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RSVP Trust

P O Box 55



IP14 1UG

[email protected]

01449 711 726

God has invited everyone to a party that’s out of this world. But he’s waiting for your response - your RSVP.RSVP Trust was founded in 1994 to share good news of God’s love to the world.Jesus didn’t come to rub it in. He came to rub it out and give everyone a new hope in life and a fresh start.

We believe the word of God is powerful in transforming lives and situations.

We believe Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever. That he still heals sickness and disease, opens blind eyes and releases miraculous power to restore human bodies.

We expect miracles. We rely on them.

We also believe that Jesus is pas-sionate about breaking the curse of poverty in the world.

We have many ministries of helps both in the UK and Africa and other parts of the world.

We fund education for children in severe poverty, built and main-tain the House of Mercy orphanage, feed hundreds of street children every week, sponsor a Family Cen-tre for vulnerable women, feed the starving and help wherever we can.

We are currently preparing to install much needed clean water supplies to a remote area of Kenya.

We want to be good news as well as speaking good news.

We reach into the world through podcasts, blogs, books, video and other media.

This is RSVP. We are funded entirely by gifts and donations of our partners - individuals like you. Without your partnership, none of this would happen.

What is the RSVP Trust?

RSVP Trustteaching the kingdom / helping the poor

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Introverts are called and gifted by God. But many churches tend to be extroverted places where introverts are marginalized. Some Christians end up feeling like it’s not as faithful to be an introvert.

Adam McHugh shows how introverts can live and minister in ways consistent with their personalities. He explains how introverts and extroverts process information and approach relationships differently and how introverts can practice Christian spirituality in ways that fit who they are. With practical

illustrations from church and parachurch contexts, McHugh offers ways for introverts to serve, lead, worship and even evangelize effectively.

Introverts in the Church is essential reading for any introvert who has ever felt out of place, as well as for church leaders who want to make their churches more welcoming to introverts. Discover God’s call and empowering to thrive as an introvert, for the sake of the church and kingdom.

Don was recently invited to lecture on healing at Watford School of Theology. Students were enthusiastic and several said they had been greatly inspired to step out in faith to pray for people to be healed. “It was great to catch up with my old friend Greg Downes, the Director of WSL” said Don.

It was great to have a visit from Mark Russell, CEO of Church Army recently and renew the Church Army connection.

“It was such a pleasure for Sam and I to visit you in Stowmarket last week. We were so moved by the stories of your ministry, and how RSVP is making a difference to so many lives around the world. Thank you so much for being a blessing and an inspiration to me.”

Mark Russell - CEO Church Army

RSVP has been hosting a

series of monthly meetings

in Stowmarket where people

come, have coffee, worship,

hear a word of inspiration and

have opportunity to receive

healing ministry.Dates for next meetings are:

13 October, and 10 November.

There will be no meeting in

December. Dates for 2011 will

be announced in November.

RSVP Book Recommendation

Watford School of

Church Army CEO visit

Junction 50


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Equipping People as

Pioneering Missionary Leaders

It has become apparent that to Alison that there is a need to equip people who would love to be practioners of mission and trained in Biblical knowledge across the world for ministry. Many in the developing world are frustrated and unable to move forward for one reason or another; many would like training but are confined by poverty and have

Churches, and families they cannot leave.

Alison has a vision to equip missional leaders around the world who will go on to equip others for the works they are called to’ connecting with the lost, preaching the gospel, making disciples and helping the poor

From her experience after twelve years of mission travel many are struggling through lack of knowledge. The Bible School is one that will offer courses that are culturally relevant and where students can be equipped in their mission context; we will travel to the people to deliver the material. It will cause a “breakout” mentality with regards to mission and will empower the everyday person to be a missionary for the kingdom.

CoursesMission Mindsets // Discipleship to Missionary // Prayer // Mission practise // Evangelism // Relationships // Communication // Old Testament overview // New Testament overview // How to interpret Scripture // Spirituality // Books of the Bible overview // Holy Spirit // Personal Development // Church Planting // Pastoring // Leadership.Other courses will be added as relevant.

The Bible School will be launched this year and will travel to Uganda in December, and then Kenya, Rwanda and Asia next year.

