Download - Sabancı University August 2008

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Sabancı University August 2008

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July 1994 Resolution by Sabancı HoldingExecutive Board (VAKSA)

August 1995 Search Conference with 52 participants from 22 countries& Formulation of “The Philosophy”

February 1996 Various Task Forces Start Working onCurricular and Administrative Structure

The creation process was long and inclusive

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The creation process was long and inclusive

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We are guided by our Philosophy “Creating and Developing Together”

Key WordsKey Words

Student Focused Participative Responsible and Responsive Practice Relevance Developing science and

technology, disseminating knowledge

Interdisciplinary Self-Managing / Self-Sustaining Teamwork Local / Regional / Global Learning to Learn

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Our Mission

is to develop competent and confident individuals,

enriched with the ability to reflect critically and independently,

having a strong sense of social responsibility;


to contribute to the development of science and technology,

as well as disseminating the knowledge created

to the benefit of the community.

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Undergraduate: 2478 Graduate: 524Total: 3002

Students come from 70 different


60 % male, 40 % female

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Exchange Students

Incoming Outgoing

2002-03 2 0

2003-04 11 12

2004-05 20 42

2005-06 40 60

2006-07 57 78

2007-08 69 103

Incoming Exchange Students

2 1120








2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08

Academic Year








Outgoing Exchange Students

0 1242










2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08

Academic Year








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Cornell University

University of California

Carnegie Mellon University

Max Planck Institute

Northwestern University

Koç University

University of Chicago

Harvard University

Boğaziçi University


University of MinnesotaUniversity of Pittsburg

Brown UniversityStanford University

Bilkent University

Texas A&M University

Cambridge University

Sabancı University

London School of Economics

31% of our Alumni pursue graduate studies

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Procter & Gamble



Garanti Technology

Garanti Bank

Efes Pilsen










54% of our Alumni pursue professional careers



Deutsche Bank

Start-up companies founded by SU Alumni in areas such as Information Technology, Software Development, and Advanced Materials, of which two are based abroad.

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Education & Learning

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International Board of Overseers

Lady Barbara T. Judge UK Atomic Energy Authority, Chairperson

Baron Paul Buysse N.V. Bekaert S.A, Chairman of the Board

Candace Johnson Johnson Paradigm Ventures, President

Charles Holliday Dupont, Chairman of the Board and CEO

Lord Chris Patten Oxford University, Chancellor

Prof. David Pines Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter, Co-Director

John V. Faraci International Paper Company, Chairman and CEO

Dr. Katsuiko Yamashita Toshiba Corporation, Chief Fellow

Senator Phil Gramm UBS Investment Bank, Vice Chairman

Richard Christou Fujitsu Services, Executive Chairman

Dr. Rolf E. BreuerDeutsche Bank A.G., Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Dr. Shuhei Toyoda Toyota Boshoku Corporation, President

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Board of Trustees

Güler Sabancı Chairperson

Prof. Tosun Terzioğlu President

Prof. Ahmet Aykaç Vice Chairman

Prof. Banu Onaral Drexel University

Dr. Can Paker BOY Management Services

Dr. Cem Kozlu International Airline Training Fund

Prof. Gülru Necipoğlu Kafadar Harvard University

Halis Komili Komili Holding

Sevil Sabancı Sabancı Holding

Tuncay Özilhan Anadolu Group

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Arts and Social


Engineering and Natural


Prof. Albert Erkip


Prof. Ahmet ALKAN

We have Focused our Efforts onThree Faculties and the Foundations Development Program


Foundations Development


Prof. Ali ALPAR

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We attract young but experienced Faculty Members

# of Instructors

Average Age

# and %of Native Speakers

Av. Years of Teaching


School of Languages

57 41 23 (41%) 17

TOTAL 159 42,9 136 57% 4,4

Last Place of Work Abroad

Av. Years of Non-Academic

Work Exp.# of

Faculty Av. AgePhD


International Faculty Members / Total = 14%

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Our distinguishing characteristics set us apart

Interdisciplinarity: No Academic Departments!

