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Rock Spring CongregationalUnited Church of Christ

5010 Little Falls Rd. Arlington, VA703-538-4886

The Rock Spring NewsNovember 2012 Vol. 08 No.11

anTHonY roBinson To PreacH &FaciliTaTe conGreGaTional MeeTinG aT rock sPrinG

on DeceMBer 2

Tony is an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ who has served four congregations, the most recent of which was Plymouth Congregational/ UCC in Seattle, Washington (1990 - 2004). In 2004 he established The Robinson Practice LLC. Today his ministry is as a speaker and teacher, consultant and coach, author and blogger whose mission is to “Strengthen Congregations and their Leaders.” He is a Senior Consultant with the Center for Progressive Renewal in Atlanta, and coordinates the Resource Center for Ministry team of The Samaritan Center of Seattle, Washington.

Tony travels throughout North America to speak to congregations, conferences, and at continuing education events. He consults with congregations and their leaders.

As our year-long centennial celebration comes to a close, we will welcome Anthony Robinson, a child of Rock Spring, to our pulpit on December 2.

Pictured here is Tony Robinson today, and also in Rock Spring’s youth group circa1966. Following the service, we will have a congregational lunch at which Tony will facilitate a conversation with us about next steps for our congregational life together.

He has taught at a number of seminaries including Emmanuel College/ Toronto School of Theology, Vancouver School of Theology, Seattle Pacifi c University, Andover Newton Theological School, and Seattle University. He is the President of Congregational Leadership Northwest, a Seattle-based ecumenical group that offers leadership education and development courses and resources for leaders of religious congregations. Tony is the author of twelve books. His most recent book, co-authored with Robert W. Wall, is “Called to Lead: Paul’s Letters to Timothy for a New Day” (Eerdmans, 2012).

He enjoys cycling, kayaking, gardening, hiking and backpacking, touch football, various Northwest micro-brews, and red wine.

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Embracing Our FuturE tOgEthEr

Rock Spring News November 2012 2

As discussed at the October 14 Budget Goals Meeting,we have great aspirations as we look toward our next 100 years. We invite you to participate in

building upon the “foundations firmly laid” by the many who have given of themselves.

Pledging is one very important way that we individually and as a congregation enable the church to make fundamental decisions about our priorities to fulfill our values.

This year we are seeking “faith-promises” rather than pledges.

What is the difference? A faith-promise is a personal commitment that is known only to the pledger and God. The focus is on each person making an intentional decision. This decision is conveyed with a commitment

card that is torn into separate sections and placed into separate plates so that the church knows who has made a commitment (without amounts) and amounts committed (without names). If

you choose to make your commitment in this way, financial statements from the church will reflect only the amount received not the amount pledged. If you would like for your statement to serve as an invoice then you may keep the sections of the commitment card together and the financial secretary will record the amount. As in past years, you may communicate your

intentions via a conventional card or online via

As we make life-giving choices for our congregation for the century ahead, we hope you will take this opportunity to reflect on your involvement —your time, talents, and treasure —and

deeply and intentionally consider your participation. Join us on November 18 as we celebrate the many gifts of time, talent, and treasure shared through Rock Spring.

Thank you for your faithful generosity!

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nOvEmbEr WOrship highlights

November 4: All Saints DayCelebration of the saints with special recognition of the members of Rock Spring who have passed away during the past year

November 11: World Peace SundayRock Spring Congregational UCC, the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, and Congregation Etz Hayim in Arlington have declared November 11, 2012 to be World Peace Sunday! We will have two peace-themed services on November 11 at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. The 11:00 a.m. service will include participation from Dar Al-Hijrah and Congregation Etz Hayim. As many of you recall, on September 11, 2011, Rock Spring and Dar Al-Hijrah held a memorable combined worship service that brought together teachings and traditions from both of our faiths. This year we are excited to have Congregation Etz Hayim join us so that we can host what is truly an Abrahamic Faiths World Peace Sunday. The service, entitled “Common Ances-try, Common Journey: Following Abraham, Forging Peace,” will feature elements from each of our faiths including a Muslim call to prayer and the blowing of the shofar and homilies by clergy from each congregation. It will also include a chil-dren’s message after which children in elementary school and younger may leave for a special interfaith children’s program. We hope and expect that the service will provide all who attend with feelings of hope, peace, and connectedness.