RSVP Trust

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This year Alison has been given the opportunity to speak in prisons evangelistically using her story of Gods Mercy in her own life. This year she has visited HMP Downview in Surrey for a day. Many came to hear God’s story and Alison’s encounters with Him. After she preached, many decided to follow Jesus. Alison also spent personal time talking with some of the women who were troubled. She spoke to two women who

were exploring Buddhism as an option. Alison was able to speak to them about how following Jesus also requires practises such as contemplation and reflection and

recommend some Christian authors who have written on this topic. Others she spoke to were struggling with forgiveness of themselves and she was able to minister the truth of Gods word to them. She is looking forward to visiting other prisons.

The purpose of this network is to equip and encourage women to be involved in frontline evangelism all around the world. Earlier in the year we held our first gathering in Kenya and we are planning to expand into other nations.

The UK gathering had an excellent morning of networking, training and even breakfast together in June. We had forty women attend and received training on hearing and communicating the voice of God to everyday people on the street from our guest speaker Michelle Smith and her team from “ Wellspring Church” Norfolk.

“I loved the female evangelist morning. Spending time with fellow believers, speaking into each other’s lives encouraging and uplifting one another! Could have happily stayed all day.” Lindsey Southgate

“A Get out of your comfort zone breakfast meeting. We were all encouraged by the morning of witnessing God speaking truth to His people. It has amazed me and excited me and I am left asking the question, what next Lord?” Marie Salmons

The next gathering is booked for Thursday 14th Oct 7pm at the Cedars Hotel, Stowmarket. The evening will include coffee, three learning zones, worship and an open question forum.For more information please contact RSVP:

Prisons: Mercy Tour

Female Evangelist Network

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RSVP Chaplaincy

This ministry has been finding ways of connecting and sharing Jesus to vulnerable women

who have been exploited by prostitution since 2004. Many of these women are seeking to exit that exploiting and dangerous lifestyle and finding hope.

We continue to meet with them in their work places or homes to pray with them.

Rebecca comments “To me it brings comfort and joy knowing that there are people out there who care about me. They don’t have to. When we met we were strangers and now we are friends, you share love and your faith and this makes me feel special.”Rebecca loves it when we stand, hold hands and pray together.

So many women who have entered this lifestyle around the world have an impression that they do not matter and have little self - esteem. But God loves them

“For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life”John3: 16.

He knows what drives people to be in such places and desperate. We can’t fix people

but we can take that piece of Good News and encourage them to rely on Jesus as their saviour.

[email protected]

01449 711 726

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“ “ RSVP Healing Conference


We had a blessed time with Roy Todd and his wife Lydia at the RSVP Healing Conference in Ipswich.Roy and Don Egan taught at 3 sessions in the morning and afternoon. Roy then ministered powerfully and people were healed from sickness, pain and fear. Many gave testimony to the healing in their bodies.CDs and DVDs will soon be available so keep a watch on our website or future mailings for details.

“We’re still buzzing!”

Hi Don, After attending your recent healing conference in ipswich, and experiencing God at work first hand

if i can put it like that. I have never been a really true believer but after receiving healing and being pain free for the first time in nearly a year I

could never now doubt Gods spirit and

his ability not only to heal,but to love us all. And he is only a prayer away, and guess what? He doesn’t charge and there is enough for every one. We now attend Mildenhall Baptist church regularly and enjoy God and enjoy his love.Kind regards, Dave

“Great worship time!”“I feel so refreshed!”

“What a wonderful day!”

“It was such a blessing!”

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In the gospel of Mark chapter 2 we read of a strange encounter between Jesus and a paralysed man.This man had 4 friends who evidently had great faith that, if they could get him to Jesus, their friend would be healed of his paralysis. This man, lay on a stretcher, had 3 encounters which we too, when we seek healing, may also encounter.Many who hinderedThe house Jesus was speaking in was packed and the crowd overflowed

around the house. Everyone was pushing and pressing to see and hear Jesus. When the 4 friends arrived with their friend on the stretcher, no one gave way or allowed them to pass through the crowd.When we are looking for healing, we will encounter many who hinder our search, stand in our way and tell us to give up and turn back.Few who helpedBut this man also had a few friends who were determined to help him get to Jesus.

Going through the roof

Jesus didn’t come to rub it in. He came to rub it out.

He came to set you free to reach your full potential.

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I imagine they tried to get to the door, then every window but it was not possible due to the unhelpful crowd.At this point many would have turned back an concluded this was just not his day.But, no, these friends pressed on! On to the roof! Broke the roof and made a hole big enough to pass a man through. I’m not sure what the householder thought. Breaking the roof, interrupting the speaker making bits of the ceiling fall on his head...?!But God seems to respond to that kind of persistent faith. He likes it. When did Jesus act? “When he saw their faith...” v5.One who healedAt last they had the attention of Jesus. But, strangely, Jesus declares that the paralysed man’s sins are forgiven. This causes a stir because who can forgive sin but God?Then, Jesus, showing, I believe, that forgiveness and healing are from the same source, ask which is easier to say, ‘Forgiven’ or ‘Healed’? Meaning that he has power to do both.