Opportunity for students to decide on their academic field at the end of sophomore year to choose the degree program and selecting the most appropriate field through:

Acquiring knowledge on different topics Effective tutoring system

Foundations Development Program: School of Languages (English, Turkish and other

second foreign languages) University Courses

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University Courses

Science of Nature Humanity and Society Functions-Discrete and Continuous Major Works Turkish Language and Literature The Making of Modern Turkey English Law and Ethics

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Civic Involvement Projects

Students work in teams, learn leadership skills, creative problem solving and of course learn that they too can do something for society on a practical level.

Partners include over 30 NGOs, the Ministry of Education and Department of Social Services

Projects include a focus on marginalized children, the elderly, refugees, the environment, human rights, and etc.

Civic Involvement Projects; mentoring 17 other universities in the implementation of similar projects.

A mostly student-run, hands-on learning program for social responsibility, participatory democracy, team work

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Computer Science and Engineering

Biological Sciences and Bioengineering

Electronics Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering

Manufacturing Systems Engineering


Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Graduate Degrees

Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Computer Science & Engineering Electronics Engineering Physics Industrial Engineering Materials Sciences and Engineering Mathematics Mechatronics

Undergraduate Degrees

MathematicsMinor Honor Programs Chemistry


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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Undergraduate Degrees

Cultural Studies


Social and Political Sciences

Visual Arts & Visual Communication Design

Conflict Analysis & Resolution

Cultural Studies


European Studies


Political Sciences

Visual Arts & Visual Communication Design

Graduate Degrees

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Faculty of Management


BA in Management

Master of Business Administration - MBA

Executive MBA

Master in Finance

PhD in Management

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Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs

Information Technology

Information Technologies in Management

Leaders for Industry

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“Leaders for Industry Program”

A Joint Program: FENS, FMAN and

11 Partner Companies

Industry Practice: Working for a program partner

company for 6 months

Two Degrees in Two Years:

MSc in Engineering MSc in Management

The first in Turkey :

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A distinctive feature of MBA program: Company Action Projects (CAP)

Team based projects; students required to work on site for six months (2 days per week)

Fully integrated into our program through the Practice development/Practice sharing classes; Just-in-Time seminars; faculty advisors

Student gains are innumerable, including a foundation to become reflective practitioners

Strong demand from industry

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Entrepreneur Development Program


To foster the spirit of entrepreneurship, To educate, guide and support entrepreneurs in the planning,

implementation and management of their established and/or prospective businesses.

Follow-up of post-education performance

Participants: Individuals with innovative ideas or projects wishing to set up their

own business, Entrepreneur executives already managing their own businesses

(SMEs) Entrepreneur researchers

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Executive Development Unit

Focus Areas:

Management training Open enrollment and in-house programs Modular thematic programs International programs Conferences/seminars Retailing program

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Istanbul Policy Center (IPC)

Major Interest Areas:

European Union and Turkey Relations Education (Education Reform Initiative) Governance Turkey-US Relations Conflict Resolution (Coordination of Second

Track Diplomacy activities)

Major Donors and Partner Institutions:Open Society Institute, AÇEV, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Aydın Doğan

Foundation, European University Institute, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED), European

Commission, TESEV, Brookings Institute, Center for European Security Studies (CESS) , World Bank

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Cumulative Growth of Sponsored ResearchFunding (YTL) (2004-2007)

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Percentage Distribution of Research Project

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Individual of Faculty Member FP6 project Budget(€)

FP6 Total Budget of Turkish fund ~70 M €SU pay ~5 %


FP 6 Paired Performance of the Turkish Universities

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We had an outstanding Performance in the 6th Framework

Number of Marie Curie International Re-Integration Grants (IRG): 5

Total Number of FP7 Grants : 8

21 Grants, Total Budget: 3.4 M€ Number one among Turkish Universities

(in terms of Funding per Researcher)

SU 6th Framework Programs (FP6) (2001-2006) Performance:

SU 7th Framework Programs (FP7) (2007-2014):

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TUBITAK Projects – 2007Number of Projects per Faculty Member

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Success Story 1NIH / Global Research Initiative Program for New Foreign

Investigators (GRIP)

Role of CD3delta in T-lymphocyte function PI: Batu Erman

Duration: 2007-2012 Budget: $250.000

The NIH GRIP promotes research projects to address health issues of global importance.

