Download - Rupendra Kumar et al, Int.J.Computer Technology ... Survey- An Introduction of Wireless Sensor Network Rupendra Kumar Research Scholar Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology INDIA [email protected]

Page 1: Rupendra Kumar et al, Int.J.Computer Technology ... Survey- An Introduction of Wireless Sensor Network Rupendra Kumar Research Scholar Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology INDIA

A Survey- An Introduction of Wireless Sensor NetworkRupendra Kumar

Research Scholar Kamla Nehru Institute of

Technology INDIA

[email protected]

Awadhesh Kumar Associate Professor

Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology

INDIA [email protected]

Nilesh Chandra Research Scholar

Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology

INDIA [email protected]


Wireless sensor network (WSNs) has important application such as remoting environment monitoring and target tracking .WSNs is a collection of large number of sensor node which sense the data and transmit to base station. These base station is the central hub for wireless network communication between computers. These sensors nodes are implanted with wireless interfaces through which communication with one another to form a network. In this survey, we try to present an outline of wireless sensor networks and their application domains including the challenges that should be keep in mind in order to push the technology further.

In this survey we try to bring out recent development in WSNs from what stated in pre-existing surveys.We do our survey on the leading research projects, journals ,standards ,technologies, and platforms. This paper try to help new researchers entering the domain of WSNs by providing a comprehensive and elaborate survey on recent developments.[2]


Sensor nodes, Sink node, Wireless Sensor Network. 1. INTRODUCTION WSN is a wireless network. which is consist of a base station and number of wireless sensor i.e.(node) in order to sense the temperature, pressure, motion, etc.. in different environment condition. WSN is a large number of heterogeneous sensor node devices spread over a large field. It means that wireless sensing and data networking. Another feature of sensor networks is the group of sensor nodes to create high-quality information about the sensing environment. The features of sensor networks provide a large range of applications such as health, military, and home. The knowledge of these and other sensor network

applications involve wireless ad-hoc networking techniques. while various protocols and algorithms have been propose for habitual wireless ad-hoc networks and also not suitable to the exclusive features and application requirements of sensor networks. then, many routing and data distribution protocols should be designed for sensor networks where the following issues should be measured: Energy Awareness, MAC for Wireless Sensor Networks, Time Synchronization, Power-saving Mode of Operation, Routing.[3][4]

Sensors can be positioned distant from the actual event, i.e., something known by sense observation. In this technique, large number of sensors node that use some difficult activity to decide the targets from environmental noise are required. Sensor node deployed randomly and these node perform sensing task. The location of the sensors and communications topology are carefully engineered. They broadcast time series of the sensed event to the sink nodes where computation are performed and data are integrated. The situation of sensor nodes need not be engineered or pre-determined. This allows random deployment in unreachable terrains or failure relief operations. In this means sensor network protocols and algorithms must possess self-organize capability. The sensor nodes are having limited battery power and it is totally different from usual networks. All the processes those are execute and all the algorithms those are permanent in sensor nodes should consider the fact that energy is the most significant factor in wireless sensor network. assembly sensed information in an energy efficient manner fo r a long period of time, is very significant to operate the sensor network. The energy cost for transmitting a packet depends on the space of transmission. In every round of this data collection application, all data from all nodes need to be collected and broadcast to the base station, where the ending-user can access the data. A simple approach to achieve this task is for each node to transmit its data directly to the base station. Since the

Rupendra Kumar et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 6 (6),926-930

IJCTA | Nov-Dec 2015 Available [email protected]



Page 2: Rupendra Kumar et al, Int.J.Computer Technology ... Survey- An Introduction of Wireless Sensor Network Rupendra Kumar Research Scholar Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology INDIA

base station is placed far away, the cost to transmit to the base station from any node is very high and nodes will die very fast. Therefore, an improved approach should be used for transmissions to the base station and

the amount of data that must be transmitted to the base station so that complete life time of network can be enhanced.

In this Survey paper , in portion 1 we give an introduction of WSNs . Portion 2 contains the elaboration of designing issues and challenges of routing in WSNs. Portion 3 contain the application of WSNs. While last portion contain conclusion and future scope of WSNs.[1]

2. CHALLENGES AND DESIGNING ISSUES IN WSNs:- Since we know that WSNs are random in nature so there are parameter which we must consider while designing of WSNs. Following are the parameter which must be keep in mind while designing of WSNs .

• Deployment of nodes • Power consumption • Heterogenity of network • Random topology • Reliability • Scalabilty • Data redundancy • Medium of transmission • Fault tolerance • Data Aggregation • Quality of Services • Mobility • Cost

2.1 Deployment of nodes-

Deployment of node in WSNs is application dependent and affects the concert of the routing protocol. The operation can be both deterministic or randomized. In deterministic operation, the sensors are physically placed and data is in retreat through pre-determined paths. Other one is random node deployment, the sensor nodes are distribute randomly and build an infrastructure in a way of ad hoc. If the resultant allotment of nodes is not regular, finest clustering becomes necessary to allocate connectivity and allow energy efficient network operation. Inter -sensor communication is generally within small transmission ranges unpaid to energy and bandwidth limitations. So, it is most possible that a route will follow multiple wireless hops.