He also shows that we have a greater need than our physical healing - we need our sins forgiven by God. We need healing for our soul. We need to be restored in our relationship with God.This man was crippled in his body and it was obvious. Some people are fine

as far as their body is concerned. But they’re crippled on the inside. That’s not always as obvious at first but it

does affect the whole of our life.As the prophet John Lennon sang, “The one thing you can’t hide, is when you’re crippled inside.”Jesus didn’t come to rub it in. He came to rub it out. He came to set you free to reach your full potential.So what’s your need today? Is it physical healing or a healing of the heart?Whatever it is, Jesus responds, “Which is easier to say -’Your sins are forgiven’ or ‘Rise up and walk!’”Speak to him today. I believe he will meet you at the point of your need.

Don Egan

Jesus didn’t come to rub it in. He came to rub it out.

He came to set you free to reach your full potential.

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The autobiography of Don Egan, founder of the RSVP Trust. When tragedy struck it looked like it was all over. But then an amazing opportunity opened up in Africa to transform thousands of lives. And so the RSVP Trust was born.The book also tells of Don’s search for miracles and how the blind received their sight as Don prayed for them.

“The moving story of an ordinary man following the extraordinary call of God. A joyful and tearful roller-coaster that will cause you to reflect about your own life.’’ J. John

“ WOW what a read. I laughed, I cried, I laughed again and several times just read with my jaw dropped open.”A.C. - Felixtowe

Beautiful on the Mountains


Don preached and ministered on healing at the Church on the Way at Hotel La Laguna in Quesada in Spain recently. Churches in Spain are undergoing some persecution and 2 churches were recently

banned by the government for alleged ‘noise pollution’.During the ministry time, a lady with painful knees said , “All the pain disappeared as you prayed!”

Mission Spain

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Yes we know it’s still Summer but we want to let you know about a new resource from RSVP.Don Egan has written a new Christmas booklet based on an idea by Mark Greenwood. The booklet takes the familiar story of Dicken’s Christmas Carol and relates it to peoples lives.Everywhere Don and Mark have shared this message, it’s had a great impact.

We are making this resource available at £10 for 20 copies.A great Christmas giveaway. Why not include one in your Christmas cards or use as a stocking filler?


The evening will include coffee, three learning zones & worship.

If you are interested in coming along please contact the office o

book your place: [email protected]

RSVP Trustteaching the kingdom / helping the poor

Thursday 14th Oct 7pm at The Cedars Hotel, Stowmarket.

An evening to inspire, motivate, equip and harness the gifts for those engaged in direct evangelism.

Inspire & be inspired

Don Egan

Based on an idea by Mark Greenwood

Christmas?what's that about?Christmas?what's that about?

Christmas? What's that about?Christmas? What's that about?Price£10

for 20 copies

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How does RSVP Child sponsorship work?Basically we are in touch with some little children in Africa. They have no hope for the future as they were born in crippling poverty. There is no social services or benefits and

school and health care are not free.RSVP connects people like you with a particular child. For 70p a day – the price of a daily newspaper – you become an amazing person in the life of your sponsored child as you give them the opportunity for education, proper food, medical care and other cool stuff they only dreamed of like... shoes and a school uniform.All the little people pictured here (and a few more who aren’t) need the love and care of a sponsor from the UK. Will you become a Child Sponsor?

How long do I sponsor for?RSVP is committed to helping these children right through Primary School and through to the end of High School. That’s obviously a long commitment. But sponsors can sponsor as long as they like or just sponsor for part of the time. We’ll find

another sponsor if you feel you want to stop. So there’s no pressure to continue beyond what you’re happy with.

“My life was totally transformed by RSVP! I was lost, looking after cows in the middle of nowhere with no future and

no hope. Today, I am at University studying to be a Pastor thanks to RSVP Sponsorship.”John Ndahiro

these little children today!

Transform the life of one of

Hazel Egan with John Ndahiro

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To all our dear supporters through RSVP Trust

It has been such a great moment of seeing God’s marvellous work in the lives of different women who were in the program. Such unspeakable joy to all of us who were present on the graduation day, seeing vulnerable women who had no hope for the future now achieving a goal in life for the first time.

