Download -风生水起 Feng Sheng Shui Qi (烟熏三文鱼鱼生拼盘) Prosperity “Yu Sheng” with Smoked Salmon 八方来宾喜庆财 Ba Fang Lai Bin Xi


风生水起Feng Sheng Shui Qi

(烟熏三文鱼鱼生拼盘)Prosperity “Yu Sheng” with Smoked Salmon

八方来宾喜庆财 Ba Fang Lai Bin Xi Qing Cai

(干贝海味羹)Cantonese-style Braised Sea Treasures

in Thick Supreme Broth

春色满人间 Chun Se Man Ren Jian

(彩椒百合和牛粒)Stir-fried Wagyu Beef with Bell Peppers and Lily Bulbs

三阳开泰San Yang Kai Tai

(蚝豉鲍仔发菜照金袋)Braised Baby Abalone, Dried Oysters,

Black Mushrooms, Garden Greens with Japanese Bean Curd Skin

富贵有余 Fu Gui You Yu (清蒸海青斑)

Hong Kong-style Steamed Green Garoupa

八宝印金冠Ba Bao Yin Jin Guan

(荷香八宝鸡)Traditional Steamed Chicken with Eight Treasures

Wrapped with Lotus Leaf

一家和睦Yi Jia He Mu

(野菌焖伊面)Braised E-Fu Noodle with Mixed Mushrooms

步步高升Bu Bu Gao Sheng

(脆皮炸年糕)Crispy Fried Nian Gao

鸿运连年Hong Yun Lian Nian

(红豆沙汤丸)Red Bean Cream with Sweet Dumplings

Set Menu 1

Php 2,888+



风生水起Feng Sheng Shui Qi

(烟熏三文鱼鱼生拼盘)Prosperity “Yu Sheng” with Smoked Salmon

如意吉祥 Ji Xiang Ru Yi

(干贝蟹肉竹笙翅)Dried Scallops Shark’s Fin Soup

with Bamboo Pith and Crab Meat

喜笑哈哈 Xi Xiao Ha Ha

(百合杞子炒虾球玉带)Stir-fried Prawn Balls and Scallops

with Asparagus Lily Bulb and Wolfberries

三阳开泰San Yang Kai Tai

(蚝豉鲍仔发菜照金袋)Braised Baby Abalone, Dried Oysters,

Black Mushrooms, Garden Greens with Japanese Bean Curd Skin

八宝印金冠Ba Bao Yin Jin Guan

(荷香八宝鸡)Traditional Steamed Chicken with Eight Treasures

Wrapped in Lotus Leaves

富贵有余 Fu Gui You Yu (清蒸海青斑)

Hong Kong-style Steamed Green Garoupa

一家和睦Yi Jia He Mu

(野菌焖伊面)Braised E-Fu Noodle with Mixed Mushrooms

步步高升Bu Bu Gao Sheng

(脆皮炸年糕)Crispy Fried Nian Gao

鸿运连年Hong Yun Lian Nian

(红豆沙汤丸)Red Bean Cream with Sweet Dumplings

Set Menu 2

Php 3,888+



风生水起Feng Sheng Shui Qi

(烟熏三文鱼鱼生拼盘)Prosperity “Yu Sheng” with Smoked Salmon

招财进宝Zhao Cai Jin Bao红灯笼特色盆菜

Red Lantern Treasure Pot A casserole of 12 sea treasures, poultry, vegetables,

sea cucumber, 10-head abalone, fried fish maw, scallops, prawns, dried oysters, black moss, mushrooms, roasted pork, roasted duck,

