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Roskamp Institute Spearheading Valuable Researches in Alzheimer Patients

Old age is most of the times afflicted with diseases which make the life all the more difficult for the bearer. However, this is a fact of the human world that no-one can refute nor neglect! We have made great strides through dedicated medical and therapeutic researches to arrest the mortality as also the diseases in most of the cases but remain clueless for good number of diseases like the Alzheimer.

It is condition that for most of the times suffers negligence because the symptoms that persist are synonymous to that of old age. These symptoms can be clubbed under the dementia such as the short term memory loss or difficulty in remembering which is the most dominant symptom of it; but which is often downplayed as that of advancing age. Others include the vision impairment, general neuro impairment, particularly in the brain; as has been depicted by the scans.

Establishing the correlations

In spite of some of the best minds engaged in finding out the cures and causes of this disease, the insights have remain heavily constrained and very little of the correlation has been established so far. This has made the global disease load to remain stationary while the diagnosis of it had of course gone up due to the increased awareness in the educated societies.

Dr. Michael Mullan has been a noted icon in the field of Alzheimer and dementia disease researches and his researches has also generated limited yet authentic insights that could be surely worked upon to take up more of the vital studies. His fundamental attempt led to the identification of the overproduction of the beta amyloid protein as a factor in direct relation to the progression of the disease and symptoms.

He found through his authentic researches that the genetic aberration led to the over production of this protein. This discovery was of fundamental value in not only understanding the possible causes but also to subsequently undertake the potential drug discovery through novel routes like genetics.

Page 2: Roskamp Institute Spearheading Valuable Researches in Alzheimer Patients

Studying the vision loss in Alzheimer disease

Dr Michael Mullan leads the bio medical researchers’ community at the frontline Roskamp Institute of Sarasota, Florida, US. Acting as the CEO of the Institute, he has been the guiding force behind the biomedical researcher community employed there. He has been running some of the fundamental researches pertaining to the neuro degenerative and neuro psychiatric disorders in the aging persons.

The Vision Research Program of the Institute is one such attempt to study the visual impairment through the losses that are fundamental to the CNS and optic nerve apart from the visual cortex. The progressive loss of vision is one of the most intrinsically linked parameter of dementias including the Alzheimer disease.

Specialized clinics of relevance

Under the leadership of Michael Mullan, the Sarasota based Roskamp Institute also runs full time ‘Memory Clinics’ as a real time and dynamic counseling for the dementia patients including the Alzheimer cases. The Roskamp Clinic is a professional yet ethical attempt to carry out fundamental researches in the dementia patients.