The service will be followed by a potluck lunch in Carpenter Hall. We are asking Rock Springers to provide the meal for this celebration, a potluck of vegetarian dishes, which the World Peace Committee may complement by the purchase of halal meat dishes. Since we’ll have participation from Congregation Etz Hayim as well as Dar Al Hijrah, the dietary restrictions are tricky. To avoid non-kosher pairings, our Jewish guests will be eating only from the vegetarian selections so we are asking that that any potluck dishes have absolutely no meat products, including broth or lard. Dairy and eggs are fine. Please bring enough food for your family plus a few more people; also provide a label describing the dish as well as a serving spoon or fork. Let’s spread a lavish board for our Muslim and Jewish friends!

November 18:Consecration Sunday/ Thanksgiving SundayAll choirs will help lead worship on this day when we celebrate the many ways people participate in the life of the congregation.

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On Saturday, October 20, Michael Piazza and Cameron Trimble led a Church Vitality Day here at Rock Spring for leaders from Rock Spring and other churches in our conference. There are many ideas that stick with me from the conference and from Michael’s inspiring sermon on Sunday. Among them:

• “The church is ever-reforming, not reformed”• “Welcome needs to be an active word! It is time to take off our bibs and put on our aprons!”• “If no one will die ... give it a try.”• “You can always have your own way if you have enough ways.”• “Consistent persistence is vital.”• “We need to stop being consumers and become producers.”• “We must come to peace about how we think of money.”• “Money is not a four-letter word.”

I could write a different refl ection on each of these, but today will focus only on the last two. During this year’s stewardship campaign, the committee is asking each of us to be intentional about what we give of ourselves to God through Rock Spring. “Intentional” is a big word for me. Life is too precious and there are too many choices we have every single day to not live with purpose. I have found that when I make intentional choices even hard work and sacrifi ce become a joy, because I can see how my choices fi t within a larger framework.

We rarely talk about money in the church even though it is a prominent theme in scripture. Money itself is value-neutral but what we do with it refl ects what we value the most. What do you value most? How do you want your time, and the way you invest your gifts and your money to make a difference? In worship on Sunday, November 4, Dale and I will share with you some of our own process about how we decide to make personal and joint contributions.

Grace and peace,


Rev. Kathy Dwyer

Intentional Choices

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With our annual Stewardship Campaign underway, I’ve been refl ecting upon the theme “Embracing our Future Together.” For me personally, this inspires so much excitement and energizes me to roll-up my sleeves and engage. I’ll not deny that this has been a challenging year to serve as Council President. There have been diffi cult conversations to have, diffi cult news to deliver, and diffi cult feedback to hear. Nevertheless, I am energized to “embrace our future together.”

During October, the Council members shared refl ections on accomplishments, lessons learned, and what’s next as we look forward to the new year and century ahead. We have entered more deeply into the planning conversation to move from goals to begin to formulate action plans for the new year. These plans will ultimately be shared with new board members who join the continuing board members in January to carry-out and enhance our programs. I’ve heard new visions for Christian Education and new musical offerings, just to name a few.

If you would like to learn more about what Council has been discussing, please review therecorded and approved meeting minutes or contact any Board Chair, Offi cer, or At Large member of Council. Council and Board meeting minutes are on fi le with the Offi ce, and you are welcome to join us anytime you would like to observe a meeting. We do have frequent visitors, and all are welcome!

I hope you too will fi nd a renewed sense of energy as we “embrace our future together.” What stirs you to apply your time, talents, and treasures as we move into the next century? With the help of God, take the time to discern what you feel blessed and called to do as you make your “faith promise” for 2013. We can best plan together for all of the great endeavors we have before us once we hear that you would like to participate.

With peace and hope,


“Embracing Our Future”

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childrEn, YOuth & FamiliEs

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Getting to Sunday School is half the fun!

Our building has a couple of twists and turns to get from the Sanctuary to the Hunter Educa-tion Building. In order to help our participants and parents fi nd their way, we’ve paired the color of each room with a grade level.

Lower Level:Infant / Toddlers OrangePreschool RedKindergarten/ 1st Grade Purple

Upper Level:2nd/ 3rd Grade Sky Blue4th/5th Grade Grass GreenMiddle High (6th-8th) Deep Red (In-terns’ Offi ce)Senior High (9th-12th) Dove White (Peace Room)

There will be signs at the stairways to help guide you to the correct classroom.

