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Issued by University of Leicester Press Office

Issue date: 26 April 2016

Sacrifices at Hillsborough are

crucial part of Premier League


University of Leicester academics speak out

following inquests’ verdicts

A University of Leicester researcher who was at Hillsborough 27 years ago

has spoken out following the announcement of the verdicts from the disaster’s inquests.

Writing in the Leicester Mercury, John Williams, University of Leicester

senior lecturer in sociology said: “The very formation of the Premier League, the design of its glossy and safe stadia, and the change in

attitudes of police and stewards to fans over the past three decades, owes a lot to what happened at a football stadium in very different conditions a

generation ago. We can only now officially say what really took place on that awful day 27 years ago.

“Twenty-seven years: Hillsborough 15 April 1989. It seems like yesterday

to me. I was a relatively young man then, excited at watching my club in

an FA Cup semi-final on a sunny afternoon in Sheffield. This was normal enough – Liverpool FC were regulars at that time at English football's top

table. Not any more: Leicester City have now taken over!

“What was not 'normal' - at least not by today's standards - was the crass arrangements made for fans at that football match: our awful treatment

by the police, the terrible (and ultimately fatal) facilities on offer, and the poor performance of the rescue services.

“The new Inquest has finally confirmed that police mismanagement, gross

mistakes, dangerous stadium facilities, an inexperienced and negligent match commander, and a basic lack of care for supporters, all contributed

to a terrible disaster. Ninety-six people were lost, we can now finally say, unlawfully killed.

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“Honestly, how long does justice need to take?”

Writing earlier in his book Red Men, John Williams charts how English football clubs had long displayed too little care in its treatment of football


He says: “In the 1950s English football grounds were potentially highly dangerous places which were poorly regulated – hundreds of fans would

often leave stadia before kick-off, afraid for their own safely. It was only good fortune and the care that supporters showed for each other which

had avoided similar disasters since the 1946 tragedy at Burnden Park, Bolton in which 33 people had died.

“The 1980s in Britain was a much harsher social and economic climate

altogether, and football crowds were more volatile, less consensual and

rather less caring. Some commentators argued that Hillsborough was symbolic of a general attack by the British State on working class people

in Liverpool and elsewhere in that decade. Certainly the role the South Yorkshire Police had played in the miners’ strike in 1984, the general

condition of male football culture in England, and the antipathy Mrs. Thatcher’s government had shown towards football and football

supporters, guaranteed the police a fair wind for their account. But perhaps more convincing were those explanations which suggested that

the disaster was actually part of a planned general deterioration of ‘public’ facilities in Britain, a development which had also brought a range of

recent fatal disasters on public transport, as neo-liberal Tory policies had prioritized the rich and the private over the poor and the public sector.

“Finally, it was also difficult to avoid the conclusion that the deaths were

also in some way connected to much deeper-seated problems in

masculinities and English terrace cultures and to poor relations between some young male football fans and the police in the 1980s. After all, the

Sheffield ground was argued to be one of England’s best appointed stadiums, but this seemed mainly because of the way it was designed to

deal with potential hooliganism. The English game was plagued by problems of crowd misbehaviour and had gone down what proved to be a

fatal route in terms of crowd management: it was routinely treating all of its travelling customers as potential threats.”

John Williams added that the failures of the South Yorkshire police, but

worse their cover up stories circulated in national newspapers and supported by the judicial system, all contributed to the ‘disgraceful,

inordinate delay’.

He concludes in his thought piece: “Football, of course, is a very different

experience today. Fan safety is the watchword for police, the pens and

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fences used to corral supporters have long disappeared and, yes, some

fans behave rather differently now. We have all learned from that terrible, sunny afternoon in Sheffield.

“So, when the Leicester City celebrations begin here in earnest, just spare

a thought for those sons and daughters, fathers and uncles - fans like you and me - who went to a game 27 years ago only to be defiled and

wrongly blamed by officials for their own unlawful killing. Because their sacrifice, properly acknowledged this week, is also a crucial part of this

Premier League story.”

Simon Bennett, Director of the Civil Safety and Security Unit at the University of Leicester added: “The 1989 Hillsborough disaster was

anticipated, and on multiple occasions. For example, a near-identical crowd-crush incident occurred on Hillsborough's Leppings Lane terracing

during the 1981 FA Cup Semi-Final between Wolves and Tottenham. Had

the authorities, governing bodies and football industry learned from such 'near-misses', the Hillsborough disaster might have been avoided. “The 1989 Hillsborough disaster and 1971 Ibrox Park football stadium

crowd-crush disaster in which 66 people died and 145 were injured suggest British society finds it difficult to learn from its mistakes. What

interests me is why we find it so difficult to learn lessons and implement remediations. Systems-thinking may provide the answer.

“What I find most striking is the scale of the cover-up by our usually

venerated 'blue-light' services, especially the Police (South Yorkshire) and NHS Ambulance Service (Yorkshire).

“Britain claims to have a mature, stable democracy underpinned by both

formal and informal checks and balances on those in positions of authority

(checks and balances include laws, an independent judiciary, parliamentary scrutiny, boards of inquiry, professional associations,

special interest groups, regional and local government, an independent university sector, a free press, etc.)

“Yet despite these instruments of scrutiny the Police and Ambulance

Service had no qualms about constructing a distorted account of the Hillsborough disaster. Their hubris is quite staggering.”

Dr Bennett added: “In recent times the British press has come in for a fair

amount of criticism - no doubt some of it is deserved. But remember this: A free press may be a public's best hope of holding those in authority to


“Journalism can be absurd and grubby (witness the obsession with

vacuous 'celebrities'). But it can also be revelational and remedial.”

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In his contribution to the 2014 book Networks and Network Analysis for Defence and Security published by Springer, Dr Bennett suggests that the

post-disaster cover-up proves that public servants sometimes act against the public interest.

In the text, Dr Bennett uses actor-network theory - a way of revealing the

relationships and networks that people engineer to achieve a desired outcome - to demonstrate how police officers’ deviant behaviour was

organised and sustained over a long period.

Dr Bennett said: “The police service’s culture of secrecy represents a latent error in the modus operandi of the UK police service. The

Hillsborough cover-up brings this culture to light and teaches an important lesson—that effective checks-and-balances on the power of the

State are essential for the safeguarding of liberty and justice. Such

checks-and-balances include a free press and an accessible justice system.

“The prevailing structure, operating practices and culture of the United

Kingdom's police service warrant investigation. The British public and honest police officers - who are in the majority - deserve better. The need

for greater transparency and stronger oversight is self-evident.”

Dr Bennett says issues that warrant investigation include: police statements being privileged over other types of witness statement; the

truth being distorted through the application of crude stereotypes; and the ‘operational freedom’ defence deployed by the UK police service. Dr

Bennett suggests it may be used to conceal officers’ unprofessional behaviour.

Dr Bennett’s contribution to the debate about the Hillsborough cover-up and his support for the Hillsborough Family Support Group has drawn

praise from MPs and prompted a response from the then coalition Government and South Yorkshire Constabulary.

Networks and Network Analysis for Defence and Security is available from

Springer Publishing at or via the University of Leicester book shop. The book describes real-world applications of network analysis

to support defence and security.


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To contact John Williams email: [email protected] To contact Simon Bennett: email [email protected]

University of Leicester Press Office Contacts:

Alex Phillimore News Centre Executive Tel: 0116 252 5761 Email: [email protected] Peter Thorley News Projects Officer Tel: 0116 252 2415 Email: [email protected]


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