Chinese cabbage, radish

如意吉祥 Ji Xiang Ru Yi

(干贝蟹肉竹笙翅)Dried Scallops Shark’s Fin Soup

with Bamboo Pith and Crab Meat

喜笑哈哈 Xi Xiao Ha Ha

(百合杞子炒虾球玉带)Stir-fried Prawn Balls and Scallops

with Asparagus Lily Bulb, and Wolfberries

三阳开泰San Yang Kai Tai

(蚝豉鲍仔发菜照金袋)Braised Baby Abalone, Dried Oysters,

Black Mushrooms, Garden Greens with Japanese Bean Curd Skin

富贵有余开门鸿Fu Gui You Yu Kai Men Hong

(清蒸东星斑)Hong Kong-style Steamed Pink Star Garoupa

心想事成Xin Xiang Shi Cheng

(脆皮烤鸭)Crispy Roasted Duck

荷苞满荷塘He Bao Man He Tang

(飘香荷叶饭)Wok-fried Jasmine Rice Wrapped in Lotus Leaves

步步高升Bu Bu Gao Sheng

(脆皮炸年糕)Crispy Fried Nian Gao

鸿运连年Hong Yun Lian Nian

(红豆沙汤丸)Red Bean Cream with Sweet Dumplings

Set Menu 3

Php 6,888+



风生水起Feng Sheng Shui Qi

(烟熏三文鱼鱼生拼盘)Prosperity “Yu Sheng” with Smoked Salmon

招财进宝Zhao Cai Jin Bao红灯笼特色盆菜

Red Lantern Treasure Pot A casserole of 12 sea treasures, poultry, vegetables,

sea cucumber, 10-head abalone, fried fish maw, scallops, prawns, dried oysters, black moss, mushrooms, roasted pork, roasted duck,

Chinese cabbage, radish

大展宏图翅Da Zhan Hong Tu

(紅烧冬茸蟹肉魚翅蟹黃羮)Braised Shark’s Fin Soup with Winter Melon,

Crab Meat, Crab Roe

喜上眉梢 Xi Shang Mei Shao

(上汤焗龙虾)Braised Lobster with Superior Stock

花开富贵 Hua Kai Fu Gui

(蚝豉10头鲍仔扒海参北菇)Braised 10-head Abalone, Sea Cucumber

with Black Mushrooms and Garden Greens

喜笑哈哈 Xi Xiao Ha Ha

(百合杞子炒虾球玉带)Stir-fried Prawns Ball and Scallops

with Asparagus Lily Bulb, and Wolfberries

富贵有余开门鸿Fu Gui You Yu Kai Men Hong

(清蒸东星斑)Hong Kong-style Steamed Pink Star Garoupa

心想事成Xin Xiang Shi Cheng

(脆皮烤鸭)Crispy Roasted Duck

荷苞满荷塘He Bao Man He Tang

(飘香荷叶饭)Wok-fried Jasmine Rice Wrapped in Lotus Leaves

步步高升Bu Bu Gao Sheng

(脆皮炸年糕)Crispy Fried Nian Gao

鸿运连年Hong Yun Lian Nian

(红豆沙汤丸)Red Bean Cream with Sweet Dumplings

Set Menu 4

Php 8,888+



1,988+ per person


Dim SumAll You Can

明爐燒味 House-made Chinese Barbecue

秘制靓叉烧 Barbecued Pork Glazed with Honey Sauce

秘制烧肠 Roasted Homemade Sausage

白卤水汾蹄 Chilled Marinated Sliced Pork Knuckles

芝麻红油海蜇花 Jellyfish with Chili Oil and Sesame

香卤水鸭翅 Marinated Duck Wings in Dark Soya Sauce

卤水豆腐 Braised Bean Curd with Herbal Soya Sauce

沙姜鸡翅膀Marinated Chicken Wing with Kaempferia Ginger

酸辣脆黄瓜 Sliced Cucumber in Hot and Sour Sauce

湯,羹 Soup and Broth

是日汤羹 Soup of the Day

金瑶粟米羹 Sweet Corn Soup with Dry Scallops



Traditional Cantonese Fish Fillet Soup with Chinese Parsley, Mizuni Mushroom, Century Egg