Just follow the colors!

For our Youngest Ones Rock Spring offers seasoned, professional Child Care available in our Infant and Toddler Nurseries from the beginning of the 9:00 a.m. service to the end of our Fellowship Hour following the 11:00 a.m. service.

When you drop off your child with our excellent caregivers, you will receive a small vibrate-only “Parent Pager.” Parents, if you are needed by our caregivers, we’ll “buzz” you to come down to the Nursery. We hope that the pagers will al-low our families with younger children the free-dom to share deeper in worship and in the life of the congregation.

We also welcome two new Childcare Providers to the Sunday morning fun: Judy Carrillo and Lourdes Villazon. They bring great experience and a wonderful welcome to the team. Please stop by and greet them as you have a moment!

Godly Play

This month, our 9:00 a.m. Multi-age and 11:00 a.m. Pre-K classes will share in Godly Play, engaging these stories:11/6 The Story of the Exile and the Return to Jerusalem 11/13 The Books of the Bible11/28 The Story of Jonah11/27 Thanksgiving Weekend: Special Programming

Each of these lessons will be shared with the principles of Godly Play. For more information, please speak with the Class Leaders, or visit:

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childrEn, YOuth & FamiliEs

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Seasons of the SpiritSeasons of the Spirit is a time-tested curriculum provides age-appropriate encounters with God’s word in the scriptures with a lens pointed to living the life we are called to live.

This month, we will be encountering these stories in our Scriptures:11/4 “Love, Love, Love” (Mark 12:28-34)11/11 “Called to Give” (Mark 12:28-34)11/18 “Future Hope” (Mark 12:28-34)11/25 Thanksgiving Weekend, Special Programming for Pre-K to 5th Grades

For more information on the curriculum, check out

Coming Soon: Children’s ChurchIn lieu of the traditional Sunday School programming this Advent, children are invited to Children’s Church (during both the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services). Together we will learn the Christmas stories and traditional carols through a worship service designed specifically for kids! Leadership roles will be available for youth that would like to join in the fun. If you’re interested in helping or learning more please contact: [email protected].

Family Feedback Sessions:Please note our first Family Feedback session will be held on November 4 at 10:15 a.m. between our two services. If you come for the 9:00 a.m. service, please hang out for a bit; if you come for the 11:00 a.m., arrive early, and grab a cup of juice or coffee. And please remember to check your email inboxes for the weekly “Sunday School @ Home” email. This will share the Sunday school lesson for the week, the scripture stories that were shared, and a way to continue the practice with your family through the week. We recently updated the list, and hope that everyone with a child in the programs is receiving the messages. If you have not seen the messages, please email [email protected] to get on the list!

Youth of Rock Spring (YoRS)Every week, updates and information on the weekly gatherings will be emailed out in the “YoRS Weekly Update.” If you are not receiving this, please send an email to [email protected]. We’ll get you set up!

Our Middle and High School YoRS groups will be meeting with new leaders in November. We are looking forward to keeping these programs thriving, and even to expanding them to include more Rock Spring youth. Youth, this is a great time to provide your input into what our activities and focus should be for the rest of this year. Whether you have been active with YoRS recently or not, we hope that you will join us for Middle High YoRS (4:30-6:30 p.m.) or Senior High YoRS (6:30-8:30 p.m.) on November 4.

YoRS Dates:

11/4 MH: Regular Meeting, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Neighborhood House SH: Regular Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Neighborhood House 11/10 MH/SH: Nature Hike w/ Stuart Scott (See article in News & Notes) 11/11 MH: Regular Meeting, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Neighborhood House SH: SEEC Cooking, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Neighborhood House 11/18 MH/SH: Harvest Home Pancake Breakfast No regular Meetings11/25 MH/SH: No Meeting (Thanksgiving Weekend)

Looking into December!Oh, what fun we will be having (but no one-horse open sleigh!)We’ll make our chocolates, shop for our A-SPAN Secret Santa recipients, sing carols to our neighbors and friends, and share in all of the preparation of Advent. Can you believe it? Christmas is right around the corner!

