Download - Rudimental waiting all night writing

Page 1: Rudimental waiting all night writing

Rudimental Waiting All NightUse of cameraCamera movement includes a tracking to the event that the song lyrics are based on ( an accident on a bike) close up shots are used to show the facial expressions of the characters, for example the casualty looking as though he is much pain this connotes that the accident is serious aswell close up shots of his friends looking concerned but also having a laugh connote that they are helping him get through the pain of the accident and this portrays to us a loyal supporting friendship.

Pace and Rhythm of EditingThe edit appears to be continuity edit as it is a linear video with a normal sequence of clips. The pace and rhythm matches the video as it builds up until when he's out of hospital and the pace and rhythm get faster. It connotes someone building up his or her strength and a journey the character is going through to get better.

Genre IngredientsIt is very typical of the drum and bass genre to have fast pace and rhythm editing, as the songs are very upbeat. In this music video I noticed that the pace at the beginning starts off slow and gradually speeds up whereas in the other videos they start off quite upbeat and fast pace. Another popular genre ingredient is free hand recording, which gives a sense of reality to the videos in this genre.

Audience and TextThe fans of Rudimental are connected with the artist’s personal experiences and they can relate to them if they have been through something similar. This creates a stronger bond between Rudimental and their fans.

Page 2: Rudimental waiting all night writing

Type of video and LyricsThe video and lyrics do link together as the song is about someone pulling through an accident and being supported by their friends. The lyrics and video are in the supporting friends perspective. As they are real life settings the audience can connect and relate to the lyrics and video in a deeper depth.