碧玉翡翠羹 Bean Curd Spinach Egg Soup

点心 Dim Sum

鱼翅灌汤饺 Assorted Meat Dumpling with Shark’s Fin

龙虾饺皇 Steamed Crystal Skin Lobster Dumplings

鲍鱼仔烧卖 Steamed Pork Dumpling with Baby Abalone

蜜汁叉烧包 Glazed Fluffy Barbecued Pork Buns

时蔬牛肉球 Steamed Beef Balls with Seasonal Vegetables

豉汁蒸排骨 Steamed Pork Ribs with Black Beans

四川蒸凤爪 Steamed Chicken Feet in Szechuan Sauce

荷叶珍珠鸡 Glutinous Rice with Chicken and Salted Egg

小笼包 Traditional Xiao Long Bao

香滑豆沙包 Steamed Red Bean Bun

香菇虾酱蒸花腩Steamed Pork Belly and Shiitake Mushroom with Shrimp Paste

百花酿鲜菇Steamed Fresh Mushroom with Shrimp Paste in Egg White Sauce

千层紫菜卷Steamed Seaweed Roll with Pork Filling, Shrimp, Asparagus

新年熊猫包 New Year Ratty Bun

肠粉类 Rice Roll

叉烧蒸肠粉 Steamed Rice Roll with Barbecued Pork

香茜鲜虾蒸粉肠Steamed Rice Roll with Shrimps and Coriander

牛肉榨菜翡翠肠粉Steamed Spanish Rice Roll with Minced Beef and Preserved Vegetables

頂湖上素肠Steamed Rice Roll with Lohan-style Mixed Vegetables

煎炸点心 Deep-Fried and Baked

香芒炸虾筒Deep-fried Rice Paper Rolls with Shrimps and Mango

蜂巢荔蓉角Deep-fried Mashed Yam Puff Dumplingwith Chicken and Mushroom

蜜糖叉烧酥 Baked Barbecued Pork Pastries

家乡咸水饺Deep-fried Glutinous Rice Dumpling with Minced Pork

脆炸金菇培根卷 Deep-fried Enoki Mushroom Bacon Roll

锦卤炸云吞 Crispy Shrimp and Pork Wonton


猪肉鲜虾煎包 Shanghai-style Pan-fried Pork and Shrimp Bun

XO煎炒罗卜糕 Pan-fried Turnip Cake with XO Sauce

素点心 Vegetarian Dim Sum

紅菜頭珍菌素 Beetroot and Fungus Dumpling

蒸蘿蔔糕 Steamed Radish Cake

水晶素粉果 Steamed Crystal Dumpling with Vegetables

素菜腐皮卷 Steamed Bean Curd Rolls with Vegetables

潮州粉果 Steamed “Chui Chow” Dumplings

脆皮豆沙包 Deep-fried Red Bean Paste Buns

素菜春卷 Deep-fried Vegetable Spring Rolls

主菜 Main Course

热情沙律虾 Crispy Fried Prawn Salad with Mixed Fruit

西柠煎软鸡Classic Cantonese Fried Chicken with Lemon Sauce

豉汁炒鸡球Sautéed Chicken with Bell Peppers and Black Bean Sauce

宫保鸡球 Kung Pao-style Wok-fried Chicken

东坡肉 Dong Po-style Braised Pork Belly

菠萝古老肉 Sweet and Sour Pork

秘制香排骨Braised Pork Spare Ribs with Red Lantern Special Sauce

蚝皇草菇牛片Wok-fried Beef with Straw Mushroom in Oyster Sauce


牛片Stir-fried Sliced Beef and Celery with Cumin Chili Sauce

蒜茸蒸斑块 Steamed Garoupa Fillet with Garlic

玉米斑片Deep-fried Lapu-lapu Fillet with Sweet Corn Sauce

红烧豆腐 Braised Bean Curd with Mushrooms

蒜容菠菜 Stir-fried Spinach with Garlic

蚝油西生菜 Lettuce with Oyster Sauce

饭及面类 Rice, Noodles, and Congee

蟹肉金菇干烧伊面Braised E-fu Noodles with Crab Meat and Enoki Mushrooms

上海炒面Shanghai-style Fried Noodles with Shredded Pork, Mushroom, Vegetables

扬州炒饭Yang Chow-style Fried Rice with Diced Honey Pork and Shrimps

咸鱼鸡粒炒饭 Fried Rice with Diced Chicken and Salted Fish

姜蓉榄粒炒饭Fried Rice with Seasonal Vegetables and Ginger

是日靓粥 Congee of the Day

甜品 Dessert

杨枝甘露 Chilled Mango Sago with Pomelo

香茅芦荟冻Chilled Lemongrass Jelly With Aloe Vera and Calamansi Juice

椰香西米露 Chilled Coconut Milk and Sago

杏仁滑豆腐 Almond Bean Curd with Fresh Fruits

莲蓉芝麻枣 Sesame Ball with Lotus Paste

鳄梨龙须卷 Kataifi Roll with Avocado

葡式燕窝蛋挞仔 Baked Mini Portuguese Bird’s Nest Egg Tart

新春节节高 Deep Fried Traditional Tikoy

All prices are in PHP, VAT-inclusive, and subject to 10% service charge.

Please inform your order taker if you are suffering from food allergies.

We will do our best to accommodate your dietary preferences.

价格以比索为准,已包含消费税, 需令收10%服务费,