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task FOrcE cOrnEr

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Join Rock Spring’s Global Mission Network Rock Spring accepted the identity of a global mission congregation at the congregational meeting on Sunday October 14, thus defining an important element in our social justice ministry. (See the report of the Global Mission Task Force on the RS website). You can be a part of this journey, without having to make a significant time commitment.

Our primary focus will be to explore a partnership—with a congregation or an organization—in the Middle East. We expect to find and develop synergies in our growing relationship with the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Cen-ter in Falls Church, and the budding connec-tion with the Jewish Congregation Etz Hayim in Arlington. These local relationships will take a further step forward at the interfaith service on Rock Spring’s World Peace Sunday on November 11 (see elsewhere in this edition).

We will work with Global Ministries and the leadership and other churches of our Central Atlantic Conference.

The most important element in this is “we, the congregation.” You can be part of the exploration, without a significant time commitment, by joining Rock Spring’s global network. This will be a source of information—mainly through light use of email or social media—about the exploration as it develops, questions that arise, learning opportunities, etc. We also hope that you will be inspired to ask questions and offer comments and advice. It is not a committee, and there will be no meetings of the network (though there may be information about meetings, conferences, etc. that are of interest).

To join this network, please send an email to [email protected] or contact Michael Bell or Janet Parker.

Constitution Task Force Schedules “Listening Sessions” on Its Draft Revisions The Constitution Task Force is now circulating its current draft of proposed revisions to the Rock Spring Constitution, which are the result of 18 months of work. The congregation previously voted to suspend a portion of the Constitution to give the congregation the opportunity to experiment with a more flexible board structure. These revisions are designed to resolve that suspension, and to make some additional amendments that that task force believes should not be controversial. The current plan is for Church Council to review the proposed amendments at its December meeting and then present the revisions for final approval by the congregation at the annual meeting in January. By sharing the current revisions with the congregation now, we hope to be able to address any questions or concerns before those meetings, as well as to incorporate any helpful suggestions. The draft revisions and an explanatory memo can be reviewed at Copies of this document will also be available by request in the church office. The task force has scheduled two congregational “listening sessions” to answer your questions and receive feedback. The first will be held on Sunday, November 4, following the 11:00 a.m. service. The second will be held on Sunday, November 11, in between the ser-vices. Both sessions will be held in the Archives Room on the second floor of the Hunter Building. We are willing to schedule additional sessions if interest warrants. Please also feel free to contact a member of the task force if you have questions or concerns. Sara Fitzgerald, Chair [email protected] Kathy Dwyer, Staff liaison [email protected]

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sOcial JusticE

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Task Force corner

God’s Harvest -- THANK YOU!Thank you to everyone who participated in the God’s Harvest 5th Sunday on September 30! What an amazing day of service and community.

Thanks to your generosity of time and treasure, we were able to fill the Chancel with non-perishable food for AFAC, totaling more than 500 pounds! A special emphasis was placed on food for AFAC’s “Backpack Buddies” program, which sends food home with needy students over the weekend.

Working together, Rock Springers ranging in age from 3 to 83+ packaged 20,000 rice-based meals for Stop Hunger Now in just under two hours. Carpenter Hall was transformed into a lively and efficient packaging factory, and there were jobs – and attractive hair nets! – for everyone. In addition, thanks to the generosity of our donors and bidders, we were able to raise about $10,000 through the Silent Auction for Stop Hunger Now, AFAC, and Church World Service’s Water for All program. We had more than 100 items up for bid, ranging from pho-tographs to vacation homes to pedicures to collectible tea cups. The bidding was spirited, and the competition fierce. Thanks to everyone who participated.

It was wonderful to see Rock Springers of all ages working side-by-side to make a differ-ence. Stay tuned for information about our next day of service and community, coming up on December 30.

social JusTice

October Donation “Thank You”The Board of Social Action and Mission thanks you for your generous donations in October. Thanks to you, school supplies were delivered to the D.C. public schools, coats were provid-ed to kids at the Doorways shelter, and much needed funds were provided through the Neighbors in Need special offering.Thank you!

