be allowed to travel to the US to receive the Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health

    and Human Rights. "We also wish to express grave concern that Dr Sen appears to be incarcerated solely for peacefully

    exercising his fundamental human rights," the letter said. This is "in contravention of Articles 19 (freedom of opinion and

    expression) and 22 (freedom of association) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - to which India is a

    state party - and that he is charged under two internal security laws that do not comport with international human rights

    standards," it added .[43][44]

    Doctors across India started holding free clinics for the poor in tribute to the example of Sen and to peacefully campaign

    for his release .[45]

    The Government of India led by the Indian National Congress which is the opposition party in the state

    of Chhattisgarh reacted strongly to international appeals for the release of Dr Binayak Sen. The Government feels that the

    issue around Dr Binayak Sen is a well orchestrated campaign and just because he is selected for a western award, does

    not make him less guilty in their view. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said that the State Government is right in

    opposing Dr Sen's appeal. [29]


    Main article: Trial of Binayak SenThe trial against Binayak Sen began in the trial court in Raipur on 30 May 2008. [28] On 4 May 2008, Supreme Court issued

    notice to Chhattisgarh government on Sen's bail plea. It asked the state government to provide "best medical aid" to Sen,

    who is suffering from a heart ailment. [28]

    On August 11, 2008, a second bail petition was filed in the Chhattisgarh High Court in Bilaspur .[28] On 21 October, Sen

    made a public appeal and proposal for peace in South Bastar. [46]

    Grant of bail by the Supreme Court

    Sen was granted bail on 25 May 2009 by a vacation bench of the Supreme Court comprising Justice Markandey Katju

    and Justice Deepak Verma as his health conditions were deteriorating. [47]

    Conviction, sentencing and revocation of bail

    On 24 December 2010, the Additional Sessions and District Court Judge B.P Varma Raipur found Binayak Sen, Naxal

    ideologue Narayan Sanyal and Kolkata businessman Piyush Guha, guilty of sedition for helping the Maoists in their fight

    against the state. They were sentenced to life imprisonment .[48] Immediately after the sentencing, Dr. Sen's bail was

    revoked and he was taken back into custody .[49],_Chhattisgarh,_Chhattisgarh
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    Binayak Sen was held guilty under Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act 2005, Unlawful Activities (Prevention)

    Act1967, of being a conduit between Naxals and of meeting Narayan Sanyal in jail. The trio has also been convicted

    under provisions of section 124A of Indian Penal Code (IPC) (sedition) and 120-B Indian Penal Code (conspiracy). [50]

    Binayak Sen's sentence has been condemned both in India [51][52][53] and internationally. [54][55] Nobel Laureate Amartya

    Sen has condemned the judgement as "unjust" .[56]

    Against this judgement, Binayak again applied for bail on 6 Jan 2011. Sen's lawyer Ram Jethmalani argued for over twohours for grant of bail on 24 Jan 2011, and described the trial court verdict as one based only on police versions. An eight-

    member delegation of the European Union were present at the court during the entire hearing. On 25 Jan 2011, the

    Chhattisgarh High Court heard his bail plea for the second consecutive day and then fixed 9 February for the next

    hearing. The court denied bail to him during the subsequent hearing. [57] The Copy of the judgment is available at [1].

    Dr. Sen had moved the apex court challenging the order of the Chhattisgarh High Court which had rejected his bail plea

    on 10 February 2011 .[58] Dr. Sen has sought bail contending that the trial court has erred in convicting him as there was no

    substantial evidence against him. Human rights and social activists have described Dr. Sens conviction and sentence as

    politically motivated.[59]

    The Supreme Court on 11 March 2011 issued notice to the Chhattisgarh government on a petition by rights activist

    Binayak Sen seeking bail and stay on his life imprisonment imposed by a sessions court for his links with Maoists. A

    bench of justices H.S. Bedi and C.K. Prasad asked the Chhattisgarh government to file its response within four weeks.

    The bench passed the order despite counsel for Dr. Sen seeking adjournment of the matter .[60] On April 15, 2011, the

    Supreme Court of India has granted bail to Dr. Binayak Sen was granted bail, after completely rejecting the sedition

    charge against him [61][62][63] and adding that the question of passing letters or documents does not arise. [64]

    Interest in the case and possible links with missionaries

    The case has generated interests of Indian and foreign NGOs [65][66][67][68] and governments. [69][70][71][72][73][74]

    See also

    People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL)Trial of Binayak SenSudhir DhawaleKartam Joga


    Minnie Vaid (2011) A Doctor to Defend: The Binayak Sen Story. Publisher: Rajpal PP: 243 ISBN -9788170289272


    1. ^ "Call to free India rights activist Binayak Sen" .BBC News . BBC. 28 December 2010. Retrieved 16 March2011.

    2. ^ Sathyamala, C. (JulySeptember 2007 2007) ."Binayak Sen: redefining health care in an unjustsociety" . Indian Journal of Medical Ethics IV (3). 18624134. Retrieved 25 May 2009.'s_Union_for_Civil_Liberties's_Union_for_Civil_Liberties
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