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Medical Seminar 21 August 2011-Cabella Ligure, Italy Medical seminar in August 21, 2011 was enjoyed by a large and interested audience and took place in the form of questions and answers. The seminar was held by doctor Petekar - from Belapur and has a long experience linked to health problems of Sahaja yogis. She said during the seminar that the role of these treatments is to bring the patient in meditation because Kundalini is that who is cleaning and healing. She said: If you can not meditate, follow the treatment. Treatment is only to help you to meditate! The audience put the issues on paper and read it loud by two Sahaja yoginis or handed to the doctor, she read the questions and gave answers. Since the questions were made more in the form of deficiency state findings of Sahaja yogi (Mrs.), they had no interrogative form. Q (question): excessive thinking. A (Answer): abandon your thoughts; put ice on right Swadhistan, liver and ego, footsook twice a day. Then cool the right channel, with the left hand to the sky and say Shri Hanuman Chalisa at this time. People with excessive thinking should sing, put the attention on Sahasrara and say the mantra for Shri Mahat Ahamkara. Q: Children Problems. A: Children do not have problems. Only parents have problems: excessive heat in the body, ego, etc. Children absorb parent s problem and that creates pressure on the child s Anahat center. Parents should clean themselves. Children should be given minerals through foods rich in vitamins and nutrients, not medical pills. Q: Women Issues (women specific). A: Women s are working a lot and because of it they are exhausted. They should read every day Devi Kavach, say Ganesha Atharva Sheersha with left hand on the liver. For any problems with the menstrual cycle is affected Swadhistan center. You must say Ganesha Atharva Sheersha daily, and put ice on right Swadhistan, liver and ego. Q: Thyroid dysfunction. A: Do not criticize, pray with attention on Vishuddhi center: Shri Mataji, by Your grace I am pure spirit, please remove from me all the reactions, and all that makes me criticize. Q: Food to be avoided by Sahaja Yogis for liver treatment. A: For liver: chili, cheese, butter. You have to avoid red meat, only chicken, rice and papaya to be consumed. For liver problems, put ice on the liver - say Ganesha Atharva Sheersha and then say mantra for Shri Chitta Devata, Shri Himalaya mantra, each 16 times. Q: How to give up the impure desires? A: Prayer: Divine Mother, please give me pure desire, please destroy the impure desires. Then with your right hand on left Swadhistan say mantra for Shri Mahakali Badrakali Kali Kalki for 7, 21 or 108 times. Q: Problems with bones. A: They are caused by blockage Nabhi chakra. Chakra has to be cleaned. You

need to take up to two, three daily footsook. Prayer: Divine Mother, you are really Shri Vindyavasini, please remove this problem. The prayer must be said for 10 times. The foods you consume have to be fresh, and it must be consumed within 2 days since it was cooked. Q: Cancer of the lungs and throat. A: Cancer is a problem of the left channel. You have to do footsook and have to say the 108 names for Shri Adi Guru Datatreya. Catch on the Void chakra creates a condition for developing cancer, this is because of false gurus, practicing baptism, sect affiliation to neoprotestant-etc. You have to say mantra for Shri Vishnumaya, it should be said 3 times and placing candles at left Vishuddhi chakra and say the name of Shri Vishnumaya then say Mantrika Sakshat mantra 3 times (without Shri), Sarva Mantra Siddhi Vibhedini 3 times (without Shri). Q: I have no vibrations in my hands. A: You have to massage Vishuddhi chakra and hands with olive oil. You have to do mobility exercises with your hands and massage hands before meditation. You have to bathe your hands. Place the hands in the water one by one, because it is necessary that one of the hands should be directed towards Shri Mataji to receive vibrations. (Do not bathe both hands in the same time). Then say Ganesha Atharva Sheersha. Q: Problems with tension, diabetes. A: These are problems of the right channel. Thoughts should be stopped, you have to treat your right channel and say 108 names of Shri Shiva, Rama Kavach + Shri Himalaya Chandrama mantra for 6 times and Hanuman Chalisa with your left hand up. Q: Cleaning the negative attention or impurity of attention. A: It's a problem from right Mooladhara chakra and right channel. You have to do footsook with warm water for the left foot and have the right foot in cold water. Should put ice on the liver, say Shri Kartikeya 108 names; prayer: Shri Mataji, please remove all the negative attention within me and all the blockages from the right side Mooladhara. Q: Family possessions and bhoots generated by the family. A: Back Agnya should be cleaned. Prayer: Shri Mataji I forgive all the problems in my family, I forgive my family for all mistakes, please remove all the negativity committed by the family. Shri Mataji please forgive all my ancestors. Then say the mantra Ham 3 times, and then say 21 times mantra for Shri Mahaganesha + special prayer for Back Agnya (see page 230 Nirmala Vidya mantra book) and in the morning, if possible, to stay with Back Agnya towards the sun. Q: Excess of cholesterol in the body. A: It is a problem of right channel. Place ice on right Swadhistan, liver and ego. Say Hanuman Chalisa with you left hand toward the sky. Shri Hanuman controls heat on the right channel. Q: Skin problems. A: Nabhi charka catch. You should clear left Nabhi charka and Void chakra. Place a mixture of gheeru and skin on the affected area. (N tr. - Shri Mataji speaks about gheeru in materials about medical treatments).