VOICE UpdateFor several years Rock Spring has been an exploratory member of VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement). We have had a small group of dedicated individuals educating the congregation on VOICE, organizing for VOICE events, and conducting listening sessions on VOICE membership. We have had success getting turnout from the congregation to the large VOICE actions; however, we were not able to develop and sustain the lay leadership needed to attend the many other meetings. While the Board of Social Action and Mission unanimously agree that VOICE plays an important role in the community, it became clear that it was not a good fit for Rock Spring at this time. We simply did not have the interest in providing leadership for VOICE that is necessary for full membership. As a result, the SAM board has prayerfully considered our membership and we have decided that we will not renew it in 2013. Those who were on the VOICE core team supported this decision. We thank the VOICE core team for all their work, and we thank members of the congre-gation who went to a listening session or to a VOICE event. VOICE will be welcome to apply for a grant from Rock Spring in 2013. We think they do important work in the community and we wish them nothing but success. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Iris Gibson, [email protected].

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cOmmunitY & sOciEtY

Thanksgiving Baskets for Shaw Community Ministry

Last year, with the help of Rock Spring and other local UCC churches, Shaw Community Ministry distributed the makings for Thanksgiving dinners (bags of nonperishables plus a $20 gift card for turkey and other perishables) to 120 grateful families.

Here is a shopping list of requested nonperishable items. As in recent years, we’re asking that the “baskets” be reusable grocery bags. There will be a designated bin outside the Saegmuller Room for food and a box in the Saegmuller Room for monetary contributions. All contributions must be received by Sunday, November 18 at noon.

1 can corn2 cans (or 1 large) green beans

1 can cranberry2 cans (or 1 large) collard greens

2 cans (or 1 large) sweet potatoes1 box mac and cheese

1 bag or box stuffing2 jars turkey gravy

1 or 2 boxes corn bread mix1 box cake mix & 1 can frosting


1 box of pie crust mix & 1 can of fruit to make pie

If you are unable to shop or prefer to write a check, a donation of $40 - 50 will feed a family of four. Feel free to donate more or less if you wish; we will be grateful for any amount!

Checks should be made out to Shaw Community Ministry and left in the SCM box on the table in the Saegmuller Room. Please contact Susan Johnson or Julie Aamoth with questions or if you are unable to bring your items to the church.

Thank you for your generosity.

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nEWs & nOtEs

rOck spring rEviEW

December Rock Spring News Deadline

The December edition of The Rock Spring News has been

pushed up due to the Thanksgiving day holiday


The deadline is Wednesday, November 14

at noon.

Articles must be kept between 200 and 350 words maximum.

Any items that arrive after the deadline, wil not be included.

All items must be sent to

[email protected]

On the Trail, Saturday, November 10

Experience a late autumn day on the Appalachian Trail in Shenandoah National Park. Learn some rudiments of trail maintenance with Wayne Limberg, chief, and Stuart Scott, crew member, of the North District “Hoodlums,” a group which maintains numerous park trails under the aegis of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club. We will help Wayne prepare his trail at Compton Gap for winter, and then take in some of the natural beauty of the place, including a rare geological formation. Open to adults and YoRS senior highs. (We will do some work, but no experience is necessary). We’ll carpool from the church, leaving at 8am and returning by 6pm. If interested, please contact Stuart Scott ([email protected], 703-538-6681) or Kyle Wyman ([email protected]). Sponsored by the Eco-Justice Committee.

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Rock Spring News November 2012 12

Handmade Ministry Invites You…Please join us on November 25 the 4th Sunday of the month from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the Saegmuller Room. We knit or crochet prayer shawls which members of the Caring Ministry take to those they visit. We also knit 7” x 9” squares to put together to make blankets for “Warm Up America”. We welcome any suggestion for other Hand Made Ministry projects.

AA Group Forming At Rock SpringTwo of our members are forming an Alcoholics Anonymous Group here at Rock Spring for Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. starting on November 26. Alcoholics Anonymous® is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to r ecover from alcoholism. This is an Open, Non-smoking, Mixed gender group. Open means that you do not have to be an alcoholic to attend. Our intention is what is said here stays here. If you or a relative or a friend keep making the same self-destructive decisions repeatedly, from any type of ad-diction, this may be for you. Adult Children of Alcoholics may be a good fit too. We will be meeting in Upper Neighborhood House. For further information contact Bob Swensson at [email protected] or Emory Hackman at [email protected] anytime.

Musical Concerts & Offerings at Rock SpringWe are very fortunate to have some musical friends of Rock Spring who LOVE our acoustics, our Steinway piano, and more importantly, our audiences! Ed Newman and his wife, Elisa-beth Adkins (the associate concertmistress of the NSO), and IBIS will be offering concerts this fall, and also returning for our 2013 recital series that begins in January.