This project will investigate the function of a critical receptor protein complex named T Cell Receptor (TCR) that is found on T lymphocytes which make up the human immune system. We will use molecular and cellular biology techniques to Investigate T lymphocytes in tissue culture and we will generate transgenic animals to examine immune system function.

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Success Story 2 European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)

Installation Grant


This research project aims at identifying novel genesand proteins playing a role in the regulation of an important cellular event

called autophagy.Autophagy abnormalities are observed in human diseases including

Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. Therefore, the outcomes of this project may include discovery of new drug targets, drug-like molecules, new

diagnosis and treatment modalities for major health problems.

Dr. Devrim Gözüaçık, Sabancı University250.000 Euros for 5 years

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Success Story 3Drive and Safety Methods for

New Generation Elevator Systems

R&D project for a Japanese company Duration: 2 years (to be extended) Budget: $105,000

Design and build a linear motor with 200kg Design and build a linear motor with 200kg payload in Turkeypayload in Turkey

Design and build distributed and Design and build distributed and fault tolerant control and drive systemfault tolerant control and drive system

Dr. Ahmet Onat, Sabancı University

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Technopark Venture

Opening Date: 20 December 2005

Major Partners:

Gebze Industrial Zone (GOSB)

Tefen Technopark and Technology

Development Inc., Israel

Sabancı University

Two start-ups established by our students are located at GOSB Technopark

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Established with the purpose of commercializing IP developed at SU through licensing, start-ups and joint ventures

Operations will include IP trading on a larger scale to include commercializing IP developed outside of SU

Formal start of operations: January 2006

Location: GOSB Technopark

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TUSIAD-Sabanci University Competitiveness Forum is a research center formed jointly by the Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (TUSIAD) and Sabanci University.


To help improve the competitiveness of the Turkish industry in international markets

research on competitiveness issues, technology and innovation management related benchmarking studies.

TÜSİAD – Sabancı University Competitiveness Forum

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Campus Life

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Housing plays an important role in our university life...

Students : In 1999 : 189 beds In 2008 : 2400 beds (75%)

Faculty: In 1999 : 40 flats In 2008 : 119 flats (56%)

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Every student is provided witha laptop

Satellite & Telecom Connection (Satellite + 3 Leased Line Connections)

Total: 11,290 Connection Points

Wireless Coverage Area,   - Indoor: 171,405 m²   - Outdoor: 70,596 m²

Web-enabled Academic and Administrative Systems

1,11 Computers / Student

Electronic Access to Information

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Electronic Access to InformationInformation Center

Books 85,690



Periodicals 20,439

E-Book 38,057

E-Thesis 295

E-Literature 1435

98 % of its periodicals collection 96 % of its multimedia collection 30 % of its book collection

are in electronic format.

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We have 45 Student Clubs and 14 Intercollegiate Sports Teams

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Center for Performing Arts

Aims to enrich the cultural life of Istanbul and provide cultural and artistic services to the University's students and staff, as well as to all art appreciators in the region.

Capacity: 912 (One of the biggest center in the Asian Side)

9 performances per month during the Academic year

Total number of performances since 2005: 153

Total number of audience since 2005: 69.000

“Forging The Future Forging Culture ” 2010 İstanbul, Europen Capital of Culture:Total number of audience: 8.000 children

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Collections: Ottoman Calligraphy, Paintings and Antique Objects

Some Previous Exhibitions: Picasso in Istanbul Master Sculptor Rodin in İstanbul Genghis Khan and His Heirs: The

Empire of the Mongols Blind Date Abidin Dino, A World

Sakıp Sabancı Museum

Current Exhibition: Istanbul, Isfahan, Delhi, Three

Capitals of Islamic Art: Masterpieces from the Louvre Collection

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Sakıp Sabancı Lecture: With the Brookings Institution Washington DC On May 8, 2008 By R. Nicholas Burns

Sakıp Sabancı International Research Award:Topic of 2008: The Ottoman Legacy for Contemporary Turkish Culture, Institutions, and Values Award Ceremony: June 9, 2008Winners:

Amy Singer, Chair, Women Studies Forum, Tel Aviv University Maureen Jackson, Comparative Literature, University of Washington Olivier Bouquet, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis

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Thank You!

Duygu Dağ