Q: Depression, anxiety, insomnia. A: Depression and anxiety are blockages of the left channel, while insomnia is blockage of the right channel. You have to say the 108 names of Shri Mahakali and do candle treatment for left Swadhistan chakra and left Agnya chakra, then say 21 names of Shri Bhairava. Before going to bed say mantra for Shri Mahakali-Badrakali-Kali-Kalki-11 times. Then prayer: Shri Mataji now I'll go to bed, please take care of my sleep. Q: Low immunity, low tension, hernia. A: Weak immunity and hernia are problems of the left and right channel. You put a large flame candle and warm the unbalanced/heat the liver and right channel. You have to do the treatment to balance the right channel. For low tension you have to do the treatment with three candles. Q: Attachment for illness or Hypochondria. A: Shoe beat, 2 times per day, morning and evening shoe beat your attachment and attention. Q: Allergies. A: It is left Nabhi charka catch. Do not put ice on the liver because it is already lethargic. Say Shri Himalaya Chandrama 6 times, Hanuman Chalisa and prayer: Shri Mataji, please balance my liver. Then say mantra Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Sruti Rupena Samsthita ... in this time you have to have your hand on back Agnya chakra. Q: Insecurity related to the child. A: Say every morning - Devi Kavach, and evening problem disappears. Rama Kavach, until the

Q: I can not sit in the semi lotus position (meditation position) I have back pain. A: Take footsook. Then place both your hands on the back on Nabhi chakra and say: Shri Mataji, You are truly Shri Bhagavati, please remove my back pain. Then rub/massage the back with both hands in the Void area and kidneys, and at the same time say mantra for Shri Bhagavati. Q: Persistent head pain (migraine) and infections. A: It is a blockage on the Void chakra and Ekadesha Rudra. Say 108 names of Shri Adi Guru. Put bandhan on the Void chakra, put the candle on the left Void and say mantra for the 10 primordial masters, and after that say the 11 name of Shri Ekadesha Rudra. Q: Problems of Mooladhara and attention. A: Say Ganesha Atharva Sheersha, put bandhan for Back Agnya and surrender. Say I am the Spirit. Q: Deficiency of calcium in the body. A: It is a problem of Swadhistan chakra, left or right. Say the 21 names of Shri Saraswati Brahmadeva + Bhagawati mantra. Depending on the side that is affected (left or right Swadhistan) say mantra for specific charka.

Q: Insect bites. A: Use kokum and ginger. Make Kokum juice and put on the skin in affected areas and / or exposed to insect stings. Q: The inability/incapacity to have children. A: The mother should clean her right Swadhistan chakra with footsook and ice. Then say 108 names of Shri Lakshmi. In the evening, place subja seeds in a glass of water for vibrations before Shri Mataji s photo, and drink all the contents in the morning immediately after waking up. Q: Children do not want to meditate. What to do? A: Do not force it. Meditation is a SAHAJ process, spontaneous, can not be imposed on anyone. Ask them to sit next to you, in front of you when you meditate. Lift their Kundalini, put you hand on the child back and tell that he or she is a Sahaja yogi. Their Kundalini will rise and they ll gradually begin to meditate. Q: Guilt, lack of self-esteem, excessive pleasure of eating junk food. A: Do not eat junk food and do not give it to children! Do treatment for Left Vishuddhi blockage. Q: Water retention. A: Meditate and give vibrations. Q: Inability/incapacity to discriminate between Shri Mataji and superego. A: Do not use imagination in meditation, for example: we saw Shri Ganesha, etc. This is the superego. If you see all sorts of things it is not meditation. Hamsa Chakra is affected. Say mantra for Hamsa Chakra Swamini and prayer: Shri Mataji, please give me discrimination to choose between good and evil. Q: Psychological problems. A: These are blockages of the left channel. Place a candle on the left Vishuddhi, and then say the name of Shri Vishnumaya and the 108 names of Shri Mahakali. Q: Problems what give varicose. A: You should put ice on the area with varicose, and then you need to do physical exercise. The person who is effected should lie on the back, and then do exercise with your legs for cycling. The affected person should avoid staying up too long on his/her legs. Q: Leg pain. A: It is a blockage on the right Vishuddhi. You can eliminate the pain with ice on your right wrist and right Vishuddhi. Q: Hormonal and menstrual problems. A: Take footsook, say Ganesha Atharva Sheersha with attention on Swadhistan chakra. Q: Lethargic collectivity or lack of development for devotion.

A: String burn, paper burn, shoe beat. Shoe beat is done to have maximum efficiency, focused on the lack of quality (qualities) that we wish to improve or develop. Do not shoe beat the chakras name or the deities name. Q: Uterine fibroids. A: It's a blockage on the Swadhistan and Nabhi chakra. You have to do footsook, during which read Ganesha Atharva Sheersha. Then say the 108 names of Shri Mahakali and the 108 names of Shri Adi Guru. Q: Problems with retina. A: Put vibrated water from Shri Mataji in your eye with a pipette, several drops daily. Or keep rose water to vibrate in front of Shri Mataji's photo and then put in the eye with a pipette, several drops, daily. In addition, you have to keep your Back Agnya in the sun. Q: Poor vision due to weak eyes. A: You have to say the 12 names of Shri Surya. Q: Treatment for pregnant women. A: When a woman is pregnant should avoid treatments; do not to give Self-Realization, because it can take/absorb catches very easily. You have to say Devi Kavach and 108 names of Shri Lakshmi / daily and do footsook everyday. Q: Sleepiness/weariness during Sahaja Yoga programs. A: The problem is from the left channel. No more thinking about the past ever, abandon the past at the Lotus Feet of Shri Mataji's. Then do the candle treatment for the left channel and read the 108 names of Shri Mahakali. At the end of the conference the doctor told to the audience: Do not go to the doctor, meditate well! During the seminar she said that all the answers for health problems can be found through meditation