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The Military Highschool


Alba iulia

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The military education occupies an important place the Romanian educational system. It is divided into two branches: High school and university. At secondary level there are three military institutions in Romania: the high school military college "Michael the Brave", Alba Iulia, the high school military college "Dimitrie Cantemir", Breaza and the high school military college "Stefan cel Mare", Campulung-Moldovan.

The high school military college "Michael the Brave" was founded on November 15, 1919, in Targu Mures. Since March 30, 1920, military school received the name of Michael the Brave, having as spiritual patron Saint Nicolae.Targu-Mures period ended in 1940, tragic year for military high school history because of political events, which forced whole staff to leave the garrison.

Between 1940-1947, the high school worked in Timisoara. Because of the Legionnaire movement of the time, part of devoted students of the Iron Guard, were sentenced to jail and degrading civil rights for life, therefore the school was disbanded.

From 1975 until now, high school has been working in Alba Iulia. During 2001-2005, the Military Highschool "Michael the Brave" participated in 3 european partnership projects: Socrates-Comenius: Eurobancaboursa, Landscapes, Kingsroad, following which, the College has received European School certificate. On March 25, 2006, Ministry of Education nominated the College as a classroom to wear the honorary title "Robert Schuman".

The history of our institution

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Our institution in nowadays

Currently, the College works with 17 classes, with a strength of over 400 students.

In terms of living conditions, "Michael the Brave" occupies a leader place among military high schools in Romania. The college is structured on 4 floors, of which 2 are reserved exclusively for studio rooms and several offices. Downstairs, there are 4 computer labs, chemistry lab and library. College library offers students a number of about ____ books and a reading room for reading the books in unique exemplar.

In terms of sport, the college provides a gym with the best quality equipment. Also, the sports class can take place on (baza sportive), where students can use the handball court, the football court, the basketball court, the volleyball court, the tennis court and the running track.

Structure of the education system inRomania

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Compulsory general education classes is 10. Age of onset of school is 7 years (6 years at the request of parents). Theoretically, the age of termination of general education is compulsory for 16 years, including completed graduation certificate.

Structure of the education system in Romania

Pre-primary education Children aged 3-6/7 years; kindergartens with normal hours, extended or weekly;

Primary • includes classes I to IV • daily school • the main purpose of the curriculum at this level is to acquire the fundamentals of general culture

Lower secondary education (gymnasium) -Class V-VIII and work, in general, like daily school;is completed with the support of the SINGLE TOPIC TESTS in classes VII and VIII.

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Upper secondary education Includes high schools to hold training days, lasting 4 years (classes IX-XII) and evening classes or without frequency.

School is organized into three branches, each with a specific number of profiles and specializations, as the following: -theoretical pathway - with profiles: real and humanist; -technological pathway - with profiles: exploitation of natural resources, environmental protection and technical services; -vocational pathway - with profiles: artistic, sporting, military and theological.

High school education ends with a national exam for graduation. Post-secondary education -Duration of training is 1-3 years, depending on the complexity of the profession. Master-Schools are post-secondary schools.

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Higher education: -cycle I - Bachelor's degree, corresponding to a number between 180 credits (license 3 years) and 240 loans (license 4 years), under the European Credit System for Learning Transfer System (ECTS) (article 4); -cycle II - University of Masters studies. University education Masters meet a number of transferable credits of study included, usually between 90 and 120 (Article 8); III-cycle - doctoral university with a duration of 3 years.

Forms of education

• Further Education is a form of training available to adults by the Ministry of Education and Research in collaboration with other ministries, the media and other interested bodies. • Open and Distance Education (ODL) is a form of training for adults who use modern communication technologies and information transmission. • Private Alternative predominantly in preschool and higher levels. • Education for minorities is organized in the mother tongue at all levels and forms of education. • Special education students shall be held for preschool children with disabilities and mental, sensory, motor, etc.. the purpose of training and education, rehabilitation and social integration.

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The activities that are undertaken by college students are divided into:

• Artistically

• Sporting

• Military

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On the artistic, students participate in dance classes, sport, society, popular, modern, breakdance and theater, vocal and instrumental soloists. Also, gifted students can express their photo works and paintings in various exhibitions organized by the college.

One of the most important events of the year are the “Creation Shops”.Every year it has a different location, which changes from a Military Highschool to another.Last year the event took place in Breaza and this year it will happen in Campulung.A lot of students took part at the show, organizing different performances like valse, traditional Romanian dance, modern, breakdance, tango, latino, gipsy dance and also moments of soldery homour and the final representation where all the participants gathered on the stage for the last song, specific to the Alba-Iulia Military Highschool.There were also expositions of painting and photography art.At the end of the weekthe jury choose the winners and all the students received diplomas.

Other important events on the artistic plan are:the Cheerleading Cup, the Freshmen prom, The Graduation Prom, different shows celebrating special days of the highschool like 25 Octomber, 1 November, 1 December and much more.

“Creation Shops” Cheerleading Cup

Artistically activities

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On the sportive plan the highschool offers the students the possibility to join different sport teams like football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, athletics and handball.There is a major competition organized every year and another military highschool called “the Spartacus games”.During a week the 3 highschools compete each other in different games.At the end the points are calculated and the winner is announced.

Beside this, in every semester, a sport competition between the four companies of the highschool is organized.The best company receives a cup, during a ceremony in honour of the highschool day.

Also the highschool sport teams take part at the county competitions against other civilian highschools.

Photos - The Spartacus games


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On the military side, at the beginning and at the end of every year , special festivities are organised.The freshmans show their parents what they have learn in only few days of military haighschool.All the students march past like true soldiers.

In November, the students prepare an exhibition for a drill contest.Also the students take part at a big parade, on 1st December, beside the Medieval Guard on horses, the Police , the Gendarmerie and other military institutions.

Photos Video

Military activities

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