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RxTraA publication for the staff of Hartford Hospital April 22, 2013 Vol. 69 No. 15

Mitch Bielenda, clinical engineer at HH, and Tessa Mah, a registered dietician here, were

winners in the Enough 5K in New Britain yesterday, a 5K to raise awareness and money for

people who have been victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. Boston Marathon

runners were able to run it free as part of the “Boston Strong” movement. At the Enough 5K, Mitch won in his age group and Tessa was first

female finisher overall. They both also finished the Boston Marathon on Monday.

First HHC Patient Experience Collaborative A SuccessThe first annual HHC-wide Patient Experience Collaborative was held April 12 in Heublein Hall. It was at-tended by hundreds of staff mem-bers from throughout the Hartford HealthCare system.

The keynote speak-er was Carrie Brady, principal of CBrady Consulting. She has worked for 15 years with clinical lead-ers and caregivers in hospitals around the country to im-prove the patient and staff experi-ence, enhance quality and safety, and ensure regulatory compliance.

Also fea-tured was a pan-el discus-sion with four former p a t i e n t s and family members, who shared stories of their expe-riences in H a r t f o r d H o s p i t a l , M i d S t a t e M e d i c a l Center, The Hospital of

Central Connecticut, and Windham Hospital (photo at left.)

There were 46 poster presentations on dis-play, created by staff members from Hart-ford Hospital, Mid-State Medical Center, The Hospital of Central

Connecticut, Windham Hospital and VNA Healthcare.

All were designed to highlight an initiative the staff created to im-prove the patient experience.

The poster presentations will be shared in upcoming issues of the PSAG newsletter.

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Administrative Professionals WeekApril 21-27

Honoring the professionals who make our offices work

There are more than 4.1 million administrative assistants and secretaries working in the United States. They bring order and cohesion to modern offices.

We appreciate these important professionals who get the job done day after day.

National Volunteer WeekApril 21-27

Volunteers Build a Better World

Hartford Hospital has great reason to celebrate our

volunteers and the difference they make for our

patients, families, staff and community.

During the past year, 1,380 volunteers contributed

150,533 hours of service to more than 200 different

areas of Hartford Hospital. The total monetary value

of this donated time is more than $4 million.

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National Laundry and Linen WeekApril 22-26

Making a Difference

National Laun-dry and Linen

Week is a time to recog-nize the efforts of our laundry staff for their contributions

to patient care, and to thank

them for making a


Our Laundry Department provides laundry service to all members of the Hartford HealthCare family, processing more than 11 million pounds of clean linen annually.

National Medical Laboratory Professionals WeekApril 22-26

Laboratory Professionals Get ResultsThis is the 38th annual National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, which recognizes the important

contributions to health care by medical laboratory professionals, pathologists and those who support them. It calls public attention to the vital role they play in patient care. Health care providers depend on laboratory professionals to provide accurate and timely test results that are the foundation of diagnosis and treatment.

In fact, 75% of all medical decisions are based on lab results. The advent of new diagnostic tools and identification of new pathogens are significant contributors to the increased demand and need for medical lab testing.

Clinical Laboratory Partners will host a week of festivities celebrating our amazing laboratory personnel. Congratulations for making CLP one of Medical Laboratory Observer’s Labs of the Year for 2013.

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Come to A Ribbon Cut-ting in the New Garage

There will be a ribbon cutting ceremo-ny for the new Hudson Garage, Barney Fitness Center and Sargent Skybridge on Tuesday, April 23 at 2 p.m. Gather in the lower level of the parking garage. Re-marks will be at 2:15 p.m., followed by refreshments in the Skybridge.

Pancreatic Disease: What’s The Risk for Cancer?

There is a free educa-tional seminar with Hartford Hospital phy-sicians on the impor-tance of pancreatic

cancer prevention, detection and treat-ment on Tuesday, April 23 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Gateway Medical Park, 300 West-ern Blvd, Glastonbury. Registration is re-quired. Please call the Health Referral Service at 860-545-1888. For more infor-mation, please call Hartford Hospital’s Cancer Connect Line at 860.545.6000.

Join This Cancer Study!The American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study (CPS-3) is now enroll-ing participants at Hartford Hospital. The study is designed to better under-stand ways to prevent cancer. Previous studies (CPS-1 and CPS-2) have played a major role in understanding cancer pre-vention. To enroll now, call 1-888-604-5888, visit, or e-mail [email protected]. There will be enrollment events on Wednesday, April 24 from 2-5:30 p.m. in the ERC Infor-mal Lounge; and Friday, April 26 from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Gilman Auditorium. Participants must call or go online to get an appointment for one of the two days.

‘Books Are Fun’ Vendor in Cafeteria The “Books Are Fun” vendor comes to the Hartford Hospital Cafeteria on Thurs-day, April 25 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. You’ll find a grand selec-tion of books and gifts at great savings. Sponsored by the Auxiliary Store.

Celebrating The Life and Legacy of Dr. David Hull

A celebration in memory of Dr. Da-vid Hull, emeri-tus director of the Transplant Pro-gram, will be held Friday, April 26 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at the ERC’s Heublein Hall. Re-marks will begin

at 5:30 p.m. All staff are invited to at-tend. Dr. Hull, the face, voice and hands of the Hartford Hospital Transplant Pro-gram for more than two decades, died Feb. 11. He was 59. For more information about this event, please contact Nadia Woodman at [email protected] or 860-545-2161.

Kidney Walk SundayOver 26 million Americans--1 in 9 adults--have chron-ic kidney disease. The National Kidney Foundation’s Annu-al Kidney Walk will be held on Sunday, April 28 at 9:30 a.m. in Wickham Park, Manchester. Join team Hartford Trans-plant there to call attention to the pre-vention of kidney disease and need for organ donation. Contact Regina Radikas, outreach coordinator for our Transplant Program, at 860-972-4738.

‘Be The Match’ Donor Registry Drive April 30Every day, patients with leukemia hope for marrow donors who can make their transplants possible. Seventy percent don’t have a family donor; they depend on people like you. We will have a regis-try drive on Tuesday, April 30 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. in the Special Dining Room.

To join the registry, you need to be be-tween the ages of 18 and 44; be will-ing to donate to any patient in need; meet the health guidelines; and keep your contact information current with

You can join at the donor registry drive, or online at simply by completing a registration form and giv-ing a swab of your cheek cells so your tissue type can be determined.

For more information, call Cancer Con-nect at 855-255-6181.

Happening at Hartford Hospital

Questions or comments about RxTra? Contact editor Annie Emanuelli at [email protected] or 860-545-2199

Compliance/ Privacy

Questions or Concerns?

If you need to obtain information about compliance/privacy issues or

raise concerns regarding internal and regulatory practices or policies,

please contact your supervisor or call the ComplianceLine, a

confidential and toll-free service, at

1-855-HHC-OCAP or online at