2.2 Power Consumption:-

Sensor nodes consumes energy performing computations & sending information in a wireless environment. In this power utilization forms of communication and computation are fundamental. Sensor node duration shows a strong confidence on the battery capacity . In WSN, every node plays a role of data router as well as data sender. The faulty of some sensor nodes suitable to power failure can cause significant topological changes and capacity require rerouting of packets and reform of the network.

Rupendra Kumar et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 6 (6),926-930

IJCTA | Nov-Dec 2015 Available [email protected]



Page 3: Rupendra Kumar et al, Int.J.Computer Technology ... Survey- An Introduction of Wireless Sensor Network Rupendra Kumar Research Scholar Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology INDIA

2.3 Heterogeneity of network-

In various studies, all sensor nodes were contained to be homogeneous and having equal capability in conditions of estimate, communication, and power varying from application to applications. The maintenance of heterogeneous set of sensors increase many technical issues related to data routing. In this sensors can be either deployed separately or the different functionalities can be integrated in the same sensor nodes. still data reading and reporting can be produce from these sensors at different charge subject to diverse quality of service constraint, and can pursue multiple data coverage models. For example, hierarchical protocols allocate a cluster head node different from the normal sensors. In this cluster heads can be special from the other normal sensors or can be more efficient than other normal sensor nodes in expressions of energy, bandwidth, and memory. Then, the load of transmission to the sink node is managed by all of cluster-heads.[5]

2.4 Random topology:-

In a term of nonrandom topology, the communication channels continue available whenever the sensors need to communicate. Still, in typical sensor networks the bandwidth is controlled and the channels are faulty. The nonrandom topology no longer is a sensible model; an substitute model that makes sense in many applications is the elimination link model: by each iteration, a connection between sensors and is online or offline with probability and respectively. If, with the protocol time window no acknowledgement packet is received. The packet is assumed to be dropped or lost, corresponding to an removal or link failure.

2.5 Reliability:-

A different type of protocols have been proposed using different techniques to manage with the challenge of achieve reliability in wireless sensor networks. We consider the methods concerned in creating the overall reliability technique and locate the best possible combination of the available options by means three-dimensional (3D) reference model to classify the work done on providing reliability in WSNs. The 3D reliability reference model will be extended to perform in-depth analysis, pointing out the unknown and efficient combination of the techniques to meet the challenge of achieving reliability in WSNs. Accessible

data transmission reliability protocols belong mostly to one of two techniques which are consist to retransmission or redundancy. In this techniques ensure reliability by improving the lost data using a hop-by-hop or an end-to-end method, At the same time as adopting either packet or event level consistency based on the application requirements.[6]

Fig 2- A three-dimensional (3D) reference model for research in WSN reliability.

2.6 Scalability- Scalability is directly proportional to the sensor nodes placed in the target area ranging from hundreds or thousands, or more. Any routing system must be performs efficiently with this large number of sensor nodes. Main purpose of scalability is performance does not decrease with increase in number of node in network. Awaiting an event occurs, most of the sensors can continue in the sleep state, by data from active sensors nodes giving common quality.

2.7 Data redundancy:-

An Efficient Data Redundancy Reduction (EDRR) scheme can used to extend the life time of sensor nodes on wireless sensor networks. Generally, in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), more energy is needed for transmitting data. In this process when a sensor node degrade or a new node is scaled to the network, the conjugative arrangement scheme evaluates the route maintenance algorithm. Remain power levels of nodes have been examined for increasing the network lifetime. This data redundancy reduction scheme basically utilizes Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) technique.

Rupendra Kumar et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 6 (6),926-930

IJCTA | Nov-Dec 2015 Available [email protected]



Page 4: Rupendra Kumar et al, Int.J.Computer Technology ... Survey- An Introduction of Wireless Sensor Network Rupendra Kumar Research Scholar Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology INDIA

2.8 Medium of transmission:-

In a multi-hop sensor network, all nodes are connected by a wireless medium. Generally, due to prone problems in wireless channel (e.g., fading, high error rate) also affect the process o f the sensor network. Basically due to low bandwidth of WSNs of the order of 1-100 kb/s ,medium of transmission has major impact on the design of medium access control (MAC).