Here is a listing of some wonderful opportunities for you; all are on Sunday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

November 4 – IBIS Chamber Ensemble: featur-ing Schubert’s Trout Piano QuintetNovember 18 – Elisabeth Adkins, violin & Ed-ward Newman, pianoDecember 9 – Our Annual Choir Christmas Concert Featuring Handel’s “Messiah”

All concerts are open to all with a suggested donation.

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From the BookshelfWe have an amazing staff of library helpers, some of whom you see on Sunday mornings. Others meet monthly or more, to process a taste of current books for your reading pleasure. We need more helpers; contact Anita Cline.

New books;

Primary: Barnum Bones; How Barnum Brown Discovered the Most Famous Dinosaur in the World, by Tracey Fern; and Green, by Laura Seeger.

Adult books: Don’t Cry, Tai Lake, by Qiu Xiaolong;

Broken Harbor, by Tana French;

Beautiful Mystery: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel, by Louise Penny;

Guy Vernon: A Novelette in Verse, by John Trowbridge;

Last Hundred Days, by Patrick Guinness;

Liberty’s Exiles: American Loyalists in the Revolutionary World, by Maya Jasanoff;

Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan, by Rajiv Chandrasekaran;

Midnight in Peking: How the Murder of a Young Englishman Haunted the Last Days of Old China, by Paul French;

Mission to Paris, by Alan Furst;

Shoemaker’s Wife, by Adriana Trigiani;

St. Zita Society, by Ruth Rendell;

On a Farther Shore: The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson, by William Souder;


When I was a Child I Read Books, by Marilynne Robinson.

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Harvest BreakfastStaffed by the Youth of Rock Spring

Sunday, November 18Serving from 9:30 a.m.– 11:00 a.m.

Come before or after worship for our famous annual Pancake Breakfast. Linger for good

conversation and fellowship. A free-will offering will be taken to offset costs, and in

support of the Senior High YoRS Summer Mission Experience. This is a wonderful way to support

our youth, and enjoy their hospitality.

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December Highlights

December 2Guest Preacher Anthony Robinson at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. servicesChildren’s Church and the annual “Advent Event”YoRS Annual Chocolate Making Party

December 94:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Christmas Choir, “Messiah”YoRS Secret Santa Shopping for A-SPAN

December 15Kids’ Night Out with Gift Wrapping for A-SPAN

December 16 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Christmas Open House at the Parsonage, 4969 Rock Spring Road4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Annual Christmas Caroling

December 24 Christmas Eve4:30 p.m. Service of Angels and Shepherds9:00 p.m. Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols11:00 p.m. Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols with communion

December 305th Sunday events following the 10:00 a.m. Hymn Sing service

Special Events Calendar: November

Sunday, November 4: All Saints Day

11:00 a.m. Constitution Task Force

Listening Session - Archives Room

Saturday, November 10 On The Trail- Appalachian Trail in

Shenandoah National Park

Sunday, November 11 World Peace Sunday (Service &

congregational lunch in Carpenter Hall)

11:00 a.m. Constitution Task Force

Listening Session - Archives Room

Tuesday, November 13 7:30 p.m. Growing Older Well In A

Complicated World

(Hosted by Caring Ministry) -

Saegmuller Room

Wednesday, November 14 Rock Spring News Deadline

Sunday, November 18 Consecration Sunday &

Thanksgiving Sunday

9:30 a.m. Harvest Breakfast - Carpenter Hall

Monday, November 26 7:30 p.m. AA Group Meeting -

Upper Neighborhood House

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Rock Spring Congregational5010 Little Falls RoadArlington, VA 22207

WOrship With us in nOvEmbEr

November 4: All Saints DayConclusion of the Healing the Heart of Democracy Sermon SeriesCelebration of the saints with special recognition of the members of Rock Spring who have passed away during the past year

November 11: World Peace SundayRock Spring Congregational UCC, the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, and Congregation Etz Hayim in Arlington have declared November 11, 2012 to be World Peace Sunday! We will have two peace-themed services on November 11th at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. MORE DETAILS ON PAGE 3

November 18:Consecration Sunday/ Thanksgiving SundayAll choirs will help lead worship on this day when we celebrate the many ways people participate in the life of the congregation.