70 women enrolled last year and we are glad that 65 women graduated successfully and went home with their certificates.

We thank God for those who graduated. It is a miracle for every single woman among these to make it to the end. They go through a lot as HIV positive women, single mothers, widows, women without families but depending on good Samaritans for a living. Some of them had unsupportive or abusive husbands, sick babies, generally most of them were struggling financially,

physically and spiritually but to see these women graduate, it is by the grace of God.It is our prayer that these women will soon get good jobs and earn enough income so they can be able to financially

support themselves and their families. Truly it is always exciting to see a vision come to pass, in comparison to where we started from, there is absolutely no way we would reach this far if it was not for God and special people like RSVP partners who were willing to be used by God.We can not say thank you enough times, all we know, only God rewards such deeds.

Florence M. MugishaANLM Women’s Director

Thank you!from New Life Family Centre

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Urgent water well appeal!RSVP Trustwww.rsvptrust

“If anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.”Matthew 10:42



Reg Charity no. 1093860

In the area of Urimba Village, in Kenya, 30,000 people live without clean water. Many of them have to walk 3 miles every day to get water and that water is polluted. Children regularly die because of drinking polluted water. Disease affects many adults too.

These people have been largely forgotten as they live in a poor remote area. But we believe everyone should have access to clean water.

We can stop the sickness and death now by installing a water pump that will give the people access to pure clean water. The cost of boring a well and installing a water pump is £5,000. We already have enough for 1 pump but we want to install at least 4 water pumps in this area. So we are aiming to raise £20,000 for four pumps.

If you want to be part of this life saving mission please partner with us, through telling others and making a donation of any amount. The villagers will really appreciate it.

To be part of this life-giving project complete the reply slip below and send it with your donation or donate online at Thank you.

RSVP Trust well appealYes! I want to be part of this life-giving project!

I enclose my gift of £ payable to RSVP Trust.



Please tick this box if you are a tax payer and would like to Gift Aid this donation.Please send your donation to: The RSVP Trust FREEPOST NAT 5321, P O Box 55, STOWMARKET, IP14 1ZZ

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Support the ministry of RSVP TrustAs a charity, RSVP Trust is dependent upon donations for its work. You can help expand and sustain our efforts through financial support. You can give directly

by cheque, Standing Order or online.

We want to continue reaching the world with good news in word and deed. We want to continue taking the light of Christ into dark places. We realise that there are many other requests and needs to consider, but we are convinced that helping people to discover new life in Jesus is of primary importance.

To give online go to our website:

My Response

Please fill in your details and the relative section below. Please also complete the Gift Aid declaration at the bottom of this page.

Your Name



I enclose a one off donation of to RSVP (please complete Gift Aid section below)

I would like to partner with RSVP by making a regular donation.(Please complete Standing Order details below.)

Partnership Form

Bank Name,



Bank Account Number: Sort Code: - -Start Date:Please deduct £ from the above account on the day of each month until further notice.Pay this sum to the account of “RSVP Trust” at Barclays Bank, Stowmarket,Sort Code: 20-82-75, Account Number: 60254932Signed: Date:

GIFT AID DECLARATIONPlease tick this box if you are a UK tax payer and would like us to Gift Aid your

donations, increasing your gift by 28% at no cost to you. If you wish to Gift Aid please sign the declaration below. That’s all there is to it!

I agree that RSVP can treat this and all donations I make from the date signed asGift Aid donations until I notify you otherwise.Signed: Date:

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Follow us on Facebook. RSVP has its own Facebook page where you can find occassional updates

and inspirational quotes on your Facebook wall.

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RSVP is upto

The clever thing about podcasts is that progammes like iTunes can collect them and deliver new episodes to you without you having to check for

ReadHundreds of inspiring articles on faith, healing and life are available on Don’s

ConnectGet more information on the work of RSVP Trust from our


Subscribe FREE to get RSVP expresso email to get a short fortnightly faith building email from Don Egan.

You can also subscribe FREE to Alison’s Sacred Space faith building email group.Please visit our website to sign up!

ListenHear talks by Don Egan in iTunesIf you don’t have iTunes you can download it FREE for Windows or Mac.What is a podcast?A podcast is just a fancy name for a group of sound files. Most internet sound files are mp3 format

because most computers, ipods and mp3 players will play them.You do not have to have an iPod to listen to a podcast. You can listen to podcasts on anything that plays mp3s including your computer. Once the podcast is downloaded, it’s just an mp3.