2.9 Fault tolerance:-

Fault tolerance is important in situation when sensor nodes may degrade or become passive due to require of power, physical damage, or environmental intrusion. So, the failure of sensor nodes should not affect the generally task of the sensor network. If various nodes fail, MAC and routing protocols must contain setting up of new links and paths to the data collection base stations(BS) . It is require efficiently using transmit powers and transmitting rates on the open paths for better energy consumption, or rerouting of packets through region of the network where more energy is presented. So, multiple levels of redundancy may be required in a fault-tolerant sensor networks.

2.10 Data Aggregation:-

Data Aggregation process means a sensor nodes may generate significant redundant data, when a similar type of packets from multiple nodes can be combined so that the number of transmission is reduced. Data aggregation is the gathering of data from different sources according to a various aggregation functions ,i.e , duplicate suppression, minima, maxima and average. This process is used to achieve energy efficiency and optimization of data transfer in a various routing protocols. Other one is a Signal processing methods which is also used for data aggregation. In this container, it is referred to as data combination where a node has capacity of producing a more perfect output signal. In these signal we combine the incoming signals from techniques such as beamforming and help in reducing the noise.

2.11 Quality of Services:-

In this process means data should be delivered within definite period of time as soon it is sensed, otherwise the data will be useless. So delimited latency for data

delivery is another creteria for time-controlled applications but in many applications, saving of energy, is directly proportional to network lifetime, is considered more significant than the quality of sent data. Therefore, energy-aware routing protocols are required to confine this requirement.

2.12 Mobility:-

The term mobility means the combination of mobility with wireless networks seriously expands the application space of both machine and distributed sensor networks; such a pervasive system can permit faultless combination between the digital and physical worlds. But, there are a number of issues in both robotic and wireless sensor network (WSNs) fields that require research, and their combination generates further challenges.

2.13 Cost:-

It is no disclosure that industries about the world are moving toward the implementation of wireless sensor networks which, different to their wired counterpart are readily deployed with minimum effort while providing clear advantages in cost, size, power, mobility and flexibility. So, in this process is consist to the cost and hassle of install and maintaining wired systems has incited many industries to hug wireless sensors, creating a demand for easy-to-use, application specific, wireless sensor networks system. In this systems designers are being asked to provide low-cost, high-performance simply deployed WSNs that change the way business processes are managed and monitored.

3. Wireless sensor network is progress technology and it is known as application oriented technology. Using WSNs Technology we can develop various applications for performing some specific task. There are various applications for WSN such as Health application, Environmental Application, Military application and Home and Office application.

Applications of WSNs:-

3.1 Health Application :- WSNs is use for monitoring various health parameter, chronic disease and also used in various hospital sensor.

I. Monitoring:- WSNs used for measuring glucose level, heart rate and also use in detection of cancer.

Rupendra Kumar et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 6 (6),926-930

IJCTA | Nov-Dec 2015 Available [email protected]



Page 5: Rupendra Kumar et al, Int.J.Computer Technology ... Survey- An Introduction of Wireless Sensor Network Rupendra Kumar Research Scholar Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology INDIA

II. Chronic Disease:- Wireless sensor network application also use for treatment for chronic disease such as artificial retina and Cochlear implants.

III. Hospital Sensor:- WSNs sensor node use for sensing data for monitor vital signs and record anomalies.

3.2 Environmental Application:- WSNs also use for environmental issues such as detection of forest’s fire, Mapping of bio complexity for environmental and also use for air and water pollution detection. WSNs also use for flood detection and precision agriculture.

3.3 Military Application:- In military application WSNs use for monitoring own force and enemy force movement and also use in ammunition and equipment.

3.4 Home And Office Application:- In modern days WSNs technology also use for home and office. WSN use in build smart environment and home/office automation.

3.5 Habitat Tracking:- WSNs provide a way to track and monitor the habitat movement and behavior in the area where set up of network is not easily feasible.

3.6 Disaster Prevention:- With the help of sensor nodes ,WSNs is able to predict the seismic behavior of earthquakes and prevent the disaster effect of earthquakes as much as possible.

3.7 Crime Prevention:- With the help of WSNs , crime prone area is easily tracked and monitor and we can easily prevent crime occurrence.

3.8 Agriculture Application:- . Water systems are monitored by pressure transmitters sensors to monitor level of water-tank, and pumps can be monitor and managed by wireless input output sensor devices and data can be transmitted to a central control wirelessly.


In this paper we tried to give an overview of Wireless Sensor Network. Due to advancement in technology there is need of many applications that can be easily feasible with WSNs. We also tried to elaborate what are the designing challenges and issues while setting up of WSNs. Since we know that WSNs is random in nature so designing issue plays major impact as it directly affect the performance of WSNs.

. Conclusion and Future Scope:-

For future perspective , we can categorized different types of WSNs routing protocol on the nature of sensor nodes whether it is homogeneous or heterogeneous. We can also consider mobility of sensor nodes as well as sink node for future work.



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Rupendra Kumar et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 6 (6),926-930

IJCTA | Nov-Dec 2015 Available [email protected]

