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  • 8/13/2019 Rough Cut 2 Storyboard


    Rough Cut 1 Storyboard

    A low angle shot of Keval shows that he is alone in anopen area and has many things on his mind at thismoment in time.

    An over the shoulder shot o f Keval, further highlightingthe fact that he is alone with only his thoughts on hismind in the park.

    Extreme close-up shot of Keval shows his emotion duringthe scene.

    Mid-shot of the two boxers in the ring, showing thattheyre about to begin boxing each other.

    Close up of Keval showing his emotions on his face.

    Wide shot of Keval, from a low angle showing himdepressed after losing the first fight

  • 8/13/2019 Rough Cut 2 Storyboard


    An over the shoulder shot of actor Keval on his phonewith his manager texting him in order to boost hisconfidence and self esteem in order to win hisupcoming match.

    Close up shot of Keval making his way down the steps,showing he is determined to go into this one lastfight/rematch.

    Mid shot of Keval, showing the fact that he is overfeeling sorry for himself, thus him standing up showinghim being stronger.

    Steady cam shot of his training montage inpreparation of his upcoming bout.

    Long shot of Keval walking down the hill and into theunknown.

    High angle, showing Keval working out in preparation ofthe upcoming fight.

  • 8/13/2019 Rough Cut 2 Storyboard


    Mid shot of Keval training for the upcoming bout. Wide shot of two boys and hemal dispersing at thesight of Hemal.

    Close up of actor Hemal, a flashback scene showingKeval at a young age getting bullied.

    An extreme close up shot of Hemal on his phone. Low angle/mid-shot of the past bully approachingHemal.

    High angle shot of Hemal, he is shown getting bulliedand thrown against a wall. The shot shows his emotionat the time.

  • 8/13/2019 Rough Cut 2 Storyboard


    Mid-shot of Keval doing intense training.Long shot, showing Keval with a trainer who is helpinghim prepare for the fight.

    An over the shoulder shot of Keval with his managerwho is motivating him and encouraging him to give hisall during his upcoming fight.

    Extreme close up shot of Kevals opponent, who gives acocky smile signifying his confidence of winning thefight.

    Close up of Keval about to enter the ring, a sense ofsuspense is being built.

    Mid shot of the two boxers and the referee, signifyingthat the highly awaited fight is about to begin.

  • 8/13/2019 Rough Cut 2 Storyboard


    Close up of the announcer who is broadcasting thenames of the boxers and points to them in theirrespected corners.

    Close up of announcer. Mid shot of the champion punching the challengerwho then ends up on the floor.

    Close up/high angle shot of the challenger on the floorsignifying the fact that he has been punched and canpotentially lose the match right now.

    Mid shot/close up of the referee accompanied bythe boxer who has been struck to the head and thereferee is beginning his 10 second countdown to seewhether the challenger can continue with theduration of the fi ht.

    Extreme close up of Keval when he was younger,whilst he has been knocked onto the mat in thepresent by the champion boxer he begins toremember how he used to be bullied in amonta e of memories from the ast which ive

  • 8/13/2019 Rough Cut 2 Storyboard


    Low angle/close up shot of Keval when he was atthe park in the beginning in deep thought aboutwhat had happened to him and thinking ahead tothe future.

    Close up/midshot of Keval when he was youngerbeing bullied once again.

    Close up of a younger Keval by himself showing hischaracter is lonesome.

    Mid shot/close up of Keval and the referee as Kevalmakes his way up from the mat and after themontage of memories from his past, thus inspiringhim to get up and continue fighting with the aim ofwinnin .

    Close up/mid shot of Keval and his opponent afterKeval gets up from being knocked out by hiscompetitor.

    A close up of the champion boxer, showing hiscurrent dominance during the match.

  • 8/13/2019 Rough Cut 2 Storyboard


    Mid shot/close up of the referee holding up Kevalsarm as a sign of him winning the boxing bout andthus regaining his confidence and self esteem.

    Mid shot showing Keval and the referee awaitingwhether the other boxer will get up or not off of thecanvas.

    An over the shoulder shot from over the refereeshows the two boxers midway through their fight. Amid shot is also used to show them both eyes fixedon each other and alert.

    A mid shot is used to show Keval punch and knockout his competitor in order to win his rematch andregain his pride back.

    A low angle shot is used to show the formerchampion knocked out and on the canvas afterlosing the fight against Keval.

    Mid shot of the referee beginning his countdown toten in order for the champion to get up from thecanvas or face losing the match.