Download - Rotary Club of Youngtown Weekly Bulletin · Rotary Club of Youngtown Weekly Bulletin PO Box 155 KINGS MEADOWS Tasmania 7249 Youngtown Rotary Club Website: ... Past club exchange student

Page 1: Rotary Club of Youngtown Weekly Bulletin · Rotary Club of Youngtown Weekly Bulletin PO Box 155 KINGS MEADOWS Tasmania 7249 Youngtown Rotary Club Website: ... Past club exchange student

Volume 39 No 20 --------------------------- 18th November 2019

Rotary Club of Youngtown Weekly Bulletin

PO Box 155 KINGS MEADOWS Tasmania 7249 Youngtown Rotary Club Website: Soggy Bottom Regatta Website:

Meetings - Mondays at 5:45pm for 6:15pm start at the Launceston Golf Club, Opossum Road, KINGS MEADOWS on 6344 1154

Meal cancellations to Secretary Leigh Iles by 10.00am Friday on 6343 5596

President: Chris Westlake

Mobile: 0408 130 196

Email: [email protected]

Secretary: Leigh Iles

Mobile: 0422 414 193

Email: [email protected]

Treasurer: George Manifold

Mobile: 0417 381 179

Email: [email protected]

RI President:

Mark Daniel Maloney District Governor (9830)

Michael Cooke District Governor-Elect (9830)

Michael Plunkett

Dates for your diary......

25th November - International Night

2nd December - Annual General Meeting

9th December - Christmas Dinner at Launceston Golf Club

Assistant Governor (Group 4)

Brett Williams

Westy’s wisdom......

President Chris welcomed everyone to the meeting, including guest Paul Beams, who was later inducted into the club as a member. Congratulations and welcome Paul.

Reports and notes from the Board

This year the Board voted to keep supporting the Kings Meadows High School and the Youngtown Primary School with end of year donations for prizes. Also the Bill Tann award will go to a Croagh Patrick student at St Patricks College again.

The club will contribute for two mentors to go on the Windeward Bound Youth Leadership Challenge.

President Chris and wife Pat and Ian Smith and wife Sue attended the Spurr Wing Annual General Meeting Sadly the Tamar Apex Club has folded so Room 3 will now be cared for by the Men’s Shed.

Past club exchange student and Rotaract member Chloe McCann will attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Madrid. This will be a wonderful experience for Chloe and we wish her well. The Club has contributed to her costs for the trip.

Bunnings Barbecue Dates

Friday 6th December (KM)

Saturday 14th December (KM)

Monday 16th December (North)

President Chris reminded everyone about the Queenstown weekend and District Annual General Meeting on 23rd and 24th of November. The club’s proxy will be AG Brett Williams.

The Rotary Adventure in Citizenship (RAIC) program is looking for participants to go to Canberra in May next year. This is aimed at year 11 students, particularly those who may be interested in politics. For a week the delegates are immersed behind the scenes in Parliament House. They view Parliament in action, including the budget speech and question time. They also meet their federal members of parliament and press gallery journalists. One of the highlights is having morning tea with the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. It’s a wonderful opportunity and if anyone would like to put forward the name of a student please contact the club President or Secretary. Contact details are above.

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Rotary Club of Youngtown - Office Bearers 2019-2020

President: CHRIS WESTLAKE Vice-President: LEIGH ILES President Elect: TED BURTON Im Past President: GRAEME DEAN Secretary: LEIGH ILES Treasurer: GEORGE MANIFOLD Assist Secretary: BERNIE MORGAN Assist Treasurer: VIVIENNE RAINBOW Community Service: Director: Judy Kingston Ass. Ian Smith Marie Bird, Bernie Morgan, New Generations: Director: Jan Beams Ass. Gwen Nicholson Leigh Iles, George Manifold, Vocational Service: Director: Vivienne Rainbow Ass. Henry Trevena Dennis Turner, Leigh Dyson International Service: Director: Chris Ryan Ass. Ted Burton, Graeme Dean Club Service: Director: Tas Rainbow Ass. Maurice Kingston Chris Westlake, Jim Stewart, Bradley Mitchell

Sergeant at Arms Ted Burton/Chris Ryan

Agfest Committee: Ian Smith (Chair), Leigh Iles, Paul Beams, Ted Burton, Chris Westlake and George Manifold. Disaster Aid Australia Ted Burton (Chair), Chris Westlake and Leigh Iles. Bunnings BBQ’s Tas Rainbow / Ted Burton “Soggy Bottom” Regatta Leigh Dyson (Chair) Membership Tas Rainbow Men’s Shed Chris Westlake, Ian Smith Program Officer Theresa Dean Bulletin Editor Vivienne Rainbow Web Administrator George Manifold Classification & History Bernie Morgan Spurr Wing Inc: Ian Smith Rotary Punchbowl Community Garden John Heazlewood Public Officer Leigh Iles

GRACE: For good food, good fellowship and the opportunity of service through Rotary, we give thanks - Amen

REMINDER A reminder that there will be a meeting for any members interested in helping on the Soggy Bottom committee this year. It will be on Tuesday 19th November at 5.30pm at the Dyson residence - 73 Elphin Road.

Rotarian Marie Bird has contacted 6 Aged Care Homes regarding the Seniors Christmas Boxes the club provides each year. Once again Pearts store has offered its assistance which is greatly appreciated. We look forward to making some of the residents feel special once again this year. International Night is on 25th November. We look forward to sharing some interesting meals and treats. Don’t forget it is also a fundraiser in lieu of the Hat Night we usually hold in October. Therefore we are paying $10.00 per person as well as catering for ourselves. Other events during the evening as well.

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Visits to other venues Partners Nights

Club Assembly or Board Meeting Joint Meetings


Birthdays and Anniversaries - November 2019

Birthdays 3rd Pauline Trevena 10th Bernie Morgan 11th Suzanne Smith 15th Sue Dyson 15th Marijke Lockwood 27th Judy Kingston


27th Judy & Maurice Kingston

Date Chairperson Guest Speaker Subject Thanks Corporal Attendance Substitute

Raffle Winner Leigh Iles

18/11/19 T Rainbow Paul van Nynanten Orthopaedics in Pacific

Islands M Kingston H Trevena L Dyson L Iles

Board Meeting

25/11/19 C Ryan International Night D Turner V Rainbow M Bird H Trevena

2/12/19 L Iles A G M Club Assembly J Beams G Manifold I Smith G Nicholson

9/12/19 G Nicholson Christmas Dinner C Westlake J Kingston V Rainbow B Morgan

16/12/19 T Burton Christmas Breakfast Meeting M Kingston B Morgan T Rainbow G Dean

14/1/2020 (Tuesday) InterClub Visit - Larry & Henny Gofton’s Springfield

20/1/2020 G Manifold Board Meeting L Iles D Turner H Trevena L Dyson